I just want to thank you so much for keeping your readers informed, your very much appreciated. The Lord will bless you for this, without your updates I wouldn't be so informed!

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I just sit back and I'm always amazed at what God is doing, for He and He alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and it is He alone that determines the events of men for no man can pervert the will or plans of the Lord. It is He who is doing all of this (as God took full credit as to what happened to Job).

The key themes of the last days are rebellion, apostasy, and deception, massive deception and we will not fully understand it until it happens, Jesus said "As you see these things take place then you will know." Watch and pray and don't be afraid God is in full control. Always pray thy will be done not my will be done and as John prayed at the end "Come (quickly) Lord Jesus.

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gotta take out the Zionist devils! lmao

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all the leaders of all the nations are devils for Satan is the God of this world. This is why all the nations will be judged, no one escapes the wrath of God in the end, yes even the Godless devils in the United States. So you want some godless devil to take out the Zionist godless devils? Who is going to do that.

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> Hopefully the Iranians will not do anything stupid.

What a nonsensical comment. It is "israel" that has been acting STUPIDLY from 7 Oct. In fact, the racist sewer has been acting stupidly since 1948, that "country" has brought nothing but death and destruction to the region.

So, anything Iran does cannot be stupid by definition, and I hope they will hit the racist sewer hard, very hard, whatever the consequences because violence is the only language it understands.

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They have not been acting stupidly. This is a war that can not be looked at through normal eyes. Both sides since Abraham would become enemies as predicted. They are fighting over Israel/ Jerusalem, the most fought-over city in history. Both sides believe God is on their side and will not back down. God is the God of love but he also is the God who brings calamity and war. God is in total control and using all the players here to accomplish His perfect good will.

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> Both sides since Abraham would become enemies as predicted.

Predicted where? In a fairy tale book?

> God is the God of love

There is not just 1 god, there are 2 gods. Your statement only goes for the Christian and Islamic god, which is essentially 1 and the same.

Yahweh, the other god, is a vindictive, bloodthirsty, murderous, intolerant, warmongering god who terrorizes his own people; love is not a word in his dictionary. You only need to read the Talmud to understand this.

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So if you believe this all a fairy tale thus is all a lie, I'm curious, what do you believe is the truth about God and man, what is your world view on this, just curious.

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> So if you believe this all a fairy tale thus is all a lie

If by "all this" you mean WW3 and Iran's statements, please show me where I said "all this is a fairy tale"

> what do you believe is the truth about God and man, what is your world view on this

This a deflection from the topic we are discussing. I reacted to specific points you raised, so I expect you to reply to, if not refute, the points I raised.

If/when we get that sorted out, we can talk about my belief.

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you type, "In a fairy tale book?"

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Did I state WW3 and Iran's statement are "in a fairy tale book"? Me thinks not.

What I did say is from a fairy tale book is your statement " Both sides since Abraham would become enemies as predicted."

You have not refuted that, nor any of my other statements in my OP, so I assume you agree with them?

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I guess that if you want to be consistent, you need to say that iran has a right to protect itself. Ooof, that's gotta hurt!

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