With the plans to default on the debt soon and we are inching closer to an executive order about guns, with the floodgate of illegal immigrants about to explode into America with the agenda to get them registered to vote so there will never be another conservative congress or executive branch, all of this is pushing the conservative right to fight back, take up arms, many are connected to churches. They have already war gamed these events and are planning to deal with it. They know there will be chaos. (As a cop I know there are plans to bring in foreign military and or civilian police to healp deal with it).

This is why many PDs have been CALEA or IACP (International Certification).

(Why does a police Dept in the USA need to be internationally certified)?

We will be made the scapegoats for this, as Christians are intolerant, sexist, racist and intolerant of other religions in their eyes. They will blame all of society's ills on us. We will be persecuted.

Our weapons need to be faith, prayer and the Gospel. We must be persecuted for the right reasons and have the right response, (because in reality the one thing they do hate is Jesus and His gospel).

Acts 5:40-41 after calling the apostles in, they flogged them and ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then released them. So, they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.

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This situation is very disheartening how far do you guys think this will go in this country? Let me know in the comments please

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My belief is that this is just a warm up for the real Tribulation. I think the true devolution will begin after the rapture of the Church. There are still too many of us out here with our God and our guns for them to conquer us. It's coming soon though, which is why Satan is working so very hard to indoctrinate as many people as possible. Once we've been raptured, Satan can't touch us. There will be a plethora of confusion regarding our disappearance, but without us, the thin veneer of civilization will be gone. The left behind will be lost and eager to follow someone (the antichrist). The masses have already been brainwashed into compliance by the Covid pandemic. Of course, a few poor souls will resist and become martyrs, but most will take the mark of the beast quite eagerly. All of this is just my opinion, of course. Only God knows how it will really play out.

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Thanks for your reply 😁❤️

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