If you go on some of the left-wing hugboxes like Reddit, people are absolutely apoplectic. No one can give a cogent answer as to why "democracy is in danger" and other such rubbish. Worse yet, these fools actually think that our current President somehow does not have a mandate to govern, have no idea (or openly dispute how the Electoral College) operates, and espouses that the current individuals in charge have no right to do what they are doing. Its insane. I'm happy to provide examples if others are interested.
Trump got more than 50 PCT. I think anointing a candidate without a single primary vote of the electorate puts ‘democracy in danger’...one cannot even imagine cackling candidate babble speaker, Kamala Harris, negotiating anything with Putin
No, he didn’t get 50%. As usual, brainwashed disciples of the orange sexual predator are detached from reality. Here, I picked a Fox outlet so you might believe it. He got close to 50%, but did not get up to 50%. I’m sure you’ll come up either some deflection.
Well because the psychos tell you. You appear to be the comrade supporting all of thes progressive democrats. Besides i took the years to study all of the freemason family trees.it's not easy because people like the bushs change their names from scherff to bush. Enjoy your nwo comrade!
“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States,” Pence
Yeah, me too. I am Apoplectic. Years of dire warnings - the Social Security ‘Trust Fund’ is running out of money! What shall we do?? People are just living too long! Solution? - delay the age to collect benefits, and continue a subtle narrative that marginalizes the elderly as a drain on society. But clearly the money didn’t “run out”, was it The Social Security Slush Fund all along? The hole in the bucket is being drained faster than it can be filled.
Hiring only loyalists, firing opposition. Saying he's above the law. Breaking the law. Friend to dictators, foe to democracies. Threatened to use military on Americans. Threatens journalists news etc. Wants to be president for more than two terms. Regularly mentions being a dictator or liking dictators. Against the Constitution. ..
I don’t have the fortitude to endure the insanity. But I suspect the batshit arguments will dry up, unless some PR genius feeds them new talking points. It gets tiresome repeating the same arguments and I suspect a lot of these keyboard warriors will get bored and fade into the woodwork. Perhaps I’m too optimistic though.
“President Xi, who is a strong man, I call him King, he said, But I am not King, I am president. I said, No, you’re president for life and therefore, you’re King. He said, He liked that.” (April 2, 2019) -Trump
Wait…what? You mean that $250-300 Billion a year SocSec and Medicare Fraud is not from a guy in flip flops in s bamboo shack in Nigeria like they have been telling us for Decades? And it is laundered via Panama through Delaware-Biden LLCs like WJC LLC? And then through the bank of choice of Cartels HSBC, that Hillary gave a slap on the wrist punishment for record money laundering? Which Bob Mueller and James Comey sat on the Board of. That can’t be right. Well not after the woman journalist who outed William Jefferson Clinton WJC LLC for hundreds of financial transactions signed by Chelsea, Hillary and Bill in the Panama Papers. And then she got blown up in a car bomb in Malta.
That's because all Democrat Lefties are actually MARXIST COMMUNISTS IN DISGUISE!!1 They using standard communist revolutionary TACTICS, you probably don't know much about POLITICAL IDEOLOGY in MARXIST COMMUNIST COUNTRIES LIKE EL SALVADOR, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA.
Not sure what money laundering Welfare Benefits by Democrats and RINOs into personal bank accounts has to do with Marxist Ideology in Central America.
That is more along the lines of USAID-CIA to ACORN ObamaNations and Weathermen Bill Ayers Marxist Manifesto Prairie Fire Chicago circa 1968.
If you mean how the CIA after killing JFK took Air America into Iran-Contra to become the largest people-drugs-arms trafficking Cartel in the world, there is that connection. But the Communist vs Socialist Fascist rabbit holes are just CIA-Deep State smoke screen purity tests to distract you. There is no difference other than WWF street theater between Left Wing NeoConneds Obama, Biden, Hillary, Nuuland, Powers, Rice, Bennan and Right Wing NeoConneds Bush’s, Cheney, McCain, Gramnesty, Nikkita Hailey, Mike Pomeo.
They are all part of the Bioweapons-Pharma Military Industrial Complex.
Interesting side bar, the upside down Delta Forced landing in Toronto was DEiLTA~ed.
