Well, just because the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security say that they're looking into it, and Congress says that they don't know what's going on, that doesn't mean that we can rule out US military sources... unless you're sure that they would never lie to us about something like that.
Just a thought - Red Flag by the deep state ????? slowly allowing the mystery drone articles to be published/spread ready for an “alien” invasion and the deep state invoking Marshall law - seriously I really wouldn’t put anything past the deep state
The CORECT means of assessing this 'manifestation' is ti get SOMEINE out there with high-end IR equiptment...
THAT would instantly differentiate between the drinrs being Prop-Driven OR Jet-powered...OR 'OTHER' propulsion.
IF it is 'proo-druven' then likely someine is PULLING our Chain, so to speak. If instead it is seen ti be Jet-powered, then MOST likely thise are CHINESE: Only China currently sports Jet-Powered UAV's.
OTOH...If neuther such can be uniquely identified, then it's cause for far more serious concern...it isn't ANYTHING OF OURS..OR THIERS.
ALSO, WHY have those not been tracked to WHERE they are LANDING?!
All are good questions...
Be Well, be SAFE and be BLESSED...
The LEFT BRSIN - controlling the RUGHT Half of your body - IS 'ANALYTIC'...
THE RIGHT Brain is the 'Story Teller', which is tasked to 'Create' the coherent fictions uoon which we live Life. THAT PART is what SEES faces in Clouds...
Unfortunately, the Right Brain LIES...
IT consistently weaves FEARSOME Stories whucg seem to be intended to FRIGHTEN US. Would you care ti GUESS who the Right Brain is 'attracted' to? Here's a HINT: It ain't our Father in Heaven...
Here's an 'Interesting' story...
Once, an Old General and his Aide stood on a Ridgeline looking uit over a huge field on which s Great Battle would be foihht the next day...
After a bit, the Grneral - without turning his head - said, "Tomorrow, you WILL KNOW FEAR."
The young Leutenantthought fow a few secinds and then asked,
"HOW will I recognize FEAR when it comes?"
The General said,
"THAT is simple. WHEN you meet FEAR it will be speaking VERY FAST...AND VERY LOUD...."
The young aide pondered that fir seversl seconds then asked,
"Can FEAR be DEFEATED...If so, HOW?"
Again the General replied,
"THAT also is simple...though difficult often. WHEN you MEET FEAR, you must ONLY, SOLELY soeak ONE WORD to it, that word is "NO"..."
Again the Aude pondetef the Generals words and at kast asked,
"WHY only that single WORD?!"
The General oaused fir seversl hearbeats befire turning to face his Aide, saying,
"YOU must NOT EVER enter into a DIALOGUE with FEAR. FEAR is a Master of the Art of Dialogue...if you do so, you WILL LOSE...and FEAR WILL TRIUMPH."
I hope that someone, somewhere finds that Story to be worth remembering...and that ONE DAY, they - when faced with FEAR - will recall the General's WORDS and TRIUMPH over FEAR...
JOG, as I suggested earlier this could be s step closer to the disclosure event. I've been told by more than one source in the black that all this stuff will come out of the black and it will change the world. It will make nuclear energy and weapons obsolete we will no longer have an oil based energy system and latterly bring in world peace.
But it's too early to tell for sure but I have no doubt this will end in a way that may surprise all of us.
It could well be they are demonic aliens so many like Rick Renner, et all are talking about. Many expect them to appear shortly after we're raptured—as friendly aliens.
What if the rapture doctrine is totally based on Scofield's notes and isn't really what is going to happen? As a matter of fact it is so contradictory to reason, logic and common sense as to be absurd at the least. Why would our Creator rapture us out of the MESS WE CREATED? Wouldn't that be like little children messing up the living room and hoping they are raptured before mom and dad came home? The problem I have with it is that all the scriptures used to support it come from a pick and choose smorgasbord type of compilation leading into a this makes no sense to anyone who looks at it with a broad view using logic.
Yes, the Rapture of the Church is probably the most preposterous belief in Biblical Christianity.
The situation regarding the doctrine of the Rapture is painfully similar to the famous quote by Michio Kaku, speaking of quantum physics:
“I think it is safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics... In fact, it is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. Some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it… is that it is unquestionably correct.”
And so, the rapture is also unquestionably CORRECT!
