Absolutely it is judgement Hollywood and the elites have mocked God for yrs and many have been partakers in the raping of children and the occult and have lived above the law and when judgement comes it rains down on the just and unjust and I feel for the innocent ppl that did not partake in her sins and have lost everything but I do believe God has spoken that enough is enough… thanks Michael for bringing God into the equation
Exactly, Michael. I do believe that while CA has always been prone to fires because of weather, this is something unusual. I believe God is trying to get our attention, and He is starting with those who need Him the most - those who are far from Him. God bless you.
Zahllose streng gläubige und gottesfürchtige Menschen sind sogar in Kirchen und Moscheen, durch Erdbeben, Terror, Kriegen, Pandemie und sonstige Ereignisse ums
It's more rational than believing in the Woke Ideology/Religion which makes absolutely no sense at all. I'm not religious, but I understand why humans believe in God/gods.
Facts often aren’t that entertaining so I like to do what I can to counter misinformation with verifiable proof (like Scripture here) so people will remember the facts the next time they encounter bad Biblical takes such as Lita’s above.
Its either a planned burn by the evil powers that be to further their dystopian utopia, or its God's wrath. I'm not sure yet. But it does seem to be a planned burn to possibly cover evidence..like tunnels under the houses...? Just a thought, God only knows. God has said He will bring down Hollywood's rich, so this could be the start.
If I recall correctly, Henry Gruvor told Steve Quayle that he had seen a vision where the west coast would be ravaged by fire, a payment for their hot lusts and debauchery within the entertainment industry. The east coast, on the other hand, would be ravaged by cold un repayment for their cold, uncaring hearts.
When this first started that thought came to mind, and the more I see and hear the more I think Henry's vision is correct.
Never forget, the Austrian Eugenics GooberNator, Mr “Screw your Rights” during Co Vi D, opened up the sale of dead baby organs corridor in Cali4nya. Under the false flag of saving lives with “stem cells”. Of course since then, Stem cells have delivered as much Utopia os the young Chinese blood transfusions parlors Nancy Pelosi and Tech Billionaires used to frequent.
"Will this wake up call cause the entertainment industry to finally change course?" Of course not. These savages are straining at their bits to create the movie. They are so self-centered that they don't realize that the satanic cabal of elites cares no more for them than they do for any of us. Beside, the slimy global bankers already have their own porn entertainment. The reason, as in Maui, is some people want that land for their own purpose. They are just taking out the garbage.
This is the Age of Grace. God’s wrath is still being stored up. Not everyone in these fires is evil. I’m shocked that so many forget the mercies that God has seen to bestow on them. While we can agree that Hollywood is full of filth this is very unkind to all the other good people. Do you think there are no Christians in Los Angeles? And what about Washington DC? That center of corruption seems to escape judgment. God seems to be leaving those people alone. I’m so sorry that I hear this self righteous talk from people who consider themselves Christians.
Just because it's the age of grace does not mean to say that God just sits in Heaven not angry at the evil taking place. God has always punished wickedness, and "times of grace" do not stop Him. Being under grace only means that we don't have to do blood sacrifices to atone for our sins. It doesn't mean that God has suddenly become a soft, marshmallow, teddy bear kind of God. His wrath is stored up against wicked people, not against the Earth.
I agree that He is storing up wrath. And He is angry, as we are. But He does not punish evil right away in this world. Just look around. Evil people commit horrid crimes against others and are not instantly punished by Him. Of course He is not a marshmallow. That's a ridiculous thought.
"He does not punish evil right away". Yes He doesn't. He is patient..... But only for so long. And then He sends (or allows) judgement. In the case of the LA fires, I am of the opinion that it was planned and perpetrated by wicked globalists.... And the Lord allowed it. Or perhaps even put it into their hearts to do this wicked act.
Absolutely it is judgement Hollywood and the elites have mocked God for yrs and many have been partakers in the raping of children and the occult and have lived above the law and when judgement comes it rains down on the just and unjust and I feel for the innocent ppl that did not partake in her sins and have lost everything but I do believe God has spoken that enough is enough… thanks Michael for bringing God into the equation
No. Your baby killing his isn’t real
Exactly, Michael. I do believe that while CA has always been prone to fires because of weather, this is something unusual. I believe God is trying to get our attention, and He is starting with those who need Him the most - those who are far from Him. God bless you.
