As an ex Catholic I know of many demonic manifestations that the Church has 100% endorsed and sold as true. So they have been doing Satan's bidding since King Constantine used the religion to unite his fracturing empire. It brought everything pagan into Rome and the Paganized religion has been Satan's seat since.

So it's evident that the devil has a big rabbit to pull out of his hat to deceive the prepared subjects to their final place of torment.

"The Vatican has announced that it is set to hold a press conference on “supernatural phenomena” tomorrow, and it will touch on aliens.."

Will Obama be there ?

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Granted we have had more than our share of embarrassments and upheavals in our Faith, and now seems to be a terribly apostate era (which was predicted by numerous saints and our Lord Himself) but to paint Catholicism since Emperor Constantine's time in the 4th Century as one big Devil's Playground is not only grossly unfair, it's not at all accurate!!!

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With such a documented history of pervert preists covered up by the leadership, the fact that you remain in such a dark and evil religion does no bode well for you. In Central and South America the paganism of the Roman Church is evident where every false virgin of Guadeloupe etc. Pagan statues, saints, bones, etc are worshipped except Jesus. The first commandment is broken by Catholic WORSHIP of Mary.

The evil Catholic Spanish inquisition and how God raised up a great storm to sink the Spanish Armada on its way to attack British resistors of Rome was portrayed well in the 2nd Elizabeth movie.

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We can pray for each other. How’s about that! In the meantime May I suggest some visits to Catholic Answers website. Also the Armor of God Spiritual Warfare and Sensus Fildelium channels on YouTube are also good. Satan’s been busy with us considering we’re the church Christ set up but with all the many warts and even Satanic excursions by some truly evil clergy and others, the gates of Hell will not prevail against us, although Satan and his demonic minions do try! God Bless!

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You are greatly deceived . Jesus is the Rock, the ONLY FOUNDATION. You made the harlot Rome your foundation which is fatal. Peter was never in Rome and he was never the first pope. I lived 2 blocks from the Cathedral ,altsr boy,choir boy, K-12 Catholic school, Uncle was Catholic missionary to Ivory Coast, Aunt a Nun, so the last place I'd go near is anything Catholic. It's deceived and damned trillions of souls to hell. It's evil to the core.

My mother was named Bernadette after the Our Lady of Fatima demonic deception. Even after years of encouraging her to seek and call on Jesus she would pray to Mary in a panic about stroke, health issues. The devil has craftily dethroned Jesus in your evil religion and replaced the ONLY Mediator with Mary. I already prayed for you, but the love of the truth does not seem to capture your heart.

What's really sad is that you don't know the trouble you are in.

""For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness."

2 Thessalonians 2

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We'll just have to agree to disagree. I've thought of using my Substack as a means to write articles about our faith but I don't have the time or the knowledge I suspect to deal with all this Mary-is-a pagan-goddess, the-Catholic-church-is-the-whore-of-Babylon.com type stuff. We've had our share of prelates from Hell, especially in the last 50-60 years, but if that's all you can see..well, what can I say? My soul might indeed be in danger but not because I'm Catholic, but if your mind's made up and you won't listen to anything good and Holy about the Church Christ Himself founded..all I can say is "good night"!

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Mary is, and was, nothing but a Jewish maiden who met the requirements Yhwh set through whom to gift humanity with the greatest blessing of all eternity: HIS SON, our Redeemer! She lived and died as a Jewish girl of her time. She was blessed to be chosen for the honor bestowed upon her, but she was no more than any other young woman of her time, and when she died, she was buried like all her peers. She's not a pagan goddess, although the myth around her that Catholicism teaches is about a pagan deity. Praying to her ("hail Mary" or any others), is about as useful as praying to a rock; she has been dead nearly 2K yrs, and had no divine authority during her lifetime either. Whether the Catholic church is the "whore of Babylon" from Revelation, or that refers to our present world economic system, or even to the US (another viable candidate), I don't know yet. But I do know the Roman church has been leading people astray for a very long time, and I feel for all those lost souls who were raised to believe those lies and never once questioned them.

