I have a better question. Why is China allowed to buy ANY land in America that belongs to the American people?

It’s amazing that this leadership will think nothing of selling valuable farmland to a significant enemy, yet it will pull out all the stops in protecting swamps and smelts.

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Swamps & smelts were all early aspects of this (Great ReDo) .. Remember Bill Clint. Surrendering telecommunications secrets which was the Longstride’ to Now !

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Bill Clinton was also in office when the telecommunications industry was brought under federal oversight and taken away from all 50 states that, prior to 1996, were regulated through the states Corporation Commissions. What might they have wanted to hide from the people? Regulatory matters in state Corporation Commissions hold public meetings to gather public sentiment as well as serious matters of opposition. State Corporation Commissions also allow citizens to file motions of intervention in regulatory cases so that you can become an actual party to the case and receive copies of all filings. Since telecommunications has been under federal jurisdiction since 1996, our intervention into telecommunications matters has been stifled. I think of it as an aspect of free speech that’s been snatched out from under our feet and I NEVER hear anyone complain about this matter. Microwave radiation of our atmosphere is now restricted to ONLY government sycophants and away from citizen oversight. Very timely given scientific achievements since 1996.

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Haarp/and foia releases demonstrating an intensive interest w/geocentrism! It’s all coming undone . .Balloons.

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T Y for that ! My snippets have come from “catch as catch can’ while on a personal safari of survival !

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An ex 20 year marine, now retired, now a Broward County Florida Bus Driver told me that he saw a group of 5 Chinese military age guys were behind Sawgrass Mills Mall surrounding a pick up truck loaded with amm0 boxes.

False Flag anyone ?

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Remember China said they would wait until America implodes, and they are going to give it a kick-start. This is why Biden wants to ban large mags and semi-auto rifles now. Again more treason.

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Could be a Chini new year for July cuz that’s the month some prognosticators Said So ! and big shots at that !! So What? Should We do ‘Worry bout that … who can honestly Claim that (worry) got Anyone to any Good Place Ever

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It's the leftist communist leaders at local and state levels, as well as the national level. It is treason. All organic economic assets and property businesses need to be American-owned. They either sell it back or it is seized.

Just another sign the far left in direct cooperation with China to destroy this nation.

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Howdy Daniel!

Gee...you and I think SO much alike, it DISTINCTLY appears! Rest assured that there are dozens of Countries on Earth who utterly PROHIBIT Non-Citizens from OWNING land in thier respective countries.

I think perhaps that THAT SHOULD be a perquisite reserved SOLELY for Citizens AND Business Concerns who ARE American-Based ALONE....and NOT those who 'Off-Shore' thier Headquarters to - Oh say - Ireland, or anywhere ELSE on Earth that is NOT the USA.

So, how does THAT strike you?

Also, Yes...the entirety of American 'Leadership' is - distinctly - FULLY engaged in Commiting the purest conceiveable TREASON against "We, the PEOPLE".

Game, Set and MATCH.

Be well my Good Friend...perhaps - someday - after all the Refuse has been carted OUT, the Lord will see fit to arrange that you and I may accidentally run into each other, somewhere, somewhen: I'd LIKE that!

Oh, FWIW...I'm EASILY 'recognized' inasmuch as I wear a RED MAGA-like cap saying "I like to JOG"...and you'll understand the joke implicit in that phrase if we DO ever meet by happenstance...

Be Well, henceforth be increasingly VIGILANT in just about every way and above ALL, be Blessed Thou my Brother,


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It's the principle of capitalism. You have stuff to make more stuff and sell it, at a profit, so you can get more stuff. (Capital/wealth). You sell what makes you stuff, you get poor very quickly. But this is globalism/ socialism the actual spreading of not only the redistribution of stuff but but how you make stuff so everyone gets a peace and we all get poor together except the few (who run this stupid "Animal Farm." We are told we are all equal but some of us are more equal than others".

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Game, Set and MATCH Daniel...you HIT that one SQUARE-ON Brother!

JOG :)

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Oh, how could I forget! Between Clinton’s loose lending laws and Obama’s delta smelt irrigation issues, Americans are losing their homes and food, not to mention their minds from all the Hocus Pocus they believe spewing forth from these charlatans masquerading as statesmen.

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"The Chinese are preparing to win a War...and we are preparing to lose one."

