It’s all the same op. It’s all bullshit, of course.

The US is the ONLY country in the world where eggs are washed. And unwashed eggs cannot be sold in the US. Not legally.

Why. Because the massive poultry farms run by big ag raise their chickens in horrid conditions. The eggs are laid into literal piles of shit. So they have to be washed. And to make sure that small farms with clean humane conditions can’t take their business, big ag spent a lot of money to convince Congress that all eggs need to be washed.

Washing eggs removes the protective barrier that allows eggs to be kept at room temperature for weeks.

Bird flu is a psyop, in my view. Just like Covid was a psyop. Money. Power. Jabs. Election.

It’s the same playbook. But on the small chance it’s not, it wouldn’t be an issue if the USDA wasn’t captured, allowing BigAg the freedom to do whatever they want.

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Gotta stop the elections in November too....

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Oh yeah. My post was already too long. But here’s a thought process. This Summit is being held in October. Which, thinking logically, means that whatever comes out of it, is unlikely to be implemented in time to stop the election. So unless they can’t work their other plan, bird flu will be a slow roll of fear mongering. First birds. Then cattle. Probably pigs. Domestic animals. A few humans. Stoke the fear, especially once summer is over.

My working theory is something else will happen first, terror attack, full blown riots in targeted cities, cyber attack taking down the grid, or something else that will bring lockdowns or some type of martial law. This will lead to cancelling the election or 100% mail in ballots, either way leaving the Communists in the WH. Then they will relax some of the rules for a short period of time.

Then, and only then, they roll out the bird flu. Because all of the above ideas I set out are short term, no ostensible reason for long term lockdown or martial law. But with the ultra deadly bird flu, 50% death rate, it’s a permanent thing. And if you won’t comply it’s off to the FEMA camp. And the eventually Moderna will get the next jab approved. And they will make it mandatory. And if you refuse to take the jab, off to the FEMA camp you go. Likely never to be seen again.

I’m trying to convince my wife to move to Paraguay. So far no luck. But she did tell me to go for it if I wanted to. We’ve been married 43 years and so I know she wasn’t serious. But I’m thinking about calling her bluff and buying a plane ticket and going there to apply for temp res.

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Eggs are washed in Australia. Probably same method as America. Some people here keep eggs in the fridge, some at room temp, depending of course on the season.

Where I live in AU, we seem to have evolved into having 2 seasons, one-cold to very cold, two-less cold. Some idiots talk about global boiling! Our temperatures tell a different story.

Bird flu definitely psyop though, magic words DO NOT COMPLY! We have “quarantine kamps” here also. Everyone, just stick together-sheer numbers will make this psyop fail.


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Interesting. Thanks for the fact check. My (admittedly) limited research has a flaw. Damn. LOL.

We have lived on our sailboat since 2011 and have been to many countries, but have never made it to the Pacific Ocean. It’s still on our list, but age is starting to catch up to us, so we might never get there. I knew about the egg thing even before we went voyaging because I spent 10 childhood summers on my Great Grandmas farm. We also had a friend who had an organic farm in North Carolina. And before we sailed off into the Atlantic we paid her for 5 dozen unwashed eggs, which we carefully stored in a locker. Our fridge is just 4 cubic feet, and 5 dozen eggs would have taken 1/2 the space! We used the last of the eggs somewhere around 2 months out, and they were still fine.

And indeed, there are more of us than there are of them. Sadly, critical thinking seems to be a lost skill, and far too many have no ability to even be open to logic.

Trying to get people to understand that what is happening to them and what is being done to them, are not the same thing, seems like an impossible task. But they will have to put me in a FEMA camp to get me to stop.

Best of luck over there. I am watching closely to see where the bird flu psyop goes in AUS. Given that Israel was the test bed for jab rollout and you all were the test bed for the draconian compliance measures, you are (sadly) the likely canary in the coal mine.

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The fear-mongering for the bird flu has been going on for a while now. Fortunately, enough people have learned their lesson from the Covid scamdemic. Don't fall for the lies, it's all about controlling the masses...

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They need to be proactive and release the bird flu at the conference and see how it goes. We would all be better off without 25-50% of the psychopaths planning another fear based plandemic. Lockdown the conference and shoot them up with the next ‘safe and effective’ vax. Let’s get our statistics up front.

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there's nothing to release, just like there was no sars cov 2, to escape from a lab.

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It's imperative that we discuss it but we're going to wait for three months to do so? Okay, Skippy...

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Another planned Emergency all coordinated so people can be poisoned, killed in hospitals, scared

Chaos wear mask isolate turn on 5G towers kill all vaxxed people call it the bird flu to cover your track from the last fake pandemic successfully injecting

70% of the USA citizens.

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Get ready to fight for your life!!!!!

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Can you say, "fear porn", boys and girls?

No shame among our ruling grifters.

Anyone who believes this hype after the last 4 years, is beyond help.

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I love your stories, but please stop promulgating this bird flu fear porn.