How is that so in comparison to the statement about quantum "theory"? That is not apples to apple comparison. The doctrine has been made up to EMASCULATE the body of Christ. It's like the convoluted and twisted modern interpretation of Romans 13 that we should bow down and kiss the feet of demented psychopaths because they happen to have a job in the government. My Creator doesn't instruct me to kiss the buns of TYRANTS.
Do you just suppose the MAYBE the people that are the typical believers in Christianity may be the decedents of the people that apparently the book is written to and that the “gentiles” are those on the outside of the physical family that accept the messiah? Without wanting to stir the “racial” plot, those of say Africa and China? And maybe the Indians of India and America? Gee…I wonder if this has any bearing strangely enough…https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-mystery-of-the-seven-thunders
Witness that in Matthew, he recounts Jesus as saying,
"For the sake of the Elect (who MUST STILL BE PRESENT, ELSE WHY MENTION THEM?) But Those Days be SHORTENED, NO FLESH would survive."
That is a truly TERRIFYING statrment, taken at face-value...
A few decades ago the SPIRIT - YOU know who I mean - came and we had a dialogue...
I asked, 'Whyfor are you INSTRUCTING me to GO FORTH and PREPARE as you are?"
The Spirit - which 'communicates' with us in MANY WAYS - chose to SPEAK.
"THERE MUST be - in LIVING MEMORY - the Testament of THESE DAYS. For those that are YET to come must be TAUGHT the TRUTH of WHY God's WRATH was poured out upon the Earth. The Story of these days MUST come from out of HUMAN MINDS, through HUMAN LIPS."
Thus and SO...
I do NOT CLAIM to be any sort of PROPHET, HARDLY...I am wholly UNFIT for that role, surely...
Be Well all my Christian Brothers and Sisters...recall that the Sciptures relate,
"ALL the WISDOM of MEN is but FOOLISHNESS in the Sight of GOD."
WHOMSOEVER PURPORTS to 'INFORM YOU' OF WHAT is to come is likely LYING. RECALL the injunctions against 'False Prophets', eh?
It will happen according to your faith. The Holy Spirit has convinced me that the snatching away is Biblical. But you can certainly choose to go through the Wrath.
No, I AM NOT attempting to 'get under your skin' Sir. Instead, I related EXACTLY an event which was 'unfolded for me' previously...
IF you chance to REALLY look at Revelations there are many several 'references' therein which do not 'appear' to be reconcileable with 'The RAPTURE' as everyone subscribes to it nowadays.
"NONE KNOWETH the Hour, nor the DAY. NOT EVEN the Son, but ONLY the FATHER.'
Futhermore...I am equally certain that NO ONE'S Conception thereof is even PASSABLY CLOSE to the TRUTH as we will ALL come to know in a short time..
There is more, certainly that I might cover here...but I am excessively weary of fractuousness and so will further not antagonize you today.
Oh...also, I do NOT 'Wish' to go through True Tribulation...but I will GO WHEREVER my Father BIDS ME GO...FOREVER and ALWAYS. FOR IF He bids me thusly, then HE IS WITH ME.
But many eschatologists argue as to the timing of that event in the last days.
It does no good to argue about it because that's all that happens, as this stream is evidence of.
Jesus said we will understand the end time events as we see these things take place. We need to be patient and wait upon the Lord to reveal these truths as they play out.
In the end it does not matter when it happens. Jesus promised us that He would be with us to the end of the age and that he would never forsake us. Paul and Jesus said true faith and love would abide unto the end it would never fail no matter what happens.
So no matter when the rapture happens, if we are in Christ, he will get us home, and we need to rest in that truth and be at peace and stop the useless arguing that can divide believers.
I ALSO 'believe' in the Rapture...for Scipture states unequically, that the LIVING and the DEAD shall be caught up into the Air with Jesus...and "...will be 'changed' in the twinkling of an eye.'
However, NOTHING thereafter CLEARLY speaks to further' disposition...
I relayed - previously - that SURELY some will go straught away to be with our Father IN Heaven. BUT...perhaps many should consider that another Task lies before them...ON EARTH.
I have a particular spite for those 'faux Christians' who ARE clearly TERRIFIED of experiencing ANY of what is to come and thereby ARE CERTAIN that they will be vacuumed UP without being subject to any 'discomfort' AT ALL.
