Howdy Y'all,

I am not overly concerned WHO the Democrat's choose to accompany Harris on the road to the coming battle.

The sheer weight of hubris, lies and outright treason the Left has chosen to engage in this last decade or two has now - IMHO - reached 'Critical Mass' and thier political arm, the Democratic Party, is now very close to undergoing catastrophic 'Gravitational Collapse'...becoming a 'Black Hole' as it were and I doubt that anything can slow or otherwise alter that outcome.

The apparent choice of Harris to 'Lead' the Democrats is one I WELCOME whole-heartedly, since she is even less attractive to the American Public than even Biden is, with a track record so utterly undistinguished and a personaity so LACKING in appeal beyond the die-hard Democratic base that hordes of those currently 'fence-sitting' will finally realize that what is transpiring now is simply, "Game, Set and Match" for the Republicans.

Under 'ordinary' circumstances such a state of affairs might NOT portend good for "We, the People", however, should the apparent groundswell of support for DJT continue to grow at it's current rate then the Rino's will soon know the meaning of the word 'Fear'...as they are as culpable as the Democrats in producing the miasma afflicting America today; just as self-serving, just as self-dealing, BOTH.

I am going to be breaking out Popcorn and Wieners and just WATCHING WHERE things go from here: I am rather certain that it WILL be 'interesting'...

Be Well, be Safe as you may in coming Days and be BLESSED,


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Don't assume the Democratic Party will rally around Harris. Obama made a statement about Biden stepping down without endorsing Harris. This is key, Obama has huge power in the Dem Party. He knows how to win elections and he has huge sway. All these Dem leaders endorsing Harris are again a faint for unity, trying to look like the Republicans. Actually, this will throw the convention into a deeper mess if she (Harris) does not make it in the first round since the super delegates can't vote in the first round. If it's really close, they will vote to move her over the top, so we shall see how much power Obama has and how much verbal support for Harris will play out in Chicago when the voting happens

My bet is Hillary. If she is elected she will beat Trump! The Clintons and the Obamas together will be a very powerful force, we shall see. (we have no idea who is talking to

But again in the end it does not matter we are headed for chaos.

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Howdy Daniel!

It has been a while, hasn't it? Forgive me, a medical issue has been taking up the entirety of my attention of late...

I do beg to differ on both Obama and the 'Hildebeast' though. Both have essentially 'outed' themselves - WRIT LARGE - and other than for the true 'Die-Hard, Never Trumpers' the Democratic base is ERODING at a rapidly accelerating rate as 'Reality' intrudes...

I was just re-watching the newest Dune reprise and discovered in doing so that - in essence - we are watching something eerily akin to the Epic struggle portrayed by Herbert in his novel between the Ateiedes and the Harkonens.

The Left is utterly commited to exactly what the Harkonnens are depicted as espousing; totalitarianism, omniscient surveillance, the corruption of EVERY single Pillar upon which the Nation was founded and MOAR still...

The remainder of the Country is now FULLY awakened to the underlying Reality and THIS TIME is well and truly, 'Mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore."

Oh, I'm SURE that the 'other guys' WILL try to pull a Rabbit out of thier Butts AGAIN, but this time THAT WON'T work.


Be well Brother, BE SAFE (!) and be Blessed abundantly,


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LOL well said, I was really just musing in a way, like you I'm having a lot of fun and just want to watch the fireworks. Agree so much lying and deceit, it's hard to know what comes next, it's like watching a magic show we have no idea what trick they will perform next,i.e. rabbit out of a hat. I still think it could surprise all of us and then again it could be a real dud, either case it will be interesting.

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Howdy - again! - Daniel,

We - as 'usual' - appear to be thinking along identical lines. I am now recalling the scene from 'Bruce Almighty' where - confronted by hooligans - one has the misfortune to declare, "Yeah...when MONKEYS fly out my Butt!"

I won't reprise the consequence of THAT statement here...simply mentioning it SHOULD suffice to bring a grin to your face, I'm SURE...

Nonetheless, given WHO the Left's 'MASTER' IS, I am entirely waiting with baited breath to witness exactly 'which' orifice the Left will be compelled to POP it's next 'Miracle' out OF, really!

Be well my Friend...and Blessed also,


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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

The Democrats had been so organized and united in 2020. What in the world happened? After stealing the election with a coordinated effort of ballot mules, a complicit media, the pandemic, poll workers and Dominion voting machines, I thought MAGA was a goner.