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The "Church" Christ founded is NOT Roman Catholicism or any other "denominational entity"; it's PEOPLE; those who are truly redeemed by His blood, and Peter was not the" rock" on which it was founded; that would be Yeshua (Jesus) Himself alone. On NO other foundation could it possibly have stood all these centuries! "On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking sand", a line from an old hymn expresses it perfectly.

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The "church" Jesus founded was established on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem long before According to The Moody Handbook of Theology, the official beginning of the Roman Catholic church occurred in 590 CE, with Pope Gregory I. This time marked the consolidated of lands controlled by authority of the pope, and thus the church's power, into what would later be known as "the Papal States. Thus was not about the church per say but the consolidation of power and control, nothing more

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The truth that Peter was NEVER in Rome and WAS NOT the first Pope you ignore. Apostle Paul was executed by Nero in Rome at that time as well as the other Christians in Rome who were burned alive.

It doesn't trouble you that you were lied to by a corrupted church run to ruin by a bunch of old farts. Willfull ignorance is soul destroying.

That is serious downfall on your part. Repent and let Jesus be your solid Rock foundation. He died and rose again for you not the old farts in Rome.

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Maybe not as inaccurate as you would like to believe. Have you ever seriously questioned any of the doctrines and dogmas of Catholicism that have no Biblical basis? There are some pretty serious ones really. Start with "co- redemptrix" (only 1 Person born on, but not of, this Earth had blood pure enough to shed for the remission of all sin permanently, which He got from His Father). Or the practices of the confessional... What makes a person a saint, according to the Scriptures? Those are just a few...

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You folks won't let this go, will you?? I more than grant that there are pronouncements and various comments from Francis coming out of the Vatican these days that are questionable, to say the least! But Christ set up an institutional CHURCH for a reason, with the apostles and disciples creating Bishops, Priests, Deacon, and Nuns to help with prayer, fulfilling the Great Commission to spread the Gospel far and wide and to administer His sacraments to give all of us much needed graces. Not that you'll listen but just a reasonable amount of homework on this might make you begin to understand that, for example, Mary wasn't just some "Jewish maiden". That she was but so much more! That doesn't make her a Goddess and she herself in her great humility would shudder at the thought. Not that you will do so but you might want to look up some books on the Biblical basis for the seven sacraments Christ instituted to give us grace. Trent Horn's book "Why We're Catholic" provides a good overview, as does the website https://www.catholic.com/ which includes numerous writers who came into the faith from Protestantism. Google Scott Hahn for a prominent example of such a man. And when it comes to Mary, she's just some "maiden" like Beethoven was just some guy who played the piano, and again this is not meant to Deify her. As I said she would shudder at the thought! She is still a powerful intercessor with her DIvine Son nonetheless, although this doesn't mean she will answer every request to her the way we might want of course, any more than God Himself would. But look up the Miracles at Fatima and Lourdes. The Battle of Lepanto in 1571.And while we're on the subject who do you think it was who gave you the Bible? Yep, it was the Catholic Church. The term “Catholic” just means universal and was first coined by St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, who left us several moving letters before he was martyred in Rome around the year 107. There's just such a wealth of verifiable information out there about the authenticity and even the Necessity of Catholicism, even in an apostatic era such as the one we're living in now! The Church has far too many wolves mixing it in with Christ's flock these days I more than grant you. And the Church might well be forced back into 21st Century Catacombs by all those "Progressives" that deify the State. Ceasar can't help himself it seems in trying to replace Christ as our focus of worship ; and, as some of you might well proclaim when looking at our foibles and follies over the past two millennia, this current time of confusion and even apostasy in the Vatican ain't our first rodeo, not by any means! But this is the church that gave us giants such as St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, one could go on and on! Prove me wrong NOT in what you're telling me in these comboxes, but that you won't will look into any of this! God willing we'll all meet up in Heaven someday in any case.

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It was because I did my homework that I converted to Catholicism.

In my experience- Protestantism isn’t all it’s made out to be. I feel like I have the fullness of the Christian faith and its heritage now.

