When milk is pasteurized it is safe to drink as it kills any pathogens. How are the so called authorities testing the animals? Are they using the PCR test that can easily be manipulated to test anything positive? Probably so. Don't let the propaganda scare you. That is what they are hoping for. Ignorance isn't bliss.

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Yes Ma'am...Charlotte for the WIN!

Really, it's about this simple Y'all. DNA and RNA are relatively FRAIL...at least at elevated temperatutes such as occur in Pasteurization.

As an example of that, recall that a few short years ago a heat-laminated archive of Blood samples from the infamous "Jack the Ripper" murders came to light.

Initially, there was enormous excitement that there was at least a chance that modern DNA testing techniques could - ACTUALLY - finally reveal the identity of 'The Ripper'.

The samples were extracted with exquisite caution in an effort to prevent any further degradation prior to analysis, FWIW.

Thereafter, every sample was analyzed but unfortunately what the Labaratory concluded was that the very action of laminating - Heat lamination - those samples had fragmented every last bit of generic material beyond thier ability to surmount.

In essence, the simple heating of the laminate had turned every last bit of forensic genetic evidence into 'genetic potpouri'.

Said process of lamination - in that era typically involved applying pressure and heat at around 145 degrees Fahrenheit...which coincidentally almost exactly corresponds to the standard 140 degrees utilized during Pasteurization.

However, it is the case than laminations done in that age were very brief affairs, typically lasting less than 60 seconds. Pasteurization, OTOH, typically sustains the temps involved for several MINUTES...

No, the WORRY - if one exists - is that Zoonotic transfer across mutiple species might - just MIGHT - result in an airborne virus. But even that would have to be ADAPTED to the receptor points covering every cell in your body - most especially - your LUNGS.

The Chimera 'Frankenstein' produced at Wuhan was SPECIFICALLY tailored to cleave onto Human Furin cleavage sites...something similar (likely involving a different type of cleavage site) would have to occur before anysuch could become threatening to US.

However, I'm sure that you recall the Wuhan 'Bat Lady', yes? SHE had a male colleague - also working under the auspices of the PLA Medical arm - who was instead investigating Pangolin variants of Coronavirii.

He had at his disposal Mice who had been 'gengineered' to mimic the Human Furin cleavage sites. After 'tinkering' with his pet virus - read as; GoF efforts - he introduced his brand new snappy Corona variant into his test subjects.

It remains unclear just how MANY Mice he exposed - different sources report different numbers of those - BUT, 8 days later every last Mouse was DEAD, DOA, Tote, Kaput.

Think about that...however many Mice were involved, that is a pathogen with a 100% mortality rate. Holy Smokes!...even Ebola doesn't have a 100% kill rate!

China has absolutely no scruples in developing such evil crap; they are the most xenophobic culture on Earth...if you ain't CHINESE, then you are lower than Whale Shit. Period

Anyway, I fully hope that everyone had a pleasant, restful Sabbath. God Bless you all.


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My “scam antenna” lit up when I read the second line of this story: “the WHO said there was

ENORMOUS CONCERN that this latest H5N1 could “spread among humans.”

ENORMOUS CONCERN????????? These psychopaths that scammed us with COVID, and now,

conveniently, here comes another lock down opportunity. I guess too many of us are still

breathing, and that makes them ENORMOUSLY CONCERNED.

Once again . . . If only we had honest researchers who would actually tell the truth. But that

will not happen. We have to take their word for all of this. Pray, folks. Ask Our Lord and Savior,

Jesus Christ for wisdom and protection.

Romans 10:13. . . . . “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord, will be saved.” Our Lord

has TRUE ‘ENORMOUS CONCERN’ for His creation. His death on the cross for our sin

assures us of this.

Thank you for this information, MIchael.

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How can we be paralyzed with fear and trust the Lord our God at the same time? It's impossible!

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Hello Alana,

Yes Ma'am.

FEAR is not a 'thing' in and of itself. Instead Fear is more like unto a vacuum; the absence of a thing. Similarly, COLD is the absence of HEAT.

As such, then if you ARE Faith-filled then there is no remaing Void or Absence in which FEAR can reside.

Just a thought from someone far wiser than I...


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It's a test revealing what is really there in the heart

We got the peace that the evil world cannot give or that can be bought with 🤑💰.

BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passes Ban the Jab Resolution!

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Hello Alanna,

The previous comment WAS aintended to be both support and also complementary, FWIW. There IS an element 'hereabouts' that so astonishingly IGNORANT - as Charlotte Z observed in the topmost comment - that it simply beggars the imaginatiin those people are allowed OUTSUDE without Adult Supervision.

I trust that clarifies matters Ma'am,


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BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passes Ban the Jab Resolution!

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

Calm the heck down!

1)The H5N1 found in the milk are FRAGMENTS of the virus, which can't cause disease.

