Ron Wyatt found the Ark of the Covenant back in the 1970's. He got permission to excavate Jeremiah's cave which was full of trash on the north side of Jerusalem near Golgotha. Ron excavated and went down 40 feet, then found a side chamber and found the table of showbread, a bronze table, a menorah and against the wall the Ark, covered over for protection. He told the authorities where they were, and they will be taken out during the tribulation or whenever the 3rd Temple will be built.

When the Tribulation starts, the 2 witnesses with incredible power will be present to provide security on the Temple Mount so the 3rd Temple can be built. Only at the half-way point during the 7 year Tribulation will the Antichrist kill the 2 witnesses, enter the Temple and declare himself god.

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"Then God’s temple in Heaven was opened, and the ark of His covenant was seen within His temple. There were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail." (Revelation 11:19)

Most likely, this was not a physical Temple sitting in the clouds, for the point is made later that there would be no Temple in the new Jerusalem (Rev 21:22). John had already seen God’s throne and the altar in Heaven (Rev 4:2; 6:9; 8:3). What John was seeing is the place where God dwells and the Ark of His covenant, which had always symbolized God’s presence and faithfulness among His people. God’s promises would be fulfilled and His purposes completed.

In this vision of God’s open Temple, John saw heavenly worship before God Himself. There would be no sin to act as a barrier between God and His people. In addition, the Ark of His covenant symbolized God’s presence with His people. That John saw the Ark also assured His readers of God’s presence and protection in our coming trials.

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When God told Israel to build the Ark of the Covenant, the throne of God to sit with men here on earth, it was a typ and shadow of the real Ark of the Covenant seen in heaven (not made by human hands).

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Oh, ark of the covenant, red heifers, shooting stars, eclipses.....can we just get on with it already? The waiting is the hardest part

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Yeah, I know, I KNOW!!!

Howdy Rich...get's TEDIOUS, doesn't it?


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Revelation 11:19 says that the Ark of His Covenant in in heaven.

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Seventh Trumpet: The Kingdom of Heaven Proclaimed:

"Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” And the twenty-four elders who sat before God on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying: “We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, The One who is, and who was, and who is to come, Because You have taken Your great power and reigned. The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,

And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”

Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the Ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail. [Revelation 11: 15-19]

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2 Thess. 2:3-4

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first , (and that is happening now) and the man of lawlessness is revealed, (not yet) the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above [e]every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

So the temple and the Ark of the Covenant must be in place when he comes on the scene.

We as American Christians love to pull out our favorite verse without full context of scripture.

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Yes, it’s the Mother of God, Mary. Read further to Rev. 12.

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The mother of God, queen of heaven are pagan references to female deities that are not in scripture. Nor is she the representative of the Holy Spirit. None of that is true, not found in scripture.

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The ark of the covenant is never associated with the church but ALWAYS with the nation of Israel.

It is Israel not the church that gives birth to the male child. Paul confirms this in Romans 9:5.

John 4:22 also teaches that “salvation is of the Jews,” which means redemption came through the nation of Israel in the form of their Messiah—the male child. See Michah 5 for further support that the woman in Rev 12 is Israel.

Daniel 12:1-7 also absolutely confirms that the woman in Rev 12 is the nation of Israel.

Replacement theology (the notion that tge Church replaced Israel) is heresy—it is anti-semetic and evil.

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The Ark of the Covenant is associated with God's presence here on earth. The Jews violated that covenant, and they lost it all. Now God has revealed his presence here on earth when Jesus came. Then after the ascension, The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost as a sign of God's presence here on earth. The next sing when Jesus actually returns. In the meantime, what is being built and the ark (that no longer has God's presence and power in it, will be the throne of the Anti-christ with power from a different source.

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Pardon...a bit of Scipture says:

"And the GLORY of the LORD departed Jerusalem by the East Gate..."

Virtually EVERY modern Biblical Scholar takes the View that THAT line is describing the ARK. Clearly, Israeli's THINK OTHERWISE, but do they?

It seems that 'something' beyond the NATURAL is at Work in CONCEALING the LOCATION thereof.

That MIGHT well be the case here...

ONLY TWO material OBJECTS of our World have EVER been 'Hallowed': The Ark, by God Almighty and by legend, the Holy Grail, hallowed by Jesus Blood. If there is a GOD - which I am quite sure there IS - and He 'Hallows and Sanctifies' a 'Thing' what does THAT MEAN?

IF He does, then perhaps by INVESTING that with HIMSELF, then HE IS thereafter DIRECTLY connected thereto...

It's a thought. Also, IF SO what might that mean in the Greater sense?

The Bible states that GOD is HOLY and does NOT ALLOW Himself to 'touch' unholy things. That's just one hint...but a GOOD one perhaps.

Perhaps you - personally - might have noticed that particular passages - read over and over - DON'T COME 'Clear' until an appointed time? Yes, no...maybe?

The Bible *seems* frequently to be principally similar to a 'Time-Locked VAULT', an encryption NOT designed to be COMPREHENDED...until it IS.

Just a view - personal - from my own 'experience'.

Be Well, SAFE (!) and Blessed...


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I've never read any scripture that mentions a ' holy grail '. The Tree of Life has been taken to heaven , and the verse i shared in Revelation states that the Ark is in the shamayim/ heavens.

