From an AMAC article by Andrew Shirley:

"Today, however, cloud seeding using silver iodide is a shockingly common practice. The global cloud seeding market is experiencing growth, with projections indicating an increase from $406.4 million in 2024 to $684.2 million in investment by 2032. As of this year, cloud seeding programs are active in at least nine U.S. states, including California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. The technology is also becoming particularly popular in arid Middle Eastern nations like Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates to enhance precipitation.

Despite the increasing popularity of the practice, some studies have shown that a build-up of silver iodide from cloud seeding could be harmful to aquatic life and microorganisms in the soil over areas where cloud seeding takes place. There have yet to be any long-term studies on the impact of heavy silver iodide exposure in humans."

From Glen: I have heard of aluminum covered plastic bits being sprayed to "save the planet" but this is the first I've heard of silver iodide being used. Anyone out there have any idea what it will do to us? Andrew didn't mention Oklahoma where I live, but I watch Jets crisscross the sky leaving contrails that hang in the atmosphere for 12 to 24 hours and being 80 years old I know that this ain't right. People it's no telling what all is being sprayed on us. If you don't have air purifiers in your home you need them!

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Same in Arkansas.

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Fog is a great cover for spraying toxins and biological substances over the populace, especially now that a lot of folks now know that the lingering jet contrails are not actual contrails but aerial spraying.

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Chemical fog 🌁. White particles exactly how nano-particles appear. They been dumping on you for years. Now they have increased the volume.

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Just a week ago my son was in a collision on the freeway. For the next five hours he had amnesia. While the car was totaled, my son had no bruises or recollection of the events of the day. There was a thick fog in the area. His brothers rushed to the scene. For the next four days everyone was sick with a respiratory illness. Mysterious indeed!

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Good fricking grief. No fog here, not sick, ain't gonna be sick and the fog can go to the devil. Then again, fog is quite common during winter months depending how the temps fluctuate along with the humidity.

Obviously, the "Fog" is like UFOs, drones, pandemics, chemtrails, assassinations, terrorist attacks, bigfoot and a million other things the government and the experts know nothing about (as they all constantly lie) and the answers or truth are never discovered.

Let fear rule your day over all these unexplained events and you have surrendered your soul to the demons who want it along with your life.

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I have noticed that during prolonged cold spells I tend to feel cold, must be the government’s of the world conspiring against me.

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Well, that article didn't clear anything up

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Drudge was a Dick Morris Blue Dress-Cigar-Pizza psyOp to keep Bubba from being completely impeached and removed over taking ChiCom Army $$$ for his 1996 re election campaign funding. “You can survive a sex scandal, but not a financial scandal.”Dick Morris to President Clinton about ducking ChinaGate $$$ impeachment.

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I drove in fog for several miles and was surprised that there was no moisture on the windshield. Very odd

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I'm sure the controlled news media will explain it away, and the perps will get away with murder, as usual.

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I've witnessed fog off and on my whole life. (70 yrs. so far) There were forecasts for fog recently in my town/area but it didn't materialize that I'm aware of. Then on Dec. 23, I traveled for Christmas and out on the hwy. in W. Texas. I noticed some low-lying fog in the fields. No biggie as I've seen this so many times before. It's a natural occurrence perhaps due to cool and warm temps colliding in the early morning hours around sunrise.

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Fog or smog is nothing new. It was legendary in London in the earlier part of the last century and right up until the 90s and even later in Dublin, Ireland, smog was a regular occurance.

The causes are numerous but most of the earlier smogs were largely caused by the smoke from the many home fires burning bituminous coal.

While this practice has nearly died out occasionally we still get smog due to the still cold moist air that seems to hold on to whatever particles that seem to hang in the still night air. It is unpleasant for sure and does lead to respiratory problems and is best avoided if possible but it will clear. Don't be downhearted, spring is only around the corner and the brighter days will soon be upon us.

These first few days of 2025 have been cloudless, bright, and sunny with a noticeable lift in the atmosphere and wonderfully sunny. It is a good omen and here's to a brighter and better new year.

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Out here in fly over country, we had major fog, but we usually have fog around Christmas and into January. I haven’t heard of anyone complaining about reacting to it 🤷🏼‍♀️

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