RE: Ah, I FEEL so MUCH better now; Life is SO GOOD here in the USSA (Hyder, AK), I just can't imagine why 'some people' SEEM to so disturbed by all this GOODNESS...
Shabbat Shalom, JOG. I enjoy Alaskan GOODNESS together with you, in Christ’s Spirit !
RE: Ah, I FEEL so MUCH better now; Life is SO GOOD here in the USSA (Hyder, AK), I just can't imagine why 'some people' SEEM to so disturbed by all this GOODNESS...
Shabbat Shalom, JOG. I enjoy Alaskan GOODNESS together with you, in Christ’s Spirit !
Do you LIVE in the locale do I? If so, then look for the ONE GUY in town CONSISTENTLY wearing RED "Keep America GREAT' ballcap. You'll KNOW IT if you SEE IT, eh?
I might - just MIGHT - have misconstrued your reply; but I HOPE NOT. Gee, wouldn't THAT be a HOOT! Yee-Haw!
Yup, McCarthy was a fine place...except for one lil bitty thing: Ancient Lake Ahtna. That covered a HUGE area including Chitina, MaCarthy and much of the southeast - excluding the IP - at the end of the last Ice Age. As a consequence, the Ahtna Indians referred to the vicinity around McCarth as "The HUNGRY Land", why?
If any large area is - in fact - covered by a large body of water for a very long time, then there exist a period measured in several THOUSANDS of years afterwards in which the local biota must re-develop an entire Eco-System...from the GROUND UP, literally.
So too, McC was similarly 'retarded' in it normal bio-cycles...until the Copper River choke point at Chitina 'Blew Out' via 'Wood's Canyon' and subsequently DRAINED the entire basin.
Hyder is WAY 'better' than all that WAS. We have a Super-Abundance of Dungeoness Crab, PRAWN of a size that is not to be believed (think here of a FOOT long or longer still!), Halibut abundantly and LACK only Moose...since the Snowfall here is truly EXTREME every so often and the local Wolf population simply decimates any attempting to Winter here.
But, if my surmize/interpretation of you reply IS correct, then you are VERY Likely already aware of ALL that I specified above, eh?
If instead I erred in my interpretaion then you have above a bit more insight into this vicinity...
Aa an anecdote here...
My Best Friend ON EARTH just came into town specifically to assess all that I had communicated to him about THIS PLACE and as well compare the many, many pix I had forwarded along to him, possibly beleiving that I was exaggerating matters somewhat...
His response upon EXPERIENCING this place was simply;
"OMG...J, you utterly UNDERSTATED WHAT this place actually IS." FWIW, I have not seen him so animated in 7 YEARS; he was like the 'Energizer Bunny' wanting to SEE EVERYTHING.
Turns out he's INCREDIBLY talented at discerning 'trails' hereabouts that I had never noted. Onesuch got us damn near up to Long Lake ere the snowpack still existant brought us to a halt; about 2000' ABOVE the road bed just down from the Salmon Glacier overlook...which we DID SUMMIT just days ago on Wheelers. I have never seen a Human being SO STOKED UP.
By all means, should you elect to reply I will be delighted - either way - since the sole other explanation is that you ARE an Alaskan.
Well-Met Brother!!
Be Well, BE SAFE - it IS Alaska after all! - and be BLESSED ABUNDANTLY,
Hi JOG— I’m a transplant from Delta Junction to Prescott Valley, AZ where I am taking care of my 95 yo mother. I enjoy reading your posted musings, but would prefer to hear them in person, face to face, as your friends do. Your Best Friend ON EARTH travelled great length to spend precious time with you, causes my admiration for him.
Delta Junction is directly familiar to me inasmuch as an Army Major (O-4) of my close acquaintance was stationed at the THAAD Battery up there and I visited him every now and then. DJ is MUCH 'nicer' IMHO than is Fairbanks, FWIW.
So, how is the weather down in your vicinity Sir? I ASK as I am seeing an unusual series of 'excessively violent and or UNUSUAL Meteorilogical activity' of late and that has piqued my curiousity.
I am gladdened that you ARE a dutiful man John; such is become itself UNUSUAL these days certainly. Do you now call Prescott Home...or are you still - in Heart - a 'Northern Lights' individual?
Should it EVER transpire that you are en route BACK to the North, feel free to divert up the Stewart-Cassiar Hwy (CA-37) starting at Kitwanga BC, about umm, say 8 plus hours out of Prince George, en route to Terrace BC...but turning thereat BEFORE actually GETTING to Terrace.
I would SO enjoy sitting down to chat with you...perhaps - as it SOUNDS - Thee and Me might well ENJOY that mutually.
