I’m giving it to God. There is absolutely nothing this senior citizen can do about it. Whatever happens, I’m ready.

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WE are the Government- I am 80, tired military and I suggest learning how to be a bit of the "French Underground", call and speak to truth in political Representatives. No harm, and you have intellect to share. IGW, is encouraging you as well. The idea the Government was ever here to help? blatant enslavement.

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"The idea the Government was ever here to help? blatant enslavement."

You got that exactly right...but not many do (= enslavement)

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Do better than 'be ready'. How about pro-active for Truth?

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Good idea. Kind of like when I used to be on OPFOR during war gamesz we didn't sit back waiting to die. We moved out to find out brothers, never leaving a comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy. Now I see all the past is farse, material and wealth will soon be wiped out, they made Hunger Games and Truman Show for a reason, to mock us as we don't know that's our season. Only thing worth effort now is saving each other, hurry all and answer the call

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"they made Hunger Games and Truman Show for a reason, to mock us as we don't know that's our season. Only thing worth effort now is saving each other, hurry all and answer the call"

Yep, spot on. But like a drowning swimmer, you have to save yourself before you can save others (or as they say on flights as the aircraft plunges to the ground, 'put your own mask on then help others'

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Amen India Golf Whiskey... luckily I'm a good swimmer. me mamma called me and my sissy make rats. And the Rangers required us to pass multiple swim test, of which during qualifying training, we were not allowed to help a struggling Ranger. But later when on mission then we were tried and tested. The analogy too correlates to today. Im a bad Christian at times, I've written sad songs about that, and people scoff. "I thought you were a Christian?!" "Look up brother for salvation" I say, because I struggle I'm this swim every day. But my faith is solid despite my faults, the Lord God Almighty have up His Son 🥰

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Oh! And it may be futile, totally useless. But it's the intent. It's what's in your heart that counts. That's what lifts your spirit, soul, essence, what ever ... UP and not down to where these A/h want to take us.

We, trying to represent truth, are stronger than what their subterfuge, lies, deceit want to take us. RESIST!

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As 'True to yourself'

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“The Most Effective Way to Release God’s Authority Over a Situation,” Derek Prince on

YouTube. Excellent. He sites Psalm 149:5-9.

I also love Psalm 91. I think it is truly amazing. ❤️

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"He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble;

I will deliver him and honor him.

With long life I will satisfy him,

And show him My salvation.”

Psalm 91: 15-16

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Yes! “For you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your

dwelling place. . .No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague come near your tent.”

Psalm 91: 9-10.

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Amen. When I was young and naive I wanted medals on my chest, I wanted war. We were trained that way...thanks Disney with the 666 in their name for mine control subliminal'ing...rhen I saw war and thought...war is not. l when I stepped back and holistically saw we are in the same cycle of economic 💥 boom, depression swoons, and emerging war birthing united global tycoons. WWI = league of Nations, WWII begat UN. WWII will bear birth to NWO led and designed by the Antichrist. Hegeilian Dialectic.... They want the problem to prepare everyone to want a "savior" who has all the "earthly" answers. I am ready like a Ranger in RRF1 waiting for the Lord to call us up, anytime, day or night. When I read Christian Widener's Witnessesing the End times, I could definitely take in the option we may have already seen the white horse begin it's trot with the conquering rider with bow no arrows with a Corona 👑 and the control commadiered via the evil manmade 🪲🐛 💉...then right after they started with the red horse and wars...both concurrently still trotting around the track...the black horse rider has the reigns tight, heck any fool must realize the scales are about to trip, when the prices of food fly to a day's win. Btw my momma just wrote me eggs cost almost $15 ...any scoffers please realize, the Messiah we talk of He's not slack, just waiting patiently for all to come back. And and the flag that bears the colors of the four horses, an instrumental to evil that reminds sadly soon the white horse will rise. Get right, get ready folks. There's not much time, look up to Adonai His power and might will soon split the sky

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Iran didn't look particularly powerful when they sent missiles into Israel and Israel pretty much destroyed Iran's defense system .. if they had nuclear weapons then yes, we'd have a problem. But they don't. And the Russian military in Ukraine isn't exactly the Wehrmacht of 1942...

