Always wondered about passage in Rev about men wanting to die, but cannot..

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Yhwh God can block poisons from killing and other methods as well; He can prevent efforts to suicide, and those seeking to escape His judgment would be high on His list for doing that, don't you think?

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please can you share the paragraph number so i can read it?

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Rev 9:6

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JESUS the Christ

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I think they came up with a solution to man's wickedness. It comes from the sky and delivers Gamma rays ☀️ that solves all of our problems including Climate Change.

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Microplastic pollution is in just about everything these days. While nanobots aren’t the same thing, it stands to reason that it will be another thing which pollutes the earth God commanded us to be stewards of. Progress in technology has never equated to moral or ethical progress. No one wants to live in a cave and die of a mild infection, but neither should we want technology for its own sake. Excess curiosity has always been a sin, and there have been plenty of moral fables along those lines. And, trust me, having spent plenty of time around scientists, degrees and IQ do not equal wisdom in any way, shape, or form.

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Top graphene expert Dr. Andreas Noack was not available for comment.

"German Chemist, Dr. Andreas Noack, Found DEAD After Exposing Graphene Hydroxide in Covid ‘Vaccines’"


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A number of truth tellers have been "eliminated" by the cabal.

For instance, one of the most dangerous things to do these days is to be a Boeing whistleblower.

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The covid bioweapon DEATHvaxes had metal particles in them. Gates designed them that way. The more shots you get, the more it builds up in your system. It was reported they have enough info on nationalities that they can design and control people groups by tweeking their so-called vaxes/shots. No more shots. DO NOT COMPLY!

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Wondering when the metal partials began in routine shots. Kids get so many shots now days unheard of decades ago. I know aluminum was in shots awhile back (flu shots). Flue is now mRNA so is shingles (shingrix).

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Howdy Y'all!

A thought for your consideration...

Perhaps did you ever see the movie with Keannu Reeves playing Klaatu in "The Day the Earth Stood Still"...or seen the StarGate SG-1 Series featuring "Replicators"? In the latter those come in multiple 'flavors and ALL are REALLY bad for Organic Life.

Well, the SMALLER you make things - obviously - the LESS volume you have to install redundant, self-correcting CODE.

THE PROBLEM arises when the CODE directing anysuch goes wrong. In the case of 'self-replicating devices' any ERRORS are propogated into the Progeny.

Think about back in the day when ALL we had were VHS tapes. You COULD copy those, yes...but if someone made a copy of your copy, then the quality was slightly degraded, yes? So, it was the case that when one made a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy, then the result was just hideous to try to watch..y'all 'Old Folks' out there remember that, I KNOW.

This is EXACTLY the CONCERN with Nanobots...

Eventually, something goes REALLY WRONG in said Coding and you get something which Scientist - who DO think about such things - call 'Grey Goo'.

This has but a single driving imperative; to REPLICATE using ANY materials it encounters...including plant, animal AND HUMAN Life, US also. Needless to say, "THAT ain't GOOD."

Regardless of how GOOD the initial coding IS it WILL degrade. Period.

So, the issue is here : AT what point should Humankind *even* contemplate manufacturing such. The Answer: NEVER.

The difference between Knowledge and Wiadom is THIS: Knowledge is KNOWING HOW to to do 'something, whereas Wisdom is knowing when or when NOT to do a thing.

The entire Nanobot venue is actually perfectly SAFE...right up until the moment that you incorporate 'self-replication' into thier design, then the Shit will inevitably HIT THE FAN...sooner or later. Oh, by 'perfectly Safe' I di NOT mean that those CANNIT be used fir nefarious purposes...only that those CANNOT become an ELE grade threat to Life on Earth

On a separate note, I will presently deliver on my promise to take up those things that you OUGHT to become acquainted with such that when - not IF - the train goes off the Rails, then you'll be PREPARED.

Next installment in the series is FIREARMS: Usage, effective range, cyclic rate of Fire, 'Best Usage scenarios' and quite a bit more.

Till then Brothers and Sisters...be Blessed,


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I saw the original in ‘51 with Michael Rennie, and became a “Terkkie” then well before the original “Star Trek”. Also saw the “ Star Gate “ movie and series', except the last 1 that was so lame I couldn't stomach it. Als o saw “2001: A Space Odyssey” (“HAL”) and the “Terminator” movies and series (“Skynet”); AI bodes ill as well.

