Celebrating without understanding what is going on is one thing. But, I spend the majority of the year in somber mode. It's ok to celebrate. And I won't feel guilty about it.
“Come out of her My people”, saith the Lord God Almighty:
The children of Israel were not only called to stand for YHVH/God, but also against the gods of the surrounding nations. The first believers in the Book of Acts were called, not only to stand for the Yeshua the Messiah, but also to stand against the gods of the ancient world. If you're a follower of Yeshua/Messiah and a child of Israel in the Spirit, it isn't enough to simply stand for YHVH/God - you must stand against the gods as well. Maybe you didn't know that you were born into a world filled with gods, but you are. The people of this age serve the gods of money, greed, status, materialism, carnality, lust, alcohol, drugs, socialism, music, pornography, abortion, the entertainment industry, political correctness, and a whole pantheon of other gods. You can't stay on the fence or you'll be swept away. You have to be strong and take your stand against them. Take your stand like Moses against the gods of Egypt, Elijah against the prophets of Baal, and Daniel in the courts of Babylon. Be strong, be pure, be immovable, and take your stand against the gods of the surrounding nations.
I’m not unaware of the increasing trouble in the world. All kinds. But I’m still processing the US chemical labs in foreign countries, one of which produced an altered virus that killed millions. And the quick production of a vaccine that has caused more problems than it solved, especially since Big Pharma said “no” to the two proven medicines: ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Think I’ll just keep my eyes on Jesus.
Please take the time to watch these two videos as the sudden upsurge of unidentified flying objects in the night sky are projecting what they are planning before inauguration day 2025!
Area 51 Insider shares how a fake alien invasion will usher in a one world government in 2025 in this 18 minute video:
Movies and TV shows have been subconsciously programming the masses so when the Pope at the Vatican begins opening portals on Christmas eve accompanied with the increasing upsurge of unidentified flying objects in the night sky are projecting what they are planning to celebrate their pagan Saturnalia as this 20 minute video proves!:
Please consider this 3 minute video where Sherry Tenpenny informs us about "The Pact Of The Future Document" the UN ratified on September 22nd of this year and its purpose for us in 2025:
Please study the many scriptures that clearly prove America is the harlot of Revelation chapters 17 & 18 who is presently riding her UN~beast headquartered in New York city:
Wow. Rob I was once "near" AO Fife one. And so many years later I am start to see as knowledge increasess, as foretold, the dots are helping prove they tried to kill God with evolution now slowly slip in "higher" beings in aliens...aka demons
Well, the good news is that if we love and followed Jesus, we’re going to make it into heaven. The not so good news is that it’s going to be a little bumpy in the meantime. Also, I want a duster like the guy in the pic.
What a relief it will be when we get to the place where God's promises are fulfilled ---- when ww get home. For those of us who believe, he is our hope ---- between "a little bumpy" and there!
The big questions in all of this need to be answered. Where is the Anti-Christ, the man of sin, the God of this world and his false imitation substitute Jewish Messiah comes to deceive the whole world even a deception that could possibly fool even the elect if possible. Jesus said he would come before Jesus returns. How can we be on the verge of the Apocalypse when the false imitation prince of peace has not come yet to have a covenant with the world for seven years but cuts it short for the sake of us, it's limited to just 3.5 years.
This time when men's hearts are failing for what is about to happen and it would not be a great moment for him to come on the scene and show up doing the same miracles Jesus and the prophets did and the whole world runs after him as they flee what is about to happen. Could it not be he comes and promises to cancel the Apocalypse (judgement) Would not the world run after that? Wouldn't carnal Christians run after that as well? John wrote what he offers will taste like honey in the mouth when this guy comes and the world will believe the kingdom of heaven has arrived and find what they thought was true nourishment turns into poison.
In the days ahead we all need to understand what is coming and what it will look like so that we will not be deceived Jesus said in Matt 24 that he is warning us ahead of time and we need to pay head ot those very specific warnings Matt 24:25 (in context Matt 24:15-41).
Definitely not trying to start an argument on the order in which Biblical events unfold....... however, it's always been my understanding that the anti-Christ can't be revealed until the "church is taken out." I could be wrong.... so, no ugly arguments from anyone.....
Nice summary Michael ! Regarding L. Mangione and the psychotic adoration, it simply seems to be a manifestation of the demonic influence in that city... In fact, much of your summary seems to reflect the manifestation of the spiritual realm into the physical realm in our Mt 24 time.
Please know, there's no animosity in my voice, but ...... your posts are hard to read and maintain a much needed amount of energy to complete daily tasks.
I don't have time to research everything you post. I have to work and care for a handicapped husband with a long list of health comorbidities.
Having said that, your posts seem to sound pressing ... as if we're all supposed to jump up and do something!
Is there something you think we should do.....other than purchase the book always advertised?
My faith is in Christ, therefore I don't believe in running around screaming, "The sky is falling!"