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What I think about is all the terrorists already here in the US, many of whom arrived under Biden to set up “sleeper cells”. Yes, our military bases are in peril being on the front lines, but if our enemies really want to score a large hit all they need to do is send a signal to their terrorist groups to start the destruction here.

We could be looking at simultaneous deadly attacks resembling the October 7, 2023 attacks in Israel. If thousands of heavily armed gunmen were activated across our country they could start, for example, by shooting up or bombing every daycare center or elementary school. Surely these locations have already been staked out by our enemies and they know how utterly vulnerable they are.

Other shooters could be positioned to shoot cars on highways or in parking lots. How would we defend against that? Our police would be overwhelmed and completely ineffective. What if armed terrorists simply went door to door in neighborhoods raping, burning, and killing?

The terrorists are here. I pray the above scenario does not play out but no one could have imagined October 7 either. We are completely unprepared.

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Are you planning a blog similar to Michael's? Good start.

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Wish I had the time! Thanks for the encouragement, though!

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This country is filled with good citizens, millions, quietly prepared. The battle would be intense, while many of us have been there before, and are still able to respond. This is why our adversaries try other means, as well. Being 80, not fast, but after 4, good for one more, and able to speak above ground, we owe our brothers.

Pray the President survives to clean some of this up, and support the actions. Be blessed Debbie, and take a deep breath - fear is pointless - prepare a bit, food, emergency supplies, medical as you can be useful, and stick a pint of Whisky in your gear box.

Handy just in case. By the way biting the bullet is nonsense, and they hate it when you laugh at them.

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Yes, many are preparing but when we see how much damage one deranged shooter can do in one school/mall/church or other vulnerable area, it’s not hard to imagine what thousands of simultaneous shooters/bombers could do. Certainly, our enemies have imagined this scenario. What would stop them?

I do not live in fear. I just want to be realistic and maybe sound the alarm for those who are slumbering in complacency.

Thank you for your comment and your service to our nation. Your advice is well taken. Blessings to you too!

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Michael is a good guy & gets it right most of the time.

But what he and most of you fail to understand is this:

There Are No Accidents In the Universe

Michael is a good guy and get its right most of the time.

s it right most of the time. But what he - and most of you - fail to understand is this:

"There Are No Accidents in the Universe"

You - we - all believe in God, right? A Supreme Power, an Absolute, The Creator...put your own tag.

How could such a power, beyond human understanding & perception...get it wrong & allow all this c**p?

Answer: He doesn't (get it wrong)

He created everything in the Universe including Human Beings to whom He graciously bestowed Consciousness & Free Will. He also bestowed a Law of Consequences. Some call it Karma.

That means that you have free will to act in anyway you choose, but will receive the consequences of those actions and those consequences play out, on a personal, National & World level either now, soon or later.

Isn't it beautiful, Perfect & Just? What more could you ask?

All we are seeing now (and it looks as though it'll get MUCH worse) is the result of our personal, national & world consequences of previous actions. It's Perfect.

So, with respect, don't leave it in God's hands. It's in YOUR hands. Don't call on God to fix things - fix it yourselves. We are not helpless: we fix the World by first fixing ourselves. But we have to work through current consequences as best we can, acting appropriately (correctly, justly) to ensure more favorable consequences down the track.

PS Needless to say, do as I say, not as I do.

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Being technically challenged, I stuffed up the 1st part but you get the drift?

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People don't care about politics is the truth if it. Worse still, even if they did care, they seem to be quite keen on war.

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Don’t let any Tinkle squirt into your panties in your trepidation and concern

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Trumps doing good stuff but the one thing that will sink his presidency is if he falls into a neocon trap and gets dragged into a war. Hopefully this is just posturing and deal making. We shall see.

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The US will make a deal with Putin, and he will betray Iran and fight them

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It is not that people do not see it, they're thinking "It's about time".