Yuppers...multiple States now have Bills progressing through thier Legislatures to prohibit any Chinese-affiliated entity from purchasing tracts of land anywhere NEAR onto existing Military facilities...a few of which have already passed into Law.

However, it is likely a case of "Too little, too late" given the incredible influx of what are CLEARLY Chinese Miltary personel through our non-existent southern border.

It only takes a few hundred pre-positioned, pre-provisioned Special Forces wielding 50 BMG rifles firing MK211 'Raufoss" High Explosive, Armor Piercing, INCINDIARY rounds to selectively destroy a dozen or so UHV Grid Intertie transformers (UHV=Ultra High Voltage) and then it's simply "Lights OUT" thereafter permanently...or until China lands - Oh say 50 Million conscripted troops - on the West Coast coming in to 'help us farm the WONDERFUL Bounty which our CLEAN Air, CLEAN Water and Fecund Soil produces.

Of course, 'Under NEW Management' likely Americans are going to need to 'tighten up thier belts several notches' owing to the Great and Glorious NEED for US to help feed all those poor Chinese people whose soils and waters are now so polluted that scarely anything will grow there to fullness...

Really, lets all just 'Chip IN' and HELP all those poor, soon to be STARVING Chinese people...even if it means that a few hundred Million Americans might die of Starvation along the way...RIGHT Commrades!!!

You betcha... <SARC OFF>

Be Well, be VIGILANT henceforth, and those who are deserving, be Blessed in FULLNESS,


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Every level is in on it or allowing this at the leadership level, from the NSA FBI, DOHLS, even the the CIA dealing with individuals who are involved in espionage or international terrorist activities and collecting data on terrorists, no one is doing their job.

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The Chini have been the pet’ of the Left for yrs. The Rus have been antsy with Them on their back for yrs \. What Great strides have WE missed for Our noses been stuffed up prithy arses for so-long Empirum !

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I guess that you have already surrendered. It appears you think that there are no patriots, no heroes left in this Republic. When you get the fabric for your white surrender flag, please do the patriots you think don't exist one last courtesy, don't buy any Cinese made cloth.

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Love this comment. I have been posting videos on YouTube and TikTok about this very thing where are all the patriots in this country? Are they standing down? It’s disgusting! Well said, Freedom Fighter!

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There is no doubt in my mind that there are many real patriots here. The situation is getting worse and many believe that there should have been a revolution, insurrection yesterday. The problem is a premature offensive will cause the obliteration of the patriots by our own government. Better to wait until the "rulers" think we are all under their control. When they are smug and comfortable, with their guard down, will be the time to wage war. There are too many of "we, the people" to let the country collapse.

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Sorry all, you've missed the point. The purpose of the farmland near military bases, is so that when they make their move on Taiwan and we attempt to help the Taiwanese, the Chinese military here will have a shorter commute to our bases. I do hope I was showing enough sarcasm for the puppets in D. C. You guys are a very intelligent group. If people like you were running this cesspool, it would get cleaned up.

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Ding, ding ding!

We HAVE a Winner Folks!!

Good one Michael! Saluud!


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Patriots, it is time to arm up and build your ammo caches. There is no hope that the government that is allowing our enemies to enter the country will defend us. You are your own first responder.

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Something tells me not a shot will be fired. Perhaps T.S. Eliot will be right:

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.

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Instead of asking why your government permits the Chinese to buy arable land you might ask why is your government spending a trillion dollars annually supporting 800 military bases around the world, but spending nothing on US infrastructure? Or why is it illegally occupying eastern Syria and stealing its oil? Or why it built biological weapons facilities in Ukraine? Or why it imposes illegal sanctions on vast swathes of the world? Or why it blew up Nordstream, essentially attacking its ally by destroying its manufacturing competitiveness.

The US has made competitors into enemies. You created the stick that will beat you. So why are you surprised or indignant when these "foreign adversaries" decide to return the favor? And after a generation of unopposed pillage and destruction across the globe, don't be surprised when you get a much deserved punch in the mouth.

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Very thoughtful commentary. Your first paragraph sets up a very good cover story to the rest of the idiot populations in the world why what is being planned against the American people happens. The first sentence of your second paragraph sums up very nicely your first paragraph and leads into the truth that America was used as a resource by a greater power to achieve the day of our own destruction and the fruition of the greater power’s crescendo. If you look at it in an oddly sleazy poetic sense, America is a whore who has been screwed over and over for 25 decades or more but was totally unaware. Perhaps America is the Whore of Babylon. You also have to admit that the hidden hand in this realm has been blessed in his progress. Wouldn’t you say?

