Hahahaaa...I am just 'full of it' today, I beg your pardon therefore.
"Travellers" is an "In-House" NetFlix production...which they - usually - don't 'farm out" to anyone else.
That said, the WHOLE 'Time Travel' thing is usually so BADLY 'treated' that almost NONE are worth watching...except this one, that is.
The premise - briefly - is that our decendants in the far future - umm, some 400 years, I think - have true Super-Human scale AI Quantum Computers AND all the DIGITAL records from our time forward also. They are, in thier time dying out due to a series of disasters which occur/BEGIN in OUR time. See the "Helios" episode in Season 1 for more on that. They ascertain that IF they have TELL's ; Time, Elevation Latitude and Longitude of the DEATH of someone in the NOW, that they can - just before death occurs, just seconds before - 'Overwrite' a person with someone from THIER time - thier SELF; personality, memory and etc without EXCEPTION.
No physics is violated thereby...which is exactly where EVERYONE ELSE screws it UP beyond all repair.
However, 'tampering' with Time can AND does skew things around appreciably. That they were able to intrigue me throughout several seasons is a testament to how extremely careful they were in scripting that. I AM a Physicist after all and so am a "HARD SELL" therefore! However, they succeed in establishing near Complete 'Suspension of Disbelief'...is what I believe that is referred to as. Enjoy...if you happen onto it; I DID!
Surprisingly, a lot of those in-house made shows from all over the place do get farmed out or sold off, down the road. Tubi gets a lot of them, as do other sites. You'd be amazed at what you catch off the home site!. The problem with even that tampering, though, is that those people are still impacting history, after they were intended to be dead, thus altering it entirely. It's like going back to assassinate Hitler before Naziism. We can't predict WHAT will come up instead, only our Lord has that ability, and I think it's best left in His capable hands, but that's my opinion. If the "Helios" thing is about that Greek airliner that crashed, because a mechanic left the cabin pressurization switch in the manual position, and both pilots missed it on the pre-take-off checklist, I know about that incident. I watch crash investigation videos, for "relaxation" from the insanity of our world. I got hooked on those investigations reading the reports my Dad got about crashes as a sort of "those guys did X,Y, Z, and it didn't work, so do something else if this happens to your plane". I was fascinated by the investigative process to figure out what brought a plane down, and what can we do to prevent a repeat.
I'm not a physicist, but I do know breaking the laws of physics never seems to have a good outcome! Kind of like breaking God's laws... But then He set those too.
I'm an "hard sell" like that about zombie movies; just doesn't compute that actually dead people get up and start cannibalizing the living (the ones drugged to look like death, and reviving, under mind control are equally unlikely, unless by post hypnotic suggestion, but possible).
Oh, BTW, a cousin of mine is also a 'Sandra', and she truly is the most singularly delightful person I have ever met. So, YOU automatically get 'Halo'ed' by name association! Congratulations!
No, the 'Helios' episode relates to an incoming meteor that begins the process that leads to the eventual extinction of Humanity in the show. The 'Teams' sent back are tasked to 'deflect' that from impacting...and they succeed, HOWEVER.
Mess with 'Time' and TIME MESSES BACK is the moral of that story. Thereafter, seemingly regardless of what the characters in the show accomplish things seem to always go sideways in some rather unexpected ways...
The NTSB DO have an 'interesting' job, CERTAINLY. Those are some of the more diligent 'Civil Servants' working for ANY Branch of the Government, IMHO. It would be an intriguing job to have methinks.
There are quite a lot of us Sandras among the "boomers"! Many even with the same full name. I shared a dorm with 2 of them back in the '60s. Your cousin sounds like 1 I'd enjoy meeting.
Yes, time will mess back. Any alteration at point A alters everything past that, and not always for the better. That's probably why we have not been able to devise a way to travel through it. I don't for an instant doubt Yhwh can, but we are in no way ready to deal with the consequences of tinkering there.