Delta Force was the only one on the Internet, talking about GOVERNMENT BEING RUN AS A CORPORATION, BY BILLIONAIRE BUSINESSMEN! Trump and Musk are not politicians. USA, Incorporated, has only one purpose; to make a profit, make money, the bottom line. Now they cutting off the free money, the welfare leeches, who dont perform and produce nothing! The free money ride is over ! Millions of Leftist Communists will storm the streets, looking for target to take out their anger !!!
Yes. WTF is the idiotic point of saying ‘we have to worry, because when the grifters are cut off, they’ll be really pissed!”
WHAT HONEST AMERICAN (MOST OF US!) WILL GIVE A SHIT??? Where is this putative Grifter Support going to come from, ffs?? If anything, there will be dancing in the streets!
This kind of blackpill bullshit needs to stop, and the purveyors called out, deplatformed, etc
But isn't most of trumps admin from the left? Gabbards a full blown commie, hare krishne freak. Republicans are ecstatic and liberals are freaking out. It's pretty funny actually everyone is being mindf*****, and they don't get it.
Unfortunately yes. Gabbards a member of bernies, sanders institute, he's a communist, sga, congressional progressive caucus, her whole family is tied to a cult in hawaii, she's in favor of green new deal (zero carbon=zero life) build back better, fisa 702 warrantless searches. I could go on but I'll let you do the rest of your homework. Wile pfizer lobbyist. And like gabbard everyone else "former democrat" rfk, musk mra rx put a chip in your brain with neuralink(eorks with gate crypro social program patent #060606, ramaswamy no record of supporting republicans. Nesheiwat, antifree speech shot pusher, battacharya kill the seniors shot pusher, vance(cia thiels prt project) investor in Battale mrna bio rx. They're all a bunch of libera psycho drug pushers. Enjoy your mrna they're putting half a trillion of your money into it!
This SS fraud narrative sounds like it might be a move to make everyone get their biometric digital ID in order to receive gov benefits. Because of course, that is what the Technocrats are after all along but they need a good cover story to trick the herd.
That is a very real “Patriot Act” and “Banking for All” concern. Is it just another “herd them into your Grift” Savior ConMan Gambit?
Create huge problems, sit on your largess Ass-ets and wait for the targeted to beg you to save them. Then herd them into your Grift. Spy on us Patriot Act after 9-11, Banking for All attempt to herd us into CBDC for their Great Reset. Etc.
You need to read what was actually written. Nowhere did they say that checks were actually going to any of those people. You don’t leave the social security system when you die. You just stop getting payments (unless a spouse or minor child are eligible for survivor benefits).
Yeah, not how that works. If you’re going to claim “fraud”, you need evidence of fraud. Social Security publishes a report every year. One of those pieces of data they release is the # of recipients of social security funds. It’s nowhere near the number of people in the database. It’s OK to admit that you don’t utilize critical thinking skills and simply accept what Musk says even though he’s been proven wrong multiple times since this mess started. Just like the non-existent $50M in condoms, he’ll quietly admit in a few weeks that all those people weren’t actually getting money.
The key to seeing if this is an OP, is if they make all SS recipient payments to get their biometric mark, not just the obvious 20 million that are over 110 years of age, which should have been removed so many years ago. Clawing back payments from those that received payments and spent those funds, prosecuting those for fraud should take the next 5 years if this is for real.
Oh, it’s coming. That’s what this shit show is all about. And just like real ID the people will line up for it.
I do not have the star on my drivers license, so I’m not allowed to fly in an airplane domestically. I lost my freedom.
Meanwhile, everyone around me ran and got their red star. Same with the Jabs Bad. I watched these same people get jabbed and put on mask, get on an airplane, and post pictures of themselves and their kids on FB. That image still terrifies me.
I don’t think we can stop it anymore then we could stop Covid Jabs Bad.
Once the thieves are identified, demand for return of stolen monies (restitution) must be made, freeze all their assets, plus prosecution under every applicable statute including RICO, Fraud, Theft, and if a politician or agency bureaucrat, potentially treason against the 🇺🇸 USA. Trump will get every state court lawsuit thrown out for lack of standing, as already happened in New York.
Musk is the head of a Federal agency acting within his authority.
The shrieking is coming from those who benefit from the fraud, or those who perpetuate it for their own benefit. I do not care if they are left, right, or independent. They are taking this nation down a path of unnecessary debt by their actions, undermininG our nation’s survival as a country. TREASON may be a legitimate charge for those in Congress or Federal employees of corrupted Agencies.
