It’s no coincidence that the Israel/ Iran war and Russian/ Ukraine war may simultaneously erupt into WW3, around the same time as the U.S. Election. The choreographers of these cataclysmic Geopolitical events are scary good.

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Michael you are well aware that there will never be peace between the muslims and Israel, ever, You are also well aware that Israel has bent over backwards since God first raised up His nation again to appease the muslims. Muslims will not be happy until every Jew and Christian are exterminated , that is the plain, simple truth. Christ also told that all these things must happen but do not be alarmed. He has told all that will happen. Why did He tell us all that would happen? So that we would be prepared to survive it if God is God's will and so that we would lift up our heads in anticipation of Christs return. We have also been told that we cannot be certain of who the man of lawlessness is, until he defiles the Holy Place(which I assume is the 3'rd temple) and declares himself God. I believe it was Paul who stated this(feel free to correct me) and he was talking to Christ's church, the saints, so in effect he was telling the saints we would see these thing(in other words no pre trib rapture). Anyways, we know there will be wars and rumor's of wars, famine and pestilence , but, still the end has not come, these are labor pains. It would appear that indeed there is going to be a war, which we assume will be world war 3, great destruction will take place on earth, much death, this is where the anti christ appears to rise up which would make sense, to have global gov would require desperate people worldwide looking for a "savior". This man will deceive the world. Anyways, what's important is to recognize that Israel is at the center of everything at this time, seems we are getting really close, people need to have food,, water, medical supplies , survival gear , a game plan to survive without our modern luxuries such as electricity, what will you do for heat, cooking, washing clothes, washing self, brushing teeth, a toothache, a cut, a serious life threatening wound, self defense etc, etc ,etc. If there is a pre trib rapture which I have little evidence of in the Bible, you haven't wasted your resources, someone left behind will need those resources. We as followers of Christ have been told what is going to happen, we aren't given exact timelines, but, we know. So, be prepared, encourage others to prepare and preach Christ to those who are willing to hear.

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Well said MR but I would add to consider when and whoever the man of sin is, he comes and subdues the nations and no one can make war against him I.e. world peace. Now what will be the religion or theology of this man of sin. Daniel says he gets help from a foreign or unkown God to his fathers, so what will that be?

The Temple Institute and the Temple Mount Faithful are the ones who will build the 3rd temple.

I was directly told by one of the Rabbis that "they will fulfill prophecy and make Jerusalem a city for prayer for all nations and all religions. There are Imans, Rabbis and Catholic leaders behind this move of unity. YWAM Youth with a Mission has been preaching Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God as you understand God.

Look what has just started https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/abrahamic-family-house/

So the ground work is being laid for this universalism. The Rabbis in Jerusalem are looking for their messiah to come and they will rule with him with their 70 nation Sanhedrin (other anti-christs) he comes with. The Bible says when this imitation/ substitue messiah comes his signs and wonders even raising from the dead will convince all the world (even Muslims) to run after the beast and worship him as God and take the mark. An ecumenical and universal mark?

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Remember when the Philistines captured the ark and all the mice and hemorrhoids that followed? Same thing here…don’t mess with God’s chosen. Holding hostages is going to cause severe pain.

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We have been on the verge of destruction for the last 5,000 years. Is this the year it finally happens? The idiots presumed to be in charge have nothing better to do than to express their hate for each other by making war.

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They hate us, the 8 Billion little people, too.

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Watch and prepare for October 11-12.

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And Oct2-4

Let them that hath eyes to see and ears to hear...

Getting closer to

The Great Disappearance of

Children of The Living God

Wise Virgins, Be Prepared -


Your Bridegroom cometh...👑

Luke 21:28

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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You're deluding yourself to think the outcome of such a devastating war is a Palestinian state. In fact, if you took the time to study the history of the region, Islam vis-a-vis Judaism, and tribal desert culture, you would understand why there isn't a Palestinian state yet and why one will never materialize.

