So relieved that God is allowing us to see the widespread corruption that is in every aspect of society giving us an advantage to eradicate this malfeasance. Putting in place men and women groomed throughout their lives to arrive at this moment in time prepared to take this horrible deep state out finally once and for all.so the children and the elderly all can sing again.

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Isn’t it so much fun watching Trump turn over all the Democrat apple carts?

It’s like Christmas morning every day with the Trump administration.

It’s so satisfying watching blood shoot out of the Dems’ eyeballs as they screech and peep!

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That's exactly 💯 what is happening!! The Democrats SACRED CORRUPT CASH 💸 💰 🤑 COW, USAID , HAS BEEN EXPOSED AND DESTROYED! THANK YOU ELON!! 😊 🙏 😊

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So you telling me the Republicans didn't know about this? They are one of two things:

1) A liar

2) So grossly incompetent they should not be in office.

A complete and through purge is the only answer. What is it Republicans? Fuck every last one of you. May you absolutely rot in hell.

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Politico.com published a note to readers on Feb. 6, calling the rumors of USAID funding "misinformed" and "flat-out false," and stating that in its 18 years of existence, Politico "never received any government funding — no subsidies, no grants, no handouts."

Mr Snyder used to care about the truth, but much like the admitted purveyors of non-factual entertainment, FoxNews, he has seen the profitable side of bearing false witness while feeding his $upporters lies that cause outrage.

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Okay, so it didn't say "USAID" on the checks. But it probably was funneled through other intermediaries. The point being...??

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The point being that your attempt at ‘a maybe’ is every bit a lie as the other claim.

Face it, you’re gullible. That is one of the kind words for “uneducated”, and we all know that your Golden Calf loves the uneducated. President Musk loves the gullible too, as you’re not only eager to gobble down his lies faster than he can tell them, but you go the *extra mile* to fabricate a brand new lie to replace the lie that got called out.

I know that many people call themselves Christians today and can really crank out the hellfire and damnation verses that don’t really mean what they think they mean, but real Christians don’t lean Nazi. They don’t vote or support or even tolerate the evil demon Mr Trump (or any other lying, thieving, duplicitous billionaire grifter).

Pull yourself out of the toxic reading materials that constantly tell you you’re an endangered species simply because you’re a straight white male who calls himself Christian. That’s just them profiteering off your naïveté.

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How much does George Soros pay you to post?

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I would suggest you sit down in a safe space and ask yourself how very stupid you come off for asking that question, and whether the public stupidity was worth it.

I hate lies and I hate liars. I correct them/you now and then if I’m feeling like doing God’s good work on earth (He hates when people/YOU bear false witness, and He’s likely not to jazzed about you trying to defend your lies by pointing at the wrong billionaire to be mad at right now).

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I wil pray for you.

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I wish your prayer could be to God of the Bible rather than His enemy on earth that you pray to currently.

My God in Heaven, Creator of all, answers prayer affirmatively; your Golden Calf simply makes promises and then does WTFever makes him the most profit.

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As I AM says...

Matthew 10:14

And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.


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Ephesians 6:11-13

11 (A)Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the [a]wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against (B)principalities, against powers, against (C)the rulers of [b]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 (D)Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand (E)in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Ephesians 6:11 schemings

Ephesians 6:12 NU this darkness,

Cross references

Ephesians 6:11 : [2 Cor. 6:7]

Ephesians 6:12 : Rom. 8:38

Ephesians 6:12 : Luke 22:53

Ephesians 6:13 : [2 Cor. 10:4]

Ephesians 6:13 : Eph. 5:16

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This is an acknowledgement that you won’t accept the truth about your Golden Calf.

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One power base being replaced by another of a different species. Trust no government for they all act in their own interests and never those of the slaves they are masters over.

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🤣🤣🤣 the reason Nancy Pelosi was in politics was “for the children”. The reason she booted Joe was “for the children”. Especially the aborted children at her Planned unParentHood. Her drag queens and the children’s wiener snippers she funded. The reason she supports Big Pharma shots in kids and Big Chemicals in kid’s food instead of RFK Jr MAHA is “for the children”. “For the Children.”

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I’m certainly not getting tired of all this winning!!! I am looking forward to the fall of the democrat party! May it be mighty soon. Praise God!

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“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John8:32. Thank you God, President Trump, and DOGE. 🤗🇺🇸🙏

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How come the Independent Media never backs programs for mainstream American taxpayers? My Wife had a great idea, How about the entirety of NSAID go to Social Security to put the money back in! And I Don’t mean SSI!

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So, Samantha Power, writing in the NY Times, is lying? https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/06/opinion/usaid-trump-samantha-power.html

And NY Times reporter Nicholas Kristoff is making up the plight of millions of children and other direct recipients of aid that he personally witnessed benefiting from that aid, is also making it all up? https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/05/opinion/usaid-spending-trump-musk.html

And all the coverage in the NY Times is false? https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/06/us/politics/usaid-job-cuts.html

Sure, there have been some excesses, though the anger seems to be mounted against programs that cost <1% of USAID's $50b budget. But people's lives will be threatened by the sudden withdrawal of money, for example during medical trials that can't be safely or ethically interrupted. If there is resistance, it's because people will die without the aid provided.

