I am glad to see people finally opening up about their money woes. My financial advisor sends out a video on a weekly basis to inform his clients about what's really happening in the economy. The week before last he stated that 4243 banks are close to failure, so it's not just middle class families that are feeling the pain. If my instincts are correct, the world is in for a whole lotta hurt. I also believe that we are on the brink of a stock market crash and a loss of value of the US dollar. Get your money out of the market and the banks NOW! If humanly possible buy silver and/or gold. You have been warned. This is your last chance.

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Why do you quote Deutsche Bank? one of the banks involved in all of this PLANNED mess. Fined recently because of their "dealings" with Jeffrey Epstein.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich has stated a number of times he worked in Germany for Deutsche and they are one of the most corrupt banks....

Tell your Government to stop printing money and giving money, weapons etc., to UKRAINE and making war on other Countries? WHY do they have 800 Military bases in the World? Bio weapon Labs and so so many questions and asking what are they going to do about the mess they have made (& throughout the World?

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You are spot on about this planned mess. Everything is in place (just about) to deliberately default on the dollar and all it's bonds. Going with fiat money globally 1970-75 was done knowing we would come to this point.

America was the key nation to win WW I &WW II and we literally became the de facto most powerful nation in the world on all fronts. It's the reason the UN IMF and the WB are in DC. The BIS is in Brussels but that was America's creation as well.

On around the end of WW I to the end of WW II we had the rise of Communism in Russia and China. In the west we had the League of Nations and the U.N. From the beginning Stalin and Mao saw America as the most powerful nation on the planet at that time had to be defeated in order to ,make the world communist.

Everything the wast and the communist countries have done has been to destroy and or hedge in the other side. Now that the dollar is coming to it's planned and end the NWO with a new gold backed digital currency (the Unicoin) is about to arise, Russia and China are in an all out bid to stop this at all costs. Russia needs to economically control eastern Europe, by taking Ukraine back then black mailing the other nations to abandon the western banking system., China want's Taiwan and do the same thing with the western pacific nations. This is all part of and the final step of the de-dollarization of the world trade system, to replace the IMF SDRs with the BRICS new gold backed digital currency.

There is no room for sharing at the top and both sides need to go to war to defeat the other side. To be totally objective, both sides have been trying to destroy each other now for about 100 years, they are both at fault and all this is now is the end game WW III.

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54% of American families are living paycheck to paycheck.

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I would bet that figure is actually much higher.

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that's frightening!

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"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

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