I'm so glad that I subscribed to your Substack. Nowhere else am I hearing about what's really going on around us.

Unfortunately, most of the common folk couldn't take the reality of what's happening. They much prefer to listen to Trump's latest witch hunt or about five rich people dumb enough to go down into the ocean in a submersible. They go about their petty little lives without a care in the world - until they don't.

Every summer I plant a little garden. I love playing in the dirt and watching things grow. I water my crops every evening, but it's just not the same as rain. I can't imagine how the farmers feel. Once they've bankrupted them and the ranchers, they'll really get serious about poisoning our food. Lab grown meat frightens me and bugs sound disgusting.

I have had pain and inflammation in my joints for nearly 20 years now. Recently my knee got so bad that I could hardly put any weight on it. An injection didn't help and the next step was a total knee replacement. I had heard that arthritis and inflammation are actually due to a boron deficiency caused by the fertilization and processing of our food. 20 Mule Team Borax is a salt of boron. Do you see where I'm going here?

Two weeks ago, I mixed an eighth teaspoonful of Borax in a liter of water and drank it down. I was desperate and I would have tried nearly anything. Not only did I not die, but my knee pain began to improve dramatically. I now have less pain than I did 20 years ago.

My point here is, what other essential nutrients are they stripping from our food, in order to make us sick and keep us dependent on their useless pharmaceuticals? Of course, they haven't "cured" any diseases for decades. Why is that, I wonder?

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“Drought, flooding, natural disasters and extremely bizarre weather patterns are devastating crops all over the planet.”

Gee, what could possibly go wrong with having planes spraying the atmosphere with chemicals and metals? They’ve been screwing with the weather for years and it isn’t helping anything. This is intentional.

As is destroying the food supply. But hallelujah, just in time, the FDA has approved farmer Bill’s fake meat! He’s our savior. Evil incarnate.

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Ever consider the drought are God's judgement? Our corn, soy and wheat have been contaminated by GMO's, pesticides and herbicides, making them not fit for human consumption. Maybe if farmers realized the poison they are spreading and go back to growing healthy food, and fight against the geo-engineering that happens everyday 24/7/365 on their land, God would help them? Just a thought from a daughter of an organic farmer before it became a buzz word.

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All planned...orchestrated

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God does control the weather. nothing just happens, everything has a time and purpose under heaven.

Just more signs of the time.

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An Apostate Nation (and World) cannot be blessed by God! God does not change!

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I'm so glad that I subscribed to your Substack. Nowhere else am I hearing about what's really going on around us.

Unfortunately, most of the common folk couldn't take the reality of what's happening. They much prefer to listen to Trump's latest witch hunt or about five rich people dumb enough to go down into the ocean in a submersible. They go about their petty little lives without a care in the world - until they don't.

Every summer I plant a little garden. I love playing in the dirt and watching things grow. I water my crops every evening, but it's just not the same as rain. I can't imagine how the farmers feel. Once they've bankrupted them and the ranchers, they'll really get serious about poisoning our food. Lab grown meat frightens me and bugs sound disgusting.

I have had pain and inflammation in my joints for nearly 20 years now. Recently my knee got so bad that I could hardly put any weight on it. An injection didn't help and the next step was a total knee replacement. I had heard that arthritis and inflammation are actually due to a boron deficiency caused by the fertilization and processing of our food. 20 Mule Team Borax is a salt of boron. Do you see where I'm going here?

Two weeks ago, I mixed an eighth teaspoonful of Borax in a liter of water and drank it down. I was desperate and I would have tried nearly anything. Not only did I not die, but my knee pain began to improve dramatically. I now have less pain than I did 20 years ago.

My point here is, what other essential nutrients are they stripping from our food, in order to make us sick and keep us dependent on their useless pharmaceuticals? Of course, they haven't "cured" any diseases for decades. Why is that, I wonder?

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The Gleissberg Cycle returns. Right on schedule. As it has for 12,000 years. The full cycle completes in 2024. So if one thinks this year is bad, next year will be worse.

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The majority of the corn and soy in our country is genetically modified, and sprayed with glyphosate to be able to dry and process it quicker. The farmers are interested in quicker and easier, NOT healthier. Also the farmers get more kickbacks from the government to do this which puts more money in their pockets.

So this drought is really a blessing in disguise. We don’t need this food. It is literally making people sick and people who do not study up on their own have no idea their food is literally killing them slowly.

Their doctors are not going to mention it. They may have no idea themselves because they are not really too interested in nutrition.

They would prefer to write another prescription, do some surgery, testing, chemotherapy etc.

Very sad this is going on in our medical profession. Actually criminal for the doctors who are aware of what they are doing.

Thankfully their are some doctors (MDs, DCs, NDs, and Functional Medicine doctors)

out there with integrity who are really caring for their patients. They are in the minority. But worth searching for.

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