And that treasonous sphincter Gen. Milley thought it prudent to open direct comm's to the CCP 'cause "Trump's gonna start a nuclear conflict just to stay in office......."

All I need to know.

Onward, Christian soldiers

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Jesus, "whoever seeks to save their own life, will lose it, but whoever is willing to lose their life for My sake will gain eternal life.

World events are threatening to take a lot of peoples lives. This is creating much fear. Jesus also said not Tobe afraid of the one who can kill you because that's all they can do to you, but fear the one who can send you to he'll.

When someone comes to rescue this world and our lives in it, the world will gladly flee this coming chaos to the one who promises tosave their lives here on earth, and stop the ones bringing this evil. He will say follow me and I will save your here on earth, but at price of eternal life.

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Not to mention our big brother.

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