China may act sooner then later considering there youth unemployment rate is probably closer to 50% & there housing market/economy is collapsing. They have been preparing for years & it's getting to the point where they will have less to lose & more to gain by invading Taiwan in their mind's.
China may act sooner then later considering there youth unemployment rate is probably closer to 50% & there housing market/economy is collapsing. They have been preparing for years & it's getting to the point where they will have less to lose & more to gain by invading Taiwan in their mind's.
As Mo liked to say power comes out of the barrel of a gun & nothings changed since then & I'm not just talking about China's mindset. Because it seems the whole world is singing from the same song sheet which is so very sad for the people who are left to suffer the consequences of the evil people in power.
China may act sooner then later considering there youth unemployment rate is probably closer to 50% & there housing market/economy is collapsing. They have been preparing for years & it's getting to the point where they will have less to lose & more to gain by invading Taiwan in their mind's.
As Mo liked to say power comes out of the barrel of a gun & nothings changed since then & I'm not just talking about China's mindset. Because it seems the whole world is singing from the same song sheet which is so very sad for the people who are left to suffer the consequences of the evil people in power.