Zahllose streng gläubige und gottesfürchtige Menschen sind sogar in Kirchen und Moscheen, durch Erdbeben, Terror, Kriegen, Pandemie und sonstige Ereignisse ums
Leben gekommen. Kein Gott hat sie beschützt.
Believing in God is not reasonable!
It's more rational than believing in the Woke Ideology/Religion which makes absolutely no sense at all. I'm not religious, but I understand why humans believe in God/gods.
Jeder spricht von Gott, aber wo ist der Beweis seiner Existenz? Hat ihn wirklich jemand gesehen?
How so?
Can’t help it. Sodom & Gomorrah do come to mind.
Sodom and Gomorrah’s sin was being inhospitable to foreigners, so the red states’ many deadly and expensive disasters qualify more than Los Angeles: https://www.telegram.com/story/entertainment/fashion/2019/02/02/keep-faith-sodom-gomorrah-and-inhospitality/6130703007/
Wow! You are always entertaining, Puttin!
Facts often aren’t that entertaining so I like to do what I can to counter misinformation with verifiable proof (like Scripture here) so people will remember the facts the next time they encounter bad Biblical takes such as Lita’s above.
Its either a planned burn by the evil powers that be to further their dystopian utopia, or its God's wrath. I'm not sure yet. But it does seem to be a planned burn to possibly cover evidence..like tunnels under the houses...? Just a thought, God only knows. God has said He will bring down Hollywood's rich, so this could be the start.
I’ve been thinking this very thing since the fires started. This is the first I’ve heard anyone talk about it. Thank you, Michael.
So very true people forgot their roots or they were brought up wrong not believing maybe this was the message
AMEN Michael, AMEN very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I recall correctly, Henry Gruvor told Steve Quayle that he had seen a vision where the west coast would be ravaged by fire, a payment for their hot lusts and debauchery within the entertainment industry. The east coast, on the other hand, would be ravaged by cold un repayment for their cold, uncaring hearts.
When this first started that thought came to mind, and the more I see and hear the more I think Henry's vision is correct.
Never forget, the Austrian Eugenics GooberNator, Mr “Screw your Rights” during Co Vi D, opened up the sale of dead baby organs corridor in Cali4nya. Under the false flag of saving lives with “stem cells”. Of course since then, Stem cells have delivered as much Utopia os the young Chinese blood transfusions parlors Nancy Pelosi and Tech Billionaires used to frequent.
Just about the right time for a major earthquake with ruptured gas lines.
The video of the fire tornado looked like the one in the Ten Commandments movie.
"And we reap what we sow (sew?)
You got that right Michael.
There are no accidents in the Universe. Not one. Every thought word and deed has its consequence.
I dont think Franklin (wink, wink) would be welcome there. Now the Central Valley is the opposite. Its just the coastline that is so far gone.
"Will this wake up call cause the entertainment industry to finally change course?" Of course not. These savages are straining at their bits to create the movie. They are so self-centered that they don't realize that the satanic cabal of elites cares no more for them than they do for any of us. Beside, the slimy global bankers already have their own porn entertainment. The reason, as in Maui, is some people want that land for their own purpose. They are just taking out the garbage.
This is the Age of Grace. God’s wrath is still being stored up. Not everyone in these fires is evil. I’m shocked that so many forget the mercies that God has seen to bestow on them. While we can agree that Hollywood is full of filth this is very unkind to all the other good people. Do you think there are no Christians in Los Angeles? And what about Washington DC? That center of corruption seems to escape judgment. God seems to be leaving those people alone. I’m so sorry that I hear this self righteous talk from people who consider themselves Christians.
Just because it's the age of grace does not mean to say that God just sits in Heaven not angry at the evil taking place. God has always punished wickedness, and "times of grace" do not stop Him. Being under grace only means that we don't have to do blood sacrifices to atone for our sins. It doesn't mean that God has suddenly become a soft, marshmallow, teddy bear kind of God. His wrath is stored up against wicked people, not against the Earth.
I agree that He is storing up wrath. And He is angry, as we are. But He does not punish evil right away in this world. Just look around. Evil people commit horrid crimes against others and are not instantly punished by Him. Of course He is not a marshmallow. That's a ridiculous thought.
"He does not punish evil right away". Yes He doesn't. He is patient..... But only for so long. And then He sends (or allows) judgement. In the case of the LA fires, I am of the opinion that it was planned and perpetrated by wicked globalists.... And the Lord allowed it. Or perhaps even put it into their hearts to do this wicked act.
Why is Diddy's house still standing?