Who can afford kids? You either pay high daycare costs or give up income for one parent to stay at home. With the current inflation, it's hard to give up income and not go in debt. Unless they really, really want to have children, the costs are intimidating.

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Perhaps laying Treasure in Heaven is more fulfilling than consumerism for “things” which will always disappear.

May God Bless you with the clsrity to find what that path might be in your personal situation. As there is no one size fits all solution. If there were, diversity of life would serve no purpose. 🧐🙏🙏🙏

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BINGO...Got it in ONE!


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We never placed ‘income’ above the love which produced our children in ‘the day’ !! Wants !have Grown Out of Proportion !

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May 14
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AMEN. We know who they follow and it isn't God.

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Which god?

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The only God, the One in the Holy Bible. There is no other.

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To what ? Do you infer _

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I see ! When I added a tiny clarification those lost on my comment jumped on ! Unfortunately we always pull up dated info & accounting . Who harms the innocence and destroys the Life of those Graced by God with a “Tabula Rasa” Will Always Be My Enemy! And remember This “but for the Grace of God there ( i ) go” dammit What do you have to do because what are you talking to me like that? Shit jerks jerks jerks just started to Yeah

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I was’nt able to condense my comment before it was Rudely run-over ! Was that you M4zio. ?

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How did a shit spouter take control of my Comment and reply as You have stuff it you are afoul hate filled ZiospaZ

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It's has always been the whole world except for the elect known before the foundation of the world Romans 1:24-27

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Throughout my life I've heard couples say..."We don't plan to have any children until we're financially set". Ha! Most of them were never financially set and "Surprise"!! God's perfect plan. :)

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I hear that a lot in my generation and the younger set. The thing is there’s never the perfect time for anything. A lot of people buy into the myth of perfect instead of the reality of ‘good enough’.

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What you say is plausible on the surface, but what if most couples felt this way? You or I might not have been born.

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It's a straw man argument because your arguing from a point that never happened.

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I am the mother to five kids. We lived on one income for much of the time the kids were young or I worked off shifts (I was a nurse) so the kids would be in my care or my husband's care. I went back to working 30 hours per week when my youngest (now 17) was in 2nd grade. Obviously the financial conditions are significantly more challenging now than when I was having babies in the 90s and early 2000s, but we still managed to want for nothing But we made sacrifices. We've never owned a new car. My husband does pretty much all car and home repairs (he's an electrical engineer). We did not go on fancy vacations for years (none of our kids have been to Disney World). We saved money like crazy when we were first married. While most of our young friends were going on European vacations, we stayed put. The kids didn't have all the latest and greatest things and no one got cell phones until they were 16.

I wouldn't change a thing (except maybe have a few more kids). People can afford kids, but you have to be prepared to go without some things. Again, we really want for nothing. We have had a roof over our heads, food in our fridge, clothes to wear and with five kids endless opportunities for joy, making family memories and the simple pleasure being with each other while playing games, reading books, watching movies and hiking in the woods. The kids have all gone to college (and beyond). It can be done!

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Two-earner parenting is designed to enrich #government & impoverish families. Dedicated mothers #homeschooling and passing love, faith, culture, and cupcakes make the best defense against #culturalMarxism & it's tentacles. But what couple places the #goodoftheirchildren ahead of their #materialcomforts? Few. Therein lies the allure of #Americanconsumerism.

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Michael. I love your work and have been a follower for several years. I also own all your books. So I say this from a position of kindness. Call it for what it is my friend. Your audience needs to hear it, especially those you are reaching for the first time. The vaccines are depopulation bioweapons. The evidence is screaming from the rooftops at this point. If you need showing, I’m happy to oblige if you want to reach out directly.

I’ve noticed this type of theme consistently since the so called pandemic in your posts. A refusal to acknowledge what the rest of us all know, and that is the depopulation bio weapons that are the MRNA Covid so called vaccines.

I personally know 6 friends and family who have died as a direct consequence of these shots.

Do the research on miscarriage and birth rates since the roll out of the shots and you will see.

I think you know already my friend.

Bring it out into the open in your work. You will not be alone.

God bless and please continue the good fight Michael.

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If there's any doubt about the disability and lethality of the "vaccines", here's a couple of good websites:



The first shows that red states received more dangerous batches than blue states.

The second enables a person to check their own batch and the corresponding statistics.

I also follow Alex Berensen on Substack. Although he is a life long Democrat, he is spot on about Covid and the mRNA jabs.

We who are knowledgeable, need to continue to spread the truth wherever possible.