With a lot of these arguments I usually just end up saying ‘I guess we’ll find out who’s right when we die’. People get so stuck in the weeds that they don’t see that we are all doing our best to follow Christ, given the circumstances and experiences we’ve been given. We were born into a world with a divided church and that has consequences.

That said, I could never go Protestant again because I feel like I’d have to turn a part of my brain off to believe some of the stuff some of their churches teach. Some of them really do have wacky ideas. Again, some, not all. It’s a hot mess trying to find a solid church in that culture too.

Protestant churches and denominations aren’t equal, except to say that they definitely aren’t Catholic. That’s something they all agree on to varying degrees.

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First and foremost: JESUS NEVER ESTABLISHED A CHURCH! He came, by His own words, to seek and save the lost of Israel. He knew, of course, what would come, but He never intended to start a "different" belief system. Instead, He taught that we, the "wild olive branches" should be grafted into the established "domestic olive tree". Again, He declared He did not come to destroy the Law(Torah) but to fulfill it! The church institutions developed under apostles and their teaching, but the earliest believers were ALL Jews, not Gentiles, and the term Christian first appeared in Ephesus as a slur.

As for who gave us the Bible... Nope, it was the Holy Spirit, and the lion's share of it was written before Jesus' birth, let alone teaching. The Jews had been preserving it for 3 millennia, give or take a bit, before the 1st Christians came along, and would've continued doing so.

I was introduced to the teachings of the Roman church in 2nd grade, when as the ONLY non Roman church attendee in my public school class and with nowhere else I could go for that time, I had to sit through catechism classes. That was 70yrs ago. Since, I have studied religions and many cults, both formally and on my own, including the Roman church teachings. I know quite well what catholic means.

Prove you wrong? I stand by and on the Word of God, and that alone! Even your (collective you) misuse of the term saint is not scriptural, a Biblical saint being anyone redeemed by the prescribed method. But, of course, that definition predates the Roman church. "Canonizing" certain individuals is an human invention. You will not find it even in the Douay-Reims approved translations, I've read 2 of those cover to cover too. I can't "prove" to you that you've been fed lies your whole life, by a political institution masquerading as a church! I can only point you to the real history of the institution, as recorded by outside historians, and the written Word of Yhwh God Himself. I can tell you, that even as a 7 yr old I could sense the errors in what I was hearing in that class, based on 1 full yr and building through that same year, of Protestant Sunday school classes. I later learned what I had sensed proved to be correct, as I learned more about the teachings and about what the Bible said. Just FYI, the Protestants haven't got it right either! They, too, are far off the rails of Biblical Christianity.

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With your comments you prove you knew very little about Catholicism.

Atheists and agnostics would start to find answers in peer-reviewed Near Death Experiences. Consciousness, intelligence, will, are all spiritual properties of the spiritual immortal soul. How do we know that? some of the blind from birth see in colors for the first time when they are brain dead (no electricity, no activity, no bloodflow, no oxygen) and also no heartbeat and no breathing. The same happens with some of the deaf: they listen for the first time to conversations around or if they go up, even celestial music!

“there are characteristic features that are commonly observed in NDEs. These characteristics include a perception of seeing and hearing apart from the physical body, passing into or through a tunnel, encountering a mystical light, intense and generally positive emotions, a review of part or all of their prior life experiences, encountering deceased loved ones, and a choice to return to their earthly life.”


5 peer reviewed experiences (among dozens):


Struck by lighting and came back from near-death to tell us about how we will be Judged:


"God is love" says the Bible, the Word of God (1 John 4:7-12) Do you believe in love? then you believe in God. How do you prove love to yourself? If you prove love, you prove God! There’s no love without God, the source of all true love. He’s not only the love of my life, He’s the life of my love!

Jesus said “I’m... the life.” (John 14:16)

“God gives life to everything.” (1 Timothy 6, 13)

Do you believe in life? You prove life, you prove God, eternal life, source of all life:


That is where you should start your journey of discovery, but first pray: "God, life of my love, if you exist, please show me the way to find the bliss of knowing You"

or even better:

Think this with your heart: “Jesus, if you are the Son of God, I consecrate my heart to your Heart. Please send me the Holy Spirit so I can see Truth and have the courage to convert and follow Him wherever He leads”

Mathematical proof of God’s mind

Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:


Movie Review: After Death


Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Which Christian denomination is more Biblical?