And to answer your other comment: true believers of Jesus the Messiah are grafted in with Israel and are considered part of Israel. But the people that live in Israel today are not Yah's chosen people. They were planted there in 1948 by the US, UN etc. Yah/God has not fulfilled the prophecy of bringing his people back to His land yet. They are impostors living there now. Ashkenazi Jews.

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I agree the Ark is hidden on the mount, but Archeologist Scott Stripling found the original tabernacle in Shiloh last year

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The Ark of the Old Covenant will never be found because it was either destroyed or hidden. If hidden, the acacia would have disintegrated by now. But more importantly, the old has been replaced by the new, and Mary is the New Ark of the Covenant. God in Jesus Christ was housed in the womb of a Virgin. She is not only the New Ark but also Mother of the Church. It will never be found for God in Jesus Christ has no need of the Old. To want or wish for the Old Ark to be found is to fall back upon the error of the Jews. God has done away with the old, and so should we. Anything else is not only erroneous, but heresy.

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Hello Cheryl,

Under ORDINARY circumstances, yes...the ARK would have decayed.

However, the ARK is not subject to 'normal circumstance'. Go back until you locate the passages that describe the Ark being constructed, read forward THEN until you get to the point where the Ark is INSTALLED in the Tabernacle (BIG TENT).

At that point, the Jews were instructed by God that NONE should approach within a Great span of distance onto the Tabernacle, on pain of Death...and the Spirit of the LORD descended and HALLOWED the ARK.

KINDA somewhat like is said in the shtick movie 'Indiana Jones..."

"Indy, if the Ark is there...it was not meant to be found. It is NOT of THIS WORLD."

Sorry, I somewhat inject modern shtick into real explanations since MOST people were raised on THAT and cannot 'get it' otherwise.

Oh, that's NOT directed at you. Recall that you're NOT the SOLE potential READER here, eh?

Be Well, SAFE and BLESSED also...


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BioPhysically, by the time an analog affect has happened, been processed and calculated, best case at 5 sampled frame rates per microsecond…it is already into “the past”. So by design, we humans tend to drive around in our gifts from God human 4D time lapse vehicles “always looking into the rear view mirror”. Which is why Jesus kept trying to reverse that getting Plato’s cave dwellers to turn around and look where they are driving to. Like plucking out mental eyes, cutting off mental hands Before they sin.

Interesting to note, observations on reaction times from inducing pain, trip to brain and back to reaction is 1/2 what it should be strictly measured by Newtonian physics. So another scientific validation of Jesus’s teachings. To stop driving around only looking into the rear view mirror. And that reality of linear time is way beyond Newtonian physics calculations. Which you can see fictionally depicted in the movie Inception.

So, in Revelations, John reveals, unVeils, Apocalypses the location of the Old Arc of the Old Covenant. In Heaven, with the King-Priest-Prophet of the Kingdom of the New Covenant, and with the New Arc, the Virgin Mother Mary. The new Temple of the New Covenant being the Eucharist.

Note that when Mary visited Elizabeth, John jumped for joy in her womb. The same way King David did in front of the Old Arc. In the old Arc were the stone tablets, Aron’s high priest staff and manna from Heaven. Per John 1:17, Jesus did not come to erase Mosaic Laws, but to fulfill them and bring the Grace of Forgiveness and Salvation. Through the new Covenant in the new Kingdom as the Head King-Priest-Prophet. And as the Bread of Eternal Life.

Pray or be prey, 🙏✝️🙏

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Wow that hotel looks quite like the temple in Old movies. I wonder this made me think. The first time Jesus publically professes He was the Messiah was to the Samaritan woman.... Since the Antichrist seems to be trying to mimic and fool us ..how will the AC announce it? We know it will be standing in the holy place. Jerusalem is the only place this can happen right?

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They will not and can not use these tourist traps to house the Ark of the Covenant. One, it has to be cleansed from all the goyim being there. Two, The Temple mount Faithful already has finished plans to build the temple, everything is ready, it will be built very quickly. 3rd. They have the Ark of the Covenant, and they are waiting for their Messiah to come and rescue Israel from her enemies. Of course, that person they are waiting for is the Anti-Christ, the false, imitation, substitute Jesus. They have openly said that. So the Ark of the Covenant will not just show up, this is all planned, by the evil one.



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Did history predicted this current move towards war as well?

Israel has opened 7 war fronts in the Middle East: Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and is also provoking Russia in Syria and destroyed a French Total oil plant in Lebanon, in retaliation (it seems) to Macron’s threat to suspend military aid to Israel.


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Hmm; Smells like BS to me.

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Seems like religious fanaticism is the reason for a lot of the woes of this world. I've heard too many rabbis quote from their favourite book the Talmud to want anything to do with them especially or their arks, tabernacles and whatever else they blather on about. They are 'gods chosen' apparently according to themselves and all other non Jews are below them, animals, goyim, whose children can be raped from age 3. Their agents swarm the western world, infiltrating all institutions with the sole aim of rule and annihilation of anyone not if their race. Disgusting.

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I read in the Bible that when the Jewish leaders murdered His Son Jesus Jehovah God dropped the physical nation of Isreal in favor of His Son's newly established Spiritual Kingdom Government.

So I ask Is it really going to matter what physical Isreal does ?

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