Syria was destabilised because the Shia Arabs, with Assad, respected the Christian religion. At the head of all wars are always the Zionist and religious Jews, except for a small prophesied remnant who do not participate in these genocides. The Russia and Ukraine war is the means to destroy the Christians of Russia and those of Ukraine. Putin like Trump support the Jewish religious caste. Biden the Zionist one of the 10 tribes. Soon they will take world power together: the Zionist 10 tribes and the two religious tribes (Judah and Benjamin ) with a coup d'état that will allow martial law and the enslavement of peoples. Lying miracles, such as a fake alien attack with holograms making them appear in the sky as if they had armies fighting against the earth, but in reality they are on earth. Also the de-population will be speeded up, but all of this according to the prophecy of Daniel 12:11, will last 1290 literal days, then the Jewish Antichrist will be destroyed by Christ, at His return, along with his followers who have taken the mark, and the faithful worshippers of Christ of every tongue nation, tribe, people will be received in peace by Christ.
I think the writer of this article is right on target. America has started the punishment phase from our Father in heaven. We have become a sick and twisted nation. We, as the Bible says, call good bad, and bad good. We have flipped our society to a Satanic culture and we are moving ever closer to total disaster. I believe, based on what is taking place, that we are at the in of days for America and that will set off the beginning of the Tribulation period of 3 and 1/2 years ( not seven as people have said). If you will read the Bible correctly it says it will last 42 months. The seven year cycle includes the first half which was the forty two months that Yahshua taught the people the law and ways of the Father before he was crucified by the world.
When has the world not been going completely nutz? It's in a constant state of turmoil and conflict. Why? Because human nature never changes. There will be no peace and good will, food for all and an end to government bred tyranny. Those are constants as the control freaks and the power mongrels seek more power, death and destruction. As anti-humans, they will never be satisfied. Be assured that none of this human treachery ever leaves the planet. All other rocks in the solar system experience peace, joy and bliss.
Celebrating without understanding what is going on is one thing. But, I spend the majority of the year in somber mode. It's ok to celebrate. And I won't feel guilty about it.
Definitely with you on that! 😁🎉🎉
Many of us know the earth is on fire. Biblical prophecy is being realized every day!
NO Jesus, no peace. KNOW Jesus, know peace.
Thanks again, Michael! Merry Christmas to you and all here who celebrate it! 🎄🎄🎄🎄
(We're told and expect the "following" year to be worse than the previous one. 2025 is looking to be a Beast!!
The 4 horses. The white red and black has just been released. Soon the pale. God in Heaven please forgive us all
“Come out of her My people”, saith the Lord God Almighty:
The children of Israel were not only called to stand for YHVH/God, but also against the gods of the surrounding nations. The first believers in the Book of Acts were called, not only to stand for the Yeshua the Messiah, but also to stand against the gods of the ancient world. If you're a follower of Yeshua/Messiah and a child of Israel in the Spirit, it isn't enough to simply stand for YHVH/God - you must stand against the gods as well. Maybe you didn't know that you were born into a world filled with gods, but you are. The people of this age serve the gods of money, greed, status, materialism, carnality, lust, alcohol, drugs, socialism, music, pornography, abortion, the entertainment industry, political correctness, and a whole pantheon of other gods. You can't stay on the fence or you'll be swept away. You have to be strong and take your stand against them. Take your stand like Moses against the gods of Egypt, Elijah against the prophets of Baal, and Daniel in the courts of Babylon. Be strong, be pure, be immovable, and take your stand against the gods of the surrounding nations.
I’m not unaware of the increasing trouble in the world. All kinds. But I’m still processing the US chemical labs in foreign countries, one of which produced an altered virus that killed millions. And the quick production of a vaccine that has caused more problems than it solved, especially since Big Pharma said “no” to the two proven medicines: ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Think I’ll just keep my eyes on Jesus.
Michael, you reported that H5N1 is “ripping through poultry farms” . . .
I have to question this report. Food prices are increasing while some food storage places
have been emptied for the rich, the elites. I read yesterday that four states are removing
Poultry and dairy products because these animals are infected!!!
Really???? Famine is promised in the End Times, according to the Bible. The goal of the
rich psychopaths is to kill human beings. This is what the demonic loons are doing!!
But they do it in such a kind, benevolent way . . . by warning us of the horrible, contaigous
Illnesses different birds and animals have!!! So much nicer than admitting that they hate
our guts and want us all dead!!!
It is all a scam. And then, no doubt, after all these false stories, another FALSE injection
will be on the way, for bird and animal illnesses that do not exist!
H5N1 “RIPPING THROUGH POULTRY FARMS?” I need far more evidence than the words
of very well paid-off ‘reporters.’
Please take the time to watch these two videos as the sudden upsurge of unidentified flying objects in the night sky are projecting what they are planning before inauguration day 2025!
