I used to live in Springfield , it’s a small town and cannot handle this onslaught. I have taken care of Haitian patients. Many of them actively practiced voodoo. The leader in Haiti has been nicknamed “barbecue” because of the practice of cannibalism . I am praying that it doesn’t progress to that in Springfield . Wait until the first child disappears. I hope to goodness they are reaching out to their elected officials (🤔Vance).

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A couple of decades ago, I lived in Kansas City, MO, and my daughters friend was from Haiti. They practiced voodoo and stole and killed animals.

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Exactly ! Voodoo is satanic and IMO that is why Haiti has always been a mess because it has embraced it as a national religion. . Our country was blessed because of our Judeo- Christian foundation.

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Chaos is chaos no matter what's happening. The Obidens, includingvthe kackling kameleon, have done this to us.

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America is too far gone, evolving into a third world country as middle class struggles w/ bills and groceries. We will not be voting anyway, it is all for nothing. Trump or Harris will be controlled anyway on what they can do like all presidents since W. Wilson. Debt will never get fixed either..

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Fight for America anyway. There is no where else to go.

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Stop placating by saying that you don't have anything against migrants. Who really cares what somebody thinks about you any more? Apologists will not fare well pretty soon.

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There was plenty of warning what would happen with immigration from craphole companies. People leave the home behind and bring the crap with them. Of course, there are lots of guns in this country, a politically charged climate, a gutted lower and middle class that can’t afford the basics in life, and so on. If I were an immigrant, I would change my name to Joe Smith, put on a Trump hat and try to lose my accent with the quickness.

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Some citizens have talked of going to the border, changing their name to Jose, and coming in ----- receiving all sorts of goodies that have not been earned!

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I think 'societal upheaval' is just another part of the Biden Administration's plan to further the demolition of our country. Apparently, society wasn't falling apart as quickly as they had anticipated, so they threw a few million 'newcomers' into the mix.

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The outcome of WW II was that America and the west became the power to control the world on all levels. Shortly After we have Stalin who saw this great power as a real threat. Then Mao came to power and saw the West in the same way. What we are seeing that order is now unraveling. We did ourselves in by dropping the Gold standard and going to Fiat money. Russia and China have been destroying us from within and the Liberal Dem. are their agents to finish this. Sen McCarthy was right.

So who is now the candidate for President for the Dems. Harris an all out Marxist Leninist who Putin wants to win. The Dems./Harris want a one party democracy like Russia and a social cultural structure of China even with carbon footprints.

The media is completely involved and agents of the globalist.

The end game is that the only one obstacle left in the way of the NWO is traditional America, must be destroy. The Constitution, the death of the dollar, our guns and a population who has lost what it means to free and independent in a democratic republic and do want socialism.

Thus a war is coming where WWI brought in the League of Nations. WW II brought in the UN. This next global conflict will either bring in UN 2.0 or another organization, we will see.

But this is coming, this cold very well be the final empire that Daniel saw. If so, this is God's will that He laid down centuries long ago and is happening before our eyes and we can't stop it, no man can thwart the Lord's will, He the God of Heaven is doing this.

I have one answer, come Lord Jesus Rev 22:20 Jesus, "“Yes, I am coming quickly.” (when I come it will happen quickly) and John says Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

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My problem is with how Christianity is used as a weapon to defend illegals being here. People make it sound like you are less Christian is you don’t support this lawlessness.

I get wanting to help people, but we’ve got citizens sleeping in the streets. In fact, some were kicked out of the hotels to make room for so called migrants.

This is the sort of behavior that starts revolutions. We are in a really bad place as a country and our leadership is okay with it because ‘politics’.

It’s all about power and control with these people. The problem with revolutions is that people think they can control the outcome, but inertia always takes revolutions farther than its leaders expected.

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And please people stop calling them migrants. They are NOT migrants. Migrants come and go for work. They are ILLEGAL ALIANS who have broken the law. Deport them.

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Howdy Y'all,

Talk, talk, talk...

Enough TALK...Lock and Load, there is no other method by which the 'gimmegrants' will be removed. Period.

Nuff said...


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May the Lord have mercy on us all, may the Lord grant us peace. That if it is your will that some of us get swept into violence, may they act by the direction of the lord's Spirit and are at peace, not fighting as Peter did in the garden, (out of fear and and a desperateness out of their dreams or expectations have been shattered) but of resting in God's sovereignty.

It's interesting, what did Jesus tell Peter? Put your sword away Peter (what is about to happen to me is my Fathers will. If this is the Father's how can I fight against it?

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Forgive me Daniel,

Of late my patience is wearing progressively thinner with each passing day.

THAT SAID...I do not believe - now or ever - that we must simply ACCEPT Evil in the World...that even in these last Days that we should allow the Innocent amongst us to be consumed as MEAT by that Evil, whatever form it takes; be it 'Gimmegrants', Politicians, Government - in ANY FORM - the Hyper-Wealthy or any other SOB on this Earth.

They wanted us 'Polarized'...guess WHAT, they GOT IT. However, VERY SHORTLY they may realize that 'wanting a THING and HAVING a thing are NOT THE SAME THING!'

I reiterate, the following is OLD Hopi prophecy about the End of THIS Age;

"There will come a Time when those in High Places are Hunted. They will TURN on those Hunting Them...and it WILL 'get out of hand'."

That very last portion of the last sentence is characteristically Hopi 'understatement', best interpteted as meaning 'Armageddon'.

Be Well my Brother, please be Safe also, for I would very much like to make your acquaintance in THIS World ere we all depart it, and also be BLESSED...


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Forgive me JOG but this requires a longer answer this is really important.