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They dubbed their large binocular telescope LUCIFER. How fitting. Remember, the stars are for signs and seasons. . . If you’re somebody who understands the symbolic language, you will know what that means. And I’m not talking about spring, summer, fall and winter; although, those terms carry their own symbolism.

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This seems like a big distraction to me. It makes me wonder what's going to happen that the cabal wants to distract us from?

Keep your wits about you and be aware.

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We are in a Spiritual war. Evil spirits and the Holy Spirit are at odds to say the least. If you know your Bible and the study of Eschatology, then you know we are in the End Times. The devil will convince even some Christians that are left behind, of lies when people suddenly disappear from the Rapture. The unbiblical Vatican is setting the stage for excuses and smoke screens of increased demonic behaviors, and excuses for those true believers who will be "caught up" into heaven at the sound of the trumpet when Jesus meets them in the air. The dead will rise first. These Godly supernatural events will only be understood by those with Biblical knowledge. The most important thing to know......get right with Jesus today because you do not want to be left behind! Only God the Father knows the day and hour. But, the signs are increasing that the "time is near".

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And will the devil also deceive & lead many away when they realize that they haven't been ruptured away before or during the tribulation? You might what to read Michael's book on the rapture called the rapture verdict to fully understand what a great big lie christians have been sold that they will be ruptured up before the tribulation arrives.

If pre rapture is a thing why haven't presucted christian's all over the world been ruptured up? It seems that according to many deceived christian's it is only golden ticket out for christian's in western nations.

Can you not see the hypocrisy in that idea that God would rapture up only a massive amount of christian's in western nations that are lovers of themselves. And who would definitely not lie down their lives to follow Jesus Christ.

Oh that's right most western Christian's are only interested in prosperity preaching & how God can bless their little cotton socks off. The question they ask themselves is why would a loving God subject them to the tribulation when God is meant to bless His people?

Which He does by refining them in the fire so that all that is not of Him can be burned away.

Wake up that's the true blessing of God that He would choose to except us as sinners & refine us into the image of His Son Jesus Christ anyway.

And that will definitely not be achieved through prosperity preaching or being ruptured up before the heat comes on 🤣

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Your skepticism is acceptable, the sarcasm really is not. The word rapture, comes from the Latin raparer, "to snatch out, or away", and it is essentially a 1 time collective event, not a "catch as catch can" thing. It relates to the fact that believers are not appointed to judgment, which is coming on the world at a specific time, and those who have already died will be snatched out as well, for the wedding feast of the Lamb! The rapture will be a GLOBAL event all at the same instant, not "just the western Christians", and those that are " lovers of themselves" are not Christians at all, whatever they claim to the contrary. The Biblical definition is very clear. Jesus Himself warned us that in this world we, as His followers, would be hated and have troubles, just as He did. The "prosperity gospel" is, indeed false, but so is denial of Jesus' own teachings; or do you not realize He spoke of the Rapture descriptively in His parables?

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He also said Sandra no one knows the day or hour of his return. It's not that I don't believe in the rapture it's more of a case of the timing. As for the wrath of God that will be coming for "all" who choose to worship the beast & his image & receive his mark thereby gaining themselves a one way ticket into the lake of fire for all eternity. In fact if you read Rev 20:4 It clearly talks about those who received thrones because of their testimony about Jesus & because of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image & had not received it's mark on their foreheads or hands. They came to life & reigned with Christ a thousand years.

So if all true believers in Christ have been supposedly ruptured up before the tribulation how can that be Sandra?

Plus you have not given a reply to my previous post Sandra about why do Christians in western countries believe they will be ruptured up & not those who are right now choosing to be martyred for their belief in Christ Jesus? I also find it ironic Sandra that true believers in Jesus Christ find it offensive when their view on the rapture is questioned & challenged with scripture & in fact twist & prevert what was originally said. I never said in my previous post I don't believe in the rapture just the timing of it Sandra.