Area 51 Insider shares how a fake alien invasion will usher in a one world government in 2025 in this 18 minute video:
The pagan entities ruling over America have been planning for Zeitgeist 2025 for years as this 17 minute video proves:
Movies and TV shows have been subconsciously programming the masses so when the Pope at the Vatican begins opening portals on Christmas eve accompanied with the increasing upsurge of unidentified flying objects in the night sky are projecting what they are planning to celebrate their pagan Saturnalia as this 20 minute video proves!:
Please consider this 3 minute video where Sherry Tenpenny informs us about "The Pact Of The Future Document" the UN ratified on September 22nd of this year and its purpose for us in 2025:
We are being given many signs that the world is moving from the declaration phase to fruition phase by 2025 as this UN directive is implying:
Please study the many scriptures that clearly prove America is the harlot of Revelation chapters 17 & 18 who is presently riding her UN~beast headquartered in New York city:
Those with eyes to see and ears to hear will understand by the summer of 2025 how far along this timeline we are!:
Wow. Rob I was once "near" AO Fife one. And so many years later I am start to see as knowledge increasess, as foretold, the dots are helping prove they tried to kill God with evolution now slowly slip in "higher" beings in aliens...aka demons
Well, the good news is that if we love and followed Jesus, we’re going to make it into heaven. The not so good news is that it’s going to be a little bumpy in the meantime. Also, I want a duster like the guy in the pic.
lol I'll take one in a woman's style. 🙂
What a relief it will be when we get to the place where God's promises are fulfilled ---- when ww get home. For those of us who believe, he is our hope ---- between "a little bumpy" and there!
The big questions in all of this need to be answered. Where is the Anti-Christ, the man of sin, the God of this world and his false imitation substitute Jewish Messiah comes to deceive the whole world even a deception that could possibly fool even the elect if possible. Jesus said he would come before Jesus returns. How can we be on the verge of the Apocalypse when the false imitation prince of peace has not come yet to have a covenant with the world for seven years but cuts it short for the sake of us, it's limited to just 3.5 years.
This time when men's hearts are failing for what is about to happen and it would not be a great moment for him to come on the scene and show up doing the same miracles Jesus and the prophets did and the whole world runs after him as they flee what is about to happen. Could it not be he comes and promises to cancel the Apocalypse (judgement) Would not the world run after that? Wouldn't carnal Christians run after that as well? John wrote what he offers will taste like honey in the mouth when this guy comes and the world will believe the kingdom of heaven has arrived and find what they thought was true nourishment turns into poison.
In the days ahead we all need to understand what is coming and what it will look like so that we will not be deceived Jesus said in Matt 24 that he is warning us ahead of time and we need to pay head ot those very specific warnings Matt 24:25 (in context Matt 24:15-41).
Definitely not trying to start an argument on the order in which Biblical events unfold....... however, it's always been my understanding that the anti-Christ can't be revealed until the "church is taken out." I could be wrong.... so, no ugly arguments from anyone.....
Nice summary Michael ! Regarding L. Mangione and the psychotic adoration, it simply seems to be a manifestation of the demonic influence in that city... In fact, much of your summary seems to reflect the manifestation of the spiritual realm into the physical realm in our Mt 24 time.
Please know, there's no animosity in my voice, but ...... your posts are hard to read and maintain a much needed amount of energy to complete daily tasks.
I don't have time to research everything you post. I have to work and care for a handicapped husband with a long list of health comorbidities.
Having said that, your posts seem to sound pressing ... as if we're all supposed to jump up and do something!
Is there something you think we should do.....other than purchase the book always advertised?
My faith is in Christ, therefore I don't believe in running around screaming, "The sky is falling!"
My best wishes for you and yours in 2025.
Syria was destabilised because the Shia Arabs, with Assad, respected the Christian religion. At the head of all wars are always the Zionist and religious Jews, except for a small prophesied remnant who do not participate in these genocides. The Russia and Ukraine war is the means to destroy the Christians of Russia and those of Ukraine. Putin like Trump support the Jewish religious caste. Biden the Zionist one of the 10 tribes. Soon they will take world power together: the Zionist 10 tribes and the two religious tribes (Judah and Benjamin ) with a coup d'état that will allow martial law and the enslavement of peoples. Lying miracles, such as a fake alien attack with holograms making them appear in the sky as if they had armies fighting against the earth, but in reality they are on earth. Also the de-population will be speeded up, but all of this according to the prophecy of Daniel 12:11, will last 1290 literal days, then the Jewish Antichrist will be destroyed by Christ, at His return, along with his followers who have taken the mark, and the faithful worshippers of Christ of every tongue nation, tribe, people will be received in peace by Christ.
I think the writer of this article is right on target. America has started the punishment phase from our Father in heaven. We have become a sick and twisted nation. We, as the Bible says, call good bad, and bad good. We have flipped our society to a Satanic culture and we are moving ever closer to total disaster. I believe, based on what is taking place, that we are at the in of days for America and that will set off the beginning of the Tribulation period of 3 and 1/2 years ( not seven as people have said). If you will read the Bible correctly it says it will last 42 months. The seven year cycle includes the first half which was the forty two months that Yahshua taught the people the law and ways of the Father before he was crucified by the world.
When has the world not been going completely nutz? It's in a constant state of turmoil and conflict. Why? Because human nature never changes. There will be no peace and good will, food for all and an end to government bred tyranny. Those are constants as the control freaks and the power mongrels seek more power, death and destruction. As anti-humans, they will never be satisfied. Be assured that none of this human treachery ever leaves the planet. All other rocks in the solar system experience peace, joy and bliss.