I never said, implied or condoned that we must "simply ACCEPT Evil" in the World...that even in these last Days that we should "allow" the Innocent amongst us to be consumed as MEAT by that Evil, whatever form it takes; be it 'Gimmegrants', Politicians, Government - in ANY FORM"

1. You used the word allow (yield, permit or approve). The antithesis of this is "not allow" to utterly stop. What evil in the world have we ever stopped or not allowed? Name one. Cain murdered Able and we have been doing that since.

So what is the battle plan to stop all this evil? How do we do it? What's the battle plan to stop it? Give me your 5 paragraph Order for battle.

We as Christians still sin, less and less as the light in our life grows (Christ) and pushes out the darkness (evil-sin), that is why confession and repentance needs to be a regular part of my Christian walk. We never defeat evil in this life, but we battle it (the flesh) daily. Even Jesus did that but perfectly (Heb 4:15-16). That is why we need Eph 6. We do not battle against flesh and blood but true evil (spiritually). That was Jesus' message to Peter in the Garden. We do not stop them by force (the sword, the flesh) but by the Spirit. We win this battle when we die or Jesus returns, this calls for the perseverance of the Saints in this battle until the end.

My full answer is simple, I go back to Scripture. Nothing but scripture.

John the Baptist called out King Herod for marrying his brother's ex-wife.

Jesus constantly confronted the evil of His day especially the Pharisees and the Sadducee. Jesus went into the Temple and overturned the tables of the corrupt Sanhedrin who were clearly lining their pockets from this. Jesus even put Pilate in his place, when Pilate threatened Jesus with death. Jesus told him that my Father put you here to do exactly what you think you are doing on your own, but to accomplish His will, that is to crucify Jesus. (Jesus was going "allow" evil to crucify Him).

The greatest evil and injustice ever was Christ being crucified on the cross and Just like Joseph who was sold by his brothers, they (Rome, the brothers and the Jews) all meant it for evil, but God "allowed" that evil (unchecked & unstopped) for his purposes, His perfect will and and everything God calls good! Then Jesus quietly surrendered to this great evil to be crucified.

God "allowed" the Serpent ( real evil) in the garden when Adam and Eve did not know the difference between good and evil (they were defenseless) yet since they have not eaten the fruit of spiritual discernment, and God did not warn Adam and Eve. Look what God allowed and it's results. God knew before the foundation of the world that He would have to send His son to redeem the world back to himself.

Remember Peter in the garden who could not "allow" truly innocent blood (Jesus) to be shed, drew his sword to fight a flesh and blood battle and what did Jesus say? Peter put your sword away this is not how I fight evil, watch me die and rise again, that's how to fight evil ! Follow Me Peter follow Me. And in the end Peter did.

From Peter's lesson in the Garden, look at what he wrote on how we are do deal with (persecution by a world of pure evil to come Rev 7 & Rev 13) 1 Peter 2 (especially 21-25). So how do we fight this great evil in the world, what does the very words of God Say?

Have I told you that I was a cop for 25 years? I was fighting evil on the streets and evil in my police dept. It is by God's grace I was never fired and never promoted. In my church I have been fighting evil when it raises it's ugly head. I have supported the best anti-evil candidates I can vote for. I spent 6 years in the Marine Corp. and as a teacher I also fought evil in the class room. As a youth leader I fight evil influence in our youth. I fight it every day with prayer for my self and others and sharing the Gospel as God opens the doors for that to happen then I watch God move against evil. and it happens all the time.

You can not say that I'm advocating for just accepting evil.

So how are you fighting evil today, this past year?

In Matt 24:1-13 Jesus clearly says in the days to come, Jesus will "allow" all sorts of evil to engulf the world like never before and lots of innocent people are going to die. And what is the antithesis to that? vs 14, The Gospel is preached to the whole world. The most powerful too to fight evil is the Gospel!

In Matt24 Mark13 and Luke 21, (Jesus says do not be alarmed frightened or startled, don't be surprised that evil will explode -as God's allows) Revelations 1, 4 & 22 Jesus said of the great evil to come, that all of this great evil "must take place" (evil must be allowed to flourish). This is God's judgement on the world and the Church. Satan means all this evil for evil's purposes, but God means it for His good, purposes and will.

What about Matt 5:38-48 in dealing with the evil people in the world and how we defeat them and Romans 12:17-21. This is how we defeat evil!

How do line up Hopi prophecy where it says the hunted will turn on the high places and scripture clearly refutes the Idea?

Daniel 7, Rev 13 Eph 6, 1 Peter 2, Matt 5:38-39. Romans 12:17-21

There is a spirit that is speaking to the Hopi Indians. If they are not in Christ they are speaking from another spirit. Jesus warned us that false prophets would come claiming to come from God and that it would be really close to the truth, like honey in the mouth but it will turn bitter in the stomach Rev 10.

Will you test this spirit with the Word of God? I john 4:1-5

They fail that test, it's a false prophecy, not that it's totally wrong, it's 95% correct but yeast that works it's way through the whole dough and infects all of it. A drop of poison make fresh glass of water undrinkable.

Be blessed JOG head the very words of God, for it's by them and them alone we get life.

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I am loading ammo at a feverish pace.

It's therapeutic.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Howdy Guido,

I recommend Hornady's 'Ammo Plant'. That is capable of 1 pull, 1 bullet production amounting to roughly as fast as you can pull the lever...

My personal best? 1462 rounds of 308 Winchester in two hours...



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I am interested in the newsletter Michael Synder posted a while back about the individual who had a vision about Trump being shot in the ear, winning the election and then after the election, there would be this huge crash. Has anyone heard anymore about this?

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