This attack did not have the typical earmarks of an ISIS attack. The shooters should have been killed at the scene, having died in the name of Allah. Having been captured running from the scene, it appears that the shooters were of a different origin. Even the scene of the attack seems odd. I would have expected an ISIS attack at a church or political event. Who ordered this? I would not rule out US involvement (CIA?). More upheaval in the world, pushing us closer to a nuclear/kinetic war... Don't neglect your situational awareness here. There have been more than enough foreign actors coming in through our southern border for a similar attack(s) here. As to WWWIII, it's happening, just a different type of war (genocide by bioweapon). The world is crazy-- be prepared.

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The United States has put themselves in the position of being culpable. The state department has been pushing Russia into a corner. Diplomacy has not been on the table. This whole thing looks like a CIA operation.

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If the Russians think the USA was involved or discover this, stay out of large event venues.

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The profoundness equates to get a gun learn how to use it and carry it with you.

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If anyone doesn't know for a fact that Putin is the one who ordered this attack on his own country, then you don't know anything.

He's trying to make himself look like the world's victim, he's trying to make it look like he had no choice but to attack Ukraine even more. This is Putin Putin Putin. Intelligent people know this. Intelligent people PREDICTED he would do exactly this.

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In remembrance of Purim.

According to the Book of Esther, because Mordecai refused to bow to him, the reaction of Haman, who was basically the Prime Minister of ancient Persia/Iran, was to plan a genocide against the entire Jewish population in the diaspora of ancient Persia/Iran.

However, because of the courage and faith of Mordecai and Esther, Haman’s plot was foiled.

Hitler was a subsequent type of Haman and though he didn’t succeed in a total genocide of God’s chosen people, Europe’s Jewish population was greatly diminished (see attached).

Because the primary diaspora of Jews is now in the US, where over 50% of the world’s Jews live, isn’t it the country, besides Israel itself, that a modern-day Haman would most likely target?

This leads one to wonder if the Jewish Diaspora in the US would head home to Israel if US policy and attitudes abandon them, something that is even more likely to occur if the rapture were to happen.


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Putin is not the good guy here! He is very capable of commanding a false flag attack to happen because he needs the Russian population to support him in his invasion of Ukraine. Putin is an admirer of Fidel Castro, in fact he made a monument in Moscow honoring the cruel dictator. Look it up! Besides, he is friends with North Korea, China and every other communist regime! I am sad to see many Christians in the Right support and defend a devil like Putin! It is true he is against the gay agenda but so was Stalin, Hitler etc. The Law of God is much more than that, and Putin does not seem to care! Dear Christian, do not allow politics to blind your perception of good and evil! There are no good guys in this fight! The West, the East, the North and South have all forsaken the True God!

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Its pretty plain to see this is a false flag attack to justify a) Russia's attack on Ukraine and b) NATO then attacking Russia in retaliation.

The same controlling force is operating on both sides to steer perception of populations into backing the murderous plans of those in ultimate control if all 'nations'.

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"Ukraine is going to get hit so hard in the days ahead"

The Russians smell a rat and know what ex State Department, Kiev, Maiden, Orange Revolution, Victoria Neuland said two weeks ago.

America is going to get hit so hard in the days ahead.

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When all else fails (economics, banks, wink wink), they take you to war. If it was done via the internet, there is a trail. Is this the beginning of the implementation of the planned fruition of the Deagle Plan? Obviously the killshot failed miserably numerically.

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Who is ISIS-K? They are an extreme group that broke away from the Taliban and Al-Qaida.

They were the ones who blew up 13 Americans in the Kubal airport.

They are at war with the Taliban in in Afghanistan for being too liberal.

They hate Russia for what they have done in Afghanistan, Chechnya and Syria. (Russia helped Syria fight the ISIS-K in Syria).

They are based in the Afghanistan/Pakistan boarder region.

Everyone hates these guys and if they were headed to the Russian front into Ukraine, how could they get in since Russia controls most of the eastern part of Ukraine, they would be doomed to get caught.

We made clear public statements that somehting like this was coming so Russia said they did not know is not credible.

They could have been tracked by Russia based on American intel. They let them carry out the attack and moved in quickly to arrest them and make a public show of it. They fled in panic west, because their original escape rout back to Afghanistan was cut off by the Russian's.

I think ISIS_K is real, but did they recruit people on line to do this, does not make sense but it's possible. Russia may have even infiltrated the group. We may never know.

Clearly Putin will make this Russia's 9-11 event.

I don't think either the USA or Russia could use them for their purposes for they hate everyone and everyone hates them, this is a very extreme group.

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People could just tell their “leaders” no, sign a peace deal like what they had before Boris Johnson nixed it; stop the aggression because this is a war the “leaders” want… to reduce the population and for war profits; not what the people want.

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With the $60 billion supplemental that the Administration has requested of Congress, we can ensure Ukraine not only survives but thrives.

With this support, in 2024, we will help ensure Ukraine can continue to fight, to build, to recover, and to reform.

With this money, Ukraine will be able to fight back in the East and accelerate the asymmetric warfare that has been most effective on the battlefield. And as I said in Kyiv three weeks ago, this supplemental funding will ensure Putin faces some nasty surprises on the battlefield this year.


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I hope that the west has the sense not to get involved. As far as the extremists fleeing to Ukraine, maybe they hoped to get lost in the general chaos. But it does seem highly suspicious. The war is over now. Gtf out of the way.

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