When you FEAR simply tell FEAR "NO!" until it becomes bored with you and departs...
Many QUESTIONS WILL presently be ANSWERED...simply watch, and you WILL KNOW the Truth...all the pathetic 'guesswork' WILL CEASE at last...
Be Well, all of my Christian Brothers and Sisters, be Safe as you can and BE BLESSED.
A true LION of JUDAH would want to FIGHT and DESTROY the followers of the adversary. He would NOT want to be raptured away from the conflict. I stand before you as a LION of Judah and if there WAS a rapture, which I am sure there will not be such any event, my feet would be in the air and I would be holding on to something that couldn't be lifted screaming...LEAVE ME HERE OH LORD! I WANT TO BE ONE OF THE DESTROYERS of these PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES that have been plaguing your creation for the last 2000 years! His BODY is the BELIEVERS. Why would he take his BODY away from the conflict of the ages? Why is everyone WAITING for his return when HE HAS ALREADY returned IN the HEARTS of his PEOPLE and that the body is being assembled as I write?
No, you didn't touch a nerve. It's just sad to see someone so overcome with pain and angst. Like I said, basically you'll receive what you believe. Faith is the driving element in these things.
Faith was the driving element for many that partook of the devils brew and had it injected into their God given vessels and they DIED or are currently immobilized due to the FAITH they had in the wrong thing. My faith lies in the fact that my creator has made me to be who I am and that is a destroyer of those that injure and persecute the innocent.
HE would in no way would take me up when I am needed to be a GUARDIAN of those innocent. The rapture is a doctrine for people that want to escape WHAT WE CREATED! HELL ON EARTH!
No we don't. Today's "Jews" are in no way related to those of the tribe of Judah. They are IMPOSTERS that snuck in unawares under the cover of DARKNESS and we had no idea that it was so. They aren't SEMITES so you can't be an anti Semite in their case. They are decedents of the Khazar tribes which trace their ancestry back to Japheth. I am not "Jewish" and yet I am a believer in the words of Yahushua and can literally trace my lineage back to King David through the royal lines of Charlemagne. So now what? I'm an ISRAELITE in the FLESH who has the life of the MESSIAH in my heart. I am one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel that Jesus mentions in Matthew. Read what the modern day "Jews" are in Revelation 3 vs 9. Search out the reality WHO the REAL Israel is to this day.
You don't have to believe in the Rapture. It can only be understood by faith. You can certainly go through the Tribulation if you're determined to do so. It's not a salvation issue. Just ask Jesus what He thinks about this.
I did. He showed me through a number of sources that had studied the doctrine out that it was false. So isn’t that strange. He showed you one thing and me another. Oh well, maybe He made a mistake. One very in depth study is this: https://www.amazon.com/WANT-BEHIND-DEPTH-RAPTURE-Paperback/dp/0971911916
I personally know Pastor Ron Poch and talk about a spirit filled teacher of God’s word, I don’t know of any personally that even come close!
Interestingly enough though…there are how many different Christian denominations that think that their understanding is coming from the Holy Spirit and are in many cases contradictory to the church body down the street? MAYBE, just maybe it isn’t quite that simple.
True enough. The good news is that the end of denominations is at hand. You'll either be in the Bride or you won't. The problem is usually extra biblical denominational doctrine. The Lord told me that doctrine is men reducing Truth to a policy. That always causes problems. I do my best to get it direct from the Lord—backed up by scripture.
It is amazing that the greatest military power on the planet cannot figure out particulars of these drones buzzing the east coast. Nothing-- no who, no why. What are we spending so much money on with the "Defense" Department? All the money isn't going over to Ukraine. Or maybe, it's not the ability that's the question. Maybe, it the desire (or rather, lack of). It seems that anything concerning the safety, security or health of American citizens is not worthy of spending our tax dollars on. It won't be soon enough to have the Biden regime booted out of office. We can only hope that Trump will be a little more responsive to our citizens' needs.
Well besides being NOT the greatest military anymore..our government has sold us out this is a pre war pre invasion workup and our leaders are complicit..Beijing Joe and all the rest have sold us out
OUR 'MASTERS' frequently like to throw OUT 'RED HERRINGS'...LIKE the prior observations people have made sych ss "LOOK...SQUIRELL!"