I think Treason is reasonable, but I think we need to push Congress to pass a Perjury law that if a President, Vice President, House Representative, Senator, Cabinet Member, Judge, or any Federal Employee lies to the American People or Person, it is considered Perjury in the highest degree.
This crap that OBiden’s cabinet hid his cognitive decline from the other Federal Government Employees and the American People should be punishable! I ask again, When are the Arrests taking place?
These Biden & Obama judges attempting to kneecap President Trump's mandate from the American people are not judges. They're political hacks ruling far beyond their jurisdiction. The same way if the California Supreme Court were to attempt to overturn court rulings and legislative bills designed to protect 2nd Amendment rights in other red states. President Trump needs to ignore these criminal acts of judicial overreach and continue with his mandate or become "lame duck" within his first 100 days.
I live in the banana republic state of Colorado. The Colorado Supreme Court also attempted to kneecap candidate Donald Trump during the 2024 campaign by creating a completely false 14th Amendment lawsuit that would bar Trump from the 2024 Colorado presidential ballot. The case was appealed by Trump to SCOTUS and immediately tossed by the US Supremes as ludicrous. Upon returning from their humiliating defeat at the US Supreme Court, the Colorado Supreme Court Judges were treated as heroes by the Communists embedded in Denver/Boulder and who control the politics of Colorado.
Colorado and its Governor Jared Polis are quite similar to California and its Governor Gavin Newsom.
Colorado appears to have more in common with Illinois, Oregon & Washington than with California. A mostly rural state with a large blue city dictating woke policy upon the rest of an otherwise conservative rural state. Perhaps the southwestern region of Colorado may consider seceding to neighboring Utah like eastern the Oregon secession movement to Idaho and southern Illinois seceding to Indiana.
If this secession trend continues, state lines all over the country could be redrawn over the next 4 years.
Actually during Trump's first presidency, there was a proposal bouncing around for Colorado to be separated at the Continental Divide into Colorado and Western Colorado. The Communists who live in Aspen killed the proposal before it could get traction.
Yes it is, and my county was one those that voted for this change! However, neither Gov Kotek of Oregon, nor Gov Little of Idaho has commented on the movement.
Oh was that because tRump is a convicted felon? Or because he rose in insurrection against the state? Or an adjudicated sexual predator? I’d want to keep such a bastard from the ballot.
This US Citizen worked 60+ years paid into mandated SSA assessments paid taxes can't even get my proper SSA retirement benefit while SSA knowingly providers more social security payments to Illegals, non citizens, not born here, never worked or paid into the SSA System SSA is a fraudulent GOV Cabal that needs to be dealt with by established law. Illegals draw other State benefits Applicants ask what country are you from what is your ethnicity what language do you speak then dole out more than a US Citizen can receive. THIS CRIMINAL BIG GOV DORST THIS INTENTIONALLY RIGHT UP FRONT IN YOUR FACE WATCHING IT FOR MANY YEARS WHITE AMERICANS ARE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST MANY WAYS WAKE UP
I get $1,413 a month due to my status as a Gulf War veteran, a HUD voucher and SNAP, which for me is $85 a month. Who are these people living the high life? How are they doing it? Not that I want to defraud the government. I’m just asking what federal program is helping them so much, giving them more than me? How did they do it?
Grandma and or Grandpa died and they never turned off the benefits or closed the accounts. Also there are foreigners who are collecting using a fraudulent SS#. There may be more, but we’ll see soon enough!
I get 895 dollars a month. My husband 1,485 a month. We both worked for every penny. SS is still trying to find my earning for a five year span. Five years of high earning missing? So I only get less than 900 a month. Money I payed into the system. We didn’t qualify for snap. I actually tried. We made 20 dollars to much to qualify. Yet, my neighbors, neither one of them work. They receive 900 a month for snap. They have a handicap child and get rent, bills, and food from the government to take care of this child. They even have their saboxane delivered them. They do not have to work. Oh, and they are not married. They tell people they are, but they are not as the money is given to the single mother. Also, man not supposed to be living with her, yet he does, and rubs everyone’s faces in it. Meanwhile, I pay full rent (income based rental) and have to live and watch this nonsense. I’d move, except there is no other place to rent. Rural area. Rich folk buying up all the housing, and locals jacking the rent up. There are no rentals available.
That much I realize, but some of these reports make it sound like some people are getting $5,000 a month. Military disabled, service connected, only get about $3,000 a month.