And I believe what I wrote in my previous post including inviting anyone interested to read Michael Snyders previous book titled the rapture verdict. To be part of a robust response that was meant to challenge christians to be open to & explore the possibility that they are in fact following false teaching Sandra. And that in fact if they are peddling this teaching onto others are they leading others astray with false teaching Sandra? Anyway just stirring the pot Sandra for a robust discussion & if you took offense that was never my intention Sandra. It was always about the truth of God's word that sets us free & not what we want it to be or say according to our own beliefs Sandra.

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I did answer it, you just ignored the answer. The Dead in Christ rise 1st, whether they died last week or last millennium, then those still alive, it's a global event, all at the same instant,.

Those of whom you speak still here during the time of Jacob's trouble are those who were not saved prior to the rapture, but later turned to Jesus, and rejected the mark of the beast! They are also known as the tribulation saints.

You did. However, I read the Bible for my source on Yhwh God's word, and what it means. May I suggest you watch the movie "Before the Wrath", a teaching video , actually, directly about the rapture and its timing? It's very informative and explains the concept of " only the Father knows" timing to which Jesus referred. There are an handful of sound teachers presenting this together, not just 1 person's opinion.

One of the lessons I learned in seeking to understand the word is that it requires a solid knowledge of the entire Word, and it explains itself. However, I find the Holy Spirit is a good Teacher too. I'm acquainted with the various theories about rapture timing. Looking at all the Scriptures say about that event, only a pre-Trib timing really fits it, because only that would remove the major obstacle to Satan's complete takeover: the Holy Spirit, Who in dwells every redeemed person!

No offense taken. I mistook your comments for confusion on your part, so I apologize as well.

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All good Sandra like you I have read God's word multiple times & look to it for divine guidance & other thing's that the Holy Spirit prompts me with. But in the end my hope is in Jesus Christ my Lord & Savior & I don't believe in pre Tribulation rapture.

I have come to this conclusions from studying God's word & reading Michael's book the rapture verdict really confirmed to me the truth of this.

The way I look at it if God does pre tribulation rapture His people I'm not going to argue 🤣.

But if it doesn't happen either then I'm not going to freak out because it didn't happen & lose hope. Because my hope is "fully in Him" & as long as I shelter under the wings of the Most High I have nothing to fear except fear itself. Which is always a individual choice of whether we trust in Him fully or take our eyes off Him in the midst of the storm that is already upon us.

God bless all who chose to remain faithful to the end of their race & receive a crown of life 😇

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My hope also is in my Redeemer, and I believe Him. We will agree to disagree on His timing. Be blessed, and have a lovely weekend.

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It’s interesting reading the comments here.

The Coming World Leader (the anti-Christ) will have the entire globe believing “THE” lie as recorded in Thessalonians 2:11. What better way to explain the disappearance of so many in the world, not to mention the untold millions coming out of their graves?

Nine out of 10 churches today deny the Millennial reign. This is Amillennialism.

The Harpazo is the most preposterous belief in Christianity. And yet, it is absolutely correct. It is our BLESSED HOPE!

A careful study of the Jewish wedding reveals the Harpazo plan.

Other references to the Harpazo/Rapture in the Bible:

Enoch was raptured: Gen. 5:24 and Hebrew 11:5

Elijah was taken up: 2 Kings 2:11

Jesus Himself was taken up: Acts 1:9-10

Philip was carried away: Acts 8:39

Paul was taken up to the 3rd heaven: 2 Corinthians 12:2

John was caught up to heaven: Revelation 4:1

Finally, as Christians, we need to be ambassadors. We must represent the King faithfully and love one another no matterhow much we may our disagree. We must not give Satan any opportunity. 😁

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Humans have been interacting with "extraterrestrials" for millennia: Yhwh God, archangels like Michael and Gabriel and sometimes others of the angelic hierarchy; and some have interacted with 1 called Lucifer (aka Satan), or some of his fellow rebel angels. These are recorded in the Bible, for all to read. The concept of aliens from other planets dropping in is ludicrous, in terms of the laws of physics, for 1 reason. But the current interest in it stems from humanism's efforts to deny Yhwh, and pretend like we are just a "accident"! It suggests another " accident" should come here to save us from ourselves. I reckon y'all forgot the cookbook "To Serve Man"...?