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Thank you for your thoughtful and complimentary comment.

That hidden hand you speak of is a hidden hand that is pulling all the strings everywhere in the west. In the East..., well, I'm not sure, but I suspect that it has inordinate influence there too. People can be bought: some might deny that, but in the end I think that ultimately everyone is a commodity to some degree, and it's just a question of price.

And that hidden hand is surely one of the many spoken of in Ephesians 6:12; my reference point whenever I try to grasp why politicians or nations make absurd decisions affecting their long-term wellbeing in this world, the physical world we inhabit.

As for the US being the Whore of Babylon, well, I think that it has to be. I say that because the greatest empire in history doesn't otherwise get a mention in the Bible, which is just amazing when you think about it. Henry Gruvor, a friend of Steve Quayle's, had a vision that saw the US being invaded by Sino-Russian forces at the same time as Cascadia in the Pacific north west decided to erupt. Obviously I can't vouch for this, but it seems to make sense in the context of current US geopolitical buffoonery, and their doubling down on stupidity left and right. All modern US geopolitical focus was aimed at keeping China and Russia at loggerheads in whatever fashion best suited the US' aims, but FJB has managed to drive them into each others arms, a la Romeo and Juliet. 24 carat idiocy!

Finally, as a non-American I think you deserve your punch in the mouth; truly you do. That said, I have family in the US, and all Americans I've worked with are wonderful people, but people tragically let down by their beyond-corrupt government, and their own myopia. Somebody else's pain and grief somewhere else, even if caused by US lawlessness, was never their problem... until, now it is. And you pay your debt, a blood weregild, if I may say.

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I am numb. Even so, Lord Jesus...

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The CCP and others are waiting on the Lord Jesus Christ to bring President Vladimir Putin down from the north against the state of Israel and the United States of America.

The CCP is prepositioning their assets right before everyone's eyes.

They are not hiding what they are doing.

Why has the border been left open by our compromised Resident for the last almost four years?

It is being reported that thousands of military age Chinese men are crossing the border this very moment.

You can Google that information now.

I believe that President Trump will be reelected to be the last president of the American Empire.

I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to get His bride during the last trump administration. Joel 2:16, Zephaniah 2:1-3, Malachi 3:16-17, Isaiah 26:19-21, Psalms 50:1-6 etc etc.

The next you quote Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32, please ask the Spirit of the Lord what are the verses that are connected to those verses.

Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 has to be placed in their context.

Isaiah 28:9-10.

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Howdy Watchman,

It might not be Russia who 'comes DOWN from the North".

Bear with me a moment while I just 'Toss this notion out."

There are THREE and only THREE regional POWERS in the Middle East. Namely, those would be - in descending order of Military capabilities - Israel, Turkey and Iran. Nobody else in that entire Region of the Globe posseses anything resembling 'Formidable, Projective Military capabilities', certainly.

Now, of those two who are NOT Israel - both of whom have very recently been extremely vocal in opposing same - WHO lies DIRECTLY North of Israel?

Dwell on it a bit...and see how the Spirit strikes you thereon.

Be Well, Safe and Blessed - Sir or Ma'am either...yes, I KNOW that your moniker says Watch-man, but half of those posting pseudonymously on boards such as this one could well be either, eh? And No, I am NOT 'prying' with that statement, FWIW.

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It has to be the Russian Federation because they are north of the state of Israel and the United States of America.

The Russian Federation and the United States of America are the two leading nuclear powers.

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Howdy Watchman,

Hmmm, maybe...maybe NOT, the Regional Powers I referred to - especially Turkey, whose Military is second in that region only to Israel itself - LIes directly NORTH of Israel.

Now, bear with me a bit...

In an age where 'Spy Satellites' can make out license plate numbers on cars, just how difficult would it be to move the Russian Army - in FORCE - across itself, southern Europe and Northern Africa wuthiut sendung EVERY warning in the book? Answer: Imposssibly so.

Fir GENERATIONS now the USSR/Russia has been the 'Boogeyman' and it's a bit natural to ascribe Russia as a part of the GOG-MAGOG duo, certainly.