Why are you so confident that there is fraud, when no evidence has been presented that there is, in fact, widespread fraud with respect to Social Security?
How can you be confident that DOGE is realizing any real savings when they haven’t presented one report that shows fraud and waste, despite their repeated assurances of finding such?
Do you think defense contractors should also be audited, given the very public knowledge of how much they overcharge the taxpayer for basic services, including Elon Musk?
Not saying it is a revolution. But why remove any IG if your concern is fraud and waste? Their salary is more than paid for by the money they claw back.
If you go on some of the left-wing hugboxes like Reddit, people are absolutely apoplectic. No one can give a cogent answer as to why "democracy is in danger" and other such rubbish. Worse yet, these fools actually think that our current President somehow does not have a mandate to govern, have no idea (or openly dispute how the Electoral College) operates, and espouses that the current individuals in charge have no right to do what they are doing. Its insane. I'm happy to provide examples if others are interested.
He won the popular vote too, so they can get off of the Electoral College kick this time around…
You think that under 50% of the popular vote is a “mandate”? It’s a win, sure.
Trump got more than 50 PCT. I think anointing a candidate without a single primary vote of the electorate puts ‘democracy in danger’...one cannot even imagine cackling candidate babble speaker, Kamala Harris, negotiating anything with Putin
No, he didn’t get 50%. As usual, brainwashed disciples of the orange sexual predator are detached from reality. Here, I picked a Fox outlet so you might believe it. He got close to 50%, but did not get up to 50%. I’m sure you’ll come up either some deflection.
And at least she wouldn’t simply bend over for Putin like he does.
Assuming elections are actually real? Roosevelt said presidents are selected, not elected.
And you know that how, comrade?
Well because the psychos tell you. You appear to be the comrade supporting all of thes progressive democrats. Besides i took the years to study all of the freemason family trees.it's not easy because people like the bushs change their names from scherff to bush. Enjoy your nwo comrade!
“Today’s indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States,” Pence
Pence lecturing on constitutionality proves vaudeville is making a strong comeback
Shameless huckster for sure. Plastic republican edition.
Share information that we can relay to deranged children who have been misled by the Reddit crowd. If they will listen.
Yeah, me too. I am Apoplectic. Years of dire warnings - the Social Security ‘Trust Fund’ is running out of money! What shall we do?? People are just living too long! Solution? - delay the age to collect benefits, and continue a subtle narrative that marginalizes the elderly as a drain on society. But clearly the money didn’t “run out”, was it The Social Security Slush Fund all along? The hole in the bucket is being drained faster than it can be filled.
Hiring only loyalists, firing opposition. Saying he's above the law. Breaking the law. Friend to dictators, foe to democracies. Threatened to use military on Americans. Threatens journalists news etc. Wants to be president for more than two terms. Regularly mentions being a dictator or liking dictators. Against the Constitution. ..
I don’t have the fortitude to endure the insanity. But I suspect the batshit arguments will dry up, unless some PR genius feeds them new talking points. It gets tiresome repeating the same arguments and I suspect a lot of these keyboard warriors will get bored and fade into the woodwork. Perhaps I’m too optimistic though.
“He who saves his Country does not violate any Law,”
“He’s now president for life. President for life. And he’s great.” Trump added, “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot someday.” Trump
He does love pulling the strings of those dense enough that they don't when he is joking.
“President Xi, who is a strong man, I call him King, he said, But I am not King, I am president. I said, No, you’re president for life and therefore, you’re King. He said, He liked that.” (April 2, 2019) -Trump
Great. Prosecute and put their asses in prison. The American people have been stolen from long enough. Make the MFers pay.
Wait…what? You mean that $250-300 Billion a year SocSec and Medicare Fraud is not from a guy in flip flops in s bamboo shack in Nigeria like they have been telling us for Decades? And it is laundered via Panama through Delaware-Biden LLCs like WJC LLC? And then through the bank of choice of Cartels HSBC, that Hillary gave a slap on the wrist punishment for record money laundering? Which Bob Mueller and James Comey sat on the Board of. That can’t be right. Well not after the woman journalist who outed William Jefferson Clinton WJC LLC for hundreds of financial transactions signed by Chelsea, Hillary and Bill in the Panama Papers. And then she got blown up in a car bomb in Malta.
