Don't forget Erdogan and Turkey, Iran's ally, and the prophesied Gog of Magog war against Israel, which the war with Lebanon/ Hezbollah could well trigger.

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Yes, the stage is being set for the final act.

I agree that we are on the brink of world war, but it will be THE terminal war.


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Yes. Maranatha Lord Jesus. Come quickly my King.

My only hope is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings:


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But as Jesus said before He returned one would come first claiming to be the real Jesus with real signs and wonders and stop all of this bringing a false peace for 3.5 years and appearing to rescue the world from itself and the world runs after him. Once he is in power, he kills the two witnesses, destroys Mystery Babylon sits in God's temple, and declares himself God (the abomination of desolation), then the rebellion begins and the war that leads to Armageddon.

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One thing I noticed about you Daniel . You downplay even ignore America's GREAT evil in attempting to carve up Israel in order to reward the enemies of God and create another failed Islamic terrorist state in Israel's heartland and how this has brought the SEVERE WRATH OF GOD on an evil empire that had made the nations LGBT+Q perverted like itself. America is to become rubble for it's GREAT WICKEDNESS !

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No, it won't be; Armageddon will follow the Tribulation, and at the end of the millennial reign, will come the final war, Satan's last try to defeat Yhwh.

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Yes, I agree. I was referring to the church age. 😀

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Oh, yes, I believe Ezekiel as war will mark that "end", too.

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wickedness USA is their number one, first target ?


By this time, the bear had grown so large that it simply crushed the men underfoot and continued to rampage. I was stunned by what I saw and asked the man standing beside me, “What does this mean?” “At first, they thought the great bear was dead,” the man said. “As it will begin to stir once again, they will consider it harmless. Suddenly it will grow strong once more with purpose and violence. God will blind the eyes of those that continue trample on the sacrifice of Christ’s blood, until the day the bear will strike swiftly. This day will catch them unprepared and it will be just as you saw.” The man then said, “Tell my people the days are numbered and the sentence has been passed. If they will seek My face and walk in righteousness before Me, I will open their eyes that they may see the danger approach. If they only look to the approaching danger, they too will be caught up and trampled underfoot. ....


The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. "I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind."

A voice said to me, "Watch where the Russians penetrate America."

I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.

Then, the man spoke again, "When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning."

The other two presidents spoke, "We, too, will fight for you." Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.

All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, "We're sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America."

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l hope people see that we're not iving in past wars. This is something new, never been done War coming and directed by a very angry God at Sodom & Gomorrah USA for stealing His land, Israel to reward to His enemies and mutilating children who have survived being murdering in mother's womb, the place they should be safest. Payday has arrived and fools look to elections instead of God with sackcloth.


They're going to nuke us until it's total destruction and nothing left but rubble.

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This is the accumulation of everything since WW II. The West wants to break up Russia and Russia (with China) desires to break up the West and supplant the USA and the West as the world power since the end of WW II. This is for all the marbles.

Right now NATO has 350,000 Troops ready to deploy with even more reserves. Think about it, 97% of all of Russia's conventional military is in or around Ukraine and other places in the world. Moscow has no ground defenses to the west, could the USA and NATO plan to take Moscow, knowing our weapons in space will minimize any counterattack? Our space weapons are at least 50-100 years ahead of what is in the white. All this Space Force weapons may be held back for just this very hour. We are at a point in space where we can just about make nukes obsolete.

We saved the world from Hitler and Japan in WW II with a super weapon. Do we have more super weapons now to stop Russia and China bring world peace and save the world again? I'm just musing here.

A global dictator can't have these little dictators running around when he comes to power, can he? China and Russia need to bow down to this world ruler won't they? We shall have to wait and see. Obviously, the Western leaders know something we don't, way too much cockiness wanting to go to war now, we shall see.

Just a thought, did NATO just tip their hand on their real plans? Again we shall wait and see.

If the Russian S300-400 air defense systems are so good how did an unknown jet destroy 2 of them without firing back? Did we blind them as before in Syria? Even Russia could not say how it happened. Again it will be interesting to see this play out.

In the Middle East, we have Iran-(Persia), Assyria, and Turkey (Magog) all coming together for war, it will be interesting to see how this plays out and if this is Ezekiel's war, a little too soon to tell for now, again we will wait and see. Remember Jesus said as you see these things happen, then you will know.

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America's wickedness has peaked. No where to go but down.....to hell

Wiith hypersonic missiles now invented Sodom USA will all be destroyed in less than an hour.



