Michael, you must be watching the wrong network news shows. President Dementia (oops, Biden) consistently tells us that Bidenomics is working wonderfully. He boasts of millions of jobs he has created [I do have a problem with the numbers. Didn't we lose millions of jobs during the lockdowns? Is it true that most of the jobs are guv jobs and that the ones that aren't are part-time, low paying and being taken by the illegal aliens (oops, "newcomers")?] Biden and the Demonrats also tells us that businesses are doing great. I mean, shouldn't we believe that all the news that comes out of the DC deep swamp is good news, backed by the truth? By the way, I won't be crying if Big Lots goes belly up. I have little compassion for businesses that hurt America manufacturing by selling cheap, inferior goods from Communist China. The soon to be unemployed of Big Lots should have not trouble finding similar low paying part-time jobs created by Bidenomics.

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The foundation of any economy is buying and selling. People providing goods, services, and people with jobs to buy, make that all possible if we had solid money (backed by gold and silver and did not issue more credit we could back, everything would be fine. But we issued too much paper, more than we could ever cover, eventually inflation went upward, and then cost got too high for companies, they laid off workers, these buyers had less to spend and without producing cost of stuff also rose. This is the bebt spiral and now it is spiraling out of control just as "they" planned it.

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Yes Daniel you are correct. The Keynesian debt trap is sprung. There is no remedy or solution to salvage the US Dollar and the US economy.

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Why would any sane person believe anything coming from the US government, or government officials, MSM, institution or institutional figure; when they have been shown time and again to be malevolent frauds who have been wrong - either intentionally or ignorantly or both - about absolutely everything they have purported to be true?

My only hope for mankind is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. I have no faith in any governmental leaders, or a civil war, to alleviate the problems of man's present condition. This quotation from Revelation 18 is profound and enormously timely when you consider the warning to: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.” “And strong is the Lord who judges her.”

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Well said, Carl. Time is short! The King is Coming!

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Well it appears the come to Jesus moment is on the near horizon.

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Agreed. You must be listening to Miss Information, because every where I look is prosperity. Every street in my town is dominated by creature comfort vendors. Tattoo shops,Dispensaries,Massage parlors, hair and nail salons. These are cornerstone businesses of a thriving and healthy society. What we really need are low skilled unemployed un educated workers to fill all those empty positions that lazy Americans don't want. And we can just print more money if things get tight, C'mon man.

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