That's because all Democrat Lefties are actually MARXIST COMMUNISTS IN DISGUISE!!1 They using standard communist revolutionary TACTICS, you probably don't know much about POLITICAL IDEOLOGY in MARXIST COMMUNIST COUNTRIES LIKE EL SALVADOR, HONDURAS, NICARAGUA.
Not sure what money laundering Welfare Benefits by Democrats and RINOs into personal bank accounts has to do with Marxist Ideology in Central America.
That is more along the lines of USAID-CIA to ACORN ObamaNations and Weathermen Bill Ayers Marxist Manifesto Prairie Fire Chicago circa 1968.
If you mean how the CIA after killing JFK took Air America into Iran-Contra to become the largest people-drugs-arms trafficking Cartel in the world, there is that connection. But the Communist vs Socialist Fascist rabbit holes are just CIA-Deep State smoke screen purity tests to distract you. There is no difference other than WWF street theater between Left Wing NeoConneds Obama, Biden, Hillary, Nuuland, Powers, Rice, Bennan and Right Wing NeoConneds Bush’s, Cheney, McCain, Gramnesty, Nikkita Hailey, Mike Pomeo.
They are all part of the Bioweapons-Pharma Military Industrial Complex.
Interesting side bar, the upside down Delta Forced landing in Toronto was DEiLTA~ed.
Don't forget the republican criminals!
Hey boomer, too much upper case 😂
You sound like a Prepper with enough rations for 20 years.
Alamo, You summed it up "neatly!"
God Always Wins. Pray or be prey, and God Bless, 🙏🙏🙏
You said it, God is the only thing we should be focused on. All of this is nonsense.
Delta Force was the only one on the Internet, talking about GOVERNMENT BEING RUN AS A CORPORATION, BY BILLIONAIRE BUSINESSMEN! Trump and Musk are not politicians. USA, Incorporated, has only one purpose; to make a profit, make money, the bottom line. Now they cutting off the free money, the welfare leeches, who dont perform and produce nothing! The free money ride is over ! Millions of Leftist Communists will storm the streets, looking for target to take out their anger !!!
I have a feeling the marxist left shouldn't do that again, it's not in their best interest.
Yes. WTF is the idiotic point of saying ‘we have to worry, because when the grifters are cut off, they’ll be really pissed!”
WHAT HONEST AMERICAN (MOST OF US!) WILL GIVE A SHIT??? Where is this putative Grifter Support going to come from, ffs?? If anything, there will be dancing in the streets!
This kind of blackpill bullshit needs to stop, and the purveyors called out, deplatformed, etc
But isn't most of trumps admin from the left? Gabbards a full blown commie, hare krishne freak. Republicans are ecstatic and liberals are freaking out. It's pretty funny actually everyone is being mindf*****, and they don't get it.
Unfortunately yes. Gabbards a member of bernies, sanders institute, he's a communist, sga, congressional progressive caucus, her whole family is tied to a cult in hawaii, she's in favor of green new deal (zero carbon=zero life) build back better, fisa 702 warrantless searches. I could go on but I'll let you do the rest of your homework. Wile pfizer lobbyist. And like gabbard everyone else "former democrat" rfk, musk mra rx put a chip in your brain with neuralink(eorks with gate crypro social program patent #060606, ramaswamy no record of supporting republicans. Nesheiwat, antifree speech shot pusher, battacharya kill the seniors shot pusher, vance(cia thiels prt project) investor in Battale mrna bio rx. They're all a bunch of libera psycho drug pushers. Enjoy your mrna they're putting half a trillion of your money into it!
If the right person sees a leftist from the Democratic Socialist Party member hit a target, that leftist may become target practice.
Ever heard of fire breathing drones?
Don't forget the objective to kill!
The biggest fraud is still going to be the medical mafia led by big pharma's fake drug empire.
This SS fraud narrative sounds like it might be a move to make everyone get their biometric digital ID in order to receive gov benefits. Because of course, that is what the Technocrats are after all along but they need a good cover story to trick the herd.
That is a very real “Patriot Act” and “Banking for All” concern. Is it just another “herd them into your Grift” Savior ConMan Gambit?
Create huge problems, sit on your largess Ass-ets and wait for the targeted to beg you to save them. Then herd them into your Grift. Spy on us Patriot Act after 9-11, Banking for All attempt to herd us into CBDC for their Great Reset. Etc.
Maybe, but I still don’t like paying out SS benefits to fraudulent people that don’t want to work for a living!