TYPICALLY that owes itself to thier insane urge to YANK OUR CHAIN for thier oen 'entertainment'...but every SO OFTEN it is done to DISTRACT whilst tjey require a TRUE distraction from ither natters which they wush to 'fly under the Radar'.
The timing of the drones is very suspicious, after the election and before the inauguration. Are we being distracted while nefarious forces are preparing something to stop or neutralize the next administration? Keep an eye on how far these drones spread..
Drones or alien spacecraft? Benefactors or adversaries? Any alien life that is observing this planet has to be able to see the woes of the world are emanating from the psycho center of the universe. Washington DC.
Could be home insurance companies. I heard they were sending drones out in Connecticut to get imagery of insured homes, acquiring "evidence" to deny future claims, and massively increase the cost of coverage. I wouldn't be surprised if it was happening in multiple states. Source: Dr Jack Rasmus
I have no doubt we know exactly what is going on. If we can scramble jets for hijacked aircraft and UFO sightings we can do the same here. Even local law enforcement has helicopters that could with infrared and night vision equipment most have could track these things.
From our satellite abilities in space we can track anything moving in the sky over America especially SUV size mother ship. If I may quote Patric Henry. "I smell a rat."
We are being lied to, there is obviously a lot more going on here and we know about it, and we just can't say for "national security purposes."
We love to know what's going on, chose to do nothing, just wait and just let things play themselves out and use that event to go to war or just make something up. We did that to get us into WW II, Vietnam, and the Afghanistan war. When Putin annexed Crimea and occupied eastern parts of Ukraine, we and the rest of the world did nothing, knowing exactly what Putin's long range goal was. Then we set him up to believe taking Ukraine would be a walk in the park.
In the first Irag war Saddam asked if we would get involved if he attacked Kuwait for stealing Iraq oil. We said we would consider this an Arab problem and we would not get involved, so he attacked and we jumped in with all fours. We set up Iraq. One FBI agent told me that we are very good at international sting operations, setting up events, channeling forces to do our bidding. This whole fall of Syria also smells of a set up and it's worked perfectly for America and Israel. We used a guy who is on our most wanted list to pull this off for our benefit at the moment and in the chaos basically totally destroy Syria's military capabilities. Again non of this just happened.
This is how we role and clearly somehting is up, this stinks to high heaven. We shall see, we shall see.
Well, just because the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security say that they're looking into it, and Congress says that they don't know what's going on, that doesn't mean that we can rule out US military sources... unless you're sure that they would never lie to us about something like that.
Just a thought - Red Flag by the deep state ????? slowly allowing the mystery drone articles to be published/spread ready for an “alien” invasion and the deep state invoking Marshall law - seriously I really wouldn’t put anything past the deep state
I find this drone situation fascinating. As the days tick by, we are seeing amazing developments on the world stage.
God is moving everything into place.
Remember, Satan is the Prince of the Power of the air. Ephesians 2:2
Yes Satan certainly is. And we are seeing his handiwork everywhere. It’s mind blowing how things are indeed falling into place. 🙏❤️🙏🙌
Howdy Y'all,
The CORECT means of assessing this 'manifestation' is ti get SOMEINE out there with high-end IR equiptment...
THAT would instantly differentiate between the drinrs being Prop-Driven OR Jet-powered...OR 'OTHER' propulsion.
IF it is 'proo-druven' then likely someine is PULLING our Chain, so to speak. If instead it is seen ti be Jet-powered, then MOST likely thise are CHINESE: Only China currently sports Jet-Powered UAV's.
OTOH...If neuther such can be uniquely identified, then it's cause for far more serious concern...it isn't ANYTHING OF OURS..OR THIERS.
ALSO, WHY have those not been tracked to WHERE they are LANDING?!
All are good questions...
Be Well, be SAFE and be BLESSED...
Thanks, JOG! As always, excellent and right on point. 😀
Howdy Terri!
I always KNOW my true 'Friends'...by thier DILIGENCE, no? INDEED!
How is life in Terry-land lately?
Yout Brother in Christ...
Blessed my friend, blessed and grateful. Praying for you, JOG! 😀
Much Obliged Ma'am...
Of late...ALL such are DEARLY Appreciated.
A few Days ago, my mysterious Peace and Serenity came under DIRECT Assault...
