Am not clear the degree to which Russia-China-US are equally on board with this SDG-Agenda 2023 stuff given how they seem to be at geopolitical odds these days splitting into two major blocs.
Or is that a mistaken perception? Maybe all the major powers are on board with the same globalist agenda, just that it is being administered differe…
Am not clear the degree to which Russia-China-US are equally on board with this SDG-Agenda 2023 stuff given how they seem to be at geopolitical odds these days splitting into two major blocs.
Or is that a mistaken perception? Maybe all the major powers are on board with the same globalist agenda, just that it is being administered differently in different zones. For example, developed West has agreed to cut back on emissions and growth whilst the undeveloped - which still includes China - keep building and growing like gang busters putting in hundreds of new coal-fired power plants etc.
In other words, even after reading this article, am still not clear what's going on geopolitically. Perhaps you (Michael) can do a full article on this soon. It is perhaps the biggest issue out there right now.
Am not clear the degree to which Russia-China-US are equally on board with this SDG-Agenda 2023 stuff given how they seem to be at geopolitical odds these days splitting into two major blocs.
Or is that a mistaken perception? Maybe all the major powers are on board with the same globalist agenda, just that it is being administered differently in different zones. For example, developed West has agreed to cut back on emissions and growth whilst the undeveloped - which still includes China - keep building and growing like gang busters putting in hundreds of new coal-fired power plants etc.
In other words, even after reading this article, am still not clear what's going on geopolitically. Perhaps you (Michael) can do a full article on this soon. It is perhaps the biggest issue out there right now.