Here's a third video from Edward Dowd, who is a renowned reseacher:


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Ed Dowd is an ex-Blackrock Manager? Do you really trust him?

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He is a very skilled analyst. If he were truly part of the cabal, would he be pointing out the excess death/disability rates since the "vaccine" rollout?

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Love your post, every word. Thank you.

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I don't know if he does this purposefully, or he's actually that naive.

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No, this man is not naiive.

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Well then merilee...do you think the vaccine is to blame?

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I guess Michael has decided to ignore the elephant in the room - the mRNA Covid "vaccines". There is a cross sensitivity between the spike protein and Syntyicin-1 found in the ovaries, which could possibly prevent implantation. There has also been an increase in menstrual irregularities and miscarriages in jabbed women. Men who have received the Covid shots also show lower sperm counts.

All of this in healthy young people at little risk from the disease itself.

The cabal wanted to reduce the population and it looks like they're succeeding.

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May 14
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You show your ignorance in your words. Many historical and religious events were led by imperfect leaders, chosen by God. Moses, Peter and Paul come to mind.

That being said, Trump is not a religious leader, but merely a man who truly wants what's best for our country. He has the popularity, resources and motivation to stand up to the evil forces trying to ruin our great nation. I do not worship Trump,but admire him and support his efforts. Those of us not brainwashed by the mainstream media can see that this is truly a battle of good vs. evil. I worship only the one true God.

If I had to guess, your cognitive

dissonance will cause you to lash out at me and call me nasty names. How very Christian like.

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Meh 🫤 I wouldn’t worry about it. Demographic changes go up and down all the time. Enforce the laws and the borders, stop the invasion, correct fiscal and monetary policies and the demographics will take care of themselves.

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Or maybe not for other reasons... The millennial kingdom will be comprised of redeemed and glorified humans, more like angels in nature than our former mortal states, and some who are still mortal. The redeemed will not be reproducing, being eternal, as the angels are, so no need to replace them. and since all the redeemed from ancient history to the rapture will be there, there will be plenty of people.

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Howdy Y'all!

Another 'factor' involved methinks, just a little one...

As I'm SURE you've HEARD, Men in ths country are DAILY accused of sporting "Toxic Masculinity", yes? Yup.

However is that true? Really?

Allow me a few small PERSONAL 'observations' here...

Recently, I relocated from the Continental US to North of the Border, Alaska to be precise. PRIOR to relocating, I had occaision to be entering a local Retailer's establisment. Having a well-developed 'Spidey-Sense' I already knew that a woman was just behind me also preparing to enter the store also. Being WHO I AM, I reached forward, grasped the handle of the door stepped to one side, drawing it open and allowing the 'Lady' behind me the Courtesy of entering before me. Normal 'stuff', at least as I was raised.

The 'Lady' stepped past me just barely glancing my way with a look of sheer vitriol in her eyes (?) I didn't say a WORD, simply stood thier while she sautered by.

Specifics here: The 'Lady' was maybe in her latter 30's, sporting a fairly overweight figure, too much makeup on, decent clothes, 'Stout', with a face like a 'Gent', her hair something of a mess. All in all, a common, typical sight these days.

S'OK, I'm Cool, whatever...

Proceeding through the store I rapidly acquired my 'target articles' - I am a 'Tactical Shopper'...get in, locate the objective, GET OUT. Never did grasp why people - mostly Women - seemingly 'dawdle' in browsing through EVERYTHING in the Damn store.

Ah, 'Different Strokes for Different Folks' I suppose (?) Well, apparantly the 'Lady' didn't have a need for other than a single item and she beat me to the sole operant register. There she checked out and did 'dawdle' at a display beyond the Point of Sale.

I checked out, headed for the door, she got there first, slung OPEN the door WAY TOO hard, without so much as a glance backward and inasmuch as I was was right behind her got the benefit of the door basically getting slammed in my face as it bounced off it's stops.

Arresting the door was simple, I'm a BIG Guy, but it was the clear, uncaring behaviour of the 'Lady' that irritated me. Stepping beyond the door I raised my voice calling out, "Hey, you might be a bit more courteous to people coming right behind you with these doors." Oh, yes, she ABSOLUTELY KNEW I was immediately behind her inasmuch as I had caught her, via a swift glance in my direction, JUST before she headed that way herself, S'OK?

Hmmm, she whipped around like a feline- quite a feat in my opinion for someone sporting that much excess weight and stalked directly to where I paused awaiting her approach. Arriving, her manner and body language suggested that she was 'Ready for FREDDY'.