That assault has not yet diminished...
Be Well Belived Sister...
So sorry to hear that, JOG. I’ll keep banging on the door of heaven 😢
Thank you...
The LEFT BRSIN - controlling the RUGHT Half of your body - IS 'ANALYTIC'...
THE RIGHT Brain is the 'Story Teller', which is tasked to 'Create' the coherent fictions uoon which we live Life. THAT PART is what SEES faces in Clouds...
Unfortunately, the Right Brain LIES...
IT consistently weaves FEARSOME Stories whucg seem to be intended to FRIGHTEN US. Would you care ti GUESS who the Right Brain is 'attracted' to? Here's a HINT: It ain't our Father in Heaven...
Here's an 'Interesting' story...
Once, an Old General and his Aide stood on a Ridgeline looking uit over a huge field on which s Great Battle would be foihht the next day...
After a bit, the Grneral - without turning his head - said, "Tomorrow, you WILL KNOW FEAR."
The young Leutenantthought fow a few secinds and then asked,
"HOW will I recognize FEAR when it comes?"
The General said,
"THAT is simple. WHEN you meet FEAR it will be speaking VERY FAST...AND VERY LOUD...."
The young aide pondered that fir seversl seconds then asked,
"Can FEAR be DEFEATED...If so, HOW?"
Again the General replied,
"THAT also is simple...though difficult often. WHEN you MEET FEAR, you must ONLY, SOLELY soeak ONE WORD to it, that word is "NO"..."
Again the Aude pondetef the Generals words and at kast asked,
"WHY only that single WORD?!"
The General oaused fir seversl hearbeats befire turning to face his Aide, saying,
"YOU must NOT EVER enter into a DIALOGUE with FEAR. FEAR is a Master of the Art of Dialogue...if you do so, you WILL LOSE...and FEAR WILL TRIUMPH."
I hope that someone, somewhere finds that Story to be worth remembering...and that ONE DAY, they - when faced with FEAR - will recall the General's WORDS and TRIUMPH over FEAR...
Exactly! Wheres the tracking satellites or whatever??
JOG, as I suggested earlier this could be s step closer to the disclosure event. I've been told by more than one source in the black that all this stuff will come out of the black and it will change the world. It will make nuclear energy and weapons obsolete we will no longer have an oil based energy system and latterly bring in world peace.
But it's too early to tell for sure but I have no doubt this will end in a way that may surprise all of us.
Free energy that they have been hiding from us for centuries ?????
The SOLE possible 'Game Changer' in the Energy venue IS 'Nuclear FUSION'.
HOWEVER, THAT is a REAL 'BRIAR PATCH' for Physics...
As yet, we simply don't have the complete understanding required to facilitate that...
WHEN we DO, then MARVELOUS things...and TERRIBLE things will be possible.
We will see my Friend...
This has a bad vibe to it... Something is coming and we all feel it.
Or we are missing the reality of what is coming...THE KINGDOM.
The D.S. and or America’s enemies are up to something. And it’s not lollipops and rainbows.
I am dumbfounded. How can this be? Car sized drones that darken and disappear when approached? Do demons show themselves like that?
It could well be they are demonic aliens so many like Rick Renner, et all are talking about. Many expect them to appear shortly after we're raptured—as friendly aliens.
What if the rapture doctrine is totally based on Scofield's notes and isn't really what is going to happen? As a matter of fact it is so contradictory to reason, logic and common sense as to be absurd at the least. Why would our Creator rapture us out of the MESS WE CREATED? Wouldn't that be like little children messing up the living room and hoping they are raptured before mom and dad came home? The problem I have with it is that all the scriptures used to support it come from a pick and choose smorgasbord type of compilation leading into a this makes no sense to anyone who looks at it with a broad view using logic.
Yes, the Rapture of the Church is probably the most preposterous belief in Biblical Christianity.
The situation regarding the doctrine of the Rapture is painfully similar to the famous quote by Michio Kaku, speaking of quantum physics:
“I think it is safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics... In fact, it is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. Some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it… is that it is unquestionably correct.”
And so, the rapture is also unquestionably CORRECT!
