
Chunks of this nation are now very poor. They can remember the past and see that it is gone. They have very little to loose which could lead to revolution. Also, the Democrats want them all DEAD. Problem solved. However, I cannot believe that God would allow this. This nation was dedicated to the glory of God. This is his nation. We need to pray for forgiveness and the defeat of evil.

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2 Chronicles 7:14 “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

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It's ironic that people were coerced into getting a poison "vaccine" to keep their jobs and now the jobs are leaving any way. Or they're falling behind and struggling regardless. As for me, I've been waiting for the collapse. It seems like my only ticket out of this rat race, and the collapse is really the only thing that can put Americans back on a right path.

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The soldiers that were kicked out and now they begging them to come back. I had a person tell me their friend is applying for a green card and it’s mandatory she receives the COVID vax 😡.

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Yuppers...it's just about to the 'Let them eat Cake' moment. Hmm, Kamala Harris is maybe going to reprise Marie Antionette's role, Creepy Joe...Louis the 16th.

Going to get the popcorn and weenies right now!

Long Guillotine and Hemp Rope Stocks in the Markets...ought to CLEAN UP really soon methinks.

Pardon the DARK Humor...gotta laugh every so often! Eh?

Be Well, be SAFE Y'all and certainly be Blessed, everyone...


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Thanks, so much for posting the link. Perry Stone is great! And it wouldn’t surprise me one bit that this would happen in the next month or two. We are living in the end days, there is no question about it.

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I just watched this earlier today! He said between August and the election.

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Many American Christians like to quote In 2 Chronicles 7:14 as something that applies specifically to America and American Christians. Nothing could be further from the truth, we can see that if we take scripture in context.

Ch 6 & 7, After Solomon had finished praying to God and dedicating the 1st. Temple in Israel where God clearly showed His glory and presence to all of Israel. That night while Solomon was in his palace God (Jesus) appeared to Solomon and said,

“I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place (the Temple/ not America) for Myself as a house of sacrifice. (Remember the zeal Jesus had when he kicked the market out of the temple)?

What was Solomon's prayer? One key request was that there would always be a man on the throne of Israel, IF ONLY YOUR SONS (ISRAEL) TAKE HEAD OF YOUR WAYS TO WALK IN MY LAWS"

Well, that didn't happen and Israel reaped what it sowed and despite of all of Israel's rebellion God kept His promise out of His covenant with Israel to restored them to "their land" today. This is the story of Grace, unmerited love for His people Israel. God has made no such covenant with America.

This was a commitment between Israel and God under the first Covenant to walk in human ability to obey God's law with all they had, they had no Holy Spirit.

Under the 2nd Covenant we Christians today, walk in the Spirit not the law. As Christians we no longer walk in the law, we don't need it because the Spirit has written the law on our hearts. The Gospel has nothing to do with obedience. The Gospel is repent (by conviction of the Holy Spirit) and believe (the cross), that's it. The byproduct of walking in the Spirit or the evidence of it, is obedience. It comes naturally by the new nature we have in Christ. It's the evidence that I am saved not a means of salvation.

Therefore, in context God then says to Solomon,

If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land (Israel), or if I send pestilence among My people (Israel), 14 and My people (Israel) who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land (Israel). (and God has done just that with Israel today)!

This is a message of Love to the natural olive branch, not the wild olive branch that was grafted in (the gentile Church). Head Paul's warning to us gentiles in Romans 11:17-21. We have not headed that warning and that is why the Church in America, among other reasons is dying, For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery—so that you will not be wise in your own estimation—that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; (do you understand what that means? Were seeing that today the Gospel is exploding in Israel and dying here.

This is like me writing a love letter to my wife and her sister reads that love letter and actually thinks the love letter is actually all about her as well. (that's insane, and totally dysfunctional).

It's like stolen valor, the gentile church is claiming a rank or status that was not given to them, but Israel only.

God has made no covenant with America. America was never a "Christian" nation. The founders that actually wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, were all self confessed Deists, Unitarians or denied that Jesus was God.

You need to read Romans 11 very carefully Paul explains all of this perfectly.

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Here is the actual data,

100 million people participated in one of the 10 Govt. assistant programs , representing 30 percent of the U.S. population. (that is almost 1 out of 3 Americans).

More than one in four working-age adults (27 percent) and nearly one of every two children (49 percent) participated in a safety net program.

One in six people (16 percent) and one in three children (33 percent) participated in multiple safety net programs.

Among beneficiaries, 54 percent of people participated in multiple programs including two out of three children (67 percent). Among people in the United States who received a benefit from two or more programs, most were children or older adults (56 percent).

When the dollar is abandoned and the markets crash only the really rich 20% of the population will be

In the third quarter of 2023, 66.9 percent of the total wealth in the United States was owned by the top 10 percent of earners. In comparison, the lowest 50 percent of earners only owned 2.5 percent of the total wealth.

The top 99-100% of the wealthiest own 33% of all the wealth in America today.


When the dollar dies it wont be 1/3 of American will need help to survive but probably 65-75% of Americans will need help. Just take the numbers above and just double it.

What is sad there is nothing the politicians can do to stop this, the death of the dollar it totally in the hands of the FED and the Treasury Dept who are working together now as one entity. Its just a matter of time and it's not far off. Could it be an Oct. surprise event to upend the election cycle? We shall see.

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"One woman in the store tells the camera crew: ‘We’re the poorest county in the United States or we were...........‘About 30 per cent of our community are dopers, druggies… more than 30 per cent!’

Any correlation here? The only 'rich' dopers & druggies are the pushers not the users.

You make your bed....

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