This is a miracle.

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Too many people have no real idea of what One Trillion dollars is like. Let's talk about it in seconds - makes it easier to visualize. 1 million seconds is 11 days. 1 Trillion seconds is 31.5 YEARS. And we are $36 Trillion dollars in debt!

As for USAID, it needs to be shut down or realigned under Sec of State and refitted to NOT be a CIA nest of vipers. End it! We all know how it is used and abused - USAID gives to some barely known NGO, NGO pays it's people, they donate back to Dems, or directly to them.

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Every minute of the day all year long the deficit increases by about $50-60 million.

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Reading this article reminded me of a book titled "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" some years back.

Somehow I am hoping that we can see the end of the American Empire as it has existed for decades, yet still see the survival of the American Republic, as envisioned by the founding fathers.

Maybe that is too much to hope for?

Well I am still gonna be looking closely.

Because having some hope is better than being in total despair.

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Our hope is in the Lord God. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord! If it is His will, it will be done.

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Mark my words. This is the first thread that will unravel all of corruption and waste in the US government. There are so many other branches and agencies up to their eyeballs in this evil and they are going down.

Do you now understand why the cabal fought so hard to keep Trump out of office? Rather than being a crazed dictator, he will save our country.

Praise God!

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I truly believe that Donald John Trump was born for this appointed time. Hallelujah! Praise God!

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And this isn't even one of those rotten to the core three letter agencies. I would bet the farm and your farm too that this kind of corruption runs wild throughout the veins of 99% of the government.

I would surmise that if we could dig deep enough (all the way to China) that we might find most of the deficit is actually fraud, waste and abuse by 100's of thousands of government employees whose main job is to steal as much from the taxpayer as they can. That's the leftist democrat way aided and abetted by RINOs.

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From now on avocados will be called Americados!

Especially now that we found out after 4 years of GMO 🌽pop, it was not really 🍿!

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Nice trim... something i wonder about is that each president adds and few detract... and how many of those adds were to pay back supporters through a gov job.. etc..

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