$700 is massive, compared to what the residents of East Palestine received.

BTW. Boats anchored hundreds of yards offshore do not get obliterated beyond recognition without help. This was no ordinary fire. This was a planned demolition. They might be able to ‘nuance’ everything else. But they can’t explain the boats. Your town could be next b

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You got that right!

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There’s a video, if it’s still on, at the website, “before the news” There’s a very real shot of a “beam” coming down at the fire start point. Along with many others caught on phones in various places around the world! I used to laugh at that and chem trails! Not anymore!!!

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I live right below Paradise CA where the Camp Fire in 18 killed 85. It was said PGE started it. But then the millions of acres in counties nearby have gone up since! Two of which we KNOW could have been extinguished early on! Look at the satellite map of the recent fires in Idaho! There’s 6 in a row, miles apart perfectly nearly!! Oh yes! They’re destroying the lands and us! Depopulation is alive and well by the elites and the WEF ! People are blinded!

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Because - Gates and his maniacal cronies "never waste a good tragedy". They're taking advantage of desperate homeowners ! Hell will be hot, Bill !

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That was rahm emanuel, a demancrat!

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Biden is a write off. I think you'll see less and less of him as time go's by. Obama is getting his 3rd term and his disdain for the American people is obvious.

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"Unfortunately, Biden will need to make many more trips like this, because a lot more major disasters are on the way."

It's sad to say, but I believe you are totally correct. God will have his way.

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Bidens story on the beach gets better. He was sitting with an old business partner of his and Hunter's that banked him millions. So that makes it all worse. Biden is heartless, he's better off letting Samaritan's Purse take care of loving on the people in Hawaii. The more he tries to distinguish how much he hates the citizens of our country the more he divides the country. Example again - $700 to desparate burnt out Hawaiiian US citizens compared to $billions being laundered to the corrupt country of Ukraine & its leader.

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Not to mention the endless streams of illegals. 😡

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The big question is who are the buyers? Like Black Water agents. Big bucks taking advantage of desperate people. Buy it cheap and make a big profit.

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The governor admitted in a news conference about the state "acquiring" the land.

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Gee, what a surprise, huh.

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I'm kinda wondering if there isn't some kind of protection of the land or treaty for indiginous people going back to the Sandwich Islands takeover and annexation as a state. You know.. just wondering.

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Not in this lifetime. "The govt" stole it, they sure won't give it back !

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C'mon man... where's the 10% for the big guy? THEN you'll see some action. Maybe.

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There was also a Space Force base on Maui. In case you haven't heard, Trump says that the Space Force has all of the evidence that the 2020 election was rigged. (Yes. I am still talking about that.) Perhaps the cabal thought they could get rid of that information once and for all. Just a crazy conspiracy theorist here.

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I just can’t comment without losing my temper and throwing a raging fit! Sickens me!! The worst President in history is an understatement!! He is the epitome of evil! Not to mention that he’s NOT the president of this country!!! Not by a long shot! It still perplexes me that they got away with the proven stolen election!! Boggles the brain! I won’t be surprised if they get away with EVERYTHING!! This govt is a tyrannical, corrupt overthrow!! Traitors used to be shot!!! And he’s still the fake sitting Pres??? What an embarrassment that he represents this once great country! Shameful beyond shameful!

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Because most all people will not be able to get there and you will be safer in your hide-a- way. Safe from the common ilk, while they are being erased.

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Usa democrats need a super manupilateable looser like biden, then they can manupilate him any way they please....biden should have been in an old age facility..not in the white house facility. Even the way he walks tells lot about his age and declining health. .

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All those Socialists adhere to the same "rules". I've heard old Hillary say it too.

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