We have to be terrified and beg for protection from our masters. Please save me WHO from this terrifying plague...

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That's the LAST people you want to be asking for help!

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I'm quite sure the vast majority of people will handle this hoax the same way they did the covid/vax scam; with calmness, with disdain, ridicule & by totally ignoring the mandates for tests, vaxes, masks, lockdowns & distancing.

(do I need to add /S ?)

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How can we get our pre-planned Scamdemic response package(s) Version 2.0 operationalised by bureaucrats and ready to roll out with guaranteed big profits for our insiders' club? The Covid jig is up. Those pollies and journos keep telling the useless eaters to take the jab but they aren't listening any more.

Dammit! We must double down.

Ve must have Ze master plan and ve must implement it. Because ve are zmarter zan zee mere mortals and ve must have total control!

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Ve must also eat ze bugs! 🐞 🐛 🐜 lol 😂

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Why are they talking about this "upcoming" desease?

To keep us in fear.....

If we are in fear of (insert problem here), they wil find us easier to control. At least that's what they think. Thankfully at least some people are waking up.

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LOTS of people are waking up! And we outnumber them by about a million-to-one, which is why they are SO desperate to kill us off as quickly as possible — before too many of us realize what they are doing and come after them! But guess what, you Globalist SOBs: it's too late, and this is one genie you will NEVER "put back in the bottle"!!!

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Better known as disease BS.

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Thank you, Michael. Anyone who reads scripture will be well aware that for sure "pestilences" will be on the increase. God says this will be the situation and therefore it will be. end of story.

Whether manmade or 'natural' who can tell in this crazy, sick world ? My guess re X is that the powers that be are somewhat nervous and so are desiring to capitalize on their remarkable recent success in duping this world as soon as possible before sufficient people wake up and refuse to accept the evilness. it will come nevertheless of course, as per Scripture, but even one push back would delay their totally evil plans for humanity. Worryingly far too many remain gullible and ignorant even though without excuse now.

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It's not an unknown disease if the WEF produces it in a secret biolab somewhere. Besides slowly starving, poisoning, and freezing us to death, they have to have a deadly disease so they can give us more dangerous and ineffective "vaccines". We are like ants to them to be scraped from the bottom of their shoe. They won't live forever and God will judge them for their crimes.

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They're telling us their next attack on us...

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I wouldn’t read too much into this. They’re probably just trying to scare people back into compliance, although the tinfoil hats are bound to have their theories.

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You may not have noticed, but the tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists have been right a lot recently. I wear mine proudly.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

While I can’t disagree with you, dissidents have a disproportionate share of pancake earthers and other assorted fruits and nuts. They need to purge, shun and shame the schizos in the ranks to avoid being permanently marginalized.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

I triple dog dare you to watch this:


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41 minutes of retardation … lol 😆

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So much for your open mindedness. Go forth and live your fantasy life. If you need help when the truth is revealed, don't contact me. You are on your own.

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A pancake earther tells me that I’m living a fantasy life. Good lord, the irony is so thick you can cut it with a knife! 😂

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

Rather than calling conspiracy theorists names (as we've been taught by the lamestream media), perhaps you could just think of us as open minded individuals who see through the massive web of lies. As for flat earth, why does a plane take nearly the same time on both legs of a journey when our globe is supposedly spinning at 1000 mph and the plane only flies at 900 mph? Also, if we're spinning that fast, why aren't the stars just a blur? I could go on all day.

Question everything!

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Are you really that dumb or are you just messing around? If you’re one of the aforementioned fruits or nuts nobody cares what you think, nor would any serious movement have any use for you. Snyder you need a purge ! lol 😂

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Everyone is arguing about their opinion about this.

Look, the only source of truth about the future is the Bible the very words of Christ (God in the flesh).

Jesus said just before he returns there will be a world lead that subdues all the nations and has full authority over all the nations.

From that there will be a world leader who brings that about (the man of sin the Anti (imitation) Christ.

There will be wars until the end.

There will be famine.

There will be plagues

Christians will be martyred

There will be great signs in the sky and on earth (earthquake).

This is what is coming, this is God's will; Jesus said these things are regrettable but must take place.

Stop bickering about this and that. As these things take place, then you will know,Jesus said.

Not ahead of time. It's spiritual arrogance to think we got this figured out about what is the final plague or to deny any of this as real.

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DIsease “X” was talked about prior to 2018 as far back as 2014 as far as I know. One of the viruses that fits in this category is the bird flu. There is currently a bird flu in china with a very high, I think 40% death rate that has killed over 100 in China. They are also working on a very virulent strain of coronavirus there as well. Sound familiar? Covid was a test case. If you study how the globalists work... they dip their toe in the water to see how the population will react, then they hit you with the real thing. They already know that if the public is scared enough, 80 pct or more will comply and lie down to take their “medicine” (punishment).

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You must be a liberal. As soon as someone voices a differing opinion, no matter how much proof they have, your immediate reaction is to start calling them names. I am actually a highly intelligent woman and one of Michael's paid subscribers. Perhaps you have heard of a little thing called the First Amendment. In conclusion, in a battle of wits, you're completely unarmed.

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If you have to tell someone how highly intelligent you are, one begins to wonder. 'The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.'

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Proverbs 10:12

"Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers all wrongs."

Perhaps you could try it.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

The "Powers That Be" are SOOOO arrogant that they think us stupid cattle won't notice what they are doing:

—Companies already cooking up "vaccines" for their newest pandemic.

—"Priming the pump" with fear-mongering to con people into suicidal behavior: as in accepting injections of the next deadly bioweaons as soon as they become available.

—Preparing the cattle (us) to submit to even more stringent lockdowns and "mitigation measures" that have zero effect on an aerosolized virus, but will further destroy small businesses and economies and lead to more homelessness, bad health, and starvation.

—Increase stress, divisiveness, and civil unrest.

— Damage peoples' immune systems by the stress hormones.

—And, of course, terrify people so much that they exhibit "learned helplessness", Stockholm Syndrome, and lose their higher brain function so that they will be vulnerable to brainwashing and propaganda, such as believing the sure-to-ensue mantra of "Safe and Effective", and rejecting the obvious "right before their eyes" evidence of people dropping dead from the new shots! "Oh, but it COULDN'T be the "vaccines"! "Our government/doctors/Big Pharma would NEVER deliberately hurt us!!!!!" "Conspiracy Theory!" "Conspiracy Theory!" "Conspiracy Theory!"

Lets face it— the ONLY WAY they can predict "Disease X" is if THEY WILL BE RELEASING IT! Obviously one of their already-waiting-in-the-wings chimeric nightmare Bioweapons that they have been working so hard on . . . mass release of a virus is cheaper than bullets. Watch out for it sometime before the November election: July? August? September?

How many hundreds of millions will die or be disabled by the next round of shots before people get shaken out of their hypnotic trance (that many CURRENTLY are STILL IN!)?

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Only worry if the super rich and powerful start to physically leave us.

They might make it sound like: ' You common people won. We will leave you alone now. '

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An insider familiar with some of the super rich reported that they are already provisioning their hideaways with between three years and TEN years-worth of storable food. What do they know that we don't???

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You all KNOW what "Disease X" is. From my side, it used to hide under my bed when I was 2. Fauci, Daszak and Gates are STILL screwing around with bat viruses using our money, though (RIGHT NOW TODAY). THAT is why Putin invaded Ukraine. THAT (and 10%) is why Biden, Kerry, Romney, Pelosi and all the other "leaders" are throwing our money and irreplaceable weapons at this otherwise meaningless war. To protect their investments in the bio labs and the kickbacks to their kids.

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