However, what if Scripture is ACTUALLY referring to someone else? Recep Erdigan has recently started spouting rhetoric eerily similar to the Ayatollah's in Iran. So...here's an alternate scenario...

Iran MOVES it's Army - in small units, across a number of highways into south central Turkey...in preoaration to MERGE Forces with same. The Turks are fully caoable if 'evacuating' a teguon large enough ti serve as a Marshalling area, away from 'prying/spying eyes'. On arrival, Iranian Forces are issued Turkish Army Uniforms, thus holding up the facade that Turkey is just cinducting 'Maneuvers' of it's own Forces ON Turkish sovereign Territory; who's going to call them out when the Iranians never showed up - moving en masse - in any Satellite imagery?

So, after a period if hammerung out the operational details, those two separate Forces merge after fully provisuining themselves and cross into Northern Syria. To all appearances this is 'merely' a Turkish incursion into Syria, meh...so what?

Or at least that's what our 'Untelligence' Services interpret the event as...and No, the apparent typo above is NOT a typo!

Nobody catches 'Wind' of this until 'Turkish' Forces pass well beyond the Syrian North/South divider...and are seen clearly PASSING it en route to Lebanon. That's when people watchung that would start scratchung thiee heads inasmuch as the Forces DON'T appear to be 'Engaging' anyone along the way...

I can easily believe that such could make it to within 100 miles of the Israeli/Lebanese birder before ALARM BELLS began going off in the West.

There's more, certainly...but I'm sure that you 'Catch the Drift' being expostulated above.

GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING...mere Humans, not so much, eh? It's always good ti be Flexible enough to re-evaluate one's core thinking every now and then methinks.

Be Well, be Safe - as Safe as you CAN in days to come whilst WAITING in the LORD to REVEAL what WILL happen per HIS plan, and also, be Blessed, abundantly so my Friend,


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Forgive me...the dread "PHAT FINGER" strikes AGAIN. Damn Typos...


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What if the Chinese are working for Bill Gates? Both planted Tedros in the WHO for their depopulation agenda!

 Video: Bill Gates Caught Telling Inner Circle ‘Global Famine’ Will Make Elites ‘God-Like’

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has been caught telling his inner circle that a devastating “global famine” is the next step in the elite’s indomitable march towards total global domination.

The 500 million souls left on Earth following the great depopulation will not only be easily controlled, according to Gates, they will also yearn for the level of control that the elites can currently only dream about.

With total control of the food supply, farm land, seed banks, and genetically modified soil microbes, Gates has positioned himself to carry out a false flag worse than 9/11.


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Howdy Nostradamus,

Think more on the order of around 100 Million; more than THAT and the Plebes begin MULTIPLYING like Cockroaches.

Well, can't have THAT now can the "Masters of the Universe"?

The actual "Pyramid of CONTROL" runs something like this...

At the Apex of the Pyramid - of course - are exclusively the 'Hyper-Wealthy', irrespective of which 'Natiin' happen to reside IN. Below that is a very thin layer of "Trusted, Generationally Bound SERVANTS" whose continued EXTREMELY excellent Lifestyles - and LIVES ALSO - are critically dependent on those doing EXACTLY what thier Masters instruct them to do...WITHOUT FAIL, or ELSE.

Interestingly enough - and don't me doodle about how I know that, "Don't ASK, Don't TELL", eh? - those NEVER communicate 'Orders" by any ELECTRONIC MEANS, ever. Instead, those get on a plane, a boat or in a car and go directly to whomever is to receive the 'instructions' they carry; hence, there will NEVER BE an 'Electronic Trail' to follow...

Below that Tier - just as Mao Tse-Tung noted, "ALL Power FLOWS from the Barrel of a GUN" - is the Military. FWIW, I'm not directly referring to OUR Military, instead I'm referring to ALL of them, irregardless of WHICH Nation you choose. The incestuous relationship seen in the West between the Military and the Big Weapons Systems manufacturers - anywhere in the WEST - is not CONFINED to the West. Perhaps it was Sandra Lee who recently commented that Putin has been an all too frequently an Honored GUEST of Klaus Schwab and a 'Golden Boy' of the WEF for some time. If I misattribute that then I ask the pardon of whomever DID post that previously...