And since when is it the policy of the U.S. NOT to promote democracy, human rights, and American culture? When China does it, it's OK, but not when the U.S> does it? Are you siding with dictators?

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I don't have a NYT subscription, but was there any mention of Bill Kristoff's board membership of a NGO? Or Lindsey Graham? How many others?

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I once had tremendous respect for you and your work.

Now I understand from your last few posts that you are riding this train to benefit yourself, sell your books, grow your paid subscribers as you use the terrible coup that is underway and which is the real story here solely to benefit yourself.

Our government has never been perfect…such a perfect government doesn’t exist…but at least we had a functioning democracy based in the Constitution and rule of Law which is now being destroyed by billionaires solely for their own selfish ends right before our eyes.

Trump has already said that there will never be another election, and that Musk rigged the electronic voting machine reporting so they stole the presidency.

Yes many agencies are corrupt and their errors need to be brought to light and stopped (just like as in all other governments around the world) but NOT by a gang of young engineers led by the world’s richest man who was never elected and who doesn’t give a shit about America or Americans, but who is after total power over the rest of us, who is after destroying our government, and tearing up the constitution and assuming full dictatorship….and you are aiding and abetting him through your sensational posts.

It sounds like you want to be ruled by Your Majesty King Musk and his billionaire buddies who now control ALL major media outlets, the US Treasury and is behind tearing down the FBI, CIA and over Civil Service agencies, as well as Social Security, MedicAid and any other agency, such as the FFA, FDA and Department of Education.

Is this the world you want for your children?

Have you no heart at all for America?

Terrible consequences are being wrought by the day by Mr T, and His Highness Musk and are about to explode into worldwide economic collapse and suffering.

Remember Musk is one of Putin’s allies and friends who has deep ties to China interests who intends to make the US follow in their footsteps.

Shame on you!

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What you and all Americans are witnessing is the FIRST REAL transfer of power. In the last 10 days, Trump has SHOOK THE WORLD! I am blessed to be alive to witness these exciting events unfold.

We have never seen the likes of what Trump, and yes, Musk, under Trump’s leadership has done! It’s far and away beyond anything Americans expected or were promised.

It’s about tearing down the evil monster, the deep state and restoring FREEDOM! The deep state has never faced such colossal disruption. And it is a thing of beauty to witness.

And it’s just beginning! You haven't seen anything yet.

My suggestion: Get used to winning—a lot of winning. 😀


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The old adage, FOLLOW THE MONEY, is so true. It will lead to the scams and also the scammers. HOW? All funds transactions are on computers, the banks they go to, the person(s) or the entity who cashed the ‘checks’ or transferred the money to other banks,,,say belonging to fake NGO’s and thence into the campaign funds of our oh so enraged corrupt politicians. Politicians who received these funds must return them to US AID based on illegal money laundering.

Were the funds transferred to foreign banks? These too are traceable due to international banking agreements. Arrest the recipients and make a deal with them of NoJail Time if they give up the names of their fairy old mothers and fathers in the USA, along with a full description of the scam. Get copies of all tax filings by NGO’s in the USA and elsewhere. If NGO’s are located overseas, get copies of their Incorporation or other business formation documents, and all tax filings. Go back a minimum of 5 years.

Meantime, clawback all unspent funds. Set up internal traceable audit controls for every future or current authorized expenditure, and require copies of invoices/ expenditures by recipients along with documentation, photos, and sworn affidavits of the work performed in accord with the terms of the ‘grants’. Anything not conforming to the intended purpose is to be defunded and prior fund transfers, clawed back.

If all funds have been expended, look for transfers to private offshore accounts anywhere in the world. Claw back all funds rom the offshore accounts up to the full amount paid by US AID, based on fraud.

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Also, transfers to wealthy foundations, the Clintons, GAVI/Bill Gates, SOROS, and others in the high wealth category must be scrutinized and all monies clawed back. This is fraud (and possibly TREASON) at the highest levels.

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Michael, I'd like to ask you to please post on your substack part of your wonderful book "Why?" . The part I specifically request is the section on "History in Advance" and the prophecies of the Messiah and the specific prophecies He had to meet according to the Bible. There are so many and seeing it laid out like that has made a difference to some who may have been wavering. We need to show the truth to others so they can make the correct choice for their salvation. So many people need your voice to lay out reality for them. Thank you for your writing.

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Why We Should Still Audit the 2024 Election—and Every Election

Ka (Jessica) Burbank



"...Dominion and ES&S software is used to count 70% of votes nationwide—including Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, all important swing states. The experts call for audits in swing states with paper ballots: Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The concern is this: We know through court documents that copies of the Dominion voting system in Georgia were made by technicians hired by attorneys representing Donald Trump in his quest to question the 2020 election. A similar probe took place in Michigan; those court proceedings, concerning security breaches of ES&S systems, are expected in 2025.


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If all the sub stacks are like independent villages be kind to the village idiots but beware the snake oil salesmen.

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Developing! Judge (deepstate) bars Musk from accessing any Treasury information, payments etc. Federal judge has barred the US Treasury from handing data from its payments system to outsiders, in an


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