Our "leaders" are fools and freaks.

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"if there is a way out of this mess, our leaders should be trying to find it while they still can"

You need to understand America's number one priorities. Gay Pride month at Pentagon, Special Forces, Drag Queen shows in the Air Force funded by US taxpayers. A Celebration of LGBTQ+ in every Federal Government from DOD on down. Even the VA are on the Sodom and Gomorrah Celebration's.

A quick study of history tells us that Empire's focused on genitals is a soon to be extinct empire. The wicked are blinded as those who wanted to rape the angels who visited Lot before God rained destruction down on them.

It's God who has blinded these perverts to their soon destruction as we read in Genesis 19

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"But our leaders are not taking such threats seriously."

Any government who broadcasts the behind-the-scenes knowledge and plans ON TELEVISION is a foolish one. I respect America for not pulling the weak move that Russia is pulling, namely the imitation fearmongering intended to whoop up their citizens' fears and faked patriotism. We civilians don't need to be brought in on our military's intelligence. We are better than that. We are better than Russia in that regard too.

I don't believe for a minute that Russia is doing better in the war than Ukraine is. This could've been over and done with, with Vlad politely bowing out to save face already. But the morons in Congress intentionally deprived oxygen to Ukraine's fire. They delayed assistance with the express purpose of helping America's biggest enemy -- Russia. They should be booted out of Congress for treason, just like their Orange/Golden Calf was booted from the White House for helping Russia over helping America.

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Putin has rightly stated nuclear war will be a disaster, millions will die. If Russia launches a nuke, we will know instantly as soon as the missile launches. Within minutes we will know how many and where they are going. In two more minutes the Sec of State and the Head of the Joint Chief of Staff will brief the President, and they will provide target options. Now the president and only the president has to choose what options to pick, he has two minutes. Within 2 more minutes or so our response will be on the way. And when with Russia's dead hand system if command and control is lost, the system will automatically start unleashing hell on hearth, and we will do in kind.

Putin knows this, he knows we have deliberately but the ball in his court, it's literally his next move on this nuclear chess board. He can back down and capitulate or he can open Pandora's box and release the nuclear genie. Destroying Russia's long range radar is to send a clear message to Putin that if you launch first we will respond within 6 minutes and you will get hit. Putin is not stupid, we are literally daring him to do this. If he capitulates and truly seeks a reasonable peace deal there will be peace but he will put off his stated goal of Making Russia a great empire again as back in the old days. What we will do?

The Israel Arab war will be much harder. Both sides believes God is on their side and no matter what the other side will lose. Not a good situation when both sides have nuclear weapons. Again how much does each side have come to a point to sacrifice everything for what they believe to be right and true for their God.

With China unless something totally unexpected happens, China will use force to take back Taiwan by force and that will be very bloody. It does seem a true spirit war is coming over the earth. What perfect time for the man of sin to come masquerading as an an angel of light (Christ) with real signs and wonders deceive the whole world and bring world peace (calling fire down fro the heavens) and force the world to lay down it's weapon of war and bring peace a false temporary peace that will not last. What appears to be salvation like honey in the mouth, it will turn quickly in to poison and death.

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The neoconservative psychopaths are going to be the ruin of the United States unless they are forced out, preferably imprisoned.

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Neoconservative psychopaths?

You forgot YOUR Obama Marxist perverts now in FULL COMPLETE CONTROL !!!

Judgment is here. A repeat of Genesis 19 with the atom ⚛️ effect.

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This is such a moronic response. Your screen name fits.

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Those onetime minorities were held in hand till They became Useful to destroy the Target! (In other words).

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Their corpses deserve imprisonment.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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We have through the years called Them ! “The Worlds TroubleMakers” ! Think on That ! did They Ever Truly wish for the (peace) they Touted to the World as they took (it) into hand and Controlled [it]

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FATHER Yehovah thank you FATHER for all that you do for us, for every heartbeat, every breathe...may we always glorify You through Your Beloved Son YESHUA! Thank you, Father, for ALL our provisions, shelter and for Your mercy, forgiveness and grace! FATHER, I pray that YOUR WILL be done. You see and know ALL things. I pray FATHER that you would give dreams and a visitation to those that are lost that they would know that You are real and that they would repent from all sin. I pray that You would give wisdom to the leaders and hold back any foolish discissions and hasty moves. FATHER let their plans of evil and wickedness fall on them and their families 7-fold if they do not repent from their wicked ways. Forgive us FATHER help us be ready for whatever is coming. Guide our hearts and minds and our steps today and the days to come. I pray for Your wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and Your hedge of protection around Your people, their homes and their loved ones. May we glorify You in what to do every day. I pray that we are worthy to escape the things that are coming. In YESHUA's mighty name. AMEN.