2) Pasteurization kills any virus that would be in the milk.

3) Avian flu is a respiratory virus, which I believe would not survive our digestive enzymes.

4) Like any other virus, early treatment with ivermectin will keep you from getting severely ill. If you won't go the horse paste route, order it from:


Use code "Phil" for 10% off.

I also use pine needle tea (on Amazon) at the first sign of illness. It's amazing stuff.

This is more likely a ploy to make us afraid, so don't give them what they want.

We won't get fooled again!

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Why on earth would anyone believe what they’re saying? It’s the same pathological liars that tricked everyone into poisoning themselves with a Bioweapon over the common cold.

I’m not participating in Plandemic 2.0 either.

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BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passes Ban the Jab Resolution!

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"And what else are they not telling us?"

It's part of the November 5 2024 election plan.

1.Latest China/US contribution to humanity has arrived.

2 How else are we going to depopulate so many useless eaters and make our mommy earth happy ?

3. Getting everyone off of protein, beef, chicken, meat and eating insects to make starving survivors weak and not a threat just got easier.

4. We elite are motivated by the kingdom of darkness and really, really, really hate you inferior humans.

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The Big concern is not milk itself since most is pasteurized, it's the raw milk that is a concern. As Michael said the really big concern is in the jump to humans.

I think most can agree that Covid-19 was a man made bio weapon released on the world, along with a vaccine that only made the problem worse. So why did they do this and then latter openly admitted, this was released from a bio weapons lab and the all the counter measures really didn't work. Why?

For me it's pretty simple, you release a virus saying many will die and didn't. This creates a public perception that the next scares will be the same and we become cavalier about the warnings only this next time the warnings are for real.

Then when they offer a vaccine the world is already set up to say no to any vaccine. Like in the fairy tell of the Boy who cried wolf. Once we realize this next time it is for real and "they" will blame us for our stupidity and really bring the hammer down for those who do not comply.

We don't know (and no one does) how this will exactly go down, but it does not seem to be too far off, and we have all been set up so they can blame us in the end.

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More Fear Porn to control humanity.

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BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passes Ban the Jab Resolution!

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We have to get closer to the election to find the impact.


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This nonsense is so laughable as to make me cry that many will believe it and be scared to their deaths.

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Oh FWIW, I am (STILL) LEARNING 'how' the SubStack 'thing' works. Forgive me if - for a time - I might not be entirely 'responsive' to various Good Folks here. Heck, I'm OLD and a lot of this 'newfangled STUFF' just flumuxes me!


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I'm 74 and I get it!

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Howdy Daniel, I 'get it' too...I just wish I DIDN'T!

"Golden Years' my ass...more like the "Rust Years".

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This book will help you understand that the “virus” threats over our lifetimes were/are unsubstantiated theories. The word virus comes from Latin and generally means toxin or toxic.

“The Truth About Contagion” by Thomas Cowan.

Description from Amazon:

Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as "viruses"? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19?

The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.” This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread. From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person.

It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G. In The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell explore the true causes of COVID-19.

On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.

Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?

As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.”

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Golly, Jacob! How did you reach the conclusion that viruses are unsubstantiated? Do you have education in infectious disease? And what’s your theory about tuberculosis? Is that another myth? I was born in an earlier era, before we had very many vaccines. There WAS a vaccine for smallpox, which I have the scar, to show I got the vaccine. Smallpox, which once ravaged large populations has now been declared eradicated. It was also caused by a virus—one of those types of disease which for some mysterious reason, you’ve taken to be a hoax.

I believe in bacterial infections and viral infections, in spirochetes and other infectious agents. Partly, because I studied some pathology in medical school. But long before that, I saw the effect of new vaccines. Children stopped getting polio; the “iron lung” was retired. I got measles, mumps and chickenpox. I was lucky that none caused lasting damage to me, but not everyone was lucky.

When I finished medical school and residency, I never saw a single case of measles or mumps—children were routinely vaccinated against those diseases. Those viral infections were becoming a thing of the past…until, recently, people without showing any evidence of harm from these vaccines, began to be suspicious of them. As I remember, many children seemed to be developing autism at around the same time as they got vaccines. There’s no evidence that vaccines cause autism.

Just now, my nose itched. And in Austin, TX, someone was killed in an automobile accident. They happened at the same time! So they must be related—right? The temporal relationship of separate events does NOT prove they are related. I’m as concerned as anyone about what appears to be a significant rise in autism, in recent times. I would very dearly love to know why—something has changed. I don’t think that vaccines are responsible. Rather than spread skepticism of the scientific method, I’d rather see it used to find out WHAT IS causing autism. My experience tells me, without looking up any statistics, that the incidence of autism has risen significantly. I don’t think it has been researched as seriously as it should be. It may be that it’s related to toxins in our environment—herbicides and pesticides are used in quantities unheard of 50 years ago, when sensible farmers rotated their crops, using soybeans to add nitrogen to their soil, and good yields were produced without chemicals. We do know that certain herbicides have been linked to an increased incidence of lymphoma, and other cancers, and another to Parkinson’s disease. The incidence of Parkinson’s disease has also almost doubled in the past 50 years.