When I was "OOB", that is 'Out of Body' when the Crypto ran amuck, well 'An interesting thing happened on the way to the Forum." Yup, Mel Brooks, as you likely intuited!
We see time as a single line going from the PAST into the FUTURE. Predominantly, I suspect that THAT is a MERCY He gives us since otherwise our head's would likely BLOW OFF like you may have seen in the recent movie, "The Kingsmen".
The following is 'something' I was shown.
For the Lord, Time does NOT move thusly. Bear with me here...this is THICK even for me and I will EFFORT myself to be as CLEAR as I can.
Instead, for HIM, Time is more like unto a River: It has 'eddies' and 'whorls' within it, even though the FLOW is - ON AVERAGE - solely 'one-way'. In those eddies and whorls He can MOVE. I am very grateful that THAT vision was BRIEF...since I don't think my Sanity would have survived a longer exposure. Still, HE got His 'point' across.
NOW, EXACTLY 'What' I AM expected to DO with THAT I haven't even the faintest CLUE, as GOD is my Witness, so sweareth I.
Also, WHY show ANYONE such a thing?!
SURELY, He MOVES in Mysterious ways, to say the LEAST!
Anyway, Sleep in Peace this Eve Sister, I'm heading 'that way' myself...
Sorry, I have no reasonable answers about what to do with that, but I think it'd make me crazy watching it too. I'm of the opinion God moves in dimensions of which we barely grasp the existence, forget using them, and so do His angels! And I believe some of them may be outside time, as we understand it, altogether too. Angels "just appearing" in various locations to meet with certain people, Jesus appearing in a locked room , in the midst of His followers... I don't think they just "materialized" out of thin air like cartoon ghosts, but I do believe they could have stepped from other dimensions into the ones in which we operate, 1 of which is time... like stepping through an unseen curtain between them.
I can tell you God DOES that "dropping" things into our minds with which we have no clue what to do. He's been doing it to me for 70 yrs now, and I still have no clue . They can be pretty crazy-making too! Wait 'til He comes up behind you,. and talks to you, without appearing, although that 1 is fairly rare.
I have been Witness to things that I simply cannot describe. I do truly WONDER now and then wonder 'Why'. Our Father is oftimes entirely 'inscutible' in His attentions with us.
Be well Sister... Oh, and Raisi's Helicopter is CONFIRMED INCINERATED along with all those travelling with him, per Iranian TV and Reuter's...
I saw the video of the remains of the helo. Only the tail assembly was even recognizable; the rest was just a charred spot in the forest, sure looked in survivable to me. Also saw 1of the SAR team heading up through seriously gusty wind and dense fog, or low ceiling. In mountainous terrain, the cloud cover can literally drop right to the ground. In any case, it did not look like prudent flying conditions for a relatively light aircraft! Visibility and ceiling were both too low, especially in gusty winds and mountains. The tail assembly looked like a Vietnam era "Jolly Green", but I couldn't tell for certain; it was broken up too.
In fact, Reuters identified that as Bell 212, I THINK. That's a 40 year old model. And sInce the Iranians are STILL 'Under Sanctions' regarding Aircraft AND have NO Thermal (IR) Night Vision then attempting to fly through THICK FOG, IN MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN (weather changes are EXTREMELY ABRUPT in such) was simply 'Suicidal'...as we clearly SEE.
Have a Great Day Sweety...none of us KNOW hiw many peaceful days are left now to us; so, Carpe Diem..."Sieze the Day", eh?
Okay, as I said, I was unsure of it's "pedigree". Those don't even carry weather radar, so far as I know, so decidedly suicidal. I lived in AZ's high deserts for 40+ yrs, 'til I started having problems with my heart and breathing at mile hi+, and moved to TX for closer to sea level, with a VA clinic in range. I have seen that happen often; just wait a minute, the weather and wind direction will change!
Hi Sandra - AGAIN!
Hahahaaa...I am just 'full of it' today, I beg your pardon therefore.
"Travellers" is an "In-House" NetFlix production...which they - usually - don't 'farm out" to anyone else.