Be Well, be SAFE and above all else, BE BLESSED...
RE: Do you now call Prescott Home...or are you still - in Heart - a 'Northern Lights' individual?
"Well-Met Sir” back to you JOG!
Being a ‘Christian’ pilgrim (i.e. John Bunyan- Pilgrim’s Progress), a peculiar alien and stranger who briefly passes through the Satan’s Orwellian UN Global Village, I am - in Heart - temporally at home WHEREVER the Creator’s Holy Spirit leads me. Should it EVER transpire that the LORD’S Spirit leads me BACK to the ‘Northern Lights’ majestic North, I would SO be blessed to sit down and fellowship with you JOG..
Be Well, be SAFE and above all else, BE BLESSED...
I too spent MUCH time being shuttled back and firth over the Atlantic in my Army Career and also became 'passably' accustomed thereto.
Only in the last several years - after a REAL NDE (Near Death Experience) - did I finally become - as the Prodigal Son - RESTORED to My Father's Graces. In all time since - ONLY AFTER I HUMBLED myself before HIM - did His Blessings TURN from Chastisement (which I FULLY DESERVED!) into those shich we woilf otherwise regard as the BLESSINGS of a Loving Fathet.
I was - and AM - so completely unworthy to be so treated my Brother, SO LOVED: My Mind cannot GRASP how that can be...for I am -STILL! - frequently ASHAMED of myself in His Sight.
I think that SURELY - when next you DO retutn 'this way' that we both would be WELL-SERVED to si face to face and LENGTH!
Of such ever seems potentially likely then it is simply a matter of you sending me a PM to notify me...and in return, I do similarly and ptovide you explicit directions fir the inbound leg.
FWIW, head for Prince George, BC and thereafter head towards Terrace, BC. Along the way you'll pass through Smithers, then New Hazelton. At that point - on the righthand side of the road you'll presently see roadsignage indicating your approach to CA-37, right at Kitwanga, BC...turn onto that, and cross over the Skeena River heading up to Meziadin Junction - adjacent to Meziadin Lake. Upon reaching that - a "T" in the road - simply turn left and yoi're about 40 miles out of Stewart at that point...
Naturally, I'd forward my Cell Number such that as you pulled into Stewart and GOT Cell Ssrvice back you could call and then come right on over...
Be Well Pilgrim, be SAFE and be BLESSED ABUNDANTLY also Thou my Brother in Christ,
RE: Ah, I FEEL so MUCH better now; Life is SO GOOD here in the USSA (Hyder, AK), I just can't imagine why 'some people' SEEM to so disturbed by all this GOODNESS...
Shabbat Shalom, JOG. I enjoy Alaskan GOODNESS together with you, in Christ’s Spirit !
Really! Color me STUNNED!
Do you LIVE in the locale do I? If so, then look for the ONE GUY in town CONSISTENTLY wearing RED "Keep America GREAT' ballcap. You'll KNOW IT if you SEE IT, eh?
I might - just MIGHT - have misconstrued your reply; but I HOPE NOT. Gee, wouldn't THAT be a HOOT! Yee-Haw!
Yup, McCarthy was a fine place...except for one lil bitty thing: Ancient Lake Ahtna. That covered a HUGE area including Chitina, MaCarthy and much of the southeast - excluding the IP - at the end of the last Ice Age. As a consequence, the Ahtna Indians referred to the vicinity around McCarth as "The HUNGRY Land", why?
If any large area is - in fact - covered by a large body of water for a very long time, then there exist a period measured in several THOUSANDS of years afterwards in which the local biota must re-develop an entire Eco-System...from the GROUND UP, literally.
So too, McC was similarly 'retarded' in it normal bio-cycles...until the Copper River choke point at Chitina 'Blew Out' via 'Wood's Canyon' and subsequently DRAINED the entire basin.
Hyder is WAY 'better' than all that WAS. We have a Super-Abundance of Dungeoness Crab, PRAWN of a size that is not to be believed (think here of a FOOT long or longer still!), Halibut abundantly and LACK only Moose...since the Snowfall here is truly EXTREME every so often and the local Wolf population simply decimates any attempting to Winter here.
But, if my surmize/interpretation of you reply IS correct, then you are VERY Likely already aware of ALL that I specified above, eh?
If instead I erred in my interpretaion then you have above a bit more insight into this vicinity...
Aa an anecdote here...
My Best Friend ON EARTH just came into town specifically to assess all that I had communicated to him about THIS PLACE and as well compare the many, many pix I had forwarded along to him, possibly beleiving that I was exaggerating matters somewhat...
