Isaiah 17:1 A prophecy against Damascus:

See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.

This prophecy out of the Bible pretty much ties in with what you have alluded to in this article Michael.

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We shall see if this is the time.

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Israel only has the "Samson Option". There is no other military plan. And they will have to strike at all of their enemies once the go is given for Gaza. * blessings Michael to you and your family

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We must remember in the war for independance, the 67 war and the Yom Kappur war, Isreal miraculously overcame overwhelming odds, I have no doubt we will see incredible things in the days ahead.

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lol pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel demonstrations are reported as "pro-Hamas". Check your bias, zionist.

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Really? Have they said anything rejecting the brutal attacks on civilians women and children? Often you speak the loudest in your silence.

And of course you have no bias at all, your totally objective? Jesus had a word for that it begins with an H.

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Hamas is Israel in the same way that Al-Queda is Israel and that ISIS is Israel. ISIS literally stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Israel funds and runs those three organizations and many more. It's called Controlled Operation. Read on... https://henrymakow.com/

We have been deceived by the so-called churches (pastors and preachers) for a very long time, they have deceived their congregations with the Israel lies. I am coming to find out myself and now I am warning others.

Do NOT forget that the "antichrist" the devil, will rise from Israel.

God Almighty's wrath will pour upon them, on all the wicked, ungodly and unrighteous very soon. Get ready. If you are not saved in The Lord Jesus Christ, today is the day of your Salvation because tomorrow is not promised. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, there is no other way. Heaven and hell are real, literal places, choose your eternal destination wisely for your soul. All hell is about to break loose, please do not get left behind.

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Yes, they are protesting the brutal attacks on women and children by the IDF. You see, these people have humanity and people will humanity also reject the barbarous killing perpetrated by Hamas.

I have no bias because I'm on Team Humanity. Jesus would weep if he saw what was going on in Israel for the past 75 years. All the Christians cheering on the ongoing slaughter tells us all we need to know about how far they have fallen.

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Good point that Israel has nukes and the others don’t.

I can imagine a peace treaty being brokered between Israel and her neighbours because Israel has the upper hand, and would be entering the deal from a position of strength.

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It's been long held by private Intel firms that Iran has had the bomb for a long time. To acknowledge that wod mean we would have to do something about it, so mums the word.

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ISIS by their own words as an enemy of Isreal, call themselves The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. ISIS, from direct translations of their own literature. The plan of salvation came from the Jews as Jesus said. God made an eternal, everlasting irrevocable covanent with the people of Isreal. Proof is God promised there would always be a remnant among His people. That is happening now in Isreal, the gospel is exploding there. When Jesus returns to Jeruselm as the Jewish Messiah for true Isreal, Jew and gentile. God us not done with His people yet, and as gentile believers we are not to become arrogant toward Isreal. The gentiles were grafted in by grace by God's choice/grace. He will graft them back in.

Instead of following some website try reading Romans 9-11. If you hate your brother the love of God is not in you. The biggest threat to believers is spiritual arrogance.

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Jesus would weep if He saw what was going on? Do you not realize Jesus is eternally God, who came in human flesh, to die for our sins and shed His perfect blood to cleans us from all unrighteousness. He rose from the dead to give us life, received by grace through faith in H is finished work on the cross, to give eternal life to all who believe.

He is God of all creation. He knew all this would happen before it ever did. Jesus said that war and great evil would happen even up to the tme He returns. He said these things are regrettable but must take place. He is using all this evil to accomplish His purposes and His will. To put your hope in humanity will fail for we are all evil and fall short of the glory God had for us and all are under God's judgment outside of grace in Christ. So in one sense this is God showing there is no hope in man but only in Christ. This is part of God's judgement of the world. This is a call to repent, put your faith in Christ,and not in man,to look for a better kingdom not made of human hands, for as history up to Noah was wiped out by a global flood for judgement for sin, this age will be judged by fire as judgement as well, to bring in His Kingdom.

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Isreal sees this as a fight for their existence. They will do anything. In the Yom Kappur war Isreal was surprised as today. The wast a fear Jeruselm would be taken PM Golda Meir ordered the doomsday bomb to be armed. If they could not keep Jeruselum, no one will for a 1000 years. Yes this is very serious.

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Quit pretending that it was Hamas who attacked first. Israel has been bombing Gaza for decades.

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Blinken and Biden may have put Netanyahu and Gantz into a position where they truly have no choice, but to use those. However, prophecies written over 2 K yrs ago clearly indicate their use in a war involving neighbor nations, and this may well be leading into that war, so it is highly possible, even probable.

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Does anyone have an opinion as to whether or not Isreal has the neutron bomb? Could come in handy in the current situation. I suspect if anyone has it, it would be Isreal. Thanks Michael. God Bless.

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Nothing is for sure. Isreal will not even admit they have nukes, but as you said it would make sense to have that capability.

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Not sure, but Zechariah described it's use in a future war around Israel.

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