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The Mullah regime in Iran cannot be trusted - it is unstable and highly dangerous . Hence its military and nuclear capabilities must be destroyed and its leadership exterminated - America and Israel have the forces available in place to do this . Along with full extermination of Hamas , Hezbollah , Houthis and syrian and iraqi terrorists, it will be supported by Saudi and the Gulf - it cannot be postponed if any form of peace in the middle east is to be restored .

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We have been on the brink of war for the last 150 years. And we have seen our share of death and misery but on foreign shores. Time to give this crap up as government now serves no useful purpose.

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Iran has signed an agreement with Russia, which the Russian Duma has ratified (not sure if Iran has or hasn't yet) that FORBIDS Iran having or obtaining nuclear weapons. Additionally, recently, Iran's Supreme Leader has reiterated that Iran will never go down that path as nuclear weapons are un-Islamic. Make of it what you will, but my money is on Tel Aviv once more putting US lives at risk for a non-existent threat.

Russian casualties are approximately 100,000 KIA, and likely 300,000 wounded (the usual 3:1 ratio): Those numbers come from a joint BBC / MediaZona (Russian anti-Putin media company) which has tracked all notified Russian deaths from the start of the SMO. Ukraine's casualties are actually closer to 2,000,000, with over 1 million dead. I saw Ukrainian TV at the end of 2023 or start 2024 which had the figure of 1,125,000 KIA + MIA at that time.

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Well, a couple: - 1921 - the Council on Foreign Relations group created. our initial shadow Government. The Elite who hired Wilson all joined, including Rockefeller and recruitment of others began.

- 1926 - Communist Psychopolitics - The description of a course taught at the “Lenin

Institute” to Americans sent by John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was member of the CFR

- This course still exists. What is “Psychopolitics? The art & science of asserting and

maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of Individuals, Officers, bureaus, and

Masses and the effecting of the conquest of enemy Nations through “Mental Healing”.

Psychopolitics, is a less known oblique to Geo-politics, dealing with molding the highest

strata of the “Mental Healing” arena - through this effecting of the conquest of enemy

nations through “mental Healing”. Objective, conquest through social chaos. Beria,

Mass Murderer of entire villages in the Russian conquests, was the Professor of the 2 year


- Authors note: Beria was the longest-surviving and the most influential of Stalin's secret

police chiefs of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD). The responsibility of

the NKVD was to ensure the internal security of the Soviet Union and it systematically did so

through massive political repression, authorized murders of many hundreds of

thousands of politicians and citizens, kidnappings, assassinations, and mass


- 1946 - UNESCO Education is instituted. 1946 - 1948: 1948: UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its

Philosophy by Sir Julian Huxley (the first director-general of UNESCO, 1946-1948) is

published, in which Huxley declares: "The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a

scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background... Political

unification in some sort of world government will be required...Tasks for the media division of

UNESCO (will be) to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and

cultures...to help the emergence of a single world culture... Even though it is quite true that any

radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will

be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest

care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is

unthinkable may at least become thinkable." Excerpts from this volume were reproduced under

the title, "A New World Vision" (The Humanist, March/April 1979), and the Fabian Socialist

Huxley, who was named 1962 "Humanist of the Year," elsewhere said that humanism's

"keynote, the central concept to which all its details are related, is evolution." Also, it was

Sir Julian Huxley (brother of Brave New World author Aldous Huxley, and grandson of Thomas

Huxley who was known as "Darwin's Bulldog" because of his defense of evolution).

1965 - Ghosts in the Machine: by U.S. Army-psyop-division known as “mindwar”

https://vigilantcitizen.com... the-u-s-armys-psyop-division/

The ultimate goal of MindWar is to make people willingly do what they’re supposed to do,

while not realizing they’ve been pushed towards that decision at every step of the way.

“For the mind to believe in its own decisions, it must feel that it made those decisions without

coercion. Coercive measures used by the operative, consequently, must not be

detectable by ordinary means. There is no need to resort to mind-weakening drugs such as

those explored by the CIA; in fact the exposure of a single such method would do

unacceptable damage to MindWar’s reputation for truth.”

Authors NOTE: Reputation for truth is directly relative to ( Whose Truth ? )

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