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The whole point in goading Russia with NATO expansion and meddling in Ukraine was to force a crisis that would topple Putin and allow installation of a western puppet. The whole point in backing Ukraine to this dangerous brink was to make the war so costly that domestic pressure would weaken Putin politically so much that he would be toppled. Now, I guess NATO figures that if they escalate to blowing things up in Russia, it will put enough pressure on Putin to topple him…somehow.

The dummies in the power elite do not grasp that people don’t think the way they do. The power elite will sacrifice people and nations to enrich themselves and have done so for a long time by convincing people it is for their own good. Right now, Ukraine is up on the chopping block and the power elite are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to topple Putin, install a puppet, and open Russia up to western exploitation again. What they don’t get is that when some people are pushed, they will fight back and not give up. They figured that targeting Trump with what was an obvious trash prosecution would take him out. Instead, he seems to be gaining support. The Russians likewise see this for what it is and are willing to back Putin because of it. Ironically, if the West had simply dealt with Russia in good faith, Putin’s popularity would have waned, because he would not have had anyone to blame Russia’s domestic issues on.

It is all hubris. It reminds me of the hand waving nonsense the Clintons were always doing, like real problems were immediately solved by their dismissive language around them. Same mindset in the background, I guess. Not everyone is willing to give up easily and not everyone realizes that they are supposed to be playing the part of the bad guys in an action movie. Putin is flawed, but invading Ukraine was a very carefully considered move and something he saw as a checkmate in the great game. It did not work out, but it was a rational choice on his part. He just didn’t understand how much hubris the post Cold War west has.

Now, giving Ukraine the green light to use F-16s to bomb Russia is just going to back Putin more into a corner, a corner where he still has the support of the Russian people. Morons like Biden and Macron need to pick up a history book and see exactly what happened in 1812 and 1941. The Russians don’t know how to quit. And they get very angry when backed into a corner. The way the west has responded to all this has been one wrong move after another, and the dolts who ran around with blue and yellow flags and window stickers are nothing more than useful idiots.

Last, I have a friend from Ukraine. When the war started, I asked him what he thought about it. His response was that he hoped Ukraine would lose quickly and decisively, because he knew what would happen if it wasn’t over quickly - he is quite the student of military history, too. So, all the worthless leaders in the west were willing to destroy a country just in an attempt to bring Putin down.

Stupid and evil doesn’t being to describe this. We had a peace dividend, we quit worrying about nuclear war in 1991, and now we are back at it. The only thing is, we don’t hold the moral high ground we did in 1945. Now it is just an echo of the great game, but everyone has nukes now, not just cannons.

Come on, Jesus. Can you maybe cut the vacay short and come back now? We really need you to return. And I mean that quite prayerfully and respectfully. Mankind cannot save itself, no matter how much the elite think that virtue signaling will set things right.

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Howdy JotW,

Your use of the word 'Hubris' is exactly, perfectly what we're witnessing in the ongoing developments in Ukraine.

I too spend MUCH time praying that our Lord comes soon: without that it will be as Jesus is described in Matthew as saying,

"For the sake of the Elect, but those Days be shortened, NO LIFE would survive."

Which - I now think - is exactly what IS intended.

Be Well, be SAFE - as you can be in Days to come - and be Blessed also,


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Hahahaaa...GOOD LUCK getting 'effeminate' Euro-Trash to go fight a War in Ukraine!.

However...the US certainly has a 'Lovely, WOKE Miltary' we're not USING. By all means jusr 'borrow' our's for Cannon-Fodder.

That's called "Killing TWO Birds with ONE Stone", FWIW...

Cheers Y'all,


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The goal of the Ukraine war was to to eviscerate the Russian conventional military capability. That is close to being achieved. Several sources and research have the dead now as of this week as being 500,000 in just two years, we lost one tenth of that in 10 years in Vietnam. The military is in a mess. They are still just pouring in meat grinder assaults for the purpose to test the resolve of the west.