That said, the WHOLE 'Time Travel' thing is usually so BADLY 'treated' that almost NONE are worth watching...except this one, that is.
The premise - briefly - is that our decendants in the far future - umm, some 400 years, I think - have true Super-Human scale AI Quantum Computers AND all the DIGITAL records from our time forward also. They are, in thier time dying out due to a series of disasters which occur/BEGIN in OUR time. See the "Helios" episode in Season 1 for more on that. They ascertain that IF they have TELL's ; Time, Elevation Latitude and Longitude of the DEATH of someone in the NOW, that they can - just before death occurs, just seconds before - 'Overwrite' a person with someone from THIER time - thier SELF; personality, memory and etc without EXCEPTION.
No physics is violated thereby...which is exactly where EVERYONE ELSE screws it UP beyond all repair.
However, 'tampering' with Time can AND does skew things around appreciably. That they were able to intrigue me throughout several seasons is a testament to how extremely careful they were in scripting that. I AM a Physicist after all and so am a "HARD SELL" therefore! However, they succeed in establishing near Complete 'Suspension of Disbelief'...is what I believe that is referred to as. Enjoy...if you happen onto it; I DID!
As always Sandra, a Pleasure! BE BLESSED.
Surprisingly, a lot of those in-house made shows from all over the place do get farmed out or sold off, down the road. Tubi gets a lot of them, as do other sites. You'd be amazed at what you catch off the home site!. The problem with even that tampering, though, is that those people are still impacting history, after they were intended to be dead, thus altering it entirely. It's like going back to assassinate Hitler before Naziism. We can't predict WHAT will come up instead, only our Lord has that ability, and I think it's best left in His capable hands, but that's my opinion. If the "Helios" thing is about that Greek airliner that crashed, because a mechanic left the cabin pressurization switch in the manual position, and both pilots missed it on the pre-take-off checklist, I know about that incident. I watch crash investigation videos, for "relaxation" from the insanity of our world. I got hooked on those investigations reading the reports my Dad got about crashes as a sort of "those guys did X,Y, Z, and it didn't work, so do something else if this happens to your plane". I was fascinated by the investigative process to figure out what brought a plane down, and what can we do to prevent a repeat.
I'm not a physicist, but I do know breaking the laws of physics never seems to have a good outcome! Kind of like breaking God's laws... But then He set those too.
I'm an "hard sell" like that about zombie movies; just doesn't compute that actually dead people get up and start cannibalizing the living (the ones drugged to look like death, and reviving, under mind control are equally unlikely, unless by post hypnotic suggestion, but possible).
Hi Sandra!
Oh, BTW, a cousin of mine is also a 'Sandra', and she truly is the most singularly delightful person I have ever met. So, YOU automatically get 'Halo'ed' by name association! Congratulations!
No, the 'Helios' episode relates to an incoming meteor that begins the process that leads to the eventual extinction of Humanity in the show. The 'Teams' sent back are tasked to 'deflect' that from impacting...and they succeed, HOWEVER.
Mess with 'Time' and TIME MESSES BACK is the moral of that story. Thereafter, seemingly regardless of what the characters in the show accomplish things seem to always go sideways in some rather unexpected ways...
The NTSB DO have an 'interesting' job, CERTAINLY. Those are some of the more diligent 'Civil Servants' working for ANY Branch of the Government, IMHO. It would be an intriguing job to have methinks.
Be well, SAFE(!) and Blessed Sister!
There are quite a lot of us Sandras among the "boomers"! Many even with the same full name. I shared a dorm with 2 of them back in the '60s. Your cousin sounds like 1 I'd enjoy meeting.
Yes, time will mess back. Any alteration at point A alters everything past that, and not always for the better. That's probably why we have not been able to devise a way to travel through it. I don't for an instant doubt Yhwh can, but we are in no way ready to deal with the consequences of tinkering there.
Funny that you should mention that Sister.
