Dust? From the same regime that doesn't have a problem spraying our skies daily with all kinds of chemicals and poison? Pretty piss poor excuse in my book. They obviously need a little more time to cover up the mess they caused to protect their arses.

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Yes tag they screwed up big time many died and like JFK they have to cover it up.

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The miles of bare land with the police cars is probably where the construction of the 15 minute city will start.

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Ha ha! Can't wait to see one in practice out west. We are not NYC!

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LOL It takes me 20 minutes just to get to my nearest city! Yes, us people that live in the boondocks will have something to say about their ridiculous plans. My hope is those 15 minute cities will keep the morons controlled/confined and out of my neck of the woods! LOL!

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Obviously they are hiding something they don't want the public to see. The author of the video said there foreign police on the scene because they were driving foreign cars and he had never seen them before. Again just more pure opinionated, speculation with zero facts. Like with JFK or 9-11 we may never know all the facts but the big point is "they" are in total control, Jesus predicted these kinds of things. Just another sign the end is near and the anti-christ is close. He will be a man of the people, overthrowing "them" and exposing the truth behind all these mysteries, will people follow him as he promises to restore our nation and freedoms, just kiss his ring and make him god and it will happen. Freedom at what price? Without the freedom In Christ human freedom is meaningless.

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Here's more evidence for my kidnapping theory in Lahaina:


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PROOF? Proof requires evidence, facts. The author of the video asks questions, makes speculations and accusations with zero evidence. Evidence would be talking to the 4,000 adult residents of the city that did not die and hear their story. How come thousand of parents are not screaming where are my kid? I went to work we had a fire where are my children?

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Remember "Ruby Ridge"? What about JFK's death photos?

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Yes Michael we don't know where the JFK head shot came from because Kennedy's head was taken. With the Magruder film and a clear entrance and exit wound would have given evidence exactly where the shot came from. Again "they" deliberately muddy the water and float most all conspiracy theories to divide this nation.

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Don't jump on the fake news/fear porn too quickly. I live where Hilary came through -- big nothing. There were very small parts that had flooding but nothing at all out of the ordinary except that it happened in August instead of winter. Their tactic is to front load the hype and try to get as many fish as possible in the fear net so that it sounds like there's a major crisis everywhere - but any true crisis is very local local local. Right now, FL and HI.

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The liberal government will spend money on this fence, but not finish the wall along our southern border.

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This may seem harsh, but I hope those children are dead. Otherwise, isn't it possible that someone kidnapped them into the sex (and much worse) trade?

I saw a video that some other citzen journalists posted about some of the burned out cars:


Did you notice how the aluminum parts just crumbled in their hands? Sure, they aren't forensic scientists, but the last time I checked, aluminum burns at about 3000 degrees. How does a grass fire, (with little or no grass) get to that temperature? C'mon man!

They have erected that fence and private police (which must cost a bloody fortune), to keep out more looky loos from questioning the narrative. This was all an operation to seize prime real-estate from people who didn't want to move. I even heard that they have some concentration camps (oops, I mean 15 minute cites) planned for the area.

I hope for your sake that you don't live in a coveted area, because this could easily happen to you or me. Didn't half of Greece just burn?

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Again the wheels are not pure aluminum they are made of aluminum and nickel. That's why they melt and crumble at less than 3000 degrees. Plus the gas in the car burns and the winds were 80 mph. I've seen car fires where the alloy wheels were completely melted.

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Does anyone still remember Guernica, Spain? Franco let Hitler test aerial bombardment fir the first time in modern war. This too was a test strike of a new weapon. They picked Lahaina because it was able to be isolated and was in a "friendly" state, i.e., one where the citizens would behave like sheep. And BLUE colored things did not fry. Why did all the "right" celebs paint their houses blue (fact)? They haven't covered that up yet (as of yesterday)

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I have even heard (and this is just a theory), that they somehow weaponized the cell phones and other devices. The elites were notified when to turn off their electronics.

I guess that I'll be in the market for some Faraday pouches.

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Look under "Hadley Bag."

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