The primary reason nations are developing these next-generation hypersonic weapons is how difficult they are to defend against due to their speed, maneuverability and flight path.

next-generation hypersonic missiles that Russia, China and the U.S. are developing do pose a significant threat to national and global security.

I am an aerospace engineer who studies space and defense systems, including hypersonic systems. These new systems pose an important challenge due to their maneuverability all along their trajectory. Because their flight paths can change as they travel, these missiles must be tracked throughout their flight.

A second important challenge stems from the fact that they operate in a different region of the atmosphere from other existing threats. The new hypersonic weapons fly much higher than slower subsonic missiles but much lower than intercontinental ballistic missiles. The U.S. and its allies do not have good tracking coverage for this in-between region, nor does Russia or China.

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My MIC engineer and I have talked about this and he makes missiles. There are several different types. There are the older Kinzhal's and they have been shot down in Ukraine, at least one maybe up to six. I have a witness in Kiev who actually saw one being shot down. The newer Hyper cruise missiles (HCM) and the hyper glide missiles (HGM) are faster but much is not interdependently known, most is what Russia has boasted about. We can track all of them from launch due to the massive heat signature. We don't use radar but can track the heat signature. The updated Patriot has been modified to deal with the threat and it also travels at Mach 6. The missile is launched as soon as Hyper-sonic comes in range before it appears over the horizon. We will also use 2 or 3 launchers from different angles to triangle in on the target. Laser weapons will be very effective because as the target is tracked beyond the horizon, it can be engaged the instant it comes up over the horizon. Notice no one on the American side is talking about this. (Even lasers in space, can you say Space Force)? This is a quickly evolving technology and they are working on improving defenses as we speak. The number, the accuracy and capabilities of these weapons are not fully known and of course, Russia would never over-boast about a weapon they have, ever.

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When Nuclear Football Time arrives Joe and Jill will be at the Rehoboth Beach House at 3am locked in the Master bathroom cleaning up the mess and changing Joe's diaper. 🧷. By the time they find him it will be all over.

Have you purchased your Gamma Ray proof under and outerwear yet ? Make sure you get the matching head gear ensemble, and make sure you get a water filtration system that takes out the fallout/radiation. If you can watch that HBO series on Chernobyl, they did a fair job on those suffering radiation burns.

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Does anybody have the location maps for the DC bunkers? The rats will not be above ground when the missiles start flying. I hear these bunkers are enormous and very luxurious.

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They're selling the maps online.

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There are several locations over the country like Denver airport, but the bunkers are for them not us.

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How about if we have greeting committees of thousands? The bunkers were paid for with our tax dollars, no?

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As soon as the first nuke is launched, they're all launched. And there's no calling them back. Wokeness kills.

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Who is really making the decisions for the USA?

We need to determine who it is and send him a strongly worded letter.

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Satan is using world leaders. As Michael noted the Swiss Peace Conference referenced breaking up Russia. This has been the plan since the end of WW II, to get rid of Russia.

Germany failed in WW I and WW II was Hitler's attempt to fix that failure, thus WWII was just the next phase of WW I and now this coming WW III is to fix what people like Patton wanted to get rid of Stalin and Russia.

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Blind Guide Daniel, The attack against Sodom & Gomorrah USA that assumed to carve up Israel to God's enemies will be so swift and severe that it will make Pearl Harbor look like another day in the Chicago hood.

The evil empire will have no time to react from space or earth with the hypersonic missiles from our East and West coast by Russian, Chinese subs. In one hour America is rubblecoast to coast.

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Satan, via several layers of messenger boys.

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God is, He's in complete control and His plan is to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah USA in one hour.

America's wickedness has peaked. No where to go but down.....to hell.

With hypersonic missiles now invented it will all be destroyed in less than an hour.



The primary reason nations are developing these next-generation hypersonic weapons is how difficult they are to defend against due to their speed, maneuverability and flight path.

next-generation hypersonic missiles that Russia, China and the U.S. are developing do pose a significant threat to national and global security.

I am an aerospace engineer who studies space and defense systems, including hypersonic systems. These new systems pose an important challenge due to their maneuverability all along their trajectory. Because their flight paths can change as they travel, these missiles must be tracked throughout their flight.

A second important challenge stems from the fact that they operate in a different region of the atmosphere from other existing threats. The new hypersonic weapons fly much higher than slower subsonic missiles but much lower than intercontinental ballistic missiles. The U.S. and its allies do not have good tracking coverage for this in-between region, nor does Russia or China.

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Oh? And a ruler to smack their hand?

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Susan Rice

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She resigned last yr.

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Why did she ? Obama was a community organizer. He was not working for the government . She stated she was taking the summer off to be with her family. She never said anything about not working again for the government. We will see. Thanks

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She's working for "Biden" not Obama, at the time, and no specific reason was given at the time.