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Hi Sandra!

Yes, I also saw that; Michael Rene was just GREAT in that role. It certainly appears that Thee and Me have VERY similar taste Ma'am!

If you haven't already seen it I strongly recommend the series 'Travellers'; the SOLE GOOD treatment of Time-Travel I have EVER seen...NetFlix I think.

Be well, SAFE and Blessed Sister,


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So it does. I'll look for it elsewhere; I stopped Netflix when they took on Obamas, that was just too far left for me. But others pick up those things after awhile, as a rule, and air them.

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Hi Sandra - AGAIN!

Hahahaaa...I am just 'full of it' today, I beg your pardon therefore.

"Travellers" is an "In-House" NetFlix production...which they - usually - don't 'farm out" to anyone else.

That said, the WHOLE 'Time Travel' thing is usually so BADLY 'treated' that almost NONE are worth watching...except this one, that is.

The premise - briefly - is that our decendants in the far future - umm, some 400 years, I think - have true Super-Human scale AI Quantum Computers AND all the DIGITAL records from our time forward also. They are, in thier time dying out due to a series of disasters which occur/BEGIN in OUR time. See the "Helios" episode in Season 1 for more on that. They ascertain that IF they have TELL's ; Time, Elevation Latitude and Longitude of the DEATH of someone in the NOW, that they can - just before death occurs, just seconds before - 'Overwrite' a person with someone from THIER time - thier SELF; personality, memory and etc without EXCEPTION.

No physics is violated thereby...which is exactly where EVERYONE ELSE screws it UP beyond all repair.

However, 'tampering' with Time can AND does skew things around appreciably. That they were able to intrigue me throughout several seasons is a testament to how extremely careful they were in scripting that. I AM a Physicist after all and so am a "HARD SELL" therefore! However, they succeed in establishing near Complete 'Suspension of Disbelief'...is what I believe that is referred to as. Enjoy...if you happen onto it; I DID!

As always Sandra, a Pleasure! BE BLESSED.


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Surprisingly, a lot of those in-house made shows from all over the place do get farmed out or sold off, down the road. Tubi gets a lot of them, as do other sites. You'd be amazed at what you catch off the home site!. The problem with even that tampering, though, is that those people are still impacting history, after they were intended to be dead, thus altering it entirely. It's like going back to assassinate Hitler before Naziism. We can't predict WHAT will come up instead, only our Lord has that ability, and I think it's best left in His capable hands, but that's my opinion. If the "Helios" thing is about that Greek airliner that crashed, because a mechanic left the cabin pressurization switch in the manual position, and both pilots missed it on the pre-take-off checklist, I know about that incident. I watch crash investigation videos, for "relaxation" from the insanity of our world. I got hooked on those investigations reading the reports my Dad got about crashes as a sort of "those guys did X,Y, Z, and it didn't work, so do something else if this happens to your plane". I was fascinated by the investigative process to figure out what brought a plane down, and what can we do to prevent a repeat.

I'm not a physicist, but I do know breaking the laws of physics never seems to have a good outcome! Kind of like breaking God's laws... But then He set those too.

I'm an "hard sell" like that about zombie movies; just doesn't compute that actually dead people get up and start cannibalizing the living (the ones drugged to look like death, and reviving, under mind control are equally unlikely, unless by post hypnotic suggestion, but possible).

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Hi Sandra!

Oh, BTW, a cousin of mine is also a 'Sandra', and she truly is the most singularly delightful person I have ever met. So, YOU automatically get 'Halo'ed' by name association! Congratulations!

No, the 'Helios' episode relates to an incoming meteor that begins the process that leads to the eventual extinction of Humanity in the show. The 'Teams' sent back are tasked to 'deflect' that from impacting...and they succeed, HOWEVER.

Mess with 'Time' and TIME MESSES BACK is the moral of that story. Thereafter, seemingly regardless of what the characters in the show accomplish things seem to always go sideways in some rather unexpected ways...

The NTSB DO have an 'interesting' job, CERTAINLY. Those are some of the more diligent 'Civil Servants' working for ANY Branch of the Government, IMHO. It would be an intriguing job to have methinks.

Be well, SAFE(!) and Blessed Sister!


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I like how God says "enough" to the little gods and pulls the plug.

"And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they have started to do, and now nothing which they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth; and they stopped building the city. Genesis 11

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Michael, Just a reminder whatever the medical/research world, the military also has (and maybe more).