When I was "OOB", that is 'Out of Body' when the Crypto ran amuck, well 'An interesting thing happened on the way to the Forum." Yup, Mel Brooks, as you likely intuited!
We see time as a single line going from the PAST into the FUTURE. Predominantly, I suspect that THAT is a MERCY He gives us since otherwise our head's would likely BLOW OFF like you may have seen in the recent movie, "The Kingsmen".
The following is 'something' I was shown.
For the Lord, Time does NOT move thusly. Bear with me here...this is THICK even for me and I will EFFORT myself to be as CLEAR as I can.
Instead, for HIM, Time is more like unto a River: It has 'eddies' and 'whorls' within it, even though the FLOW is - ON AVERAGE - solely 'one-way'. In those eddies and whorls He can MOVE. I am very grateful that THAT vision was BRIEF...since I don't think my Sanity would have survived a longer exposure. Still, HE got His 'point' across.
NOW, EXACTLY 'What' I AM expected to DO with THAT I haven't even the faintest CLUE, as GOD is my Witness, so sweareth I.
Also, WHY show ANYONE such a thing?!
SURELY, He MOVES in Mysterious ways, to say the LEAST!
Anyway, Sleep in Peace this Eve Sister, I'm heading 'that way' myself...
Sorry, I have no reasonable answers about what to do with that, but I think it'd make me crazy watching it too. I'm of the opinion God moves in dimensions of which we barely grasp the existence, forget using them, and so do His angels! And I believe some of them may be outside time, as we understand it, altogether too. Angels "just appearing" in various locations to meet with certain people, Jesus appearing in a locked room , in the midst of His followers... I don't think they just "materialized" out of thin air like cartoon ghosts, but I do believe they could have stepped from other dimensions into the ones in which we operate, 1 of which is time... like stepping through an unseen curtain between them.
I can tell you God DOES that "dropping" things into our minds with which we have no clue what to do. He's been doing it to me for 70 yrs now, and I still have no clue . They can be pretty crazy-making too! Wait 'til He comes up behind you,. and talks to you, without appearing, although that 1 is fairly rare.
Rest assured Sandra...neither DO I.
I have been Witness to things that I simply cannot describe. I do truly WONDER now and then wonder 'Why'. Our Father is oftimes entirely 'inscutible' in His attentions with us.
Be well Sister... Oh, and Raisi's Helicopter is CONFIRMED INCINERATED along with all those travelling with him, per Iranian TV and Reuter's...
Couldn't agree more!
I saw the video of the remains of the helo. Only the tail assembly was even recognizable; the rest was just a charred spot in the forest, sure looked in survivable to me. Also saw 1of the SAR team heading up through seriously gusty wind and dense fog, or low ceiling. In mountainous terrain, the cloud cover can literally drop right to the ground. In any case, it did not look like prudent flying conditions for a relatively light aircraft! Visibility and ceiling were both too low, especially in gusty winds and mountains. The tail assembly looked like a Vietnam era "Jolly Green", but I couldn't tell for certain; it was broken up too.
In fact, Reuters identified that as Bell 212, I THINK. That's a 40 year old model. And sInce the Iranians are STILL 'Under Sanctions' regarding Aircraft AND have NO Thermal (IR) Night Vision then attempting to fly through THICK FOG, IN MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN (weather changes are EXTREMELY ABRUPT in such) was simply 'Suicidal'...as we clearly SEE.
Have a Great Day Sweety...none of us KNOW hiw many peaceful days are left now to us; so, Carpe Diem..."Sieze the Day", eh?
Be well Sister...and BLESSED also,
Okay, as I said, I was unsure of it's "pedigree". Those don't even carry weather radar, so far as I know, so decidedly suicidal. I lived in AZ's high deserts for 40+ yrs, 'til I started having problems with my heart and breathing at mile hi+, and moved to TX for closer to sea level, with a VA clinic in range. I have seen that happen often; just wait a minute, the weather and wind direction will change!
You do the same, and stay safe, my brother!