The ONLY extraterrestrials coming to our " rescue" are Yhwh God, His Son, and their holy angels. If the Roman church is suggesting otherwise, it only means they are finally revealing their true source of belief, and that would NOT be Yhwh God! Michael makes mention of the observatory in Southern affiliated with U of A; he forgot to mention the name of 1 of their principal telescopes...LUCIFER! Kind of goes along with 1 of the covid jabs' ingredients: luciferase. Connection? Probably, but I have no proof, yet. Coincidence? Only the sort that call one's hackles to full attention.

Remember, Satan is "the prince of the power of the air", the very air we must all breathe. His time is now, but not for much longer. So he and his minions are extremely active in setting the delusions in place to fool "even the elect, if that were possible". Beware false "saviors"!

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Funny, the church has always acknowledged that demons exist and every diocese has one or more exorcists on the staff. Doesn’t seem like they have much of a problem accepting that demons exist, and that they aren’t friendly.

None of this really does get to the point. If aliens do exist, then what would the proper Christian response be? Do we think that God would only come to this planet? Or that we live in a magic bubble that has fake stars painted on it? Why wouldn’t we baptize an alien if that alien accepted Jesus? I can’t imagine demons would willingly ask to be baptized.

It is sad to see some of the thinking here, though. These times require a lot of thinking on your feet, discernment, and understanding that things are entering a very strange new world. Thoughtless reaction is what prey animals exhibit when a predator is near. Don’t react to news and events these days by assuming it all fits into some framework that used to be a convenient shorthand fifty years ago.

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The rapture is as real as is the blood that was shed to redeem us! Jesus taught of it in His parables, as His apostles affirmed too, in their teaching.

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Note the statement "UFOs are more than just physical crafts from other worlds and that they have a paranormal side to them." This is consistent with what little the public actually knows particularly from the few who have seriously studied the UFO/paranormal phenomenon, like computer scientist and astronomer Jacques Vallée, who extensively went through a wide range of literature to write such books as Passport to Magonia including Latin language books from Catholic libraries dealing with invisible entities, air sylphs, demoniality and so forth. It is also consistent with what we know to be the views of government bodies and scientists therein, at least in the US and former Soviet Union (presumably now Russian Federation as well), and I believe Brazil too.

The usage of the word "extraterrestrial" seems to be mostly your own insertion here into what they said. The prevailing view defies conventional explanations and is an "ultraterrestrial" hypothesis where they have been here for a long time and it is not known where they are from or why they are here (or what "they" are, other than that there is a "they" of some kind). There is both a physical component including evidence left behind that is relatively well studied and documented (although most of it e.g negatives of photos get scooped up by governments and the private sector, then locked up somewhere), as well as a psychic component that is harder to explain, and tends to be more "taboo" and dismissed instinctively without consideration or thought.

The Catholic Church has an excellent record of some of the latter, much of which is actually public but not easily accessible to the public or scrutinised. I doubt there is much conspiracy to this, really. They can probably see which way the wind is blowing with the opinion of the public, governments, and even scientists (considering the number of papers seriously examining UFO related phenomena in the past few years). I would not take their odd way of easing the public into the idea or discussing it as them literally wanting to baptise and welcome aliens, personally, given what we do know.

Governments certainly want to manipulate all of it and people's perception of it to their own advantage, as it's known the French government once faked an abduction just to test public response, for example, before apparently cancelling a second part of the operation that sounded more insidious. But the steering toward authoritarianism and nudging toward a belief in a superior aristocratic race (e.g.: daoine maithe or "the Gentry;" air sylphs of Charlemagne's time; Hermetic records; etc) and psychological conditioning of a kind fitting with what we know about psychology and even Skinner's experiments, all that has continued for a long time prior to the 20th century whether we like it or understand it or not and all without any present states having a part of it.