I agree with you that we don’t know much about the potential health effects of a wide range of signals. We are still researching the effects of gravity, and everyone is aware of gravity, even though we can’t see it. In recent months, I’ve heard about a great number of Americans being exposed to radiation, during the WWII era, and the advent of above-ground tests of atomic bombs; that this happened—or that innocent people were exposed, unnecessarily, and died of radiation-caused disease has apparently only recently become public knowledge. I admit, it does tend to make a sensible person become suspicious of what else we haven’t been told. Quite a lot, I think. When the government clumsily tries to cover up information, it only leads to more suspicion. I won’t mention instances of this, for fear of wandering too far afield, but you likely are able to come up with a few ideas.

That which we cannot see is not necessarily benign. The sun’s radiation produces Vitamin D, when we are exposed to it. But even though we can’t see it harming us, we know it can cause melanomas and other skin cancer.

It’s a sad state of affairs when the public becomes distrustful of science. What should we believe instead? In werewolves, spells…witchcraft? My advice is: be skeptical of people, and of government, and of hidden motivation, but don’t throw out the scientific method!

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Howdy Rachel,

Growing up my father told me that;

"Beauty IS only skin-deep Son...but Stupid goes right to the BONE..."

As usual, Occam's Razor typically provides the true solution, doesn't it?

Regards Ma'am....JOG

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Well, you’re a bit cryptic for me; if your comment is generally favoring my post, as I think, thank you. As for stupid, Robert Frost made a comment once in a poem that always amuses me when I think of it! Finding a bug on his writing paper, he addresses the bug favorably:

“…I’m always glad to see, on any sheet,

the least amount of mind.”

Some people, I have learned, don’t let ignorance and poor manners stand in the way of expressing their opinion!

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You’re a fool, Rachel Ann Scott, and a cheerleader for the devil. Undoubtedly, there is a branch of medicine which has done wonders in healing but it is confined to acute care, which is how they’ve won hearts and minds. However, allopathic care is an abomination. It is very easy for bad science to take control when the people have been so dumbed down and miseducated that they can’t tell the difference between good science and bad science, and that also goes for those who believe themselves to be experts. There is plenty of exposure in a plethora of publications but you choose not to read them and many expose dark secrets about even your beloved small pox vaccine and TB. But you go right ahead and keep taking the sorceries concocted by the medical industry’s Stygian Witches, including their chemical-laden foods. My words are for those who can think on their own and want to understand how this industry learned to control their minds and metabolism. Others may be interested in the research. Why should you dissuade them?

You know what, Rachel Ann Scott? You almost sound like a government or big pharma stooge. Might I suggest we have no further communication with each other.

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GREAT IDEA! LET’S DEFINITELY PART WAYS! It’s hard to see how a relationship can develop, given that you’ve opened with name-calling. Adieu to you.

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BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passes Ban the Jab Resolution!

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For the last 20 years, I've noticed an increase in hyperactive children, autism, mentally slow, mentally disturbed children, etc. When I did some research, the mothers were taking antidepressants, anti-anxiety, etc prescriptions during their pregnancy. I'm not a doctor but there's got to be a correlation here. Or are these mothers and children being demonically attacked? God tells us via Paul to be aware of pharmakeia.

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Why has the herd gone along so easily and like trained lambs to slaughter call it Co vid when it's the China virus ? Dumb sheep 🐑🐏.

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Actually we were doing various research on multiple Covid viruses here the the USA. It was Obama that saw the danger and had the research moved to Canada who were working with the Chines. They saw the potential for this to be a weapon and removed samples to the Wuhan lab. We knew this had happened and were monitoring what was going on in the lab. Shortly after the last international inspection, it got out. Was it us, China, a joint effort or some rogue lab worker, we will never know, but this is just the set up for something much worse.

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We will never know because we are led by perverts, reprobates and evil, godless idiot's. You are full of lies

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Actually you sound like Fauci's CFR contact and the govt. disinformation agent.

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"Up Shut Already!"

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Where did you get that idea?

That is exactly what I said, the whole thing is a very elaborate disinformation program, a deception to set up the world for a real pandemic that is coming. They set up a virus that was not to much to do about nothing, and vaccines that made things worse, and that is just the set up, for the real thing, and most of the world will ignore it believing this just another lie like Covid 19.

So to answer Michael's question, What Are They Not Telling Us About The Bird Flu?