Trump just left D.C. calmly and played golf.

We watched Biden's (or whoever is in charge) policies destroy the country. His green energy agenda, open borders, massive spending, inflation, wars, forced vaccinations and his hatred for patriots seem to have a life of their own.

Then, finally, Trump announced his candidacy and started having rallies again. I wonder if the administration had left him alone, how things might have turned out. But they didn't. They lied about him, raided Mar-a-Lago, made up lawsuits, brought bogus felony charges, and even arrested him. Everyone with a brain could see that this was a corrupt DOJ perpetrating election interference. With every attempt to destroy him, Trump became more popular. Then ole Joe challenged Trump to a debate on CNN, no less. After preparing for over a week, Biden came on TV with millions of viewers and showed the whole world that he wasn't right in the head. In lockstep the media turned on him. His campaign let him do interviews that just reinforced the reality of his impairment. People who had sworn that he was as sharp as a tack just the week before, suddenly told us how senile Biden was. Gimme a break!

Then J13 happened right before the RNC. The world was in shock. How could this happen? I didn't see every minute of the RNC, but it seemed like the party (except for a few hopeless RINOs) were united behind DJT.

I watched the Cheatle hearing Monday and she looked as incompetent as the rest of the Biden administration. Could we eventually find out that this was an assassination attempt by our own government? Then after having a medical emergency in Vegas, Joe Biden gets Covid and has to isolate.

Then he suddenly, on a Sunday, resigns his presidential campaign via a letter on X (which is not on White House letterhead and doesn't match his signature). Kamala Harris is apparently the chosen one, even though I always thought she was picked as insurance for Biden, because no one would EVER want her as president.

If I had a time machine and came back to tell people about the last four years, no one would have believed me.

The Democrats are desperate for a win. They can't let Trump get back in the White House, because he knows all of their dirty little secrets. What will they do next? It's certainly going to be interesting.

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I believe Shapiro is Jewish and Harris is definitely not pro Israel. So if Shapiro’s Jewish background is a factor for him it may not be a good match. Kamala also has a reputation for causing a big staff turnover so her running mate needs to be someone that has a flexible personality that can adjust to her issues that causes staff (dissatisfaction ?) turnover.

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Does any of this political theater this really matter? In the end, the democrats are going to contaminate the vote in several ways (if there even is a vote) and Trump will be left holding a bag of bullets fired from various non-well-wishers.

What could happen is that the elections are circumvented due to some fake emergency and harris or some other dimwit is enshrined into in the black house until the crisis ends...in November 2028.

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< “The best path forward for the Democratic Party is to quickly unite behind Vice President Harris and refocus on winning the presidency,” >

Let's not forget, you must first WIN the Presidency before you can RE-WIN it. Who really is the POTUS again?

Just watching the screenplay like everyone else. And yawning a lot. This shit is boring.

When does the action start?

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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This is completely off topic, but very relevant none the less-I want to ask Michael “Why are you not doing your monthly, (or however often it was), prayer with a bit of discussion of a verse or two of The Bible videos?”

I used to really enjoy these, especially as I’m a relatively new Christian, nearly 2 years I think. Politics is what it is, but is 20-25 minutes per month too much to ask for a bit of Bible Study and prayer. Christianity is the reason I joined your substack newsletter. If there is a particular reason you can’t do these anymore, then fair enough. But I can look anywhere to see politics, but it’s much harder to find a good Christian on line. I guess there are many, but I chose Michael’s substack over others, because my spirit recognised Michael as a good Christian. It’s as simple as that. I don’t even remember the last time you quoted even one verse from Scripture.

Michael, you used to say you wanted to go to Africa, or Middle East (I’m sorry, I can’t remember) to help to ensure every person has a chance of hearing the Good News about God and Jesus Christ. Is this still a goal, or are you destined to comment on politics, and the economy? Things have changed with your newsletters since I first joined you. I’m sad about this.

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I know, Whitmer (Lord help us) can just claim to be a man the rest of this year!

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How anyone can denigrate Harris or any other reasonable Democrat and support the lying lowlife Trump is beyond me. It makes ZERO sense.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

As if to say he she is the model citizen, given her dicey past. People don't get it that no politicization really cares about the citizens.

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Poor thing. Dry those tears and show us on this doll where Trump touched you.

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You must be reading / watching only mainstream media news ?

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What did he lie about ?

How is he a lowlife ?

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Are you lonely today? Craving some feedback? Because it's crickets for you. WOW.

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