You need to read what was actually written. Nowhere did they say that checks were actually going to any of those people. You don’t leave the social security system when you die. You just stop getting payments (unless a spouse or minor child are eligible for survivor benefits).
They also didn’t say the numbers weren’t being used.
Yeah, not how that works. If you’re going to claim “fraud”, you need evidence of fraud. Social Security publishes a report every year. One of those pieces of data they release is the # of recipients of social security funds. It’s nowhere near the number of people in the database. It’s OK to admit that you don’t utilize critical thinking skills and simply accept what Musk says even though he’s been proven wrong multiple times since this mess started. Just like the non-existent $50M in condoms, he’ll quietly admit in a few weeks that all those people weren’t actually getting money.
The key to seeing if this is an OP, is if they make all SS recipient payments to get their biometric mark, not just the obvious 20 million that are over 110 years of age, which should have been removed so many years ago. Clawing back payments from those that received payments and spent those funds, prosecuting those for fraud should take the next 5 years if this is for real.
Wow. You’re really some kind of whistle blower, aren’t you. Did you get that cleared with the o’bombyas?
Oh, it’s coming. That’s what this shit show is all about. And just like real ID the people will line up for it.
I do not have the star on my drivers license, so I’m not allowed to fly in an airplane domestically. I lost my freedom.
Meanwhile, everyone around me ran and got their red star. Same with the Jabs Bad. I watched these same people get jabbed and put on mask, get on an airplane, and post pictures of themselves and their kids on FB. That image still terrifies me.
I don’t think we can stop it anymore then we could stop Covid Jabs Bad.
I totally agree with you art it's a clear case of produce a crisis then offer the solution.
And what better way to put a stop to all this corruption then to offer a digital passport managed by an AI algorithm.
Sounds like the sheep will be willingly walking in to be fleeced in a different way.
Except once they surrender their freedom for this perceived security their will be no escape.
Why no escape then? Where are you running to now? Canada?
The Rapture “Trumps” my Beastly Mark problem
Once the thieves are identified, demand for return of stolen monies (restitution) must be made, freeze all their assets, plus prosecution under every applicable statute including RICO, Fraud, Theft, and if a politician or agency bureaucrat, potentially treason against the 🇺🇸 USA. Trump will get every state court lawsuit thrown out for lack of standing, as already happened in New York.
Musk is the head of a Federal agency acting within his authority.
The shrieking is coming from those who benefit from the fraud, or those who perpetuate it for their own benefit. I do not care if they are left, right, or independent. They are taking this nation down a path of unnecessary debt by their actions, undermininG our nation’s survival as a country. TREASON may be a legitimate charge for those in Congress or Federal employees of corrupted Agencies.
I think Treason is reasonable, but I think we need to push Congress to pass a Perjury law that if a President, Vice President, House Representative, Senator, Cabinet Member, Judge, or any Federal Employee lies to the American People or Person, it is considered Perjury in the highest degree.
This crap that OBiden’s cabinet hid his cognitive decline from the other Federal Government Employees and the American People should be punishable! I ask again, When are the Arrests taking place?
Without people hanging on CBS Wide World of Sports, nothing will change.
These Biden & Obama judges attempting to kneecap President Trump's mandate from the American people are not judges. They're political hacks ruling far beyond their jurisdiction. The same way if the California Supreme Court were to attempt to overturn court rulings and legislative bills designed to protect 2nd Amendment rights in other red states. President Trump needs to ignore these criminal acts of judicial overreach and continue with his mandate or become "lame duck" within his first 100 days.
I live in the banana republic state of Colorado. The Colorado Supreme Court also attempted to kneecap candidate Donald Trump during the 2024 campaign by creating a completely false 14th Amendment lawsuit that would bar Trump from the 2024 Colorado presidential ballot. The case was appealed by Trump to SCOTUS and immediately tossed by the US Supremes as ludicrous. Upon returning from their humiliating defeat at the US Supreme Court, the Colorado Supreme Court Judges were treated as heroes by the Communists embedded in Denver/Boulder and who control the politics of Colorado.
Colorado and its Governor Jared Polis are quite similar to California and its Governor Gavin Newsom.
Colorado appears to have more in common with Illinois, Oregon & Washington than with California. A mostly rural state with a large blue city dictating woke policy upon the rest of an otherwise conservative rural state. Perhaps the southwestern region of Colorado may consider seceding to neighboring Utah like eastern the Oregon secession movement to Idaho and southern Illinois seceding to Indiana.