It is quite insidious, whatever it is. It is reasonable to worry about the messengers of deception among us, in our governments, deep states, etc, that may try to make use of this demonic phenomenon that seems to change throughout time in how it appears to us (now, it appears "technological," but it wasn't always like that). But the existence of demonic "invisible entities" that appear absurd and try to manipulate us in their own right, regardless of what we think about them and as has been attested to and elaborated on endlessly by the likes of W.Y. Evans-Wentz and Jacques Vallée, should be most concerning and considered worthy of scrutiny and open discussion. If the Catholic Church can help open the discussion, good for all of us, I say. How can one oppose the demonic without awareness of it?

Dr. Garry Nolan's hypothesis is that it all represents an "intelligence test" like how we would place a mirror in a forest to see how animals react to it, except that it's being done to us by something unknown to test what we can understand of reality. Vallée seems to arrived at a similar conclusion decades ago, that it's testing us through the absurd and posing questions to us that do not make sense on their own except if taken as metalogical. Metalogic then seems paramount to any understanding.

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Howdy Y'all,

Just a thought...

Science Fiction writers have been PROLIFIC in examining myriad scenarios which entail US meeting THEM, certainly.

On consideration, I see four dominant themes...potential realistic scenarios occuring - when, NOT if - we meet ET.

The first goes like this...

Any Civilization advanced enough to master Interstellar Travel has technology so fat beyond ours as to be not distinguishable from 'Magic'. In getting 'there' they would neccessarily have passed THROUGH the trials we seem to be facing now, ourselves. Such technology - always a Two-Edged Sword - would TEMPT any individual in thier civilization to do truly awful things; likely ELE-grade things. So, very possibly IF they come here, then they likely ARE peaceful. Otherwise they would ALREADY have exterminated themselves before the fact.

The second goes thusly...

IF a 'culture' was of the 'Hive-Mind' persuasion - something VERY different from the rugged individualism such as our species exhibits, then those just might rapidly achieve to very advanced Technology very quickly. In that case those could either be hyper-aggressive or wholly peaceful, either or. If the former then it will look nothing so much as the Conquistadors hitting the New World; REAL BAD for US. In the latter case, review the first listed case above.

The third potential case follows...

IF they are SERIOUSLY advanced - FAR beyond us - then we might not even be 'interesting' enough for them to stop in and say 'Hello'. Two subcases present now: First that they will NEVER attempt contact with a species as backwards in thier sight as we are. The second subcase is that those would 'study' us...waiting until such time as we achieve to a level sufficient to MERIT/DEMAND an attempt at contact. Think here "Star Trek: First Contact" as one potential avenue. That would very likely arise subsequent to Physicists actually discovering a "Theory of EVERYTHING", ie, a theory which incorporates ALL four fundamental Forces known in Nature within one overarching Theory: Gravity, the Electro-Weak theory and the Strong Nuclear theory. Yes, I SAID FOUR...however electromagnetism and the Weak Nuclear force have - quite successfully - been 'welded' together into a single theory, so then THREE, NOT four.

Incorporating Gravity into an encompassing single Theory might be exactly what gives Humanity "Warp Drives", "Hyperdrives" and etc....hence, Interstellar Travel, we OURSELVES. That would very likely compel any 'Watchers" to reach out to establish dilpomatic relations BEFORE we do something very stupid indeed. OTOH, there might be NO single theory which Mankind can obtain that incorporates Gravity; it might not EXIST. If so, then UFO'S are just horseshit and we will never get out of our own Solar System...which I find to be a horribly depressing thought; I WANT FTL Drives (Faster Than Light).

The last potential case is Grim...

Fred Saberhagen is a SciFi writer who engaged in a series of books a particularly horrible thought: That a Race or Races engage in a TERRIBLE WAR during which they build Autonomous Killing Machines which wipe ALL of them out and thereafter seemingly are without direction, thier Command Code having been satisfied. At some latter point a corruption of thier Base Code occurs and subsequently they interpret ALL Life EVERYWHERE as subject to the Commands they contain...not written by thier creators, but irrefutably VALID nonetheless.

Just a few thoughts to dwell on...perhaps.


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The greatest movement in America by God was the great Awakening. From Edwards on down all these pastors understood the Roman Catholic Church would be the seat of the Anti-Christ and that Rome would burn. I have no doubt when all this comes out the Catholic Church will be in the very center of all of this.