Proceeding, the next level BELOW the Military(s) is the Political 'Sock-Puppets' which are epitomized by Joe 'Creepy' Biden, Christine Lagarde, Jens Stoltenberg and just about every other silly SOB holding Political Office on Earth above the level of municipal Dog Catcher. I've frequently wondered - truly - just HOW MUCH Preperation H all those must have stocked up in order to take an entire ARM up thier nether regions such that the HAND can be in place to be moving thier MOUTHS whenever they 'appear' to be 'speaking'. Ah, forgive that somewhat 'icky' digression; I'm in something of a SNIT tonight...uncommonly so.

Anyway...BELOW the 'Sock Puppet' level is the 'Maintainence Level' including all LEO's Firemen, Engineers and anyone OR anything else that keeps everything RUNNING AND the Plebes - you and I - blissfully unaware of actual REALITY.

Finally! We arrive at the level where you and I exist: THE BOTTOM of the Pyramid. Gee, it sure feels HEAVY carrying all those OTHER Parasites around on our backs, don't it?

Dwell on the foregoing a bit and you'll begin to GRASP exactly WHY Epstein commited 'Suicide' while in Custody...

As always, be Well, be INCREASINGLY Vigilant in all you do and those of you deserving of such, BE BLESSED of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, Amen...


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One chart that summarizes what you just said:


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Howdy Nostradamus,

To accomplish much of anything, any TASK, - much like a tradesman requires his TOOLS - so also does the Apex require it's own 'Instrumentalities'...such as the UN, BIS, IMF and etc. Those are basically the TENTACLES of the 'Face-Hugging SQUID' which indeed SERVE the 'interest' of the Apex, but which are NOT a part of IT.

Certainly, there are Apex 'apparatchiks' buried in the highest levels of each, answering SOLELY to thier 'Masters' but again those are TRUSTED, BOUND Servants of said Apex...and NOT 'Members' of 'The Club'.

It's a brlliantly conceived, simple system which as it is engineered - as I mentioned previously, NO ELECTRONIC, TRACKABLE communucations - successfully 'flies UNDER the Public's Radar' unfailingly. You almost have to admire both it's conception and it's supremely RUTHLESS ability to execute (often literally) it's opponents, ie, Trump as a near perfect example.

However, thier most terrible responses lie in the circumstance wherein one of thier 'TRUSTED, BOUND Servants' goes 'Off the Resevation'. In that case that individual - and his entire extended family - WILL suffer a rather hideous Fate...as a MESSAGE to any others in that thinly populated class to 'Toe the Line...or ELSE'. FWIW, most of that class DO - in fact - possess Law Degrees, since that greatly facilitates any 'Ground Work' they might find neccessary to 'Carry out thier ORDERS.'

Once you begin viewing global matters and events through that lense you'll rather quickly begin 'seeing BEHIND the Curtain' and perceiving the actual REALITY occuring around us daily.

Nice chatting with you Sir!

Be Well, BE INCREASINGLY Vigilant henceforth; the Great 'Game' is now nearing it's Final Conclusion; Good vs Evil, the Light against the DARK, and be Blessed my Friend, ABUNDANTLY...


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Hopefully, "newly arrived" Chinese will have to fight it out with "newly arrived" Latin Cartels, Muslims, ....

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The (know?) the whole shooting match is coming down in their favor and want that real estate to feed their people. Their Dams are Critical Nodes in any War scenario and would sue for Peace on behalf of their People and worry about the details later . .

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Our current leadership is full of selfish surface thinkers that actually believe that when TSHTF that they will survive into the new globalist utopia. They will be surprised to find out that God has other plans for them.

The UN, WEF and other globalist organizations want to remove the U.S. as a world power. And they’re succeeding. But the fat lady hasn’t sung yet, so we still have a chance to stop it. If we don’t change this administration though, it’s over. Prep while you can.

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I hear the Sirene Calling ! Let’s Get the Big Cannon on board, roll it around and see what we think will shake Out ! This has been ‘the Shell Game’ for ever in our some longer and some shorter Lives (eh) let the Triumvirate Rule lol. This is the great 0pus !!! Or shall we have an 0K Corall ???

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The 0ld testament was what ye all leaned on till mathematicians designated the discrepancies and now so many have come around to what’s been there and the World has alas heard the Good News! It’s Showing ! and the (K)analogy is called “Dead” by those who seem to Know… If Only ( i ) could get Every Body Not to Vote’

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Good thing we have those 393 million privately owned firearms so we don't have to depend on the military for our protection.


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