Putin is being put between a rock and a hard place, nuclear war or capitulate for peace. We are signalling that we are willing to fight a limited conventional war to get either a regime change for peace or all out war, it appears this will not end well we shall see.

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as long as one of those “birds” possess the means of near Total destruction We must be Wise’ as serpents so the saying !

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Hell YEAH!

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The USA can win a war with the Russian Federation, with just 20 to 30 million casualties at most.

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Why T F must We ? They’ are Not the bolsheviks your thinking would imply unless there is a (Neo) Kind you speak for !!

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That unfortunately doesn't include the <Sarc> tag.


GOOD joke PocoPete!

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As I read those last two paragraphs, I couldn't help thinking of the Hebrew definition of Biden;

'Alas! Judgement'

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Isn't the nuclear event to originate at River Euphrates?

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There is no one original nuclear event. It appears either in Europe, the middle east or the pacific. When how and where and time wise only the Lord knows, we are to watch and pray.

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This is where the uber-RINO bushie's Patriot Act, which includes specifications for CoG (Continuance of Government) will literally be the death of us.

The sobering bottom line is that we are of no value to "our" gubmint alive, and may be incrementally more valuable to them dead, since that's the only way to market our organs and other etc. that libtards enjoy fiddling with.

If you can accept that statement as fact, many things become understood. One thing that should become obvious is the complete folly of "waiting 'till things get better".

The only way things get better is if we make them better for us. Nobody will step in to help, but many will assist in harming us.

Better get your psyche ready for changes, as our environment continues to erode into open warfare.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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The ukraine is so convenient but to whom? The “breadbasket” at one juncture in time and essential in another but whose time ? When does Sanity come to Rule people ? Nations Oblasts States countries Territories . . Stock Mkts need to Remove the Polluters ! Munitions production irresponsible packaging’ production ! We need Foods responsible Ag. and the Things which bring peoples to know each other Transportation Temporary Residences for international Visits Language assists and all which Encourage knowledge and appreciation of who You are and i am.. dumb as a rock am i about business but am i off the mark with the things We all need and the things which needs be played down and phased out as divisive dangerous and devastating to life Liberty and property and happiness in the possession of those Uni-human needs and pursuits ?

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Hiwdy 6'all,

Here's a - relatively - brief analysis of the potential ramifications of NATO "Boots on the Ground" in Ukraine.

The Russians - finally - lose ALL patience with the West...western Europe, the US and etc. NATO begins manning long-range (long enough to HIT Moscow') fire platforms within Ukraine proper.

Missles fly...targets ranging from just across the Ukrainian-Russian border up to several hundred miles inside Russia proper are struck.

The Russian General Staff advises Vladimir Putin that 'The Time HAS come', thereafter Putin releases Russian TacNuc control to the his Generals. 45 minutes later Ukraine ceases to be a 'Geo-Political' entity...

However, said General Staff are FULLY aware that the entire West WILL respond, irrespective of just how LUNATIC such an action is; think here of "Suicide by Cop" as a fair approximation of the underlying mentality involved...

At THAT point between 3-4 FULLY armed Poseidon Torpedo's are transmitted thier "Go Codes", taking up station in the North Sea, off the coast of France and likely also off the coast of Norway. Also...somewhere between 10-14 such "Torpedos" are given thier "Go Codes" and subsequently station themselves off the East and West coast of the US.

At some point thereafter those detonate.

Virrually ALL of Western Europe - the North - is summarily OBLITERATED immediately thereafter. IF that does not suffice to 'convince' the US to 'Stand Down' then the Russians allow the Poseidons stationed in deep water off the continental shelf(s) of the US to reach thier countdown Terminus.

Similarly, the Eastern and Western seaboards of the US are summarily anihilated.

That's OK though! That is EXACTLY what "Our Betters" WANT, after all. The sole Hope is that Russia DOESN'T send anysuch also into the Gulf of Mexico, since the Tsunami(s) generated THERE would have virtually no impediment in thier way - such as even the paltry Appalchians - and it is possible that any incoming vector orginating from the Gulf could wreak utter destruction up to almost St Louis, MO.

