It is simple the elite morons are greedy beyond comprehension. If you took the notth american continent and overlayed a checkerboard with squares one mile on a side... there could be one black square for each person and all the white squares would be empty.
There is more than enough land and space for everyone. The elite idiots created ci…
It is simple the elite morons are greedy beyond comprehension. If you took the notth american continent and overlayed a checkerboard with squares one mile on a side... there could be one black square for each person and all the white squares would be empty.
There is more than enough land and space for everyone. The elite idiots created cities to crowd everyone together for better controlling. Then waged war so folks were afraid of each other.
Better solution is to sharpen the guillotines.
Use tesla free energy to create a userfriendly life for EVERYONE.
It is simple the elite morons are greedy beyond comprehension. If you took the notth american continent and overlayed a checkerboard with squares one mile on a side... there could be one black square for each person and all the white squares would be empty.
There is more than enough land and space for everyone. The elite idiots created cities to crowd everyone together for better controlling. Then waged war so folks were afraid of each other.
Better solution is to sharpen the guillotines.
Use tesla free energy to create a userfriendly life for EVERYONE.