I can't wait for the day that these sanctimonious, godless earth dwellers come face to face with the Living God!

They are of their father the devil, and the lusts of their father they will do. He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning…for he is a liar and the father of it.” John 8:44

Watch! The following will be their end:

Revelation 6:15-17

“And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”

Yes, I'll be applauding their eternal death from the mezzanine in heaven as I watch their wretched bodies resurrected from the dead to face their second death at the Great White Throne Judgment.

Each of these reprobates will be sentenced by King Jesus as they bow and confess that He (Jesus) is King to the Glory of the Father, and then swiftly thrown into the eternal Lake of Fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for eternity and where the worm never dies. They will gnaw their tongues in agony.

What a glorious day that will be!

Problem solved!


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That makes two of us! Cannot wait

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The enemy and his minions are trying to delay the appointed time by reducing the number of faithful of Gentiles.


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Too bad some of the elite’s moms didn’t follow their advice. Had they done so, we wouldn’t be hearing about overpopulation from Godless people who think to highly of themselves.

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I continue to anxiously wait for these depopulation proponents to lead by example...

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Sad to say I have only one daughter and before she went to college she wanted to have children. After college no children. She had a great head on her shoulders and proof as she passed the test at age 16 and was accepted into the International High IQ Society. She got a partial scholarship for science and we paid all other cost. We paid a university in NC to change all the views of our daughter. She has now moved abroad complaining that I put braces on her to straighten her teeth. She’s moved to the EU where people can have bad teeth and it’s acceptable so she said. They took all the money they earned and spending it on whatever pleases them. I didn’t bring up such a selfish child. I guess if she had left HS and went to work for……(insert business name) I might have grandchildren. All I have left to do is spend the money she would have received upon our demise. Thanks for sharing this

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I'm so sorry you have lost your relationship with your daughter. My daughter hasn't spoken to me for 13 years.

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Good to see you included Jane Goodall. This agenda is why governments have turned against their people.

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God’s answer to the population problem: the 7 bowls.

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You left out the quote on population control carved into the Georgia Guidestones, but which have since been destroyed: "Maintain a population of 500 million people in balance with nature." It is assumed to have been also crafted by the "elites."

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Some of those people are dead. The ones that aren’t should be. Since they are all for reducing the population of the useless eaters, they need to look in the mirror.

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Wow... These people make me sick when I read their comments. The following words come to mind: arrogant, mentally ill, brainwashed by climate control promoters. I could see them "putting down" their own elderly parents to "Save The Planet".

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One word: Godless.

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I want to add, all of these 60 million plus abortions, how many would have been the Dr. that cured cancer? Or the Egr. Who solved the energy crisis? Or maybe even the next Elon Musk that designs the craft and engines that warp to Mars?, Saturn?, Andromeda Galaxy?

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The elite can show me , you first 😉

I will joyfully not comply with anything the elite want to do🤠

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Every one of these retards, if living, must go first to set an example. We simply cannot blindly follow leaders to our deaths if they refuse to lead by example.

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It is simple the elite morons are greedy beyond comprehension. If you took the notth american continent and overlayed a checkerboard with squares one mile on a side... there could be one black square for each person and all the white squares would be empty.

There is more than enough land and space for everyone. The elite idiots created cities to crowd everyone together for better controlling. Then waged war so folks were afraid of each other.

Better solution is to sharpen the guillotines.

Use tesla free energy to create a userfriendly life for EVERYONE.

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Can't they be doing "this" for several reasons? Just asking ....

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Interesting that they don't lead by example ... why are they not killing themselves off to show that they really believe what they are saying?

Anyway, even Elon Musk has admitted that their such a serious underpopulation that entire cultures will be extinct in 20-30 years: German, Japanese, Italian, Canadian, Chinese, etc.

There is a long way from being 8 billion or even 5 billion on the planet today. These people pick numbers out of their heads and present them as facts. If you add the census numbers for each country, you can see how low the world population really is.

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Liars lie.

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They worship this piece of rock and hate the one who created it.

As God's word says, they are fools - and their punishment of eternal damnation awaits them.

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