As to any Western SLBM Offensive Missles being deployed...Good Luck with that. The S-500 AND S-400 Russian AA/ABM defences - acting IN TANDEM - are so utterly capable that I seriously doubt that even a single US Warhead would remain unstruck in-flight to reach it's target.

The reason for NOT using ICBM's is simple: Russia neither WANTS nor NEEDS "Nuclear Winter"...and the Poseidon gives them THAT as an option to avoid such.

Be well, be safe - get AWAY from the COASTS as far as you can: think 400 miles minimum - and be Blessed...


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We have weapons that have been developed and have been used to literally put these defensive weapons to sleep. That the western nuclear response will devastate Russia as well. We have way too many offensive weapons that will overwhelm defensive capabilities especially if they can't see what is coming. This could very well turn much differently, and shock just about everyone

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Howdy Daniel,

In a word, "No".

The MIC has expended most of it's capital on 'stuff that DON'T work', do not - I REPEAT - do NOT bet your life on US whipping THEM.

Yes, we do have a few interesting 'gew-jaws' to play with but pointedly, Russia has outpaced us so badly in the last 20 years that our tech is - quite frankly - WELL behind thiers at this point.

A brief listing...

1) a nuclear powered Cruise Missle with unlimited 'Time of Flight'

2) the Zircon high multi-mach missle...which we have NO defense against whatsoever...

3) the S-500 'Prometheus' ABM Missle which achieves a quite nearly perfect 'hit/kill' ratio compared to the pathetic Patriot System OR THAAD and which is so agile that nothing currently existent can evade it...

4) the S-400 AA/AM system which when 'slaved' to the S-500 X and S band fire control radar, makes it VASTLY superior in those roles compared to anything other than Israel's own "Iron Dome" system...


5) the WORST thing they have, the Poseidon 'Torpedo'...which carries a 'Tsar Bomba' class Nuclear warhead, which is - in effect - a literal 'Hole in the Water', ie, undetectable and which owing to it not sporting a pressure hull (for CREWMAN) allows it to operate thousands of feet deeper than ANY hunter-killer Torpedo possessed by the West...which is also POWERED by a small liquid-metal Nuclear reactor which is guided by an onboard 'autonomous' control unit, ie, an Artificial Intelligence controller.

Beyond that, several years ago (14, I think?), the Russians relocated ALL thier CnC AND CoG to Mt Yamantau in the Caucasus's mountains: That single facility apparently comprises an area undergound of roughly 20 miles by 20 miles lying under 3500' feet of Granite. Or about the equivalent of around 100,000 Cheyenne Mountain complexes...

Worse still...is the potential synergy of the World's largest resource holder acting in concert with a country with the population that China has.

Put simply, it is eerily similar to the Germans attempting to take on the WORLD in WWII, and we all know how THAT worked out.

Believe me, please...I have a profound 'knowledge' of what 'we' have as well as an equally profound knowledge of what 'THEY'' have and it's not even a contest...it's way closer to an obliteration than anything else.

The SOLE thing that the US MIGHT have done to tip the balance in it's favor would have been to place in orbit the 'Rods of God' which - I believe - were first conceived by Jerry Pournelle, the Sci-Fi writer: 8 meter long tubes of Tungsten Carbide tipped with Platinum, dropped from orbit which would penetrate deep into underlying rock statra, producing the equivalent of roughly a 30 Kt subteranean Nuclear detonation...without the RADIATION.

No, we have NOT done such since the payload for even onesuch Rod would equal the entire lift capacity of Elon Musk's Super-Heavy booster just to get it TO orbit.

In brief, if we DO get into 'it' with Modern Russia, we'll get our asses handed BACK to us on a platter. Sucks, yeah, I know...thank all of our TREASONOUS Congress-Critters for failing GRANDLY in thier Oversight duties.

Be well my Friend...be SAFE - as far away from the upcoming shit-show as you can! - and be Blessed also,


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This is what I do know,

The weapons I know we have in space for a fact as I was briefed by a Data Satellite Anaylist are about 50-100 years ahead of what is in the white far beyond anything the Russians have. One is the kinetic Tungsten Rods. When they hit a solid target it atomizes a small area, it's like a mini 1-2 kilo ton bomb w/o nuclear radiation and they are impossible to stop. Think back in May 2018 when Israel attacked 22 (Russia, Iran and Syrian assets/bases) in Syria. Some news say it was 50 but it was 22, (Operation House of Cards). Plus they walked into Iran's Pentagon and stole all of Iran's nuclear and missile secrets all original documents. In both cases they literally walked into bases and in the most secure place in all of Iran and walked out and they were gone before anyone knew they were there. And what did Iran Syria and Russia do? Nothing. They were stunned. I was briefed on this weapon, if I had this weapon as a Military commander, I would never lose a conventional combat engagement, in fact I would I may not even have to fire a shot. In fact it is literally a Star Trek weapon.

