Tick tock. I agree with everything you mentioned with the exception of the "threat" of climate change. It's as big a hoax as Covid was. If you want more information on that, let me know.
If there is a huge meltdown of our society, very few people will be actually fully ready. Perhaps those with huge underground bunkers filled with years w…
Tick tock. I agree with everything you mentioned with the exception of the "threat" of climate change. It's as big a hoax as Covid was. If you want more information on that, let me know.
If there is a huge meltdown of our society, very few people will be actually fully ready. Perhaps those with huge underground bunkers filled with years worth of supplies. As for me, I don't want to spend the rest of my life underground eating MREs.
I'm as ready as I can be with the resources at my disposal. Other than that, I will meet my Maker with open arms and a smile on my face.
I'm with you on that. I have done what i can and probably way more prepared than most but honestly? Preparing for years? How is that even possible? I'm 69, live alone so how am I going to defend myself from a gang wanting what i have? I'm not. Short term, I'm good. Long term I'm toast.
Yes again spot on Tag, even the best of us as prepped will only last a short time. Plus if you have a garden, chickens (other small farm animals) a wind mill or solar panels, you might as well put out a big sign, "If your hunger come here I have stuff". They will hit you first. They will not come to take your stuff they will come to kill you first then take your stuff.
Co2 is the natural product of photosynthesis and that is a threat? The #1 cause of any climate change is the Sun not humans. This is just another of man's attempts of rebellion about not liking the earth God gave us and we are trying to play god and fix it the way we want it. Are we Terra-forming earth for extra terrestrials? Only kidding, uh maybe.
Tick tock. I agree with everything you mentioned with the exception of the "threat" of climate change. It's as big a hoax as Covid was. If you want more information on that, let me know.
If there is a huge meltdown of our society, very few people will be actually fully ready. Perhaps those with huge underground bunkers filled with years worth of supplies. As for me, I don't want to spend the rest of my life underground eating MREs.
I'm as ready as I can be with the resources at my disposal. Other than that, I will meet my Maker with open arms and a smile on my face.
I'm with you on that. I have done what i can and probably way more prepared than most but honestly? Preparing for years? How is that even possible? I'm 69, live alone so how am I going to defend myself from a gang wanting what i have? I'm not. Short term, I'm good. Long term I'm toast.
Yes again spot on Tag, even the best of us as prepped will only last a short time. Plus if you have a garden, chickens (other small farm animals) a wind mill or solar panels, you might as well put out a big sign, "If your hunger come here I have stuff". They will hit you first. They will not come to take your stuff they will come to kill you first then take your stuff.
Alanna spot on!
Co2 is the natural product of photosynthesis and that is a threat? The #1 cause of any climate change is the Sun not humans. This is just another of man's attempts of rebellion about not liking the earth God gave us and we are trying to play god and fix it the way we want it. Are we Terra-forming earth for extra terrestrials? Only kidding, uh maybe.