How is that so in comparison to the statement about quantum "theory"? That is not apples to apple comparison. The doctrine has been made up to EMASCULATE the body of Christ. It's like the convoluted and twisted modern interpretation of Romans 13 that we should bow down and kiss the feet of demented psychopaths because they happen to have a job in the government. My Creator doesn't instruct me to kiss the buns of TYRANTS.
Most people in interpreting prophecy have problems with two things:
(1) Ecclesiology.
(2) Hermeneutics.
Your ecclesiology will derive from your hermeneutic.
The Systematic Theologies of the church nearly always overlook, in eschatology, the subject of 5/6 of the Bible = Israel.
Do you just suppose the MAYBE the people that are the typical believers in Christianity may be the decedents of the people that apparently the book is written to and that the “gentiles” are those on the outside of the physical family that accept the messiah? Without wanting to stir the “racial” plot, those of say Africa and China? And maybe the Indians of India and America? Gee…I wonder if this has any bearing strangely enough…https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-mystery-of-the-seven-thunders
In a word, no. 😀
Howdy CL,
YOU may be Right...
Witness that in Matthew, he recounts Jesus as saying,
"For the sake of the Elect (who MUST STILL BE PRESENT, ELSE WHY MENTION THEM?) But Those Days be SHORTENED, NO FLESH would survive."
That is a truly TERRIFYING statrment, taken at face-value...
A few decades ago the SPIRIT - YOU know who I mean - came and we had a dialogue...
I asked, 'Whyfor are you INSTRUCTING me to GO FORTH and PREPARE as you are?"
The Spirit - which 'communicates' with us in MANY WAYS - chose to SPEAK.
"THERE MUST be - in LIVING MEMORY - the Testament of THESE DAYS. For those that are YET to come must be TAUGHT the TRUTH of WHY God's WRATH was poured out upon the Earth. The Story of these days MUST come from out of HUMAN MINDS, through HUMAN LIPS."
Thus and SO...
I do NOT CLAIM to be any sort of PROPHET, HARDLY...I am wholly UNFIT for that role, surely...
Be Well all my Christian Brothers and Sisters...recall that the Sciptures relate,
"ALL the WISDOM of MEN is but FOOLISHNESS in the Sight of GOD."
WHOMSOEVER PURPORTS to 'INFORM YOU' OF WHAT is to come is likely LYING. RECALL the injunctions against 'False Prophets', eh?
Just SO...
It will happen according to your faith. The Holy Spirit has convinced me that the snatching away is Biblical. But you can certainly choose to go through the Wrath.
Hello David,
Hmm..did I TOUCH a NERVE there?
No, I AM NOT attempting to 'get under your skin' Sir. Instead, I related EXACTLY an event which was 'unfolded for me' previously...
IF you chance to REALLY look at Revelations there are many several 'references' therein which do not 'appear' to be reconcileable with 'The RAPTURE' as everyone subscribes to it nowadays.
"NONE KNOWETH the Hour, nor the DAY. NOT EVEN the Son, but ONLY the FATHER.'
Futhermore...I am equally certain that NO ONE'S Conception thereof is even PASSABLY CLOSE to the TRUTH as we will ALL come to know in a short time..
There is more, certainly that I might cover here...but I am excessively weary of fractuousness and so will further not antagonize you today.
Oh...also, I do NOT 'Wish' to go through True Tribulation...but I will GO WHEREVER my Father BIDS ME GO...FOREVER and ALWAYS. FOR IF He bids me thusly, then HE IS WITH ME.
FOOD for thought perhaps....
Clearly the rapture is spoken of as a real event.
But many eschatologists argue as to the timing of that event in the last days.
It does no good to argue about it because that's all that happens, as this stream is evidence of.
Jesus said we will understand the end time events as we see these things take place. We need to be patient and wait upon the Lord to reveal these truths as they play out.
In the end it does not matter when it happens. Jesus promised us that He would be with us to the end of the age and that he would never forsake us. Paul and Jesus said true faith and love would abide unto the end it would never fail no matter what happens.
So no matter when the rapture happens, if we are in Christ, he will get us home, and we need to rest in that truth and be at peace and stop the useless arguing that can divide believers.
Hello Daniel!
How fare you of late? Well,I trust?
I ALSO 'believe' in the Rapture...for Scipture states unequically, that the LIVING and the DEAD shall be caught up into the Air with Jesus...and "...will be 'changed' in the twinkling of an eye.'