Imagine taking a platform about the size of a German pocket battleship, strip it of all of it's guns and put 6 of the most amazing weapons on it that would blow your mind and stick a fleet of them in space. Again right out of star trek.

When the Russian ship the Moskva was sunk, the MIC guy I know lead a team to Ukraine where we gave the Ukrainians a first generation obsolete Harpoon missiles with a few tweaks. What they were amazed about was that both subsonic missiles hit the target and sunk the ship, the Russians were unable to stop it.

Don't worry this is not the end of the world and all this incredible stuff will come out of the black and will change everything.

What I don't know,

I do not know is how this will all play out, when, where and how these weapons will be used. They are not loyal to any current Geo-political body on this planet. I do not know who they are going to choose or who will come out on top of this war or they have the power to stop all of this now if they want. Remember all of this is to totally remake the world in their image, so all options are on the table. and don't blame the TREASONOUS Congress-Critters they have no power and control of any of this, we were doomed a long time ago. Don't be surprised how this plays out no one knows.But no matter how this plays out You and I will not like the outcome.

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Howdy Daniel!

Color me delighted to 'exchange' INFO with someone who makes the EFFORT to 'keep up'; ah, such a Joy, truly.

The rods that you're referring to are - in fact - exactly those first postulated by Jerry Pournelle - I *BELIEVE* - colloquially referred to as the "Rods of God" which are exactly what you submitted above, in your response to my previous missive.

Those - by virtue of the Physics - MUST have a very significant mass in order to not slow significantly during reentry. Naturally, Energy proceeds proportional to the square of the velocity, yes? Indeed...

Therefore, in order for those to BE 'effective' on impact they must be travelling in excess of 12,000 mph. That figure is irrespective of mass. At issue is the loss of velocity in a smaller mass vs a largee one during reentry owing to the standard ballistic considerations.

But enough of that...

The US does have a real 'panopoly' of electronic warfare suites...possibly some of which the Russians/Chinese do not have. The concern revealed lately is just HOW DEEP the Chinese have penetrated into the DoD and Private Industry...which is NOT presently encouraging.

It is always best to ascribe a GREATER capability to one's adveraries than the contrary, certainly.

Do not for an instant think that the S-500/S-400 operating in tandem off of the S-500 Target Acquisition Radar(s) is not fully capable of shooting down damn near each and eveything lobbed at it; they ARE THAT good, point in fact.

Therefore our 'Deterrent' against agression is significantly compromised prima facae, right there...ie, our SLBM 'Boomers'.

Worse STILL, the Poseidon...

Also worse is ChIna's EXTRAORDINARY strides made in Ultra-High temperature Refractory composites. We HAD previously the "Sprint Missle' designed to be partnered with the higher altitude Sentinel system with which we were - supposedly going to 'defend' our MX Missle 'Dense Pack' in South Dakota. The Sprint could accelerate - uniformly - at 100 G accelerations, meaning that it could reach 6000 mph in mere seconds. However, THAT Missle was going UP through ever thinning air and so the thermal LOADING on it's fuselage DECREASED steadily the higher it rose.

Now, consider 'Level Flight, Low Altitude Hypersonic vehicles' the temperatures along leading esde 'Hot Spots' may well EXCEED 8500 degrees Fahrenheit. WE do NOT have anything comparable on 'our side'...unless of course they 'reversed engineered' some UFO's, which I'm NOT banking on.

Roughly 23 months ago over at scitechdaily.com a Chinese researcher published a paper - almost INSTANTLY retracted - asserting that particular ceramics based on Tungsten were shown to be capable of withstanding in EXCESS of 9000 degrees F: The PERFECT material in which one could shield a vehicle experiencing gargantuan temps.