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What if our sons and daughters don't show up?

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No time to show up.

Swift & Sudden TOTAL Destruction.

I hope people see that we're not living in past wars. An “expert” said that 60 days into the war …..

The expert is a fool, we won't have 60 days !

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This war will primarily be fought and won in space. That's why we want the war now, more time gives Russia and China more time to catch up. The sooner the war the more odds the west will win.

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I pity anyone who falls for your garbage.

What's faster and more effective. An advanced Russian Nuclear sub with hypersonic nuclesr MIRV missiles parked undetected 20 nautical miles off EAST COAST West Coast USA or space weapon ? Hypersonic missiles are able to evade anything the USA has .

It can't defend against these weapons .

Hypersonic missiles fly five to ten times as fast as the speed of sound. That's known as Mach 5 to Mach 10.There is no fixed speed of sound because it depends on variables, namely the medium and the temperature of the medium through which an object or soundwave moves.

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The false prophet and blind guide Daniel has spoken.

I hope people see that we're not living in past wars. An “expert” said that 60 days into the war …..

The expert is a fool, we won't have 60 days !

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Won't much matter; the missiles will still fly.

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Unlike you Marcel I am at total peace about all of this. I'll say it again we are closer to nuclear war than ever. The threat is real we need to be ready. Just use common sense and do what the Lord wants you to do God is in full control.

It actually does not matter whether we get nuked or not. What happens will be exactly what God has planned and ordained. I'm, not like you, worried about my life or how this turns out, or getting radiated or not, the pagans run around like chicken little screaming the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming, hide from the nukes, for what can they do to me? But God is more concerned about us and our relationship with Him than anything else in our physical world and knows exactly what we need and will meet all our needs in Christ Jesus, so I don't need to fear the Russians, or their nukes for all they can do to me is kill the body (or radiate it). I need to fear God who can condemn the soul to hell. So we don't have to worry about the future when it comes to life and death, being nuked or not for it's all Christ, I just need to trust Him.

It is so sad for me to see the anger, false pride, and bitterness in this world, especially in America.

What did America do to you to make you so bitter and angry?

Yes, war is coming, the final world evil kingdom is coming, the antichrist is coming and the Saints will be persecuted even onto death as ordained by God and He will return and take us to himself and reign in His kingdom. Those are things that matter. Why cant we focus no these things and sharing the gospel here more, for that is the real prepping that is needed for what is coming.

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I think Snyder wrote a book a while back on visions people had seen. Michael, if it was you point us to it. I read so much y’all run together.

The US was divided by an earthquake along the New Madrid fault. When we divide His land he divides ours.

99% of the people I’m around are concerned about their house closing in a few months, home additions, Caitlin Collins and women’s basketball and who will win the College World Series.

They have no clue about the danger we are in. My father-in-law tells me not to talk about that stuff ‘cause it scares his wife. Oh, OK.

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People, people, people, I am being sarcastic about the gov. reinstating the draft , conscription. What will happen to the self serving people in D. C., if the parents (like me) that tell the gov. we're not going to let you use our children for cannon fodder. It's their war let them go and fight, after all, they are the ones making money off of it. I have no faith in the soul selling liars in D. C., they have been practicing for this time for a long time and now their dreams of controlling the world are coming to fruition and they want to take as many as they can on the ride with them, I for one don't want my family going on the ride that they aren't willing to go on.

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I hope when we roll up the rusty squeaking garage door and get enough "leaders" minions to p-u-s-h those bows & arrows out of the hut and onto the grass they will find that they can eventually turn those engines over without needing a jump. I suppose if that's necessary they can somehow do a really fast draft and find enough youngsters from the college of Am-I-a-Man-or-what to help them get their decades old bows and arrows to shoot sorta straight. I was born in 1956. Does anyone from that age group even recognize our country anymore? I look back to my childhood and it seems like a dream.

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Fences are back up around SCOTUS again. Last time was when RvW leak was about to break.

Virgin Mary Apparitions started last night in Europe asking for a 9 day Novena praying the Holy Rosary to mitigate wars to peace through 25th of June.

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This plan of war is God's will and plan, including the coming of the man of sin to rule the world (Rev 13). This is about coming judgment. Be careful what you pray for. He will come with signs and wonders and bring false world peace for 3.5 years. He comes masquerading as an angel of light, and that is why the world runs to him because they run from what is happening now.

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Wrong Again They run to him because.... and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved.

For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

2 Thessalonians 2

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Satan is a busy fellow these days...

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