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The book the Fire and the Fury was published on the 10th two days after the fire. (try finding that book on Amazon now, it's gone). The content is nothing but was in the news. Snopes said it read the book and it was clearly AI written. That's how all the media info was put in a book in a matter of hours and days. (or did they?)


This very frightening because this (AI) is not under govt control (or it is) and knowing what is true or false in current events will be almost impossible to tell the difference.

Clearly the guys running the show are a product of our modern education system, we have people who can not think clearly or have bought into the UN climate agenda. save mother earth eastern mysticism.

Granted there is evidence real bad decisions were made that cost lives. (trust me as a cop, the problem with common sense is that it is not very common anymore). Stupid people who don't know how to think get really stupid when things go sideways.

Yes it is possible high winds can snap power lines and cause a fire, I've seen that several times as a cop, 80-90 straight winds can beak live wires or even cause transformers to blow up in a blue flash spreading burning oil like a fire bomb. With Hawaii being under a drought and very susceptible

to wild fires is real, but what happened as soon as this started was crazy and agenda driven that cost lives. Now the state wants to take over the land (UN agenda).

Plus we as Christian's need to be very careful about the facts we spew out. The one main road out of town was blocked by downed power lines and utility vehicles with police protecting the men working in the street this is all normal stuff, of course there was grid lock, they were not deliberately blocking people from leaving. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/maui-residents-say-utility-trucks-blocked-roads-tried-flee-rcna100200

Plus if know for a fact (something special) caused the fire, we need to be sure we know for a fact it's true. When we speak we speak for Christ. The Bible says we can only say somehting is true on two or more witnesses (at least two verifiable points of fact in court). You say something you just believe and don't say this is what I believe or think, but undisputed truth, with no clear evidence we discredit the viability of the truth in the Gospel.

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