So where do we move to?

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Get a good map of the US. Cross out the areas listed in the article. What is remaining? Then look at the political demographic of the remaining areas. Any state that allows silver and gold as currency and is not on board with ESG and has good 2nd Ammend. laws ..eg open carry or constitutional carry, would be a start.

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Texas comes to mind

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I'm going to be painfully honest. There will be no real place to hide. There will be places where you will be better off and more survivable (ref-Michael's article), but in the end this will effect everyone everywhere. Scripturally we are to protect and provide for our families, but that only goes so far. We must remember that we have been living in Daniel's final world empire since the end of WW II. WW III will be fought over who controls the end stage of that empire (of total control), there are no good guys in the fight. It must not be about survival but being a good steward and wise about what we do. Remember Satan is the ruler of this fallen world and he knows his time is short Luke 4:5-4, Luke 10:17-18, John 17:14-16, 1 Cor 15:22-25 (puts to end Earthly/Satanic rule authority and power), Eph. 2:2, James 4:4, 1 John 5:19, Rev 12:9, 13:1-8, 18:4. Clearly the entire Bible points to a time where Satan and his immitation/substitute Jewish messiah rule the whole earth (total control). Satan has this power now and we will be under that until the Lord returns, The ancient of days comes Daniel 17:19-22, Rev 13:1-10, until Michael the protector of God's people who names are written in the book (of Life) will be rescued Daniel 11:36-12:3, at the last trumpet that brings in the bowl Judgements (the wrath of God) we will escape. (Heaven-Marriage supper of the Lamb, Earth-bowl judgements are God's day/days of final judgement for all in this age to bring in the Kingdom age.

Until them this calls for the perseverance of the saints, even unto death.

Jesus said Luke 12:4-5 Now I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. (what, is Jesus saying in this life dying in this life is no big deal?) But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed someone, has the power to throw that person into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!

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Then where are those expensive highly desirable areas?

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