For instance, did any of these four farm workers have any symptoms whatsoever, or did they use the faulty PCR tests to diagnosis them? That still doesn't mean that it's spreading from human to human.

Robert Redfield is a cabal hack and should never be trusted. Where did he come up with this 25 to 50 percent mortality rate anyway? Remember when they said that Covid-19 would kill us all? The only thing causing deaths at this point are the mRNA "vaccines". I recently heard that excess mortality is up 40% since 2021. How's that for mass fatality? It's a great time to be a mortician. Now they want people to take more death jabs?

Watch this video if you don't believe me:


Instead of preparing for deaths and destruction and pushing their toxic shots, why aren't they working on early treatments like ivermectin or hydroxychoroquine?

I think you know why.

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this writer has no discernment for someone professing to be a christian. clearly either no very aware, or doing the work of the enemy.

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Christian-ness doesn't give anyone any special "discernment". If the Christians hadn't gotten themselves vaxxed just like everyone else, we'd know that by now, and they wouldn't be dealing with the same vax-injuries as all the other jabbies.

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It’s all BS 1. Kill all the farm animals. Starve the people. 2. Claim a pandemic 3. Offer bioweapon vaxxines to kill the people.

Psops act 2. Stop fear mongering.

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Howdy Y'all,

Hmmm, Hype or Intent...which?

Ere weighing in on that you might want to read the article at the link below,


So, yes...it is actually already 'In Progress'. Worse still is information broadly available solely in Academic circles that China has hybridized H5N1 and H1N1 successfully, but - as yet - we have no indication of exactly how virulent that combination actually is...we only 'know' that it was pursued in an effort to provide H5N1 with the same level of transmissibility as H1N1.

The next Conflict between Major Powers will almost certainly redefine Warfare as we have known it in all time previous. Recall, the Order of the Seals...and what each means, and judge for yourself.

Be Well, Safe as you may and if you BELIEVE in Christ then be Blessed...but hereafter also be exceedingly Vigilant,


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All I know is this: "To live is Christ. To die is gain."

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Same time scenario as Event 201, which was also held in the month of October, right before the covid plandemic. They aren't even trying to hide the plan any longer!

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They care so much they are waiting 3 more months to "discuss"it. All part of the plan.

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“And now mammals all over the planet are getting infected in large numbers”. No, they are not. One animal in a herd gets ‘tested’ with the bogus PCR test and then the whole herd gets slaughtered. Just like millions of chickens. Stop spreading this fake CDC propaganda Michael!

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If memory serves me, the 25-50% mortality from the avian flu occurred in countries that were not very hygienic and medical care was lacking. Also, the higher death rates occurred (as in SARS-COV2) when treatment was delayed. Early treatment (not with some mRNA poison) with effective meds would likely bring that rate down. However, before we panic, let's consider that a bird flu pandemic would likely be another population culling operation from the wackos from WEF, WHO and not of concern to those who keep themselves healthy.

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Which countries have had bird flu (of this strain) pandemics? I think NONE. The strain that they want to put out now has been gain-of-functioned. And I just betcha that ivermection and HCQ along with budesimide (sp?) will work with it, too. In other words - don't panic and get prepared. Michael, it seems to me, is drinking their koolaid hook, line, and sinker. I am not.

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I do not remember which countries (2 or 3?), but it was a different strain. If it "jumps" to humans, it will likely be cooked up in a lab. I agree on the ivermectin along with a few vitamins/supplements.

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there is no virus guys, not from a lab, a bat cave or a pangolin. never has been, never will be. we live in a toxic world, full of poisons, mind control, and a whole lot of other methods to create dis-ease all of which serve very well to make people sick, with whatever fake virus or infection the (madical) system wants to conjure up next.

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I don't believe that the book has been written yet. All of the causes of disease have not been pinned down. Yes, there are many toxins, poisons, some of which are natural and some (often inspired by nature) are man-made. Then, there are the nano things, graphene, etc. All we can do is be healthy and stay prepared.

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This, exactly.

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"Over the past two years, we have already seen more than 100 million birds get wiped out."

Actually, they've been culled, "euthanized" is the euphemism. They do a fake PCR test on an animal and get the results they want and declare it "bird flu", just like they did with "covid", (whatever that was). Then they have an excuse to destroy a flock or a herd and force all the workers to get tested and vaxxed. Testing animals positive for bird flu is a great way to reduce the food supply. I guess incinerating production plants and other food sources just isn't getting the job done fast enough.

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In 2006 a movie was made called "Fatal Contact- Bird Flu in America" I saw a clip of it today. There was a man in the movie named Governor Newsome. The clip had people discussing the need for a quick vaccine. This whole deal was planned in advance. This is the pre planned Disease X.

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In 2006 a movie was made called "Fatal Contact- Bird Flu in America" I saw a clip of it today. There was a man in the movie named Governor Newsome. The clip had people discussing the need for a quick vaccine. This whole deal was planned in advance. This is the pre planned Disease X.

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