Germany is the size of a State. It had no economic output after the collapse of the Nazi’s. We rebuilt them. Europe is at war. It’s their final war. They invited Islam inside their countries as well. This is Biblical. The US needs to come home and build our StarWars defense shield. We do not need them. Let Europe burn!
And indeed, why not Germany first? After all, this was the country that killed millions of Jews. This is where the Holocaust happened. God's judgement has been slow, but it will be sure.
Germany will become - presently - a supermassive financial Black Hole, pulling every European country into it's deadly embrace.
The failed, idiotic policies fostered on the German people by thier beloved 'Green Party' have left the European power house a hollowed out shell.
However, please recall that quite literally EVERYTHING today - across mere national boundaries, even intercontnental dustances - is all connected inextricably, one to the other, by the Derivatives Markets.
As such, once the Final Collapse begins it WILL then spread out like the blast wave from a Tsar Bomba Nuclear Weapon in every direction. None of what is stated there is conjecture...just simple fact in a World so mired in Debt that the sole remaining method by which it could be vanquished lies in total repudiation of ALL DEBT: A Global Debt Jubilee, in essence.
Those HOLDING instruments of indebtedness will fight tooth and nail to avoid that outcome...thus enabling the blast wave from the failure of the Derivatives sector to mount up over everything like a Hyper-Tsunami, MILES HIGH.
Oddly enough TWO Countries will survive that near total economic destruction passably intact; Russia and China.
Collectively, those two are currently HOLDING roughly 60,000 tons of Gold ONSHORE; IN-COUNTRY as vaulted Gold.
Consequently, the instant that it becomes apparent that the Financial Locomotive HAS went over the lip of the broken trestle, those will prepare to revalue thier currencies in Gold.
Everyone else WILL be utterly 'vaporized'.
The Dollar, the Pound Sterling, the Yen, the French Franc...and every OTHER CURRENCY on Earth will immediately be revalued to the true value of all fiat currencies - Zero.
Where that leaves the US and DJT's effirts remains to be seen. IF America simply SHUT OFF the rest of the World it might be able to continue INTERNALLY as a functional Nation with people daily transacting trades in Dollars...but that would occur without ANY IMPORTED goods whatsoever coming in; all international trade would simply HALT and not resume...likely for several decades.
Natutally then Trumo would be compelled to disallow ANY Oil transfes offshore to ANYONE ELSE in order to ensure a reasonable 'sufficiency' of that to enable America to function. The SOLE exceotion ti that would neccessarily be Canada.
Simple...most if what is currently 'fracked' in the US is very 'light' oil products...whuch cannot be directly converted inti DEISEL FUEL. Without DEISEL absolutely nothing moves anywhere at all. Hence, we'd NEED ti 'trade Oil' likely barrel for barrel with our Canuck friends.
Of course the firegoing BARELY scratches the surface of what that scenario would actually entail. I encourage everyone to seriously begin doing thier own DEEPER analysis into the myriad other ramifications of such a circumstance materializing.
be sure to listen to a you tube video by dr john campbell global health body..its a must listen to be sure to reshare widely but beware the censorship gestapo
Michael, could you please write an article about the on going crisis in Cuba. I do not know how to make suggestions any other way but through the comments. I truly enjoy your articles. Thank you for getting the word out regarding what is happening in this country and the world.
I sure do miss David Wilkerson.
Me too! I read all of his books and devoured his newsletters. He was used amazingly by the Lord.
Germany is the size of a State. It had no economic output after the collapse of the Nazi’s. We rebuilt them. Europe is at war. It’s their final war. They invited Islam inside their countries as well. This is Biblical. The US needs to come home and build our StarWars defense shield. We do not need them. Let Europe burn!
Soros paid and shipped those Muslims into Europe.
“A few more fat flourishing years, then the recession..”?
That was prophesied 51 years ago.
A prophet is held to an extremely high standard- 100% accuracy.
Not saying Wilkerson is not wrong on what is coming but we’d be better to listen to what the biblically approved prophets have to say.
And indeed, why not Germany first? After all, this was the country that killed millions of Jews. This is where the Holocaust happened. God's judgement has been slow, but it will be sure.
Howdy Y'all,
Germany will become - presently - a supermassive financial Black Hole, pulling every European country into it's deadly embrace.
The failed, idiotic policies fostered on the German people by thier beloved 'Green Party' have left the European power house a hollowed out shell.
However, please recall that quite literally EVERYTHING today - across mere national boundaries, even intercontnental dustances - is all connected inextricably, one to the other, by the Derivatives Markets.
As such, once the Final Collapse begins it WILL then spread out like the blast wave from a Tsar Bomba Nuclear Weapon in every direction. None of what is stated there is conjecture...just simple fact in a World so mired in Debt that the sole remaining method by which it could be vanquished lies in total repudiation of ALL DEBT: A Global Debt Jubilee, in essence.
Those HOLDING instruments of indebtedness will fight tooth and nail to avoid that outcome...thus enabling the blast wave from the failure of the Derivatives sector to mount up over everything like a Hyper-Tsunami, MILES HIGH.
Oddly enough TWO Countries will survive that near total economic destruction passably intact; Russia and China.
Collectively, those two are currently HOLDING roughly 60,000 tons of Gold ONSHORE; IN-COUNTRY as vaulted Gold.
Consequently, the instant that it becomes apparent that the Financial Locomotive HAS went over the lip of the broken trestle, those will prepare to revalue thier currencies in Gold.
Everyone else WILL be utterly 'vaporized'.
The Dollar, the Pound Sterling, the Yen, the French Franc...and every OTHER CURRENCY on Earth will immediately be revalued to the true value of all fiat currencies - Zero.
Where that leaves the US and DJT's effirts remains to be seen. IF America simply SHUT OFF the rest of the World it might be able to continue INTERNALLY as a functional Nation with people daily transacting trades in Dollars...but that would occur without ANY IMPORTED goods whatsoever coming in; all international trade would simply HALT and not resume...likely for several decades.
Natutally then Trumo would be compelled to disallow ANY Oil transfes offshore to ANYONE ELSE in order to ensure a reasonable 'sufficiency' of that to enable America to function. The SOLE exceotion ti that would neccessarily be Canada.
Simple...most if what is currently 'fracked' in the US is very 'light' oil products...whuch cannot be directly converted inti DEISEL FUEL. Without DEISEL absolutely nothing moves anywhere at all. Hence, we'd NEED ti 'trade Oil' likely barrel for barrel with our Canuck friends.
Of course the firegoing BARELY scratches the surface of what that scenario would actually entail. I encourage everyone to seriously begin doing thier own DEEPER analysis into the myriad other ramifications of such a circumstance materializing.
Be Well, be SAFE and be Blessed...
be sure to listen to a you tube video by dr john campbell global health body..its a must listen to be sure to reshare widely but beware the censorship gestapo
Michael, could you please write an article about the on going crisis in Cuba. I do not know how to make suggestions any other way but through the comments. I truly enjoy your articles. Thank you for getting the word out regarding what is happening in this country and the world.
Thank you !
This is one thing of many Trump can not stop, all of this is now far above the local politics of America.