It was only cell service, not WiFi. Still a big deal but most people use their phones on WiFi let’s be honest.

Funniest comment I saw today was ‘solar flares don’t target only certain companies in a single country’.

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This is a warning, that we think are vast and expensive homes in huge subdivisions are just so safe and secure but are just one event away from being very expensive 3rd world huts. With no electricity or no water and the supermarkets empty, with limited gas supplies and the banks shut down and limited communications, the world will go nuts, many will die.

But of course we have Trump to rescue us from all of this. Replace democracy with a Christian govt where God is at the center and not the peopled.

Posobiec just spoke at CPAC and his vision of America under Trump will be very different.


They are turning Trump into a Marvel/DC cxomics super hero from God himself.



I'm sure this will all turn out just fine.

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People need to stop worshipping Donald Trump. Sadly the evidence beyond words of him being a Christian are severely lacking, but only he and God knows. He had a chance to "replace democracy with a Christian govt where God is at the center and not the peopled (I think you meant people.)" in 2016 for 4 years. He did quite the contrary. He had CFR people throughout his administration and White House. But the one thing the Trump worship proves is exactly how the Anti-Christ and his False Prophet will rise to power and be beloved by so many people on both sides.

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The actual claim of being 'hacked' by United Health didn't happen until February 22, 2024. This would imply that the 'Associated Cyber Security Threat.) Was a TRUSTED ASSOCIATE- STAKEHOLDER.

Nothing is implied in this Yahoo News report of the suspected hacker responsible for the cyberattack was an actor normally accused i.e. the Russian Federation, China, or Iran.

The article implies that the associated actor- was known by United Health.

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Thank you for this level-headed update!

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UnitedHealth Blamed ‘Nation-State’ Threat Hacker Disrupted Pharmacy Orders (STACKHOLDER-5 EYE PARTNER?)

UnitedHealth found a “suspected nation-state associated cyber security threat actor” had access to subsidiary Change Healthcare’s systems on Feb. 21, prompting the company to disconnect them from other parties, the company said in a filing Thursday.

UnitedHealth, the country’s largest health insurer, said in a statement Thursday that the cyberattack and related “network interruption” only impacted Change Healthcare and that all its other systems are operational. Change Healthcare is a key intermediary in the $1.5 trillion US health insurance market.


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We have to remember, our media and Govt want us to be in absolute fear mode. Yes the Russians and China are doing things to us, and they let us know about it (OMG we are all going to die). But we say nothing about our capabilities and we are planning for them. Russia and China are very vulnerable as well and we are working messing with them as well. Cyber warfare is a big weapon in the Space Force and we say nothing about it. We are told OMG Russians are about to have nukes in space, when we have had then for some time and weapons that will make terrestrial launched nukes (ICMB) almost obsolete. That is why we are making 100's of tactical nuclear weapons bombs not missiles, they are much harder to stop.

When this war starts both sides know many will die all over the planet.

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If you think our government and military are primed to fight any type of warfare against Russia and China, I have a lovely lakehouse in the desert to sell you.

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didn't cpac just start today? hum....i wonder how many att folks are going there?

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I watched the livestream. There weren't many people from *anywhere* attending.

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also, Monday morning for me at.....3am...my spectrum sysstem went down. now, my cell is verizon, and that was not effected.

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How can these times be unprecedented when Solomon told us in Ecclesiastes that everything that hath been shall be again? Don’t you believe “the word”?

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You seem to have it backwards here, Jacob. What happened in the past comes around, but so do worse events. Nothing in that verse stops worse things from happening. DDOS is a siege of sorts, just like they used in the Old Testament. So it’s coming around again, just worse this time. Keep reading and keep looking up. Your redemption draws close.

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Perhaps it might help to reread Ecc 1:9-11 over again. Not worse but the final time.

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You are taking two verses completely out of context. No different than the "don't judge" mantra that has infilitrated our country and the American Church. "Don't judge" is taken completely out of context. You are doing the same thing.

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No, I’m not. But I do agree with your viewpoint on judging.

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And Ecclesiastes is not a book of prophecy. If you are going to use "the word" (which is the Bible btw), get the context right. Cherrypicking is a dangerous thing.

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The cyber-A/I turds won't be happy to lose their ability to spy on your every breath. The digital money world would collapse. These psychotic clowns never think about the laws of unintended consequences. If this was a cyber attack, it was very lame.

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Major regional bank I work had a system-wide outage this morning involving Microsoft. Hack? Who knows. Suspicious on the heels of yesterday? Yes.

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Here is a list of your favorite FASCIST conglomerates.

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Prepare for an "Angrier World."


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Does a bear shit in the woods?

World Economic Forum ringleader, tada!


Cyber attacks are state based - private partnerships. (Meaning captured Sovereign governments used as whores - by private criminal enterprise (corporations.)


Otherwise known as - STAKEHOLDERS.

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At the same time, and for roughly the same duration BitBucket, a leading coding development tool also died, meaning many organizations were unable to pull or push code to their systems/websites.

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