Many of us are praying daily for our country and that our president is protected and makes good decisions. Pray with confidence to the Lord.

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Well, you've told us but it's unlikely we can do much about it.

Have you told THEM? Trump & Putin? Seriously, write them both a letter - and include this post. Of course, it's 99.99 % sure that neither will ever get to read it, but that's not your responsibility. Your responsibility: "YOU TELL THEM'.

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PS God moved in mysterious ways. But you know that.

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Here, listen to this Michael:

Dreams & Visions of Near Future Horrors - This 40 Minute Video is Worth Every Second of Your Time: https://old.bitchute.com/video/m6UIbBLJjN9v

Doesn't matter. We're here to face it, learn from it, grow from it, show our valor and courage in the face of it. That's all. This life is a just costume we will take off in the next one.

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A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. -Proverbs 15:1

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Feb. 15, 2025 News: As Liberals and Globalists Tremble at the Thought of Normalization in US-Russia Relations, Trump and Putin Name Their High-Level Peace Negotiation Teams


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Exactly! The thought of a normal relationship between the US/UK and Russia is just too much for a certain faction to bare so they will continue to "poke the bear" with everything they have because that's what they've always done. That's their foreign policy of "divide and piss off" that has been running for decades regardless of who is in office. Unless that changes, nothing will ever change

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I think Trump and Putin like each other. Trump says he 'trusts' Putin and would 'love' to have Russia back in the G7 club


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Saudi Arabia Confirms It Will Host Trump-Putin Summit – Zelensky Complains He Was Not Invited


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Michael, it is great that you are listening and doing what is asked of you. But I think that God is in charge. He knows the end from the beginning. None of what happens is without His knowledge. In the end, it is all to move the situation forward to the end that He intends. While it would be best for us all to return to righteousness, we will not, so trust in Him to watch out for His children. We need to each repent and do His will as best we can. We need to love like He does. It will be fine in the end.

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That must’ve been terrifying. Luckily, most terrifying “prophetic” dreams are nothing more than nightmares of things that we worry about during our waking hours, and no one would blame a guy who makes a living off of fearporn and doomporn for having such a specific nightmare.

We still need to pray to God that Mr Trump doesn’t ruin the Ukraine/Russia talks like he ruined all of his businesses and his marriages though. I believe strongly that Prayer in large numbers with specific focus does bring miracles. And with Orange Satan and his MAGA cult, we 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 miracles to get us out of this.


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Fear porn? Why should anyone listen to a prideful ego like you?

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AMEN to that....he doesn't know which end is up, OR who the true God is.

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I will never bow yo your “true God” named Trump.

No apologies, my one true God will only ever be the Creator named in Genesis.

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You’re writing to the wrong person. I am not Donald Trump, nor am I prideful beyond my joyousness in Christ.

I hope you one day learn the wonders of having Jesus in your life. Until you drop Orange Satan and your love of fear porn, you will continue to point fingers and project.

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How can you even call yourself a Christian with such anger and hate in your heart? Every word you type drips with anger, pride, a sense of superiority.

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Again, I take issue with being compared to Donald Trump. Stop that right now.

Maybe toss some money changers tables and see how you feel then.

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Your arrogance is repulsive. I feel like I’m communicating with a demon possessed person.

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Hey, you stole my line.

But in all seriousness, Repent and get right with God. He cannot dwell where you openly allow Satan, Orange or not.

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Let’s see: I want you to evict Satan from your heart and invite Jesus instead to dwell within you…

You on the other hand keep chastising me for supposedly acting like Donald Trump.

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Putin has been incredibly restrained for years following the failure of the US and its NATO allies to honor the terms of the Minsk agreements. This is not the time for the US to pretend that it holds the moral high ground.

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No worries and No Fear! God's Will is all that matters. The Bible says there WILL BE Tribulation, and all the prophetic and timing clues indicate it manifested at full intensity on Oct 2nd, 2024. Consequently, I have no need to try and orchestrate or pray for peace, as that actually goes against God's Will for these times we are in. I simply realize that the Bible is correct as written, that we are in the Tribulation Period, and He intends to "Destroy the Works of Satan" during these End Times. Therefore I pray for His will in my life, and for protection for myself and my loved ones - as I serve Him. Then I retire each and every night with complete peace in my heart. It is truly an honor to be alive during this period, and not only witness these spectacular events, but Serve our Creator to the best of our ability. The Return if Christ is October, 2030. At that time I intend to be on a mountain in Israel, showing Jesus Christ where to "Land!"

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President Trump should call the Ukrainian President and strongly urge him to call the Russian President, and make the necessary compromises, without any preconditions, to end the Russia-Ukraine War. President Trump must make that call before this conflict escalates into a nuclear war. You can contact the White House here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

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Peace be to your soul. We know we’re in end times. It’s so difficult to discern what’s of God and what’s of the enemy in this day at times. As the Word tells us, and above all, we must stay focused on His Word and try not to allow the immense noise distract us. The Lord’s Will is just that, and we can hardly attempt to know what these leaders will do. Our time grows shorter, all we can do is be of encouragement and support to one another in the best way we know how. Rebuke the enemy from your thoughts, your beloveds, often in the Name of Holy Jesus!

The demons must flee in His Name! God keep and bless each of you!

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I agree you should write or call the White House about speeding up and lessening the attack on the deal. Sometimes, a softer landing, strength yet dignity without a big ego, humility, opens up many more possibilities.

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I have prayed for your peace Michael, what a horrible dream you had physically! Thank you for sounding the alarms...

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I have had two dreams that have shaken me to my core. The second one brought me to the point of utter desperation of wanting to know the truth about the God of Abraham. Two of my children had almost died. I was totally desperate. I cried out to the God of Abraham - if you are real I NEED TO KNOW!!

Jesus started coming at me from every direction. I submitted my life to Jesus as my Lord, and was born again by the incredible mercy of a loving and compassionate God.

Thanks for sharing your dream, brother.

We are at the end of the age. As you say, we need to pray for President Trump.

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I have my Peace through the Holy Spirit of Jesus.

In Rev 3:10 Jesus promises "Because you have kept my command to persevere, I will also keep you from the hour of testing that is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."

Re: "from" (the Greek ek, ex) always and only indicates "a removal".

So I don't believe I will still be in this world for the Great Tribulation. Jesus will take his people up.

Trump started the dealing with Russia on a bad note, threatening tariffs if they don't play ball.

The only GOOD resolution is friendly one that ends the MSM demonization of Russia, and re-integrates Russia into the world as a respected peaceful trade partner. A lasting Peace is attainable, within that framework.

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