Those nanobots are already inside us, and nobody is healthier for it.

Read Dr. Ana Mihalcea substack.

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Scientists are very smart. What could possibly go wrong?

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Michael you are a bit out of the loop on current and especially pertinent information. There's about a dozen or more credentialed scientists (PhD) and Doctors (MD/DO) and Lawyers (JD) that have been posting for several years on bioweapons details and the Cabal's Agenda. The short version is we have nanodust in our food (since 2020), which is the follow on bioweapon that replaced or was masked by COVID and the Vax, which had self assembling nanoparticles - to attack the body, organs, and blood. The nano dust is a thousand times smaller, and it's main feature is to attack your Soul. If you don't take active measures to delete or at least deactivate the nanodust, you will lose your connection to God. This is the "Great Falling Away" mentioned in the Scriptures. Ivermectin (HCQ, MMS, CDS, Zinc, IVC, etc) is effective against Spike Proteins and the mRNA Jab. However, the nanodust is a Spirit/Soul attacking bioweapon, and the only remedies I know of at the moment to defeat it is Exosome Therapy (injected into your cranial nerve), Adamantine Water, or a combination of Scalar, Rife, PEMF, Sound Tones, and NIR Frequencies that work in harmony to flush out the nanodust. I wish you'd write more about those solutions, and we will need them before the end of 2024.

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All said technology appears to be a great achievement on the surface, however this is more of the transhumanism plan which in effect is removing GOD from our DNA. The primary directive from our Creator (or whatever expression you like for GOD) is 'Do No Harm'. All described by the insane transhumanism technologists violates the Primary Directive. There will be much to answer to IF said scientists have any humanity (GOD/Creator elements) remaining as they become machines. Humans are already Eternal hence all said efforts are totally counterproductive.

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We can't blame the nano-dust for our great falling away, this comes from our free will choices to not believe the truth. It's called apostasy An abandonment of what one has professed; a total desertion, or departure from one's faith or religion. To blame it on nano-dust is like the devil made me do it. Besides if this has infected everyone everyone is going to hell and Satan wins. And if the only remedies is some chemical cocktail is to deny the power of Christe, where nanodust is a Spirit/Soul attacking bioweapon, and the only remedies I know of at the moment to defeat it is Exosome Therapy (injected into your cranial nerve), Adamantine Water, or a combination of Scalar, Rife, PEMF, Sound Tones, and NIR Frequencies that work in harmony to flush out the nanodust. This is modern Gnosticism where a select few know the secret of eternal life If that is true we all must run for hills for we are all doomed.

Read the scriptures the great falling away is due to the coming and of sin being revealed as the anti-christ and the world runs after him, this has noting to do with a virus.

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Game, Set and MATCH...to Daniel!

Gee, you're a rather Astute fellow I see!

Cheers and Blessings Daniel, JOG

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nano dust in food: I assume it is mostly in junk foods (chips, etc?) what do we need to beware of when buying food?

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Maybe some entrepreneur will devise a solution such as powerful magnetic fields, radio frequencies, ultrasound, &etc to neutralize these nanobots parasites.

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I think they came up with a solution. It comes from the sky and delivers Gamma rays ☀️ that solves all of our problems including Climate Change.

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Nanobots may soon be able to repair spinal cord injuries and end paralysis for millions of people.

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There are millions of paralysed people? Good thing the other 8 billion of us are so eager to give up our autonomy, humanity, and health so they can walk again.

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May 17·edited May 17

"Approximately 1 in 50 Americans, or 5.4 million people, have some form of paralysis. This number is nearly 40 percent higher than previous estimates showed. Some people experience temporary paralysis and regain partial or full movement over time."


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Not me I will not comply. (may be dead by then anyway).

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It's already been done and they're already inside of everyone. Without the seal of God on your spiritual forehead you're doomed. If you've taken the shots you've already been sealed but by the wrong side.

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This is the end game of the globalists who are devoid of any spirituality or understanding of our God and creator.

They are terrified of dying and seek eternal life through these demonic means. They call it transhumanism. Except us mere “humans” are not part of the plan. Especially those of us who call ourselves Christians.

“Just as in the days of Noah” indeed!

Well done Michael…keep up the good fight brother and God bless you and your family.

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Rudimentary nanobots are already here. What do you think was in the jabs?

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