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I don't expect a lot from the Popes press conference. When this goes down it will be sudden and catch the world by surprise, they are not going to give away some clue. Just Another sign "disclosure" is not far off/

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WARNING: Aliens, the next psy-op? DoD Blue Beam project


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Bethel comes to nought, Michael.

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S'OK...Here we go.

Quite a WHILE back, Enrico Fermi - yes, one of the Founders of Nuclear Energy, the original, FIRST 'Nuclear Reactor' under the bleachers at a Stadium in Chicago - was sitting around with his colleagues - simply chatting - when the subject of ET came up.

Enrico asked a simple question, "Where IS everyone...else?", which thereafter became known as the "Fermi Paradox", quite famously I might add.

Soooo...here's the 'Rub'.

We 'SEE' only as much as OF the Universe as we can see of the LIGHT which has reached us THUS FAR. THAT is but a fraction of a FAR GREATER whole owing to the phenomenon of "Inflation". In the VERY EARLY Universe, VERY SUDDENLY, the universe expanded (for REALLY complex reasons) at a Super-Exponential rate.

The upshot of that was that various points in the Universe were - effectively NOT in "Communication" with far-flung other parts, ie, that LIGHT would not arrive from widely seperated regions for Ten's of BILLIONS of years, AT LEAST.

WE 'SEE' about 14 Billion Light Years in all directions, NOW. However, the ACTUAL Diameter of the Greater Universe is thought to be rather larger. Currently, the best 'guess' on that is that the DIAMETER of the Entire Universe is - roughly - somewhat more than 90 Billion Light Years. Whoa! Dat's a BIG!

So...then we 'see' a bubble of the Creation around us about 28 Billion Light Years ACROSS. Obviously that is WAY smaller than the WHOLE.

IN SOLELY what we SEE there are roughly 3 Trillion Galaxies, each - on average - consisting of 250 BILLION Stars. Multiply the number of Galaxies BY the Number of Stars and you get a number pretty damn LARGE. As a matter of Statistics it is wholly implausible that LIFE SOLELY develioed here on Earth ALONE. The odds of that are simply infinitesimally tiny.

Thereafter a gentleman by the name of Frank Drake began formulating a statistical 'framework' from whuch to assess just how many Civilizatiins might actually be present around us...not of THIS Earth, that is.

Quite naturally, that Equation was thereafter named the "Drake Equation", which you can examine at;


That statistical framework suggest VERY strongly that that there SHOULD be Life on myriad planets, orbiting Stars in our own Galaxy - the Milky Way. Furthermore, that equation ALSO indicates that AT LEAST a dozen or more such SHOULD have developed Life SIGNIFICANTLY MORE Technologically advanced than is our OWN, NOW. So, again, " WHERE is EVERYONE?"

Fast forward to contemporary times...

Here's a link to another - POSSIBLE - explanation for the noted discrepancy;


Oft referred to as the Great Filter Conjecture, it basically asserts that owing either to some - as yet - unidentified Natural occurance (likely Astrophsical in Nature) that burgeoning Civilizatiins are ABRUPTLY Terminated ere reaching the point of becoming capable of Stellar Travel OR that something occurs - regularly - in the development OF a Cuvilizatiin whIch serves as an ELE event terminating ALL Life on a planet BEFORE either Interplanetary OR Interstellar Diaspora's can commence.

Simply put, the HOUSE catches Fire while the Baby is ALONE in it's Crib and that's THE END. Period. Entirety of all advanced Life is anihilated...or just ALL LIFE is, either/or.

As a final thought here, traipse over to the following link and read what categories Advanced Life LIKELY goes through en route to succesively higher and higher technological skills...it is a 'Taxonomy' of sorts;


Anyway, the liklihood of the REALITY is that it IS extremely likely that several ten's of millions of Civilizations EXIST FAR above our technological prowess in just the Universe we CAN see.

Be well, be SAFE (as much as one CAN be today) and be Blessed...each and everyone of you here.


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More smoke and mirrors B.S.

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