I thought we were living in an "Idiocracy," but the reality might be far worse.

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Look around, America traded a blessing for a big fat curse.

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It is.

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Since the US has ditched the light of Judeo -Christian values, the pagans have embraced every failed kingdom of darkness scheme to get well. They never get well, they just continue to sink down deeper into bondage, slavery, stupidity on the way to hell where no good or light dwells.

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That's the size of it!

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I feel like screaming and hitting the ground with a stick every time I see my grocery bill.

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Laughing all the way to the bank. Jesse Watters had the twisted female founder of this fraudulent service on his show last week. It’s disturbing on a variety of levels. Demonic at its source—brainless, godless people.

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The answer to rage and depression is to go to church and believe in Jesus Our Lord. As my sister says, the answer to EVERYTHING is prayer, it doesn’t matter what the question is. I think women have been sold a bill of goods that is obviously not making them happy. They need to stop thinking it’s “all about them “ and become contributing members of their communities and their faith communities. There, glad I got that off my chest! And, BTW, I am a 70 year old grandmother with four kids and 6 grandkids.

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lol.. I can do that in my backyard for free 🤣 #FJB

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Me too! I have a large lot with lots of trees and sticks that need to be picked up. If I could stand to be around these crazies, I would start my own rage ritual business!

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No one claimed humans were anything close to intelligent. The fake covid pandemic reinforced that truth.

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This is creepy. Paying for your immature self to attend Rage Rituals in front of other emotionally ill people.

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These women are demon possessed being that the fruit of the spirit in God's Word are goodness, gentleness, peace, patience, love, joy, self control, etc. I feel sorry for these people....wow.

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I highly recommend Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ book, Lies Women Believe.

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Hate to tell you, but it wasn't just women paying to do that!

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So they get their rage out at great cost, but do they replace those thoughts and feelings with something better?

If one does not replace the negative with something else, one could get stuck in rage and anger for quite some time. Those feeling can lead to poor health and a loss of relationships, among other things.

Two therapies that can help a lot and won't cost nearly as much are EMDR, which involves eye movement and addresses both sides of the brain and Emotional Freedom Techniques, which involves tapping on acupuncture points to address the thoughts, feelings and traumas and then replace with something much better.

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May 29·edited May 29

This is another liberal cabal plan accomplished. The lamestream media has dribbled out its narrative of lies, until for many people, it has become truth. Racism, anti LGBTQ, fear of Covid, "vaccine" hesitancy, climate change and best of all, Trump, are a few of their woke causes. Of course God had to be eleliminated as well, because faith is the antidote for fear. These poor people are balls of anxiety and hate, seeing everyone else as a possible perpetrator of evil. When confronted with facts that contradict their belief system, their cognitive dissonance kicks in, and they begin to use name calling as their.defense.

It's really quite sad and completely unnecessary. I haven't figured out an antidote to their misery, so rage they must. I actually applaud these ritual leaders. They saw a need and filled it. Isn't that the first rule of entrepreneurship?

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"... it certainly has not helped that women have embraced “woke ideology” at an even higher rate than men have... [T]hose that align themselves with core “woke” beliefs have “heightened instances of anxiety and depression”…

So all this proves is that women have been living by the CONFIRMED credo of "If you're not pissed off, you're not paying attention". And let's not pretend that there are no people in these comment sections who aren't pissed off at a number of things in society right now and that those things aren't causing YOU anxiety and depression. You're a liar if you try to claim that.

As for more women being on anxiety Rx, that's simply because women deal with mental health differently than men do. Men will punch holes in walls, drive drunk and crash their prized car, shoot up their place of employment or start bar fights, all of which is the manly way to stay off of anxiety drugs. And when women DO express their anger like a man does, they get mocked and diminished by the likes of the pig pervert Jesse Watters (as mentioned in the article). So her only choice is to express real anger and be abused by the society that pisses her off, or to get prescribed some "shut up now, little girl" drugs so she can not get called all the names that Mr Snyder and others call her.

Must suck like hell to be a woman, because she's effed if she does and effed if she doesn't.

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Actually PT I am not pissed off in the least in the least. From Genesis to Revelation, God predicted exactly what what was going happen and how it will end and it is all playing out as predicted. 1Peter 1 clearly demonstrates that even before the foundation of the world God would have to send His Son to save the world and because God knew man would reject Him He would have to Judge this world and all it's systems of men, read Ecclesiastes 1 it's very real. Our only hope is in Christ and His gospel everything is futility, vanity vanity.

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Not only are these women who participate in these rage rituals mentally unbalanced, they are selfish, bellicose and evil. Do they not realize, or even care, that there are living, breathing life forms in the soil that they are beating to death in spite of the fact that these living organisms have done them no harm? Shame on these women. They should go home, have a cocktail and face the fact that life is not all peaches and cream.

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Or should we have mercy for the blind in heart as God told Jonah

Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as many animals?” They don't need a drink but they need Christ.

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Hahahaaa...GOOD one FF


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Wow, a vegan pansy on this site?

What's your Jainism schedule like?

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Can't recognize sarcastic humor?

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They used to call that Gestalt therapy, a sort of psycho-babble fad therapeutic method popular back in the '80s and '90s. Hadn't heard much about it since, though. I've never seen it used, nor did it make sense to me, except as a sort of "pressure valve" for the rage certain traumas create in the victims thereof, in a controlled environment, as opposed to an uncontrolled "explosion".

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Godlessness is manifesting itself

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