I'm not threatened by much in life, certainly not a Mad overweight woman. So, getting within a couple of inches of my face - which automatically I regard as an INTRUSION within my 'personal space', she LAUNCHES.

In short order I am TOLD what a bumbling POS I am, that men are functionally USELESS to Women on Earth, that they would be better OFF if we didn't exist, yada, yada, yada...

I never said a WORD...just letting her talk till she was finished. Finally, seeming satisfied with performing her 'Feminine Civic Duty', she stalked back to her vehicle seemingly Well-Satisfied on some 'emotional' level.

All because I had the GAUL to open a door for her. I was pointedly a bit amused. The encounter was the functional equivalent of a titmouse reading the Riot Act to a Grizzly Bear.

Oh, BTW, that is FAR from being a single such episode in my experience, FAR INDEED.

Driving home I errantly wondered how someone far younger than I - MALE - would have interpreted that. That's when I realized that I hadn't SEEN a male - any MALE - open a door for a woman in SOME TIME.

I have 5 male cousins - as well as a similar number of female cousins, lovely people, all - amongst whom NONE are married, the MALES that is - most never BEEN married - and who also show NO INTEREST whatsoever in becoming a HUSBAND.


Another example at the other end of the Scale...

One of my nieces, a gorgeous 21 year old Blonde - who I'll NAME 'Tiffany', no REAL names obviously - is a truly DRIVEN young woman. She gets Straight A's in school invariably, does the Soccer thing with a VENGEANCE, has only successfully obtained a SINGLE boyfriend, whom she RAN OFF. He was a calm, pleasant young man, outgoing, personable, HARD WORKING. He hung with her for over a year before disappearing. That WASN'T spoke of openly thereafter. I ran into him at Wal-Mart some time later spinning into an aisle, all but running into HIM with my cart. We'll call him 'Jake'.

I saw that he had a wry grin on his face and stepping over he openly gave me a big hug, pulled back grinning like a fool. I asked him how he was doing and he replied well, good, happy. I asked if he dating anyone and he immediately shook his head indicating NO, rather emphatically so, actually...

Bemused by THAT I spoke directly to him about 'The Elephant IN the room.', Tiffany.

His face fell, I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder to indicate stout support and he started to speak.

"Uncle Boris (my Russian alter Ego a running joke in the family, HUMOROUSLY so) I tried Uncle Boris...but all she wanted was to DO was to lay around, have sex, and TELL ME what to do." Most young men of my acquaintance having THAT wouldn't give rat-doodle inasmuch as they had a 'plaything' like Tiffany...NO indeed, they'd shut and 'go wit da FLOW' for a long, long time indeed.

I did pry just a bit, asking him, "What do you mean she 'told you what to do?' He replied 'Just THAT; I couldn't FART without her permission.".

Wrapping up things, I gave HIM a BIG Uncle Boris Siberian Bear Hug and we parted pleasantly; I DO miss that Boy, FWIW.

Later, I spoke with my Brother - Tiffany's father - we'll call him "Ken", I relayed the encounter at Wal-Mart with 'Jake'. "Wassup with THAT?" I asked.

My Brother's face fell...and he started to speak. "Tiffany is LOOKING for a STRONG man who'll utterly SUBMIT to HER."

Hahaha...that's when I KNEW WHAT the problem was. "UMM" I said, "So, she's LOOKING for a Unicorn, eh?" You know, mythical creature that DOESN'T exist, right? Yup.

Mike simply sighed, saying, "I've tried to explain it to her, REPEATEDLY. That she's NOT EVER going to find a STRONG Man who'll 'fly like that with her', really...but she just doesn't GET IT. She'll either find a weak Man who'll adore HER, who she'll DESPISE in short order OR find a STRONG Man who she'll HAVE to SUBMIT TO, but she ain't going going to find what she's looking FOR."

"She just doesn't 'get it'"

"TOXIC Masculinity"...Righttttt.

Methinks what we ARE seeing today is what Psychlogist call 'Projection', placing YOUR failings onto others. Hence, in reality, we here are talking about something ELSE, Toxic yes, CORROSIVE in extremis, yes...but NOT "Toxic Masculinity".

I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions as to the origin of the PROBLEM.

Be well, be SAFE and be BLESSED Y'all;


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I was one of those strange people that read the last chapter of a book before the first...and usually nothing in between. The only book that I have completely read from the first page to the last is the Bible. That being said...I read your comment all the way to the end...it was hilarious, dry and entertaining! I've had a rough couple years and I really needed that...Thank you. :)

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C G, you are MORE than Welcome, rest assured! I ofttimes wonder at the Lord's 'Sense of Humor'...I think - perhaps - it must be Grand indeed. We ARE - after all 'Made in HIs IMAGE' and but for HUMOR, I know as fact, that I myself would LONG AGO simply have 'Lost IT'.