However, NOTHING thereafter CLEARLY speaks to further' disposition...
I relayed - previously - that SURELY some will go straught away to be with our Father IN Heaven. BUT...perhaps many should consider that another Task lies before them...ON EARTH.
I have a particular spite for those 'faux Christians' who ARE clearly TERRIFIED of experiencing ANY of what is to come and thereby ARE CERTAIN that they will be vacuumed UP without being subject to any 'discomfort' AT ALL.
When you FEAR simply tell FEAR "NO!" until it becomes bored with you and departs...
Many QUESTIONS WILL presently be ANSWERED...simply watch, and you WILL KNOW the Truth...all the pathetic 'guesswork' WILL CEASE at last...
Be Well, all of my Christian Brothers and Sisters, be Safe as you can and BE BLESSED.
" if we are in Christ"? WE are the BODY of Christ. Don't you get it? BELIEVERS make up that body. That is what I refer to in "IS THERE ROOM?"
A true LION of JUDAH would want to FIGHT and DESTROY the followers of the adversary. He would NOT want to be raptured away from the conflict. I stand before you as a LION of Judah and if there WAS a rapture, which I am sure there will not be such any event, my feet would be in the air and I would be holding on to something that couldn't be lifted screaming...LEAVE ME HERE OH LORD! I WANT TO BE ONE OF THE DESTROYERS of these PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES that have been plaguing your creation for the last 2000 years! His BODY is the BELIEVERS. Why would he take his BODY away from the conflict of the ages? Why is everyone WAITING for his return when HE HAS ALREADY returned IN the HEARTS of his PEOPLE and that the body is being assembled as I write?
I saw a man come walking
And His heart glowed like a flame
All the sheep began to run to Him
And He called each one by name
He spoke to them in gentle words
And He soothed their fearful minds
And He healed the brokenhearted
And the crippled, sick and blind
Then many others like Him
All with hearts that glowed the same
That before I hadn't noticed
From the farms and fields they came
They weren't famous wise or noble
But they spoke a common word
A word the flock could recognize
And follow when they heard
They led them in green pastures
By still waters in the light
Standing guard against the wolves
And other creatures of the night
Going out into the mountains
In the darkness and the cold
Bringing back the lost and wounded
To the safety of the fold
And the news went out around the world
In every street and town
That something wonderful was here
That heaven had come down
And millions gave their hearts in trust
That long had been betrayed
And the bride at last was ready
And the trumpet call was made
No, you didn't touch a nerve. It's just sad to see someone so overcome with pain and angst. Like I said, basically you'll receive what you believe. Faith is the driving element in these things.
Faith was the driving element for many that partook of the devils brew and had it injected into their God given vessels and they DIED or are currently immobilized due to the FAITH they had in the wrong thing. My faith lies in the fact that my creator has made me to be who I am and that is a destroyer of those that injure and persecute the innocent.
HE would in no way would take me up when I am needed to be a GUARDIAN of those innocent. The rapture is a doctrine for people that want to escape WHAT WE CREATED! HELL ON EARTH!
A jew wrote the Schofield garbage
How did antisemitism enter into this conversation? We serve a Jewish Messiah.
No we don't. Today's "Jews" are in no way related to those of the tribe of Judah. They are IMPOSTERS that snuck in unawares under the cover of DARKNESS and we had no idea that it was so. They aren't SEMITES so you can't be an anti Semite in their case. They are decedents of the Khazar tribes which trace their ancestry back to Japheth. I am not "Jewish" and yet I am a believer in the words of Yahushua and can literally trace my lineage back to King David through the royal lines of Charlemagne. So now what? I'm an ISRAELITE in the FLESH who has the life of the MESSIAH in my heart. I am one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel that Jesus mentions in Matthew. Read what the modern day "Jews" are in Revelation 3 vs 9. Search out the reality WHO the REAL Israel is to this day.
I dont believe you are the comment monitor are you
Nope, just offered the Truth as I know it.
You don't have to believe in the Rapture. It can only be understood by faith. You can certainly go through the Tribulation if you're determined to do so. It's not a salvation issue. Just ask Jesus what He thinks about this.
