Some say Isaiah 45:7 no longer means God brings calamity today, it was just a place an time in the past. But God is the same, He never changes. The book of Rev. Is God bringing calamity to the world out of His righteous wrath. This spirit of war is under God's soerign rule to bring about His will and purposes. Even in Rev. God opens the pit to release 3 spirits (frogs) to bring the nations to war. All of this is God's doing. Like He told Job, why are you complaining a out what I'M doing In your life.

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China may act sooner then later considering there youth unemployment rate is probably closer to 50% & there housing market/economy is collapsing. They have been preparing for years & it's getting to the point where they will have less to lose & more to gain by invading Taiwan in their mind's.

As Mo liked to say power comes out of the barrel of a gun & nothings changed since then & I'm not just talking about China's mindset. Because it seems the whole world is singing from the same song sheet which is so very sad for the people who are left to suffer the consequences of the evil people in power.

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Taiwan should have several large conventional supersonic cruise missiles aimed at China's main dams on their biggest river systems. "Invade us and your dams will be destroyed, flooding China's countryside and major river commerce areas, including the capital, throwing the country back to the stone age." End of talk of invasion.

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Our gov. seems to be very good at being a day late, and a dollar short (especially now). Had we done as we promised (something else we have trouble doing), this would not have happened. Ukraine gave up their nukes in the 90's with the promise of the U.S. protecting them from Russia. Had we done something as Russia was lining up tanks in Belarus, this could have been stopped before it started! I think Hunter needed daddies help getting the spotlight off of himself. So, this was a great diversion I have an ancestor that hesitated, and the war was lost. Thanks Bonnie prince Charlie! He who hesitates is lost.

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You are operating under the false narrative that Russia are the bad guys and Ukraine are the good guys. Ukraine has been a hell hole for Nazis, child trafficking, biolabs and money laundering for decades. Their president is a actor who's been seen dancing around in tight leather pants and platform heels, for Heavens sake. I'm not saying that Putin is a nice guy - far from it, but the reason Biden is so hell bent on saving Ukraine, is because it's his cash cow. As for us taking away their nukes, I say, "thank God!"

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If the pictures of bombed cities, hospitals, and the man in his car beng run over by a Russian tank are part of a false narrative I don't know what is real anymore.

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Unless you see something with your own eyes, it's best not to blindly believe anything anymore. Almost any video can be taken from another incident, altered, faked or even created using CGI. We are living in perilous times. Question everything.

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Keep drinking the koolaid

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Will do!

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Ukraine did not invade Russia, they gave up their nukes in the 90's, after we (CLINTON) promised to protect them from Russia. Putin's history of Georgia, and all of his former associates being dispatched speaks for itself. Biden (I believe) like Clinton took money from China. Clinton took $50,000. from the Chinese military, when he got caught, he returned it. Biden did a GREAT job protecting the men in Afghanistan, just like Hillary did in Bengasi. No fence sitting, if they aren't the bad guys, then they are good guys. HMMMM god guys killing babies, women, old people with their hands tied behind their backs? In that case Hitler was an angel, after all, he did not kill the Jews! The "New World Order" wants Ukraine to be apart, that is what this is about! Hitler spoke of the New World Order. If Ukraine had it's nukes, Putin would have thought twice. It's like marriage, don't make promises that you aren't going to keep. Married 40 years, never been interested in another woman!

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