This bird flue "may" be the real thing and no one will listen even making the virus even more deadly and many in denial will be throwing gas on the fire and we will be held accountable to God for that.

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I’m NOT able to post a Substack; some people can—IDK WHY this allegedly simple platform has me completely confounded. It costs money and isn’t working; I may give it up. It’s too frustrating; I can’t afford to spend time writing, just to see it disappear…only God and maybe Substack administrators know where!

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Off topic, but today's news:

Astrazeneca Admits COVID Vaccine Can Cause Clots.


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That’s old news. I took the Moderna shot, because I’ve had blood clots in the distant past. I’m not sure why; the Mayo Clinic took a stab at figuring it out, but came up with little, other than an elevated sedimentation rate.

Since then, I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which causes hypersensitive pneumonitis—I can’t understand that jargon, myself! In simple English, my autoimmune system reacts to bird keratin as though it were a dangerous invader, when dust from bird’s feathers is inhaled into my lungs. In common terms, it’s called, variously, bird fancier’s disease, and farmer’s lung. Probably, my elevated sed rate is due to exposure to bird keratin. We’re all exposed to a low level of it—birds are ubiquitous in nature, so bird keratin—in minute amounts—is always in the air we breathe.

It doesn’t affect most people, but I had parrots, and was exposed to a significant amount of bird keratin. Most people who keep birds don’t have any problems, but a few people do. It started with a persistent dry cough. Seemed insignificant. One night, however, the disease reached a tipping point. I developed a high fever, with shaking chills. At the hospital, the next day, my O2 saturation was 86%, quite low for a non-smoker. It should have been closer to 100%. I was hospitalized and given oxygen. Tests were done. A pigeon antibody test came back positive, confirming the diagnosis.

What happened, in my case, was that specialized white cells gravitate toward the keratin inhaled into the alveoli (or lung sacs, and gobbles them up, then turns into an inert bit of tissue called a granuloma. The problem is, when a critical number of these granuloma form, it thickens the space between the alveoli, and capillaries, interfering with oxygen transport into the body. A similar reaction takes place in pulmonary “sarcoidosis.” Also, beryllium dust is highly toxic, and triggers the same reaction. Typically, if unchecked, these diseases can be expected to lead to a steady downhill course. When oxygen exchange in the lungs becomes difficult, the heart compensates, pumping more blood to the lungs, but rather than helping, in the long term, this stresses the pulmonary arteries, and leads to pulmonary hypertension.

The typical patient diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension (which so far, has not been treatable) dies—on average—within four years.

My disease took an unexpected turn. I have a “mild” traumatic brain injury. On the advice of a trusted physician, I looked into hyperbaric oxygen. I previously only knew that Michael Jackson had his own HBOT chamber; I had assumed it was a crackpot idea. So, after a year, researching the use of hyperbaric oxygen, I thought was worth trying. I found a place which looked well-run, “A Place of Grace” on the outskirts of Madison, WI.

Because it cost $100 a session, for 40 treatments, given twice a day. The first treatment was several years before bird fancier’s disease developed. I finally got enough money to get a recommended second course of hyperbaric oxygen treatment.

Not long after that, I had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Ryu, chief of the Mayo Clinic interstitial lung clinic. To my surprise, my lungs

had returned to normal! Dr Ryu said the battery of lung tests had all come back normal.

“You would never know you had hypersensitivity pneumonitis!” he said. This was completely unexpected. I had given away my parrots; but otherwise, had not done anything differently, other than getting hyperbaric oxygen. I thought about the results for a minute, then asked,

“Do you think the hyperbaric oxygen could have done this?”

“No. I don’t think so,” he said. Until I had extensively researched HBOT, I thought it was a quack remedy, so I wasn’t surprised at his comment.

There was no point in disputing his conclusion, as a family practice physician, especially, without the extensive training and knowledge he had about pulmonary medicine.

I went home, and thought about it. I hadn’t asked many questions about my lung disease. My oxygen saturation had improved, after several days of hospitalization, and I’d just assumed I would gradually recover. I hadn’t been told differently.

So I wrote an email to Dr. Ryu, who was typically very conscientious about responding to email.

“What is the normal course, for somebody whose lungs looked like mine?” I asked.

“A steady downhill course.” he answered.

And yet, my lungs have returned to normal, somehow! And they have remained healthy in the 20 plus years since! That’s all I’m saying. Draw your own conclusions, if you will.

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What a wonderful recovery!

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Bravo!! Now when will any Republicans make that declaration about Lyme Disease???

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bird flu is nonsense in terms of any kind of pathogenic agent that can transfer between creatures of animal or human population. just in the same way that CV19 was a scam, so is this. it environmental poisoning of some kind. its in the name: dis-ease. dis-ease of a body is caused by it environment not by infectious agents. pollute the environment (internal or external) and dis-ease results.

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