I did. He showed me through a number of sources that had studied the doctrine out that it was false. So isn’t that strange. He showed you one thing and me another. Oh well, maybe He made a mistake. One very in depth study is this: https://www.amazon.com/WANT-BEHIND-DEPTH-RAPTURE-Paperback/dp/0971911916
I personally know Pastor Ron Poch and talk about a spirit filled teacher of God’s word, I don’t know of any personally that even come close!
There is only one source that matters, The Messiah through His Holy Spirit.
Interestingly enough though…there are how many different Christian denominations that think that their understanding is coming from the Holy Spirit and are in many cases contradictory to the church body down the street? MAYBE, just maybe it isn’t quite that simple.
True enough. The good news is that the end of denominations is at hand. You'll either be in the Bride or you won't. The problem is usually extra biblical denominational doctrine. The Lord told me that doctrine is men reducing Truth to a policy. That always causes problems. I do my best to get it direct from the Lord—backed up by scripture.
It is amazing that the greatest military power on the planet cannot figure out particulars of these drones buzzing the east coast. Nothing-- no who, no why. What are we spending so much money on with the "Defense" Department? All the money isn't going over to Ukraine. Or maybe, it's not the ability that's the question. Maybe, it the desire (or rather, lack of). It seems that anything concerning the safety, security or health of American citizens is not worthy of spending our tax dollars on. It won't be soon enough to have the Biden regime booted out of office. We can only hope that Trump will be a little more responsive to our citizens' needs.
Well besides being NOT the greatest military anymore..our government has sold us out this is a pre war pre invasion workup and our leaders are complicit..Beijing Joe and all the rest have sold us out
I commrnd you your 'obssrvation' Sir...
Yeessss...where INDEED?
OUR 'MASTERS' frequently like to throw OUT 'RED HERRINGS'...LIKE the prior observations people have made sych ss "LOOK...SQUIRELL!"
TYPICALLY that owes itself to thier insane urge to YANK OUR CHAIN for thier oen 'entertainment'...but every SO OFTEN it is done to DISTRACT whilst tjey require a TRUE distraction from ither natters which they wush to 'fly under the Radar'.
There is much invokved to analyse...
The timing of the drones is very suspicious, after the election and before the inauguration. Are we being distracted while nefarious forces are preparing something to stop or neutralize the next administration? Keep an eye on how far these drones spread..
What about the possibility of holograms from U.S. government?
No Margaret,
We do NOT possess a technology which can manifest such OPEN-AIR, only in labs, under strictly controlled conditions Ma'am.
Drones or alien spacecraft? Benefactors or adversaries? Any alien life that is observing this planet has to be able to see the woes of the world are emanating from the psycho center of the universe. Washington DC.
Could be home insurance companies. I heard they were sending drones out in Connecticut to get imagery of insured homes, acquiring "evidence" to deny future claims, and massively increase the cost of coverage. I wouldn't be surprised if it was happening in multiple states. Source: Dr Jack Rasmus
I have no doubt we know exactly what is going on. If we can scramble jets for hijacked aircraft and UFO sightings we can do the same here. Even local law enforcement has helicopters that could with infrared and night vision equipment most have could track these things.
From our satellite abilities in space we can track anything moving in the sky over America especially SUV size mother ship. If I may quote Patric Henry. "I smell a rat."
We are being lied to, there is obviously a lot more going on here and we know about it, and we just can't say for "national security purposes."
We love to know what's going on, chose to do nothing, just wait and just let things play themselves out and use that event to go to war or just make something up. We did that to get us into WW II, Vietnam, and the Afghanistan war. When Putin annexed Crimea and occupied eastern parts of Ukraine, we and the rest of the world did nothing, knowing exactly what Putin's long range goal was. Then we set him up to believe taking Ukraine would be a walk in the park.
In the first Irag war Saddam asked if we would get involved if he attacked Kuwait for stealing Iraq oil. We said we would consider this an Arab problem and we would not get involved, so he attacked and we jumped in with all fours. We set up Iraq. One FBI agent told me that we are very good at international sting operations, setting up events, channeling forces to do our bidding. This whole fall of Syria also smells of a set up and it's worked perfectly for America and Israel. We used a guy who is on our most wanted list to pull this off for our benefit at the moment and in the chaos basically totally destroy Syria's military capabilities. Again non of this just happened.
This is how we role and clearly somehting is up, this stinks to high heaven. We shall see, we shall see.