Instrument of religious manipulation from the beginning? Of course not. But three people can get three meanings from the same passage, and they do, and it’s misuse that manipulates. I’ve been howled-at several times too many. Today’s religious right have devastated genuine faith, have driven youth away, and small wonder.
Instrument of religious manipulation from the beginning? Of course not. But three people can get three meanings from the same passage, and they do, and it’s misuse that manipulates. I’ve been howled-at several times too many. Today’s religious right have devastated genuine faith, have driven youth away, and small wonder.
Instrument of religious manipulation from the beginning? Of course not. But three people can get three meanings from the same passage, and they do, and it’s misuse that manipulates. I’ve been howled-at several times too many. Today’s religious right have devastated genuine faith, have driven youth away, and small wonder.
It's OK just was curious, just wanted to know where your coming from Thanks.
That’s okay, but I’d suggest you go back and read the general run of comments, then the one of yours to which I initially replied. Quite a difference.