If this secession trend continues, state lines all over the country could be redrawn over the next 4 years.
I’m for that Greater Idaho movement here in Oregon on the East side of the Cascades!
It's definitively gaining momentum.
Actually during Trump's first presidency, there was a proposal bouncing around for Colorado to be separated at the Continental Divide into Colorado and Western Colorado. The Communists who live in Aspen killed the proposal before it could get traction.
Were they eating LSD and shooting at gongs? Snubby .44 mags are tres fun at night. Don’t forget your sunglasses! 😎
Yes it is, and my county was one those that voted for this change! However, neither Gov Kotek of Oregon, nor Gov Little of Idaho has commented on the movement.
Oh was that because tRump is a convicted felon? Or because he rose in insurrection against the state? Or an adjudicated sexual predator? I’d want to keep such a bastard from the ballot.
I thought this was satire. You people are retarded. Musk is going after regular citizens and you idiots don’t understand how computers work.
This US Citizen worked 60+ years paid into mandated SSA assessments paid taxes can't even get my proper SSA retirement benefit while SSA knowingly providers more social security payments to Illegals, non citizens, not born here, never worked or paid into the SSA System SSA is a fraudulent GOV Cabal that needs to be dealt with by established law. Illegals draw other State benefits Applicants ask what country are you from what is your ethnicity what language do you speak then dole out more than a US Citizen can receive. THIS CRIMINAL BIG GOV DORST THIS INTENTIONALLY RIGHT UP FRONT IN YOUR FACE WATCHING IT FOR MANY YEARS WHITE AMERICANS ARE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST MANY WAYS WAKE UP
Sadly, it is not only the government departments cheating, but THE CITIZENS who are doing their share of lying and cheating. Greed is rampant.
Musk’s claims are not data nor has he provided any actual evidence. Indeed, he acknowledged that he is often wrong — and doesn’t care.
You are SO full of shit!! Musk has made no such “discovery” and it is just the Big Lie so Elon and Trump have an excuse to cut benefits. But go
on listening to your dictator and his boss Musk!
What if you are wrong about that?
I get $1,413 a month due to my status as a Gulf War veteran, a HUD voucher and SNAP, which for me is $85 a month. Who are these people living the high life? How are they doing it? Not that I want to defraud the government. I’m just asking what federal program is helping them so much, giving them more than me? How did they do it?
I ask a lot of questions. About everything.
Grandma and or Grandpa died and they never turned off the benefits or closed the accounts. Also there are foreigners who are collecting using a fraudulent SS#. There may be more, but we’ll see soon enough!
I get 895 dollars a month. My husband 1,485 a month. We both worked for every penny. SS is still trying to find my earning for a five year span. Five years of high earning missing? So I only get less than 900 a month. Money I payed into the system. We didn’t qualify for snap. I actually tried. We made 20 dollars to much to qualify. Yet, my neighbors, neither one of them work. They receive 900 a month for snap. They have a handicap child and get rent, bills, and food from the government to take care of this child. They even have their saboxane delivered them. They do not have to work. Oh, and they are not married. They tell people they are, but they are not as the money is given to the single mother. Also, man not supposed to be living with her, yet he does, and rubs everyone’s faces in it. Meanwhile, I pay full rent (income based rental) and have to live and watch this nonsense. I’d move, except there is no other place to rent. Rural area. Rich folk buying up all the housing, and locals jacking the rent up. There are no rentals available.
Sad situation this country is in.
That much I realize, but some of these reports make it sound like some people are getting $5,000 a month. Military disabled, service connected, only get about $3,000 a month.
Love it love it love it!!!!!
A couple of questions for you:
Are you okay with Trump firing the IG’s?
Why are you so confident that there is fraud, when no evidence has been presented that there is, in fact, widespread fraud with respect to Social Security?
How can you be confident that DOGE is realizing any real savings when they haven’t presented one report that shows fraud and waste, despite their repeated assurances of finding such?
Do you think defense contractors should also be audited, given the very public knowledge of how much they overcharge the taxpayer for basic services, including Elon Musk?
It’s been 17 of the 78 IGs removed. Not a revolution.
Not saying it is a revolution. But why remove any IG if your concern is fraud and waste? Their salary is more than paid for by the money they claw back.