Point in fact, try going over to Wiki or Jane's and looking up the Chinese DF-17 'East Wind' Hypersonic Glide vehicle. That is a REALLY 'Odd Duck'...with extraordinary maneuver ability. Once it 'senses' an attempt by an adversary to get a 'lock' on it it immediately goes into a hyper-evasive mode during which it can execute 100 G TURNS while still proceeding to target.

However, none of the foregoing is really relevant in the greater scheme, inasmuch as Russia in tandem with China would be the equivalent of the Allies fighting Germany in WWII...with US as the Germans; we would get STOMPED through simple attrition SOLELY.

Be Well, GET OUT NOW and be Blessed Brother...all Hell is coming to Breakfaat and thereafter STAYING for some time.


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The big effort is to blind our capabilities in space and not keep or catch up per say.

Not sure of the physics of the kinetic Tungsten but again things are going on that that even for some is "how can they do that stuff. Think about punching holes in ships, devastating buildings and underground areas. I'm not a scientist but it all blows me away.

My humble military opinion is the war will not be so much a war of attrition in a conventional way but again weapons in space/ cyber /AI war will incapacitate the enemies advanced technologies. A retired Navy Capt that was involved in the public formation of the US Space Force, said a few years ago the next world war is still a few years off and it will be fought and won in space, cyber tech, AI and space weapons. I like what Einstein said, I don't know what weapons WW III will be fought with, but WW IV will be sticks and stones. He is referencing the hyper-denominational Quantum weapons will be quick massive and devastating beyond imagination. It's not the death that comes from the weapons of war, but the death from the aftermath. Men will truly faint for what is coming on the earth.

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Howdy Daniel!

Yes, 'Blinding' OR outright destroying our Space-Based Observation and Comms Satellites is HIGH on the prority list of both Russia and China, certainly. Without those - since we no longer have operational DEW (Distant Early Warning) Radar anymore (unlike the Russians, which the Ukrainians 'curiously' attacked two such RECENTLY, far separated sites (?)) - we are simply Blind, Deaf and DUMB.

Curiously also was a 1960's/early 70's program that could successfully launch artilary shells - of about 95 lbs - up as high as 125 miles (!), and no, I am NOT EXAGERATING that one whit.

Also; bear in mind that both the Navy and the Army have been pursuing a WIDE variety of interdiction strategies involving both Kinetic and Directed Energy Weapons. In the latter category take a peek at the following link(s) to get a grasp of just where that actually gotten to CURRENTLY;




While in the former category we are *just* now approaching sufficiently well-engineered materials technology that will - presently - afford (at least) the US Navy to finally realize it's goal of emplacing ship-mounted Rail Guns in place of standard propellent driven artillery ordinance. At THAT point I anticipate a Mach 10 variant will secure the Navy contract. Such could easily reach out past 150 miles on a ballistic trajectory OR be used in an Anti-Satellite role. That direction has not been without it's 'misteps' thus far...however, our Ally Japan HAS both mounted and successfully tested a Mach 7.5 variant and is currently partnering with our own Navy to realize that achievement.

Returning to the Directed Energy Weapons I mentioned above, consider that ANY projectile moving at a high multi-Mach velocity effectively 'Ionizes' the Air around it (think of Ground Control regularly losing comms with crewed vehicles re-entering Earth's atmosphere...SAME thing exactly) BUT recently it has been shown that such turbulence CAN be overcome through the use of 'Phase Conjugate Mirroring' which CAN - in effect - 'correct the beam' such that even after passing through such a turbulent envelope it is still a COHERENT, synchonized energy source capable of delivering insane amounts of energy onto very small areas. The method involved is rather 'arcane' and I will not here digress into an excessively LENGTHY explanation of the Physics involved; suffice it to say that AT THIS POINT it appears to be able to 'cleave' through the ionized layer very effectively indeed. THAT is yet in the experimental stage at this point, it must be stated...

My earler exit at the conclusion of my previous reply is EXACTLY what anyone considering 'living through' what comes next must very soberly consider; do like the Sheepherder and 'Get the FLOCK outa there.' No one having a realistic appreciation for 'what is NOW' is doing anything else...I ASSURE you; don't be in FRONT of that SteamRoller when it comes through; every major Metropolitan area is not even potentially surviveable in the face of what EXiST now...and I'm NOT talking about NUKES.

Be well, be SAFE and be Blessed Brother,


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