Oh yeah. My post was already too long. But here’s a thought process. This Summit is being held in October. Which, thinking logically, means that whatever comes out of it, is unlikely to be implemented in time to stop the election. So unless they can’t work their other plan, bird flu will be a slow roll of fear mongering. First birds. The…
Oh yeah. My post was already too long. But here’s a thought process. This Summit is being held in October. Which, thinking logically, means that whatever comes out of it, is unlikely to be implemented in time to stop the election. So unless they can’t work their other plan, bird flu will be a slow roll of fear mongering. First birds. Then cattle. Probably pigs. Domestic animals. A few humans. Stoke the fear, especially once summer is over.
My working theory is something else will happen first, terror attack, full blown riots in targeted cities, cyber attack taking down the grid, or something else that will bring lockdowns or some type of martial law. This will lead to cancelling the election or 100% mail in ballots, either way leaving the Communists in the WH. Then they will relax some of the rules for a short period of time.
Then, and only then, they roll out the bird flu. Because all of the above ideas I set out are short term, no ostensible reason for long term lockdown or martial law. But with the ultra deadly bird flu, 50% death rate, it’s a permanent thing. And if you won’t comply it’s off to the FEMA camp. And the eventually Moderna will get the next jab approved. And they will make it mandatory. And if you refuse to take the jab, off to the FEMA camp you go. Likely never to be seen again.
I’m trying to convince my wife to move to Paraguay. So far no luck. But she did tell me to go for it if I wanted to. We’ve been married 43 years and so I know she wasn’t serious. But I’m thinking about calling her bluff and buying a plane ticket and going there to apply for temp res.
Oh yeah. My post was already too long. But here’s a thought process. This Summit is being held in October. Which, thinking logically, means that whatever comes out of it, is unlikely to be implemented in time to stop the election. So unless they can’t work their other plan, bird flu will be a slow roll of fear mongering. First birds. Then cattle. Probably pigs. Domestic animals. A few humans. Stoke the fear, especially once summer is over.
My working theory is something else will happen first, terror attack, full blown riots in targeted cities, cyber attack taking down the grid, or something else that will bring lockdowns or some type of martial law. This will lead to cancelling the election or 100% mail in ballots, either way leaving the Communists in the WH. Then they will relax some of the rules for a short period of time.
Then, and only then, they roll out the bird flu. Because all of the above ideas I set out are short term, no ostensible reason for long term lockdown or martial law. But with the ultra deadly bird flu, 50% death rate, it’s a permanent thing. And if you won’t comply it’s off to the FEMA camp. And the eventually Moderna will get the next jab approved. And they will make it mandatory. And if you refuse to take the jab, off to the FEMA camp you go. Likely never to be seen again.
I’m trying to convince my wife to move to Paraguay. So far no luck. But she did tell me to go for it if I wanted to. We’ve been married 43 years and so I know she wasn’t serious. But I’m thinking about calling her bluff and buying a plane ticket and going there to apply for temp res.