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I don't think Michael is saying he believes that, he's saying it's what "they" believe and strive for. Just my take and knowing what he has said in the past.

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He said in this essay that he wishes they would sit down at the bargaining table.

He must imagine there is something to negotiate and he and everyone else should know that there certainly is not anything to negotiate.

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My only concern with that, is that is exactly what the Anti-Christ, the man of Sin does.

He comes appearing as very Christ like (Rev 10, Matt 24) what he brings tastes like honey in the mouth but turns to poison in the stomach.

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The Bible says when the final world leader comes Dan 11 Rev 13, Matt 24 he will subdue the world and bring world peace, when he does the signs Jesus did and raises from the dead the whole world follows him except for the saints. What ever his theology is, the world will embrace it in unity.

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Can you imagine a war being fought without firing a single shot? Are we safe? A sobering thought.

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Let them that hath eyes to see and ears to hear...

Getting closer to

The Great Disappearance of

Children of The Living God

Wise Virgins, Be Prepared -


Your Bridegroom cometh...👑

Luke 21:28

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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Michael makes a great point here.

Ever since Israel became a nation, the Arab (Islamic) world has tried to unite to get rid of the Jews in Israel. There has been 3 major wars that were pushed by this agenda,

-the 1949 war for Independence, against Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, (Israel won).

-the 1967 war (the 6 day war-who wins a war in just 6 days) Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Algeria (again Israel won) Egypt continued the conflict into 1970 and lost.

-Yom Kappur war 1972 against Egypt and Syria (Israel won).

Plus there has been a series of minor conflicts, that have failed due to a lack of unity and coordination in the Islamic world.

Palestinian Insurgency,

Suez Crisis,

6 wars now with Lebanon

several wars (2 intifadas) involving Gaza (Hamas) and the west bank.

So now we have the present Gaza war and another Lebanon war backed by Iran and Turkey.

And again we see a divided Arab world between the Saudi's and Iran.

A major reason for this is that Islam is divided between Sunni and Shiite Muslims as protestants are divided with Catholics.

There have been several Arab leaders who have tried and failed to unite the Arab world under one caliphate, Abdul Nasser (Egypt), Yassar Arafat (Palestinian), Shaw of Iran, Saddam Hussein (Iraq), the ayatollahs (Iran) and for a long time Saudi Arabia with MBS now.

The two Nations now fighting to lead the Caliphate Is Iran (Shia) and Saudi Arabia (Sunni).

After WW I and WW II the west promised to unite the Arab world (Caliphate) under the House of Saud. Those promises were never fulfilled.

Now MBS is the only major Arab leader willing to allow Israel to exist in a two state solution. Iran and Syria and Lebanon do not want that.

In Israel there is a big divide of a one state and a two state solution. This current war is a big part of that complex and divisive agendas for Israel within and without.

All of this is bringing a call for peace and safety where most including the west want a two state solution.

It is interesting Daniel's vision recorded in CH 10-11, there is a series of conflicts and kingdoms the lead to the final kingdom that leads to the final world leader ending in Armageddon 11:36-12:3.

The nations mentioned are Persia (Iran) Egypt, Syria. Plus Greece and the western coast-lands(western civilization)? Gee is there a parallel here?

in vs 39 of Ch 11 Daniel describes one thing the last world leader before Armageddon, is that "he shall apportion the ground in price" (literal Hebrew) or and shall divide the land for gain.

In context this could very well be Israel and the land being divided coming out of a conflict when he arrives to take power, He will attack mighty fortresses with the help of a foreign god (eloah).

So is it possible, that these ancient nations reflect current events to the end times? And will this war lead to a world peace and subdues all the nations Rev 13 and that involves dividing Israel at a price. Could that unknown God be an ecumenical universal Jesus who comes with the exact same powers the real Jesus came with, even raising from the dead?

This is a very divisive issue, so we must watch, pray and see how God bring these events out and that we can see as these things take place how this fulfills His prophetic word.

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