His response upon EXPERIENCING this place was simply;
"OMG...J, you utterly UNDERSTATED WHAT this place actually IS." FWIW, I have not seen him so animated in 7 YEARS; he was like the 'Energizer Bunny' wanting to SEE EVERYTHING.
Turns out he's INCREDIBLY talented at discerning 'trails' hereabouts that I had never noted. Onesuch got us damn near up to Long Lake ere the snowpack still existant brought us to a halt; about 2000' ABOVE the road bed just down from the Salmon Glacier overlook...which we DID SUMMIT just days ago on Wheelers. I have never seen a Human being SO STOKED UP.
By all means, should you elect to reply I will be delighted - either way - since the sole other explanation is that you ARE an Alaskan.
Well-Met Brother!!
Be Well, BE SAFE - it IS Alaska after all! - and be BLESSED ABUNDANTLY,
Hi JOG— I’m a transplant from Delta Junction to Prescott Valley, AZ where I am taking care of my 95 yo mother. I enjoy reading your posted musings, but would prefer to hear them in person, face to face, as your friends do. Your Best Friend ON EARTH travelled great length to spend precious time with you, causes my admiration for him.
Shalom Brother!!
Hello John!
Nonetheless, I STILL say "Well-Met Sir!"
Delta Junction is directly familiar to me inasmuch as an Army Major (O-4) of my close acquaintance was stationed at the THAAD Battery up there and I visited him every now and then. DJ is MUCH 'nicer' IMHO than is Fairbanks, FWIW.
So, how is the weather down in your vicinity Sir? I ASK as I am seeing an unusual series of 'excessively violent and or UNUSUAL Meteorilogical activity' of late and that has piqued my curiousity.
I am gladdened that you ARE a dutiful man John; such is become itself UNUSUAL these days certainly. Do you now call Prescott Home...or are you still - in Heart - a 'Northern Lights' individual?
Should it EVER transpire that you are en route BACK to the North, feel free to divert up the Stewart-Cassiar Hwy (CA-37) starting at Kitwanga BC, about umm, say 8 plus hours out of Prince George, en route to Terrace BC...but turning thereat BEFORE actually GETTING to Terrace.
I would SO enjoy sitting down to chat with you...perhaps - as it SOUNDS - Thee and Me might well ENJOY that mutually.
Be Well, be SAFE and above all else, BE BLESSED...
RE: Do you now call Prescott Home...or are you still - in Heart - a 'Northern Lights' individual?
"Well-Met Sir” back to you JOG!
Being a ‘Christian’ pilgrim (i.e. John Bunyan- Pilgrim’s Progress), a peculiar alien and stranger who briefly passes through the Satan’s Orwellian UN Global Village, I am - in Heart - temporally at home WHEREVER the Creator’s Holy Spirit leads me. Should it EVER transpire that the LORD’S Spirit leads me BACK to the ‘Northern Lights’ majestic North, I would SO be blessed to sit down and fellowship with you JOG..
Be Well, be SAFE and above all else, BE BLESSED...
John Shaphat
O like your response John!
I too spent MUCH time being shuttled back and firth over the Atlantic in my Army Career and also became 'passably' accustomed thereto.
Only in the last several years - after a REAL NDE (Near Death Experience) - did I finally become - as the Prodigal Son - RESTORED to My Father's Graces. In all time since - ONLY AFTER I HUMBLED myself before HIM - did His Blessings TURN from Chastisement (which I FULLY DESERVED!) into those shich we woilf otherwise regard as the BLESSINGS of a Loving Fathet.
I was - and AM - so completely unworthy to be so treated my Brother, SO LOVED: My Mind cannot GRASP how that can be...for I am -STILL! - frequently ASHAMED of myself in His Sight.
I think that SURELY - when next you DO retutn 'this way' that we both would be WELL-SERVED to si face to face and LENGTH!
Of such ever seems potentially likely then it is simply a matter of you sending me a PM to notify me...and in return, I do similarly and ptovide you explicit directions fir the inbound leg.
FWIW, head for Prince George, BC and thereafter head towards Terrace, BC. Along the way you'll pass through Smithers, then New Hazelton. At that point - on the righthand side of the road you'll presently see roadsignage indicating your approach to CA-37, right at Kitwanga, BC...turn onto that, and cross over the Skeena River heading up to Meziadin Junction - adjacent to Meziadin Lake. Upon reaching that - a "T" in the road - simply turn left and yoi're about 40 miles out of Stewart at that point...
Naturally, I'd forward my Cell Number such that as you pulled into Stewart and GOT Cell Ssrvice back you could call and then come right on over...
Be Well Pilgrim, be SAFE and be BLESSED ABUNDANTLY also Thou my Brother in Christ,