I am humbled and pleased that you found that as 'Entertaining' as you did Sir, Ma'am, either. Well-Met in either case, Brother or Sister in Christ,


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May 14
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Hello Marcel,

I am heartened to hear your Wisdom this eve, rest assured. Yes, EVIL, even Demonic Evil walks among us...hence your admonition is entirely apropos hereon.

That said, I FEAR not, ever. As in "Yea though I walk THROUGH the Valley Of The SHADOW of DEATH, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL.", which a Man of your clear long study of the Bible knows implicitly.

Dwelling on the Events of a few Night's ago I am rapidly coming to BELIEVE that THAT display might - just MIGHT - be something of a FINAL WARNING ere it all 'Goes SOUTH'.

As a matter of History, PEOPLE FEARED such...not as mere Superstition, but instead AS historical Wisdom. Oddly enough we KNOW virtually every major solar EXCURSION of significant Magnitude going back tens of thousands of YEARS; Tree Rings, Ice Cores and etc.

Suprisingly, not 100% of the time, but instead upwards of 94% of all such in RECORDED History ARE followed by WAR, FAMINE and/or PLAGUE. It is a singularly odd 'coincidence' IMHO (?)

Be well Brother, Friend...be En Guarde hence, they WALK among us even now, SURELY.

Be well, be SAFE and BE BLESSED,


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May 14Edited
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I am grateful to attend a gospel centered church. Even Hell is mentioned.

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Seems to 🐝 a multiVector attack on God is the God of Life, not death. By the Serpent. Chemical via dioxins, heavy metals, glyphosates. Murder by perpetual wars, abortions. Barriers from procreation including sterilization, by gender mutilations and biosynth mod mRNA injections.

Morphing God’s life into artificial intelligence GMOs and TransHuman Borgs. Fading and fading like bad copies of bad copies.

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Couldn't possibly be all the poisons being pumped into our air, water, soil, food, and, indeed, even "medicines" for decades now, could it?

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Someone using what appears to be your account, has contacted me regarding some money making opportunity. I know that you would never do this. You should investigate before some poor subscriber is duped. You could actually be held liable.

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I just read an article on Western Journal that talks about the billions ? going into the pockets of NGO's at the southern border, for "helping" the illegals get in to this country. Biden gives it, does nothing to stop the madness. They don't want this all to end not even the trafficking, etc. Almighty Dollar to them.

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Ok...now this is just a thought...it might fix the decrease in population issue...but...it may not. What if we all pick "1 day a week" to walk around the house butt naked? Seriously, wouldn't that work?

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Not at my age!! LOL

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Howdy Diana!

Hohohohooo...GOOD ONE! Yuppers!

"MY eyes, my eyes! I CAN'T 'Un-see' THAT!, where's the BLEACH...HURRY!!"

AHHH, Humor...'Priceless, ain't it?'

Be BLESSED Ma'am...WITH my Thanks also!


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Maybe young couples are figuring out what is really going on behind all of the Climate Change movement ?

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I hope so!

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It really does not matter how all this happened (as if there was something we could do about it). Even Trump put his brand to the vaccines. This is all part of the depopulation of the planet. Once the war starts, the food supplies dwindle and a real pandemic hits with many more dying since so many have been set up now not to take any medication for a pandemic, the numbers that will die will be horrific and will dwarf the numbers we have now. It will be ugly.

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It's almost as if something happened in the last few years. Maybe it was something people got? Something injected into their arms? Something that they actually begged for, and couldn't wait to get.

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Here's a recent SERIOUS 'Take-Down' of 'Toxic Feminism' that is simply OUTSTANDING, "Must Read", supporting my last posting above;


Here you'll see just how far 'off the Rails' modern Feminism has actually become.

Adios mi Amigoes,


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2.4 bare minimum as I’ve heard ! scamdemic put the K’bosh on ovaries & testes

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A lot of chemicals had been doing that for several decades before SARS-1 even!

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On this point don’t look for much hope from any ! as a direct series of (hits) has been shown to attack vital organs and delete in many cases the reproductive capacity for future in the young.

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But that may be preparation for a time when humans won't need replacements, a time when a large percentage will return to "factory original" eternal status. That time is coming sooner than most think.

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May 13
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That's true here in the US as well.

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