Gee, thanks, Woodrow, Franklin, and Lyndon, for the wonderful gift of societal destruction you bequeathed us!

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Nuts! The cities are doing this on purpose. Witness San Francisco cleaning up the city when the head of the Chinese Communist Party/Premier Xi Jinping came to town; what he saw was clean streets, no homeless, and people waving the Chinese flag in welcome on the streets of a USA city, and plentiful law enforcement. For the citizens you can die on the streets, homeless, hungry, tattered and drugged, even veterans are ignored, while illegal invaders are given housing, food, debit cards and more.

The fact that they could clean up a major section of the city in 2 weeks shows you it is INTENTIONAL. Real estate is now sold for a song (Hilton hotel in SF!!) perhaps to the Chinese?

If the Dems switch to gruesome Gavin Newsom for President in a planned bait and switch with Biden, all Trump will need to do is show ads with the cleanup and welcome for ChIna, the illegals invading and robbing our cities while assaulting, raping, killing, citizens, and the reality in St Louis, San Francisco, Chicago, New York. Plus seniors going hungry due to the planned great inflation with NO help for escalating food, rent, and medical costs.

Evil abounds. Pray for the truth to continue to come out...

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Indeed, Woodrow, and Lyndon were the beginning of the End...

FWIW, I grew up in St Louis, being a teen in St Ann in the 70's. Even then it was apparent that the Inner City Cancer was mobile, spreading all the way to Northwest Plaza by the 80's. Previously, that had been a thriving, delightful and SAFE place one could go to to do a wide variety of shopping. Sears (still a major force in business) had a large store located there...as did JC Penny, the Gap and at least 150 other going concerns.

By the 80's that had devolved into parking lots filled with roving gangs of inner city 'yutes' looking for any sort of trouble they could scare up. Westport was another such - a bit farther out - but it too succumbed to the same plague a short decade later.

Thereafter, 'White Flight' began in earnest with all such jumping over the I-70 bridge - crossing the Missouri River - into St Charles. Suprisingly, THAT actually worked...and continues to do so, apparently since most 'yutes' don't seem to have the wherewithall to afford a car and the I-70 bridge is DISTINCTLY 'unfriendly' to pedestrian traffic.

In short, currently, no one in their right minds takes up residence within the I-270 loop around St Louis. Think here 'Florisant, MO' and you get the drift.

Excepting only a few attempts - failed ones, at that - to 'Gentrify' the downtown area, nothing can now be salvaged...from the corrupted City Government, the ineffective Police force or all the shuttered businesses which are completely ubiquitous wherever you look. The carnage in retail properties, specifically single residence homes is nearing totality.

That is the SitRep for STL presently. I know that there are dozens - if not hundreds - of other metropolitan areas which are 'worse', if you can believe that, but seeing the city you grew up in become a third world ghetto is NOT encouraging...


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The evidence is out for all to see, especially our enemies. There can be no doubt America is NOW cursed from sea to slimy sea.

""All these curses will come upon you and overtake you:

16 “Cursed will you be in the city, and cursed will you be in the country.

17 “Cursed will be your basket and your kneading bowl.

18 “Cursed will be the children of your womb, the produce of your ground, the newborn of your herd, and the offspring of your flock.

19 “Cursed will you be when you come in, and cursed will you be when you go out.

20 “The Lord will send against you curses, panic, and rebuke, in everything you undertake to do, until you are destroyed and until you perish quickly, on account of the evil of your deeds, because you have abandoned Me. 21 The Lord will make the plague cling to you until He has eliminated you from the land where you are entering to take possession of it.

22 The Lord will strike you with consumption, inflammation, fever, feverish heat, and with the sword, with blight, and with mildew, and they will pursue you until you perish.

23 The heaven which is over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you, iron. 24 The Lord will make the rain of your land powder and dust; from heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed.""

Deuteronomy 28

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Canadian perspective:

Years ago, long before convid, I used to work down at king and bay in Toronto. This is the financial district of the country. Consists of 4 towers, largest of which is close to 60 stories. Any who - the place was bustling, you couldn't get a seat in the food court, good luck with a parking spot too.

Was down there last week ..... Ghostown. I had full pick of seating at the food court, and found parking right as I entered the garage. This was at 9am mid week. It should have been packed at both locals.

The bottom is falling out and it's going to get seriously messy.

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Just wait until the snap "benefits" stop working. Cannibalism won't be too far off from that point on.

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I know it's been said many times before but... Get woke; Go broke. No one should be surprised by this.

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I was a cop in a suburb of St Louis, started in 1985 and the deterioration is mind boggling. Again another sign the end is not far off. You go downtown (business Dist) St Louis in the middle of the day in the middle of the week and it's a ghost town. Going home or to work there is no real rush hour traffic anymore.

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Why are the store owners allowing people to come into the store, handle the merchandise, then pay at the front?

Why can't the store owners put all of the merchandise in the back secured storage area, then have store clerks go and collect the items which customers have ALREADY PAID, then hand the items over to the customers.

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But we have to consider what's REALLY important in the Big (soon to be scorched if WWIII breaks out) Apple: Making sure that Orange Man Bad gets put in jail for life!!

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