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On the secular terrestrial view, this world is falling apart on all levels. It's been almost 80 years of decline on economic, moral social and cultural levels. This perfect storm of events have not happened for a very long time. The outcome is being effected by diseases, lack of food and water, war and death.
Most all the major nations ar…
© 2025 Michael Snyder
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On the secular terrestrial view, this world is falling apart on all levels. It's been almost 80 years of decline on economic, moral social and cultural levels. This perfect storm of events have not happened for a very long time. The outcome is being effected by diseases, lack of food and water, war and death.
Most all the major nations are undergoing not only economic upheaval but political instability as well this world is changing but not for the better but the worse, the Bible says that clearly.
Spiritually it does not matter what I believe but what God has said clearly in His Word.
The Bible tells us things will get worse and worse until the Lord comes, that war will continue to the end, that there will be a great falling away from the truth, false doctrine will become acceptable, Jesus even (rhetorically) asks, "will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He returns?" Jesus said that there are tares and chaff in the church and that will be sifted out before He comes and finally as part of God's plan, Satan via his imitation substitute false messiah will be given authority (by God) to take over the whole world and persecute the saints. (Job's true story is a parable for the church). That the imitation messiah and false prophet will have signs and wonders will be so close to the real thing it will taste like honey in the mouth Ps19 &119 but turn bitter in the stomach even to the saints. It would be so good even the Saints could possibly be deceived if possible. Then at one point those who die for their faith will be especially blessed from one point on Rev 14:13.
Revival does not mean big numbers, it means empowerment to be more sanctified to be used more by God. The very few will do amazing things. Just look at what the two witnesses do in 42 months. And that's just two guys. Jesus does not need lots of followers but followers that are all His, the coming revival is not about numbers but about sanctification via the refining power of persecution and trials as God is preparing His Bride to be ready (pure/white) for His return (the bride groom_Jesus).
As a military commander I can do a lot more with a platoon of really committed well trained and motivated men than a battalion of untrained recruits. This calls for the patient endurance of the saints, that are willing to be faithful even unto death, because there is no fear of the second death.
Yes there will be a great revival but as it has done in history it will come with great trials (James 1). Are you ready?
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!! and Rapture ready!